Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 110: Nightmare's Nightmare

Chapter 110: Nightmare's Nightmare

Some civilian psychics suddenly understood when they heard Fang Xiu's explanation. They started looking at Fang Xiu differently.

It turns out that he had a reason for making people sing, and that was why Yang Ming asked him for advice on what to do next. It seemed like Fang Xiu might have a role similar to that of a strategist in the Investigation Bureau.

"Remember, you need to wear the embroidered shoes and run as fast as you can. The longer it takes, the stronger Nightmare will get. We need to weaken Nightmare's power before the whole city falls," Fang Xiu advised.

"No problem," replied Yang Ming, nodding. Suddenly, his face froze, and he asked, "How did you know about my Specter Gadget?"

Fang Xiu calmly looked at Yang Ming and explained, "I sensed it. Remember, you have to wear those shoes and act quickly. If you're embarrassed, you can put them on after leaving the Investigation Bureau."

Yang Ming didn't know what to say. He felt like Fang Xiu had something over him now. Now everyone knew he wore women's shoes, and it was a bit embarrassing.

Yang Ming was worrying too much. At such a critical time, no one cared if he wore women's shoes or boots. And even if they did, they would probably be envious of his powerful Specter Gadget, not making fun of him.

Wang Dehai then said, "I'm putting Fang Xiu in charge as the temporary leader. He has the authority to make decisions."

The others agreed. Fang Xiu had just shown his abilities as a strategist, and everyone seemed to approve of his plan.

"Fang Xiu, have you sensed where Bai Qi is?" Wang Dehai asked.

Fang Xiu shook his head. "No, but I think if Bai Qi is still alive, he's probably at Putuo Temple. Ordinary Specters can't trap someone as strong as him, so it must be Nightmare who took him."

Fang Xiu didn't say much more after that. He led the team out of the Investigation Bureau and to the parking lot.

"Let's take five people per car to avoid being easy targets. Zhao Hao, Liu Shuai, Shen Lingxue, and Cheng Xinyuan, you're with me," he instructed.

Cheng Xinyuan, who was skinny and had strength ability, was surprised to be picked by Fang Xiu. His physique made it clear why he had such power. He was just like Zhao Hao, who longed for the ability he lacked.

Nobody argued with Fang Xiu's decision. Time was of the essence, and he had his reasons for choosing these people for his car. They knew Nightmare somehow feared Zhao Hao, and they could use that later.

Having been taught a lesson last time, Shen Lingxue had changed completely. She became quiet and obedient, and her strength had grown since the Blackwater incident. Her fire ability was perfect for clearing out areas.

As for Liu Shuai and Cheng Xinyuan, Fang Xiu had other plans for them.

Then, everyone got into their cars and drove out into the city.

Greenvine had completely transformed. Thick fog rose everywhere, shrouding all the roads and buildings. They could only see vague outlines; everything was like a scene out of a horror movie, adding a sense of eeriness and terror.

In the depths of the fog, shadows were moving, and occasionally, non-human screams could be heard.

"Xiu, I feel like I'm in a horror movie. Do you think we can resolve this Nightmare issue safely?" Zhao Hao asked, a bit worried.

"Whether we can or not depends on you," replied Fang Xiu.

Zhao Hao was confused. "Me? Come on, Xiu, stop joking. Even at my best, I doubt I could take on Nightmare. I couldn't even beat the Class-B hair Specter last time, let alone an S like Nightmare."

Fang Xiu shook his head. "I didn't ask you to fight."

Zhao Hao was even more puzzled. "Not fight? Then what?"

"Just like what you did in the dream last time," Fang Xiu suggested.

Zhao Hao's face turned red. "Xiu, it's not the time for jokes."

"I'm not joking. Haven't you noticed that Nightmare has never pulled you into a dream? You're entering dreams now because Nightmare's Specter Zone has covered the entire Greenvine. Otherwise, Nightmare would never drag you into its realm."

"Why is that?"

"Because you are Nightmare's worst nightmare."

Liu Shuai suddenly exclaimed in surprise, "Wow, when did he become so powerful?"

Zhao Hao just smiled awkwardly, not explaining further.

"Cheng Xinyuan, take it out," Fang Xiu suddenly said to Cheng Xinyuan.

Cheng Xinyuan was initially puzzled, then his face showed confusion. "What? What are you talking about?"

"Do you think I wouldn't recognize you just because you changed your clothes, Manager Cheng?"

Cheng Xinyuan became even more confused. "I don't understand what you're saying."

"Wasn't my hint clear enough? Manager Cheng from Kill Yet."

Upon hearing this, the confusion on Cheng Xinyuan's face disappeared, replaced by a serious and alert expression. "How did you recognize me?"

"My ability is perception. Even though you've hunched your body and made yourself look scruffy, completely different from your previous image, you can't fool my perception."

Cheng Xinyuan smiled, "You have such a strong perception ability. No wonder Wang Dehai and Yang Ming trust you so much."

Fang Xiu was able to see through Cheng Xinyuan's disguise because of what happened the first time in the meeting room. When the hair Specter attacked Cheng Xinyuan, he used the bronze candlestick to defend himself. That act revealed his true identity.

"Since you've admitted it, give me my candlestick," Fang Xiu demanded.

Cheng Xinyuan's face turned sour. Honestly, he didn't want to give it up. In Nightmare's Specter Zone, the bronze candlestick was a life-saving weapon. Giving it up meant losing a chance to survive.

But refusing meant becoming Fang Xiu's enemy.

Cheng Xinyuan knew better than to underestimate Fang Xiu. Fang Xiu was like a madman, having nearly wiped out Bright Club. Cheng Xinyuan knew he was no match for him.

After a moment of thought, Cheng Xinyuan chose to hand over the bronze candlestick. He understood that internal conflict wasn't helpful right now.

The candlestick was just for survival, but if Fang Xiu could really handle Nightmare, it wouldn't be needed anymore. Plus, Fang Xiu's strength and ruthlessness were not to be challenged.

"Liu Shuai, you take the bronze candlestick," Fang Xiu said, tossing it to Liu Shuai.

Liu Shuai wasn't happy at all. Cold sweat began to dot his forehead. "Do I have to bleed again? I haven't even recovered from last time. I've lost two pounds already. Can't someone else do it?"

"No," Fang Xiu replied simply.

Liu Shuai now realized why Fang Xiu wanted him in the car. At first, he was happy, thinking Fang Xiu valued their past comradeship. Now, it seemed clear that Fang Xiu had chosen him because he had more blood to spare."


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