Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 115: I See Your Future

Chapter 115: I See Your Future


The scalpel moved quickly through the air, aiming for the thin neck of a young girl. But when it touched her, it went right through her neck like it was cutting through air.

Fang Xiu made a face. He waved his hand, and the silver hair pulled back the scalpel.

_'She's not real?'_

"Shen Lingxue, make a fire," he ordered.

Shen Lingxue did as she was told. She opened her palms, and two bright, powerful fires appeared. She threw them hard, and the fires flew towards the merry-go-round.

But then, something surprising happened. The fires didn't seem to burn anything, going right through the merry-go-round.

The young girl laughed even louder. "Haha, you two, come and play with me! Just finish a ride here, and you can go. Everyone has to play!"

The team looked unhappy. They didn't like dealing with this kind of Specterone you couldn't touch and made its own rules.

The rides seemed normal, but they all knew they would face scary dangers once they got on. Therefore, their job now was to choose the easiest ride.

Everyone looked at Fang Xiu, hoping he would know which game was the least risky.

Without waiting, Fang Xiu said, "Cheng Xinyuan, go on the merry-go-round."

Cheng Xinyuan was shocked. "Me? By myself? What about the others?"

"Yes, just you. Don't worry, I know what will happen," Fang Xiu said in a calm voice.

But he wasn't telling the truth. He couldn't see the future; he just wanted Cheng Xinyuan to try the merry-go-round first to see how dangerous it was.

Fang Xiu only chose Cheng Xinyuan because the guy was strong and might find out more about the risk.

Cheng Xinyuan wasn't sure but decided to trust Fang Xiu, because after all, Fang Xiu didn't have a reason to hurt him.

In risky situations, every person is important, and even though he wasn't the strongest, he was one of the best in the team. Fang Xiu wouldn't want him dead for no reason.

_'The merry-go-round, then?' _Cheng Xinyuan looked seriously at the slowly turning merry-go-round and the young girl sitting on one of the wooden horses.

He walked slowly, thinking hard. The little girl on the merry-go-round was a Specter. Normal people would stay away from her, but Fang Xiu picked the merry-go-round just for him

Cheng Xinyuan then realized Fang Xiu's plan.

_'The most dangerous place may be the safest! The merry-go-round is scary because of the little girl, but perhaps she's there on the ride to stop others from choosing it!'_

_'But why me? It may have something to do with my skills. Fang Xiu must have seen the future, knowing that my skills can fight the danger of the merry-go-round. It all makes sense now!'_

With this thought, Cheng Xinyuan wasn't scared anymore. He walked faster.

He jumped on the merry-go-round and picked a white horse, just like the one the little girl was on.

Once he sat down, everything was quiet, and nothing happened. It felt like a normal ride on the merry-go-round.

Cheng Xinyuan was confused.

_'Nothing happens? It looks like Fang Xiu really did see a safe future.'_

The others were confused too. They looked at Fang Xiu and Cheng Xinyuan, wondering why nothing happened.

"What do you feel, Cheng Xinyuan?" one of the psychics asked.

"Nothing unusual, just like any merry-go-round," Cheng Xinyuan answered, also confused.

But as the merry-go-round turned, Cheng Xinyuan suddenly felt very tired. He looked around carefully but saw no danger.

He asked the little girl, "So, I just have to sit here until the ride is over to leave?"

"Yes," she answered, tilting her head and smiling sweetly, but Cheng Xinyuan felt a shiver ran dowm his spine.

As the merry-go-round spun, he felt tired but didn't face any other danger.

Then, someone shouted, "Cheng Xinyuan! Your hair is turning white!"

Everyone looked and saw his hair turning white at the roots. Worried, he checked with his phone and saw his hair really was becoming white.

He was surprised. "What's happening!?"

Then, something even more shocking happened. Cheng Xinyuan realized that he looked like he had aged ten years, with wrinkles forming on his face.

_'Is this really me?'_ He looked at his hands and saw wrinkles there too.

With each turn of the merry-go-round, he felt more tired, his hair became whiter, more wrinkles were forming on his face, and his vision began to blur.

'The merry-go-round is taking away my life!' he realized in horror, his old-looking face showing fear. 'Every turn makes me one year older!'

Cheng Xinyuan, now looking like he was in his fifties, panicked. As the merry-go-round kept turning, he aged even more. He tried to stand up, wanting to get off, but found an invisible force keeping him on the merry-go-round.

He couldn't leave!

"I can't get off!" Cheng Xinyuan shouted.

He used his powers to call the Black Dragon and the White Tiger from inside him. They appeared with loud roars and attacked the merry-go-round, but the merry-go-round wasn't affected at all, as if it was an illusion.

"Fang Xiu, didn't you say you saw what was going to happen? Tell me how to get out! I'm getting old and dying here!" Cheng Xinyuan yelled at Fang Xiu.

Everyone looked at Fang Xiu, thinking he would have a way out since he was the one who told Cheng Xinyuan to go on the merry-go-round. But Fang Xiu calmly said, "Yes, I did see what would happen. I saw you dying."

Everyone, including Cheng Xinyuan, was shocked. Cheng Xinyuan was furious and roared, "Fang Xiu! When did I ever do anything wrong to you? You tricked me! I will get you for this!"

In his anger, Cheng Xinyuan sent the dragon and tiger toward Fang Xiu.

But Fang Xiu was faster. The moment Cheng Xinyuan acted, he threw a dark golden knife, which hit Cheng Xinyuan in the forehead.

Cheng Xinyuan was stuck on the merry-go-round, looking like he was in his eighties. He couldn't move away in time and was killed right away by Fang Xiu. The dragon and tiger vanished into thin air in the middle of their attack."


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