Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 120

Chapter 120

Facing two Zhao Haos who kept revealing secrets about themselves, everyone was confused and couldn't tell who was real and who was fake. They all turned their attention to Fang Xiu, hoping he could make the right decision.

Fang Xiu looked at the two identical Zhao Haos and, without thinking, took out a scalpel. The Zhao Haos were shocked. They knew Fang Xiu's tendency to kill without a word and were afraid he might mistake one of them for the other and kill them. They kept arguing, trying to prove they were the real one.

Then suddenly, after a flash of silver, a scalpel was thrust into the neck of the Zhao Hao outside the coffin.

"Xiu, you..." The outside Zhao Hao fell down with a face full of shock and disbelief.

The Zhao Hao in the coffin cheered. "As expected, Xiu! I knew you could tell it was me!"

Soon after the outside Zhao Hao fell, his body began to change. His flesh disappeared as if eaten by something, leaving only bones. It looked similar to those skeletons that had come out of the coffins before.

Everyone was amazed, realizing Fang Xiu had indeed identified the real one at a glance. They were curious how Fang Xiu had made the correct judgment.

"Xiu, how did you know I was the real one?" asked Zhao Hao, climbing out of the coffin.

Fang Xiu calmly replied, "I didn't figure out who was real. He was just closer to me, so I killed him."

With the ability to rewind death, he never needed to make choices, because he could always start over if he chose wrongly. It seemed he was lucky this time and chose correctly.

Zhao Hao's excited expression froze. The others were also taken aback.

_'Just because he was closer, so he was killed? This was a lucky guess, but what if it was wrong?'_

"Xiu, you're so funny, you must be joking, right? You definitely figured out he was a fake," Zhao Hao said with a forced laugh. "I get it, you must have thought that the outside one was likely real by normal logic, but you did the opposite, thinking Specter wouldn't make it that simple, possibly a misdirection, so you killed the fake from outside, right?"

Fang Xiu looked at Zhao Hao, who was seriously pondering, and nodded. "You're right."

Zhao Hao believed him, excitedly saying, "That's so you, Xiu, thinking just like me!"

The other psychics, unlike the naive Zhao Hao, felt that Fang Xiu's initial statement about killing the one next to him might have been the truth.

Watching Fang Xiu's calm demeanor, they seriously suspected he was a very cold-blooded person, indifferent to whether he killed the right or wrong person. If he made a mistake, he might just kill both.

"Since the Specter is dead, let's hurry to Putuo Temple," Cheng Xinyuan suggested. He didn't want to stay in the eerie graveyard any longer. So, they headed toward the gate again, but once outside, they found themselves in the same graveyard, with even some graves dug open.

Their faces turned pale instantly.

"What's going on? Wasn't the Specter killed?" someone panicked.

Suddenly, the dull sound of knocking on wood echoed in the graveyard, just like the sound of Zhao Hao knocking on the coffin before.

"What's happening? Is there still someone trapped in a coffin? Doesn't that mean another Specter has infiltrated our group?" someone said gravely.

Everyone quickly distanced themselves from those around them, almost simultaneously, as if they had rehearsed it.

Fang Xiu, paying no attention to the others, walked toward the source of the noise. The rest followed, finding the sound coming from a grave marked "The Tomb of Shen Lingxue."

The Shen Lingxue in the group turned pale at this.

Everyone looked at Shen Lingxue warily, ready to attack. "I'm not a Specter! My ability is fire, Specter couldn't use my power," Shen Lingxue said, stretching out her palm, and a bright, hot flame appeared in her hand.

However, the group remained vigilant, watching her closely.

Then, Fang Xiu used his silver hair to open the coffin, revealing another Shen Lingxue inside. The Shen Lingxue in the coffin stood up and, upon seeing the other Shen Lingxue, darkened her face and launched a fireball. The outside Shen Lingxue fought back with her fire.


Flames collided and exploded in the air, creating a dazzling display of light and sending waves of heat into the air. Everyone quickly moved back to avoid the flames.

The power from both sides was evenly matched, and they fought fiercely.

"Stop," Fang Xiu commanded calmly. Both Shen Lingxues stopped as if they had received an order. They turned to Fang Xiu, seemingly waiting for his judgment.

Without hesitation, Fang Xiu acted. With a flash, a scalpel was embedded in the neck of the outside Shen Lingxue.

She fell to the ground, stiff, and her body quickly turned into a skeleton.

At this point, the group began to notice some patterns, with someone summarizing, "It seems this time the Specter has the ability to stealthily pull people into coffins, then it transforms into an identical person to blend into our group."

Cheng Xinyuan shook his head, "This shouldn't be the Specter's doing, but rather the ability of Nightmare. We are in Nightmare's Zone, and these tricks are its doing!"

Being one of the leaders of the underground market, Cheng Xinyuan naturally knew more secrets than the others.

"Let's try again," Fang Xiu said and led everyone to the gate once more, only to find they still couldn't leave the graveyard.

He had a suspicion that they couldn't leave because there were still Specters that hadn't been dealt with. If Zhao Hao and Shen Lingxue could be unknowingly buried in coffins, it made no sense that others couldn't be.

Perhaps they needed to eliminate all the Specters to leave.

He immediately ordered, "Everyone, follow me and look for graves with your names."

Following his command, the group began a thorough search.

Soon, Fang Xiu found the tomb of Liu Shuai. Seeing this, the Liu Shuai in the group turned pale instantly.

"Xiu, you must believe me, I am the real one, the one in the coffin is fake," Liu Shuai pleaded. But the group, barely listening to his explanations, subtly surrounded him, showing no signs of listening to his explanation. "


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