Dictator From Outer Space

Chapter 6: Living Metal

Chapter 6: Living Metal

In the present era, the metal known as Black Metal was abandoned in a lab.

Director Lee Han-jong nonchalantly introduced the progress of their research.

“We’ve been studying this Black Metal for years, but there has been little progress. Overseas research institutes have already made breakthroughs, and now it’s our turn.” 

Black Metal was an extremely stable metal. It didn’t corrode or break, and even drilling with a diamond-coated drill left no scratches.

It could be considered the toughest metal on Earth, without a doubt.

However, that was the only thing scientists had discovered.

It needed to show some kind of reaction for them to continue the research. 

The researchers all nodded in agreement.

“We’ve tested it with every chemical compound on Earth, but it doesn’t react at all. It doesn’t corrode either.”

“At one point, it seemed to be a conductor, but on another day, it appeared to be an insulator. It’s a headache-inducing substance.”

“But there must be a reason why we’ve been researching it for years, right?”

When Yu Ji-ha asked, a researcher named Hwang Seon-young handed her a journal.

“Once in the past, we managed to break it down. We couldn’t reproduce it now, but back then, we used it as an electrolyte to make batteries.”

“That must have been an incredible performance, right? It should be mentioned in this journal.”

…it mentioned that there was someone with Aether Affinity in this lab.

Since Living Metal only reacted to Aether.

The fact that they couldn’t reproduce it probably meant that person left the company. 

As Yu Ji-ha examined the journal, Director Lee Han-jong sighed.

“We put everything on that possibility, but in the end, there were no results. We don’t even have the budget to consider solid-state batteries… We’re just wasting time at the moment.”

“And Japan has developed solid-state batteries and is dominating the market, right?”

“You know it well. They’ve even filed 100 patents related to solid-state batteries. If we want to develop it by bypassing them, it will cost us a fortune.”

“I see. I understand the situation well.”

Yu Ji-ha closed the journal.

There was no need to bypass the patents and create solid-state batteries. 

He could simply create a completely new type of battery. 

He reached out and touched the Black Metal.

[Local Aether Field Activated.]

[Initiate Transformation.]

Except for one time, the Black Metal had hardly reacted before, but now it began to change its form.

“What, what’s happening?”

“Why is this suddenly happening?”

The researchers in the lab were taken aback.

It was not something insignificant.

The Metal Life-Form known as the Plague, which brought humanity to the brink of extinction, had one or more cores.

The cores corroded the surrounding metallic elements and gave them various forms and properties.

In the 22nd century, it was called Living Metal, and in the modern era, it was known as Black Metal.

The discovery of Black Metal meant that there was a Plague core nearby.

Perhaps a core that was disintegrated by an Aether Storm and fell to Earth along with meteorites.

[We’ll create more probes and search for Plague cores in the waters near Japan.]

Yu Ji-ha nodded and placed his hand on the Living Metal.

Clank, clank.

The black metallic mass seemed to respond to his will as it changed its shape.


“This is unbelievable…”

As the researchers remained in awe, Director Lee Han-jong took out his smartphone and recorded the transformation process of the Black Metal.

“We had a similar incident in the past… Now that I think about it, it was around the time when Park Joon-ho was here. Do you know anything about this Black Metal?”

“A little.”

Yu Ji-ha raised his hand and spoke. 

In his hand, there was a black SUV parked. 

Hwang Seon-young chuckled.

“This is the Windrunner. It’s what the director drives.”

“Huh? So, the fact that it transformed into this particular car means it reflects the director’s will?”

“How did this happen?”


Director Lee Han-jong lowered the black car from his disciple’s palm onto the table. It had an incredible level of detail, almost like a miniature real SUV.

“It seems an explanation is necessary. Ji-ha, tell us the method you used to transform this Black Metal.”

“Before that, there’s something I want to tell all of you. From now on, what we’re about to learn is our company secret. It must not leave this lab.”

Unconsciously, everyone swallowed nervously at Yu Ji-ha’s serious expression.

Director Lee Han-jong reassured them, saying, “You don’t need to worry about leaks. We’re bound by dozens of confidentiality agreements.”

“We don’t have anywhere else to go if our careers are ruined…”

“If we get kicked out of here, we might have to work part-time jobs, haha…”

It was the sad reality of the research institute that had been lacking results for years. 

However, Yu Ji-ha had a different intention.

“No, I mean you must not leave this lab.” 

“…I have a vague idea of what you mean. You want to keep it a secret from higher-ups too?”

“Yes. Just keep it a secret until the end of this year. In return, I’ll double your salaries.”

The researchers’ eyes widened twofold.


“Director, you’re joking, right? Haha…”

“It’s not a joke. I will exactly double your salaries. Of course, including mine. So, if anyone doesn’t want to comply with my request, you can leave now.”

Of course, there was no one who left.

Arma immediately reported. 

[Microdrones have been released from the capsules. They will gather information.]

Microdrones were massive compared to nanounits, but with current technology, they couldn’t be detected.

Depending on their types, the microdrones had different operational periods and collected various information, which they transmitted to Arma.

In preparation for this moment, Yu Ji-ha had brought capsules containing the microdrones. If anyone were to go outside and engage in suspicious conversations, they would be fired.

Hwang Sun-young anxiously asked, “Um, Director, do you know our current salaries? Just in case…”

Among the chaebols, there were many people with poor financial sense. They were trapped in their own world, disconnected from ordinary people. It was an inevitable situation.

However, Yu Ji-ha knew exactly.

“It’s around 4,500,000 won per month, roughly.”

“You know it well…”

The fact that they were employing Ph.D.-level talents for a salary of around 4,500,000 won meant that the job market had frozen up. 

And as the researchers mentioned earlier, there was nowhere else to go even if they left this research institute.

Addressing them with determination, YuJi-ha said “Think it over and gather here tomorrow morning. We will only open up to those who can strictly maintain the secrecy.”

The next morning.

Four people, including Director Yu Ji-ha, gathered in the research lab.

The number of participants was the same as the previous day.

Arma reported that there was nothing particularly suspicious about their activities overnight.

[If anyone leaves from here, it will be troublesome. If we can convince them, they might become Master’s right-hand men.] 

Arma commented.

Naturally, that was their intention.

Settler and Arma would assist Yu Ji-ha, but having capable individuals would be beneficial.

“Well, since it seems like everyone agrees… I had a dream while in a vegetative state. It was a very long dream, filled with embarrassing delusions and mixed with pain. In that dream, I met someone, and they gave me strength,” Yu Ji-ha explained.

Although everyone had expressions that indicated they wanted to mention their own dreams, they refrained from doing so in front of Yu Ji-ha.

“Are you saying you gained some kind of enlightenment or spiritual experience?” one of them asked.

“It has nothing to do with religion. I don’t even know what kind of power it is. But one thing is clear: this power is related to Black Metal,” Yu Ji-ha replied.


It was an unbelievable story, but considering the events unfolding before their eyes, it was hard not to believe.

Upon Yu Ji-ha’s touch, the SUV-shaped Living Metal disintegrated into dozens of metal pieces, each the size of a fingernail.

“With these, we can use them as test samples, right?” Yu Ji-ha asked.

“Y-Yes, definitely…” one of the researchers replied.

“Can we test them now?”

“Of course. Just take a few samples with you.”

The researchers excitedly grabbed five test samples and rushed off somewhere. They later returned and informed Yu Ji-ha of their plans.

“As you might have guessed, we have no intention of giving this new battery technology to the current management,” one of them said.

“I feel the same way. They’re just a bunch of do-nothing executives who collect their paychecks.”

Inefficiency was something Yu Ji-ha despised, and the executives who did nothing but pocket their salaries fell into that category.

“I will take control of this company. Not only the management rights but also becoming the majority shareholder,” Yu Ji-ha declared.

“Are you saying you’ll announce the battery technology after that?”

“Yes. Until then, even you, Teacher, will need to maintain the secrecy.”

“I understand that there are no guarantees that the new battery will perform well.”

“Let’s verify it together.”

The researchers quickly prepared for the test.

It was a routine task for them, and they could proceed with the test as soon as they replaced the conventional electrodes with black metal.

As Hwang Seon-young tried to insert the probe, one of the researchers with tousled hair stopped her.

“Sister, wait a moment. The electrode coating isn’t finished yet.”

“Hurry up and finish it quickly.”

Not only her, but everyone was eager to see the results as soon as possible, except for Yu Ji-ha.

The test began, and various waveforms and numbers appeared on the cluttered measuring devices.

After calculating the energy density, Hwang Seon-young made an expression that was hard to believe.

“It’s 2.5 times higher… compared to the G-type battery made by Panasonic.”

“Recalculate it. Sung-hoon, reset the equipment and start again… No, I’ll do it myself.”

Unable to contain himself, Director Lee Han-jong rolled up his sleeves and proceeded with the test. However, the results were the same.

Everyone was speechless, captivated by the incredible energy density of the new battery.

“The world will turn upside down from on…”

After Japan developed solid-state batteries, they were immersed in a festival-like atmosphere. 

The Nikkei Index reached an all-time high, and the Japanese Prime Minister visited Panasonic factories, paying homage to the staff.

Panasonic’s stock price skyrocketed threefold overnight, and the battery research team was almost certain to receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

The entire Japanese archipelago was filled with joy and celebration.

In such a situation, imagine what would happen if this battery were to be released.

The world would truly be turned upside down.

Even though it was called a solid-state battery, it only offered slightly better efficiency and stability compared to conventional lithium batteries. 

The total usable energy did not increase significantly.

However, this battery boasted an energy density 2.5 times higher than that of the conventional solid-state batteries.

It was simply incomparable and unbeatable.

As everyone’s mouths went dry, Director Lee Han-jong brought up a practical issue.

“But this black metal… Most of the inventory is in Japan. Even if we secure the remaining stock, it will be far from sufficient to supply batteries worldwide.”

“Just Panasonic alone can produce millions of battery cells in a single factory. With that quantity, it’s simply not enough…”

Hwang Seon-young trailed off, and everyone’s expressions darkened. 

The size of the global battery market was beyond comprehension. 

However, the fact remained that most of the circulating black metal was in Japan.

According to Arma’s records, there were quite a few deposits near the Sea of Japan, the Bering Sea, the South China Sea, and the Pacific. 

Countries around the world were aware of this. 

However, due to the black metal’s extreme hardness, it was left untouched.

“Leave that to me and focus on your research. After all, what is your role?”

“Research… Development?”

“That’s right. Your role is precisely that. You should only concentrate on optimizing the new battery. There’s no need to worry about purchasing, investment, or the production process.”

The attitude of handling everything while leaving them with only research made a strong impression on everyone. 

It was completely different from the Silla Energy executives who constantly interfered without providing much assistance.

Of course, no one believed that this problem would be easily solved. 

It was beyond the scope of what an individual could handle. 

They would have to be satisfied with achieving results this time.

Director Lee Han-jong applauded.

“Alright, let’s get to work for once. We’ve wasted enough time. It’s time to make it worth our while.”

The laboratory became lively, and Yu Ji-hwan stepped outside.

“Arma, how much have we earned so far?”

[320 billion.]

“Right on the mark. Keep mining and investing.”

[May I create a new coin?]

“That’s not allowed. You can pick up money from the established gambling arena, but there’s no need to create one yourself.”

Even without that, the Korea Precious Metal Association would still be respectful of Yu Ji-hwan’s position.

With the money Arma had earned, he had intended to succeed his father, if only just a little.

When Silla Group Chairman Yu Kyung-seok saw his son, he couldn’t help but burst into laughter. 

His son shone brighter than the celebrities on TV. 

Moreover, it was said that he was extremely diligent when it came to listening to Manager Kim Do-hyung’s words. 

He even arrived and left work on time and ate his meals at the company cafeteria without fail.

Some might find it absurd that these were considered ordinary behaviors for a working professional, but compared to his previous lazy and irresponsible conduct, this was a huge improvement.

“What I hope for him now is…”

It wasn’t just about achieving results in research; it was about receiving proper management training. 

Giving him a position within the group wouldn’t be difficult, considering the group’s challenges.

However, he was the king of a small kingdom called Silla Group. 

To obtain permission, he had to pay the appropriate price. 

Whether it was in the form of taxes, special products, manpower, or loyalty…

Yu Kyung-seok had intended to consider loyalty to some extent this time. 

After all, his son had just returned to the company and didn’t possess anything extraordinary.

“Well… Why did you call me to see you?”

“I have a proposal to make.”

“A proposal? Not a request?”

From the beginning, the plan began to deviate. 

If his son had something to propose, it meant that there was something to be discussed.

“I’m sure you’ll be satisfied, Father.”

“Let’s hear it first, then.”

“Group affairs have been difficult lately, haven’t they?”

When the topic suddenly shifted to the group, Yu Kyung-seok furrowed his brows.

“It’s true that things have been difficult, but it’s not something you need to worry about.”

In reality, that wasn’t the case. 

The core industries of the group, including shipbuilding, automobiles, and defense, were all struggling. 

Silla Auto’s stock had hit an all-time low, and the defense sector had been disqualified from the next-generation warrior platform bidding.

It was a complete disaster, to the point where he couldn’t muster the courage to figure out what to do. 

On top of that, there was a 200 billion won bond maturity coming up in December.

Despite the efforts of the finance department, there was no money to cover the shortfall. 

During executive meetings, serious discussions arose about selling real estate to address the situation.

“It’s difficult to handle the 200 billion won bond, isn’t it? As your son, I want to hear an honest opinion.”

He knew everything already.

Yu Kyung-seok loosened his tie and lit a cigarette, feeling frustrated.

“Well… yes, that’s right. The discussion of selling the main office site came up.”

“I will prevent that from happening.”


Yu Kyung-seok stared intently at his son, wondering if he was intoxicated. 

However, there was no sign of him being drunk, and he seemed completely sober.

In other words, he was seriously making this statement.

“Tell me more.”

“The truth is, before I had the accident, I made a small investment. It’s in cryptocurrency.”


Although Yu Kyung-seok wasn’t an expert in cryptocurrencies, he knew as much as the average person. 

As of 2025, the cryptocurrency market had seen only a few major players survive, while the rest had hit rock bottom. 

Trading volumes were also at their lowest, making it nearly impossible to make money unless one took significant leverage.

So, he had put money into that gambling market where mining farms and whales had also taken a hit?

“Usually, that would end in liquidation. But seeing your face, it seems different.”

“After waking up three years later, the units had changed. Take a look here.”

He opened the app of a reputable exchange that he used to track his investments. 

Yu Kyung-seok widened his eyes as he personally confirmed the amount of 320 billion won.

“Is this real? It’s not some kind of simulated investment, is it?”

“Father, you know that it’s impossible for anyone to manipulate this exchange app, right?”

Unable to believe it, Yu Kyung-seok held onto his son’s phone and checked the trading assets and transaction history.

His heart began to race.

If this is true… if it’s really…

Naturally, he took the phone out of his father’s hands and sat down on the sofa.

“I want control of Silla Energy. Help me acquire the shares. In return, I’ll prevent the bond issue.”

Yu Kyung-seok calmed his excitement and sat across from his son. 

It wasn’t bad to have a serious conversation with his son for once. 

However, he felt himself being drawn in.

“Why Silla Energy all of a sudden?”

“There’s a project going on there with my research team. We can’t just hand out presents to an incompetent management, can we?”

He was talking about replacing the current management. 

Without realizing it, he found himself nodding along.

“No, you can’t do that. Regardless of what project you’re planning, you can’t just recklessly replace the management.”

“But it’s almost the season for personnel changes, and it’s not a problem to remove underperforming executives.”

“You’re being too ruthless. If we replace executives again within a year, it will create instability among the group executives.”

While it was said that an executive’s life was as fragile as a fly’s, it wasn’t always the case.

As per group tradition, the first contract given to an executive guaranteed two years.

But to Yu Ji-ha, even that seemed inefficient.

“I’ll guarantee the executives the same annual salary under the contract. Will that work?”

Strictly speaking, it would complicate the accounting as it would involve using Yu Ji-ha’s funds for payment.

However, if the chairman made a decision, that wouldn’t be a problem at all.

“…So you want to gain control of Silla Energy and play around with it? What exactly is this project?”

“I can’t tell you yet, but it will astonish the world.”

“Surely it’s not about solid-state batteries, is it?”

Yu Kyung-seok asked, knowing that it didn’t make sense, but still couldn’t help himself.

However, his son’s response was magnificent.

“It’s not something as trivial as that.”

Solid-state batteries are trivial?

It seemed like his son had completely changed in some aspects but still clung to his showmanship.

Originally, Yu Kyung-seok wanted to give him an executive position to familiarize himself with management, but…

“It wouldn’t be bad for him to learn by breaking on the front lines.”

Silla Energy had been deemed nonviable by major consulting services.

The only way to survive was to completely reorganize the deficit and focus on the city gas and charging businesses.

Given the situation, it didn’t seem like a bad idea to entrust it to his son.

There was nothing more to lose anyway.

Yu Kyung-seok pressed the intercom button.

“Energy executives, gather now.”

It was about time to leave.

He said goodbye to his father and walked outside, only to receive a call from an unknown number.

–This is Shin Ha-yoon, your fiancée.


—Where have you been? Why didn’t you call?

The sharp, accusing voice had no trace of goodwill.

Couldn’t she at least ask if he was okay, even if it was just empty words?

“I answered the wrong number.”

He hung up the phone.

Let’s see how this plays out.

Despite being rejected, Shin Ha-yoon had tried to contact him in various ways—calls, messages, texts, and even letters.

When someone passing by handed him a note and quickly ran away, he raised his hands and sighed.

—Fine. Let’s meet at the café in Cheongdam-dong.

Surprisingly, she arrived earlier than the agreed-upon time and was waiting for him.

She had a dazzling appearance, with a white blouse and a striking red flared skirt.

Her long hair, reminiscent of a shampoo advertisement, made him admire it.

‘To maintain that hair, she must spend at least three hours a day on it.’

She must have the confidence to spend that much time to maintain herself at a level worthy of it.

As he entered the room, Shin Ha-yoon slowly crossed her legs.

“Long time no see. Are you doing well?”

“You ask so quickly. Well, I’m not doing too bad.”

She scrutinized Yu Ji-ha’s physique.

“Your body looks really good… I’m curious about how you are in bed.”

Such a provocative woman.

Before Yu Ji-ha could say anything, she continued.

“About the broken engagement, you know, right?”

“Of course, I know. Did you cause all this fuss because of that?”

Her enthusiasm waned at his surprisingly indifferent reaction.

Could it be that he had forgotten about their passionate nights in the past due to partial amnesia?

Well, it didn’t matter.

She had no intention of giving up on Yu Ji-ha, not because she loved him, but because she wanted to escape from her grandfather.

If things continued like this, she would end up marrying a man with an unappealing face.

So she had to use this man to her advantage.

“Well, that works out. Let’s pretend we never talked about the broken engagement, and you should understand that too.”

“What are you talking about? If we broke off the engagement, that should be the end of it. It was decided within the family.”

“I originally planned for it to be that way, but I’ve changed my mind. Anyway, do as I say.”

Her statement subtly revealed her superiority.

Yu Ji-ha realized what kind of relationship the original had with the woman in front of him.

‘It appears to be a typical case of manipulation. The original relied heavily on Shin Ha-yoon.’

Assuming the original was naive, what did she want?

It couldn’t be just a simple desire for possession.

“Breaking off the engagement means breaking off the engagement. Our fathers have already settled things, so it’s not for us to say anything.”

He even resorted to mentioning their parents, but she just smirked.

“If I say one word, I can change everything. Don’t think about it, just follow me.”

“I’m sorry, but I have no intention of seeing you anymore. Let’s end it today, and I hope you don’t contact me again.” 

“I can’t believe you’ve turned so cold and mean after whimpering and calling me ‘nuna’ just a few years back.”

As she slyly undid a button on her shirt, revealing her chest, Yu Ji-ha remained unfazed.

He was the top pilot of the Unified Space Force and a hero of humanity.

There used to be fierce competition among women in front of the officers’ quarters just to spend a night with him.

He had been with hundreds of women, so it was unlikely that Shin Ha-yoon would catch his eye.

“Is that all you wanted to say?”

“…No. The real matter is this.”

She took out an invitation from her handbag.

“Noblesse Club.”

Arma had provided the information.

[It seems to be a social gathering for the third-generation chaebol heirs. 

They hold a party at their private residence every year-end.]

“You said you wanted this, didn’t you? If you talk nicely, I might be able to get it for you.”

While there was some interest in meeting new people and exploring possibilities, she wasn’t worth investing his time in.

“No need. And if that’s all you have to say, let’s just end it here. I’m busy.”

“Silla Energy Research Institute? What’s so important about a company with a stock price of less than 10,000 won?”

“There are some minor matters. Anyway, I’m leaving.”

He stood up to leave, but she commanded him with an authoritative voice.


“… “

If he were the original, he might have obediently acted like a well-trained dog, but that was no longer the case.

“Why are you acting so forceful? If I decide it’s over, it’s over.”

Instantly, her expression turned fierce.

“No one can end our relationship unless I decide to end it. Sit down.”

“Forget it and don’t contact me again.”

Saying that, he walked out of the room, but Shin Ha-yoon flicked her finger.

A burly man entered and firmly grabbed Yu Ji-ha’s arm and shoulder.

“Sit down.”

“Don’t do something you’ll regret.”

Yu Ji-ha warned, but she smirked and raised her chin.

“I heard you’re weak against physical pressure. Should I shout or something?”

“Is there even a need for that?”

He grabbed the man’s arm and exerted force.

With an overwhelming strength surpassing human limits, the man’s arm snapped, and he fell to his knees in pain.


“… “

Shin Ha-yoon stood up in astonishment, and the man broke into a cold sweat, unable to move.

“Don’t exert force to the point of breaking someone’s arm. And Shin Ha-yoon, this is your warning. There won’t be a second chance.”

As he released his grip, the man retreated, nursing his broken arm. 

And from her, a low, menacing voice emanated.

“… So you want to get away from me like that?”

“It’s not that I want to get away, it’s already over. Should I say it again? We’re finished.”

“Fine. But don’t regret it later. Experience how I’ll behave.”

“Do as you wish.”

Shin Ha-yoon turned on her heel and walked out, leaving the stumbling man behind. He muttered under his breath.

“Damn… Hey, Yu Ji-ha.”

“If you keep blabbering, I’ll break your jaw.”

The man could only stutter and remain silent under the intensity of Yu Ji-ha’s gaze.

That gaze did not belong to a scion of a chaebol family taking an oath.

“You dare lay your hands on someone else’s body? Try it one more time. I’ll throw you into the sun.”

[That last statement doesn’t suit this era, Master.]

Nevertheless, the man stood there, sweating profusely, unable to utter a word. 

Yu Ji-ha picked up the invitation and left the café.

‘That girl was quite resourceful, managing to secure the invitation.’

“It’s a gathering of talents from the business world. I should take a look. By the way, did you attach the drones?”

[I attached three. They will take turns and provide information for up to 30 days.]

“If there’s anything unusual, report it to me.”

[Yes. But, Master… May I create a physical form?]

A physical form referred to an artificially made body.

Originally, within the United Human Federation, it was prohibited for artificial intelligence to possess a physical form.

However, in this era, with Yu Ji-ha’s permission, it was entirely possible.

“What’s gotten into you all of a sudden?”

[If I have a body, I can serve as your secretary and aide. I can adapt flexibly even in situations like just now.]

“Isn’t that what you wanted to emulate from Shin Ha-yoon?”

All artificial intelligences are designed to emulate the personality and emotions of their original model.

Her model was a woman named Lucia, whom Yu Ji-ha was familiar with.

“Was Lucia of that body type? Well, it’s somewhat similar.”

They had gone through many experiences together, this woman with brown skin and black hair. She was Yu Ji-ha’s senior, lover, and life companion.

However, she had lost her life before their promise could be fulfilled.

As the answer was delayed, Arma became impatient.


Yu Ji-ha snapped out of his reverie.

“It should be fine. In the future, we might even need androids as employees, so do some modeling that suits that purpose. Show it to me before you create it.”

[Yes, Master. I will prepare quickly.]

“No need to rush. The repair of the Settler is a priority.”


“Surely you haven’t already finished the modeling, have you?”

No response.

The car carrying Yu Ji-ha suddenly accelerated.


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