Dictator From Outer Space

Chapter 61: The Tarantula's Dance of Destruction

Chapter 61: The Tarantula's Dance of Destruction

“That girl.”

On the main screen, a girl with a messy face and golden eyes was drawing water.

She was the gamma-level Psychic that Arma had found.

“First of all, let me tell you about her background. Fatima Karam. She’s about 15 years old and lost her parents when she was young. She’s currently working as a water carrier at a turquoise mine.”

“Do the people around her know that she’s a Psychic?”

“Not at all. Many people there don’t even know what black metal is.”

Yu Ji-ha didn’t know much about Earth’s history either, because he was busy fighting Plague.

United Human Federation had buried the previous history as well.

“It’s a region that has nothing to do with us, but we’ve already been involved twice.”

The ones who received China’s support and were mobilized for terrorism were the Taliban of Afghanistan.

“Where Fatima is, it’s a bit different, right?”

“The National Resistance Front of Afghanistan has been fighting against the Taliban for over seven years. Their last stronghold is this Panjshir province. The current commander is Ahmad Massoud. He’s a representative of moderate Islam.”

“They’re having a hard time.”

The difference in power between the Taliban and the resistance was too severe.

The manpower was more than 10 times different, and what covered that was the terrain of Panjshir.

“Even though Afghanistan’s terrain is like this, Panjshir’s highlands are even more rugged. The Russia and the US tried to attack it and left without gaining anything.”

“But they couldn’t have held out for seven years with just the terrain.”

“India and Tajikistan are providing supplies. It’s not much, but it’s vital for the resistance.”

“So what do we have to do to get that Psychic?”

“I suggest you meet with Commander Massoud. He’s an Islamist, but he’s on the moderate side, so you might be able to talk to him.”

“What do they want?”

“Probably drones. Ever since Saudi Arabia used drones massively, there’s been a drone craze in low-intensity conflict zones.”

“That’s why Iran complained to our government.”

“Saudi Arabia drove out the Houthi rebels and Iran supported them.”

“Iran used to get along well with Korea in the past, but politics is unpredictable. By the way, do they really want drones?”

“Very desperately. They can’t afford them, but both the Taliban and the resistance want our drones.”

“Well, they’re perfect for infantry combat…”

If you look at it from the introduction side, it’s like increasing your troops in an instant.

And they’re very powerful in large-scale infantry battles.

Saudi Arabia was so satisfied with their performance that they paid an additional 200 million dollars on the condition of opening a dedicated line.

They seemed to want to fight the Houthi rebels with drones alone after sending out all the mercenaries.

Yu Ji-ha got up.

“Contact the resistance secretly. If they refuse, we’ll use other means.”

Even if they refused, he intended to take Fatima with him.

It was a waste to let a girl with such a tremendous talent as a gamma-level Psychic rot in a turquoise mine.

Afghanistan became a country of Pashtuns and Taliban after the US withdrew 21 years ago.

But not all areas of Afghanistan were under their control.

In Panjshir province, more than 10,000 warriors of the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan were still fighting against the Taliban.

Especially Bagram Air Base was one of the main battlefields where both sides clashed fiercely since 21 years ago.

From the resistance’s point of view, it was a lifeline to receive supplies easily from India or Tajikistan, and the Taliban tried hard to block it.

Recently, the resistance launched an offensive and succeeded in capturing this air base after the Taliban leader suddenly disappeared.

But as it had changed hands hundreds of times before, no one knew when it would change again.

In such a situation, a business jet flew into Bagram Air Base.

The resistance commander Ahmad Massoud looked at it and shook his head repeatedly.

“There are Badri snipers everywhere, but they have courage or recklessness.”

“Anyway, let’s meet him, Ahmad. He might help us.”

The person who patted his back was Ahmad’s father’s subordinate and comrade Amrullah Saleh.

“Why did he come here… He must have some purpose.”

“We’ll find out when we meet him.”

They had no idea why the businessman from a faraway eastern country wanted to see them.

One day, a huge drone flew in and dropped a note before leaving.

The note said in French that he was willing to support them and wanted to meet them once.

Of course, Ahmad knew him.

He turned the world upside down with black metal battery, ion thruster, unobtainium and so on. Who wouldn’t know him?

He desperately wanted to introduce one of those, or even just a drone, but he knew better than anyone how difficult it was.

How could the resistance afford such expensive weapons?

On the other hand, he felt hopeful when he saw his business jet landing fearlessly at the base.

“Let’s go. It’s not polite to sit and greet a guest.”

Soon after, Yu Ji-ha and Arma got off the business jet and the resistance welcomed them with open arms.

The group went to a building that the US military had built and started talking.

“Let me get straight to the point. Do you know this girl?”

The picture that Yu Ji-ha showed was of Fatima drawing water.

Of course, Ahmad didn’t know anything about her, but he learned from his subordinates’ whispers that she was a girl who worked at a turquoise mine.

“Fatima Karam. A poor child who lost her parents. But why are you showing me this picture?”

“I want to take her with me.”


A moment of awkward silence filled the building.

Did he have a taste for that kind of face?

Anyone could see that this was a trick to buy Fatima with money.

Before Ahmad could open his mouth, Arma took out a black metal cube.

It started to transform with a clanking sound before Yu Ji-ha’s hand touched it.

“Black metal.”

“You may not know, but I’m one of the few people in the world who can commercialize black metal. Until recently, that is.”

Ahmad realized what he meant.

“Don’t tell me Fatima is the second one after you…”

“There are quite a few people in the world who have the black metal factor. But very few of them can use that ability with precision. Fatima is one of them.”

“How did you know? Even we who lived with her didn’t know that.”

“I’ll tell you it’s a trade secret. Can you call Fatima for me? I want to see her.”


He wanted this ability, not the girl.

Ahmad felt relieved inside and gave orders to his subordinates.

A few hours later, Fatima came in and sat nervously next to Ahmad.

She looked at Arma, who spoke fluent Tajik, with a curious expression and listened to his detailed story.

Yu Ji-ha handed her a black metal cube and Arma interpreted.

“Think of an animal or a fruit that you like and touch this. It will change.”

“It looks like just a black metal to me···”

She didn’t know.

As soon as Fatima touched the cube, it surprisingly turned into a pomegranate.

It was the fruit she always liked.

“How is this possible···”

“She had this ability?”

They all wondered how they had noticed it, but Yu Ji-ha focused on Fatima.

“I want to buy your talent. If you want, I can let you study in Korea. Arma here will be your guardian.”

“Go to Korea?”

She didn’t even know where Korea was, so she was scared.

She looked at some pictures, but it didn’t change the fact that it was a faraway foreign country.

Ahmad sighed and declared.

“If she doesn’t want to, we won’t send her. Every Mujahideen has the right to decide their own fate.”

“I’m not a Mujahideen···”

Fatima said cautiously, but he shook his head.

“Not only the warriors who fight on the front lines, but also the women who cook, the boys who mine turquoise, and even the girls who pick fruits are all proud Mujahideens. Don’t forget that.”

“Masad···my parents were taken away by the Taliban and passed away···how can I forget them and go to Korea?”

“I know how you feel. My father also rests in this land. We were born in this land and we have no choice but to die here.”

His words showed his attitude of defending his homeland rather than hatred for the Taliban.

Yu Ji-ha thought for a moment and said.

“If you want to return after 10 years, I’ll let you do that. And if Miss Fatima follows us, we’ll pay accordingly.”


Fatima didn’t know much about Yu Ji-ha, but she could tell he was a great person.

He came here himself when every country had cut off their ties with this place. That must prove his ability.

Then could he help her with her revenge?

“···How much am I worth?”

Ahmad intervened at her resigned words.

“Fatima, you don’t have to do that. We’re not selling you to fight against the Taliban.”

But her golden eyes were staring at Yu Ji-ha.

A determined voice came out of her tightly closed lips.

“Please answer me. What can you do for me if I go?”

Yu Ji-ha leaned forward to her.

“What do you want?”

“Revenge. I want the end of the Taliban who killed my parents.”

“That’s a bit difficult.”


“But I can help you reclaim Kabul. With your help, of course.”

“You can’t be serious···”

Amrullah Saleh stood up excitedly and leaned on the table.

“That’s impossible. There are more than 100 tanks and armored vehicles at Hamid Airport. More than 5,000 Taliban are stationed there.”

Reclaiming Kabul was the wish of the National Resistance Front, but they knew better than anyone that it was impossible.

“I’ve heard a lot of things are impossible in Korea.”

He was still hearing sarcastic remarks from people who challenged the impossible.

It made sense if you thought about it logically.

Yu Ji-ha smiled outside the building.

“Let’s go. I’ll show you what I brought.”

As Yu Ji-ha gave the order, the Sibiri satellite that had been waiting on low orbit fired an armed pod.

This armed pod entered the atmosphere in a straight line and quickly descended.

And above Bagram Air Base, it spat out black containers one after another.

When parachutes opened in the sky, the resistance fighters were surprised.

They thought it was someone’s air raid.

Ahmad ran ahead and shouted.

“It’s okay! It’s okay! They’re on our side!”

He had seen combat drones that he had bought from Saudi Arabia fighting against the Houthi rebels in Aden.

The drones carried out their missions mercilessly, day and night.

What if they had faced the drones?

Ahmad couldn’t say for sure that he could beat them.

But those drones, they were coming down in containers right now.

The resistance fighters who heard the explanation later shouted Allah and ran.

Hundreds of combat drones popped out of the containers.

Ahmad was glad, but then he hesitated.

They seemed bigger and heavier than the ones he had seen in Aden.

Yu Ji-ha came next to him and said.

“These are improved based on the data we got from Aden. They have enhanced bulletproof performance and won’t crash even if they hit a blade. And their firepower is increased too. Do you want to shoot them with that gun?”

He was surprised.

“With an AK? No matter how much it’s black metal, it’s just a drone···”

“I’ll show you how the drone led the Aden battle to success. Shoot.”

The resistance fighters lined up and raised their rifles.


Dozens of bullets hit, but the target drone only wobbled and didn’t fall.

The soldiers were amazed by the incredible bulletproof performance.

Meanwhile, Ahmad felt a chill in his chest when he saw the LED on the creature’s body change to red.

He had seen that red light in Aden, and it always meant someone would die.

Yu Ji-ha said.

“It’s okay. The CDS-1A’s friend-or-foe identification algorithm is perfect. It can distinguish between you and the Taliban easily.”

“Are you giving these things to us? These weapons are so expensive…”

“Reclaim Kabul. These things will fight for you.”

Ahmad was touched by Yu Ji-ha’s words, but he couldn’t help worrying.

No matter how well the combat drones fought, they couldn’t do anything against tanks and armored vehicles, could they?

But there was a solution for that too.

Yu Ji-ha called Arma and asked.

“Is there a satellite orbiting over Kabul?”

“The US satellite is adjusting its orbit. The Chinese and Russian satellites will take pictures of this place in 3 hours and 6 hours respectively.”

“Destroy the Chinese satellite and jam the Russian satellite’s communication for a while.”

“Got it. What should I send?”

“Tarantula. Let’s see if it’s properly repaired.”

As he gave the order, an Aether laser poured out from the Sibiri satellite.

The firepower was incomparable to the iron beam, and the Chinese reconnaissance satellite evaporated in one shot.

And then the cover of the Sibiri satellite opened and an armed pod was ejected.

The pod carrying the Tarantula entered the atmosphere wrapped in plasma.

The destination was Hamid Airport in Kabul.

The purpose was annihilation.

The Tarantula was an infantry support tank made by the Human Alliance.

This thing, which was as big as a small building, had a living metal body with self-repair function, making it very sturdy.

The plasma shield was the last resort, and it blocked most of the mass objects.

It also had the ability to receive graviton radar signals from the Settler, allowing it to capture all enemies in a wide range.

Its armament was somewhat weak, with an ether laser turret, reflector bits, and two railguns each.

It was inevitable since it was made for urban infantry support.

But the real advantage of the Tarantula was its mobility, which avoided most of the threats with its own artificial intelligence and graviton radar.

When it jumped around and dodged attacks, one might doubt if it was alive.

It even had a high-output ion thruster, which allowed it to fly on its own.

It transformed its body to create wings and flew without rockets.

The armed pod carrying the Tarantula slowed down over Hamid International Airport and started retrofire.

Soon, a metallic monster in the shape of a spider opened the pod and jumped out.


It landed right on top of a helicopter whose rotor and blades were separated and unusable.

The thick armor crumpled like aluminum foil, and it searched for gravitons around it through the datalink.

It didn’t forget to distinguish between Taliban and others.

“Target acquired, switching to E-mode.”

E stands for Exterminate.

The Tarantula started moving with the goal of exterminating the Taliban.

“What is that monster!”

“Just shoot and see!”


Hundreds of bullets poured out, but the Tarantula didn’t dodge and took them.

It judged that they were not significant threats with its own algorithm.

“Reflector bits deployed.”

Instead, it shot reflector bits around it and charged up ether crystals.

The moment a golden light flickered from the turret, a laser was fired.

This laser was reflected by the reflector bits and fired in all directions.

Even though it lowered its firepower as much as possible, it couldn’t prevent piercing through flesh bodies.


Dozens of Taliban were shot right through their hearts and clutched their chests.

As they fell down, new enemies appeared.

A cloud of dust rose up and several armored vehicles and tanks rushed towards it.

The Tarantula analyzed the threats in a very short time.

“20mm armor-piercing rounds, 105mm high-explosive rounds.”


As soon as the tank stopped and aimed its main gun at it, the Tarantula jumped up high.

The driver on the armored vehicle next to it had his mouth open until the moment it fell down, which lasted less than a second.

“What is that thing doing…”


The Tarantula landed on top of the armored vehicle and completely crushed its weak upper structure.

The three crew members were killed instantly without making a sound, and its legs moved slightly and flipped over the armored vehicle next to it.

The tank’s main gun moved again, but it was too slow.

It moved its legs and grabbed the tank’s turret with great force.


It sounded like scraping a metal plate with a stone, and the turret that weighed more than 10 tons was detached and rolled away.

Hmm…it looks like this.

As several lenses examined the structure, two Taliban looked at the spider-shaped monster with wide eyes.

“Uh, uh…”


They finally screamed, and the Tarantula pulled them out and threw them away.

By this time, not only the airport garrison, but also the entire Taliban in Kabul had noticed the existence of this monster.

Some tried to contact the headquarters in Kandahar, but for some reason, the communication didn’t work.

The Sibiri satellite was blocking all communications around it.

And the Tarantula faced dozens of tanks.

It seemed like they had brought all the tanks in Kabul.

The tanks aimed their main guns at it and fired their shells in unison.

But the Tarantula didn’t move, as if it had judged their threat level.

It seemed to think that it could block them with its plasma shield, since they were nothing special.

As if to prove its judgment, dozens of shells stopped at the blue wall and couldn’t get past it, then dropped with a thud.

“Counterattack initiated.”

Two railguns spewed out projectiles.

They didn’t fire ten rounds per minute, but sprayed them like machine guns, turning dozens of tanks into honeycombs in an instant.

The dust from the firing and impact rose up, and the tanks that had their turrets and engines penetrated couldn’t move.

The Taliban who were lucky enough to survive opened the hatches and ran out, but they became prey for the laser.


The number of Taliban in Kabul continued to decrease like that.

Less than 30 minutes after the Tarantula was deployed, 500 graviton points disappeared, and after about an hour, more than 1,000 were gone.

At this point, the Taliban lost their morale and started to run away.

Of course, they weren’t really running away.

They planned to retreat to the outskirts and regroup, then hide in the rugged mountains and wait for their chance, as they did when the Soviet Union and the US invaded.

But the Tarantula didn’t give them that opportunity.

It saw them all with its graviton radar and fired railguns and lasers at them one by one.

In the end, not a single person who witnessed it and managed to escape was left alive.

When the number of Taliban in Kabul was reduced by half, a new order came down.

“Mission complete, withdrawal initiated.”

The resistance fighters at Bagram Air Base were rushing in with drones in front of them.

They couldn’t reveal their identity, so they had to withdraw sooner than expected.

The Tarantula jumped into the air and activated its ion thruster, flying into the sky.

The armed pod that was waiting in the air took it in and broke through the atmosphere.

The Sibiri satellite that came down to low orbit loaded the armed pod and headed back to geostationary orbit.

Finally, a thick pillar of light smashed a building in Kandahar.

The de facto leader of the Taliban and his aides were killed at once.


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