Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 117

Chapter 117

Everyone looked at the tallest ride in the amusement park, the Ferris wheel. Instinctively, they felt the ride was dangerous because of its height. High up in the air is not the same as being on the ground.

If danger struck in the air, they'd have no way to escape.

Cheng Xinyuan kept looking at the Ferris wheel and the merry-go-round. He thought that the most dangerous places might actually be the safest. The merry-go-round had the little girl on it, but maybe it was the safest spot.

Fang Xiu didn't give everyone much time to think. He started walking toward the Ferris wheel.

Behind him, Zhao Hao, Shen Lingxue, Liu Shuai, and the controlled female corpse followed.

Seeing Fang Xiu's decisive action, the others quickly followed. They trusted Fang Xiu because he could see the future. They believed he wouldn't risk his life.

"You guys come with me, the rest wait here," Fang Xiu said decisively without offering any explanation.

For him, listening meant living; not listening meant dying. He didn't want to waste time convincing everyone that the Ferris wheel was safe.

The psychics who had survived until now weren't fools. Naturally, they followed Fang Xiu's order.

Soon, Fang Xiu and the group got on the Ferris wheel. The Ferris wheel cabin, which usually seated four, now had five people. One stood in the middle, and the others sat in two rows.

This Ferris wheel was strange. It was very old and simple and didn't even have windows. It felt like a shaky box that might fall apart at any moment.

As they went higher, Liu Shuai and Zhao Hao started turning pale. Due to his weight, Liu Shuai didn't dare to move, scared that he might break the balance of the cabin.

Shen Lingxue appeared calm, but she was gripping her jeans tightly, clearly not at ease. She was scared of heights, which Fang Xiu knew earlier from the roller coaster. The only ones who seemed calm were Fang Xiu and the female corpse.

Soon, their cabin was almost at the top.

"Xiu, why hasn't anything happened? Is this game really this easy?" Zhao Hao asked, sounding scared.

"Light the bronze candlestick!" Fang Xiu suddenly ordered the female corpse. She did as told, taking out a dagger and cutting her palm. Blood came out as she held the bronze candlestick and lit it.

As soon as they lit the candle, a dismal green Specter fire appeared, and everyone was surrounded by its chilly light. The moment the candle was lit, the cabin reached its highest point.

Suddenly, whooshing winds came from all directions in the sky. Everyone looked around, shocked to see dark winds appearing out of nowhere, like a storm mixed with black sand. These dark winds rushed in through the leaky windows of the cabin.

There was a loud sizzling sound as the dark winds hit the green candle flame. It was like water poured into a boiling pot of oil, exploding and even producing white smoke. The flame flickered, looking like it might go out, but it kept burning as blood with Spiritual Energy was added to it.

This lasted for about a minute. The cabin slowly started to go down, and the terrifying dark winds weakened. Fang Xiu and the others passed the challenge safely. But the cost was highthe female corpse turned into a mummy. The dark winds had sucked all the blood from her body.

"Next group, remember, you five take turns using your blood. Light the candle at the highest point. When the dark winds start to weaken, stop lighting the candle and use your abilities to fight the dark winds. Otherwise, you might lose too much blood and die," Fang Xiu warned.

After giving instructions, Fang Xiu handed the bronze candlestick to the next group. Everyone looked at the mummified woman, nodded nervously, and bravely got onto the Ferris wheel. Following Fang Xiu's instructions, they used some of their blood and survived.

Apart from looking pale from blood loss, they were okay. Other groups followed suit and also survived. Everyone looked at Fang Xiu with new respect and admiration. Some even felt lucky to follow a leader who could predict the future.

Being able to find the safest ride among many dangerous ones and ensuring everyone survived was unimaginable in past Specter events. Being a psychic was risky, always close to death. Nobody could be sure they would survive every Specter event.

However, following Fang Xiu gave them hope!

Some clever ones even thought about joining the Investigation Bureau, mainly because of Fang Xiu. They had hesitated before due to restrictions and fear of responsibility.

The job of the Investigation Bureau was to protect people. When a Specter event happened, ordinary psychics could choose to save themselves, but the psychics of the Investigation Bureau must go. This meant the risk of death was very high. But, if someone joined the Investigation Bureau and became part of Fang Xiu's team, their chances of survival would skyrocket!

Most times, the casualties and injuries in Specter events weren't because of weak abilities but rather the lack of information on the Specter and its killing moves. If they could know in advance, that could reduce a lot of harm.

If every time was like these last two, where they got a guide to pass the challenge, then if anyone died, it would only be their own fault.

"Now that we've passed, let's go, captain," someone suggested. Without realizing it, they started calling Fang Xiu differently.

They were willing to call him anything, as long as he kept them alive.

But Fang Xiu shook his head, a chilling smile playing on his lips. "No rush, I have something to deal with."

Then, he walked toward the little girl on the merry-go-round.

The girl tilted her head, smiling innocently. "You passed the challenge. Aren't you leaving? Do you want to stay and play with me?"

Fang Xiu's smile grew wider, gradually becoming sinister, revealing his sharp white teeth. "The amusement park rides weren't fun. Let's play something more fun."

"What is it?"

Fang Xiu's right eye turned blood red, and a Specter blood wave shot out from his eye. The little girl was hit hard and fell off the white horse. As she fell, countless silver hairs rushed to her, wrapping her.

Fang Xiu waved his hand, and the silver hair dragged the girl toward him.

The people watching were stunned.

_'What's happening? The little girl couldn't be attacked before, so how come Fang Xiu's doing it now?'_"


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