Dictator From Outer Space

Chapter 59: The Birth of the United Human Federation

Chapter 59: The Birth of the United Human Federation

The reporters were bewildered.

They didn’t know where the island was, how it was formed, or how big it was.

Some people even didn’t believe in the existence of the island.

How could an island suddenly appear in the Pacific? Was that possible?

But the US officially confirmed it and Yu Ji-ha held a press conference right after, so they had to listen for now.

“The island is definitely bigger than Jeju Island and it rises about tens of meters above sea level. There are no mountains and most of it is flat.”

“Maybe it was an underwater terrain before, but you can feel the wind mixed with salt when you walk on the island. It’s worse than reclaimed land, so we have to remove the salt.”

“I can’t tell you the location, but I have the ownership of the island with the cooperation of the US military. That’s all. Any questions?”

A reporter who got the right to speak stood up.

“You just said it’s yours, but isn’t it South Korea’s property?”

“No. South Korea has nothing to do with that island. It’s mine.”

“You’re South Korean. Did you apply for citizenship in another country?”

His voice was rising, which was not Yu Ji-ha’s imagination.

He leaned his elbows on the podium and said.

“I won’t be South Korean on that island. I’m going to establish a country. Next question, please.”

Another reporter came forward.

“You said a country, do you mean you’re going to establish a personal country in the Pacific?”

“That’s correct.”

“Who will recognize that?”

“Can you name any country or force that won’t recognize it?”

The confident reporter became speechless.

He couldn’t find such a country when he thought about it.

The US military was cooperating with him, so the recognition of other countries didn’t matter much.

Russia? They were barely able to come out to the Pacific.

If an Oscar-class strategic submarine appeared in the Pacific, three Virginia-class attack submarines would follow it. That was not an exaggeration.

And there was a rumor that there was some kind of agreement between Russia and Yu Ji-ha.

He had rented some land in the south of Kamchatka Peninsula, but Russia didn’t allow access, so it was not yet identified.

Japan? They had some discord with the US lately, but they were still under their influence. 

And China was not worth mentioning.

They were at war with Taiwan and they didn’t have enough troops to send there.

The countries in the South Pacific didn’t have enough power to reach there.

The reporter who eliminated one by one had to sit down awkwardly.

Yu Ji-ha said.

“I’ll get help from the US for now, but I’ll soon set up an independent government and create an army. We plan to select and accept citizens from all over the world.”

There were not many microstates that had been born so far.

There were more than 100 places that declared themselves as countries by exploiting loopholes in laws, such as Sealand Principality or North Sudan Kingdom.

But no country took them seriously.

Sealand Principality was more like a hobby and North Sudan Kingdom was recognized by Egypt but had no actual activity and was disbanded.

Of course, claiming is free and considering Yu Ji-ha’s actions and developments so far, there was enough possibility.

But they couldn’t imagine that the world would recognize his country.

A reporter asked.

“What’s the name of your country?”

“The United Human Federation.”


Laughter erupted among the reporters.

The United Human Federation?

Wasn’t that too grandiose?

Don’t mess with me!

There are four main requirements for establishing a country in this era.

People, territory, government, sovereignty.

If you look at the forces that have not been recognized as countries so far, you can see that one or more of these four requirements are missing.

But the United Human Federation that Yu Ji-ha just declared meets all four requirements even though it was just born.

“Currently, there are two members of the United Human Federation, namely me and Arma Ashford. We will grant residency to those who are recognized as global citizens and we will also consider citizenship.”

“Currently, the territory of the United Human Federation is Terra Island in the North Pacific. I can’t tell you the location, but I want to make it clear that it is an independent territory that cannot be infringed by other countries.”

“A government that can negotiate with other countries will also be created soon, and we will not apply for membership in the UN.”

The reporters were more surprised by his statement about the UN than anything else.

He wouldn’t even apply for membership?

Considering that microstates tried to join the UN as observers so far, it was unexpected.

That meant that he wouldn’t be able to get mediation in many international issues that could arise in the future.

He also wouldn’t be able to apply for various projects that the UN was promoting.

Of course, being a UN member doesn’t guarantee the identity of a country.

Just look at Taiwan.

They were not a UN member and they had few diplomatic relations, but they had an independent government and exercised sovereignty.

Anyway, as a new country, not applying for membership in the UN meant one of two things.

It was a hobby and he didn’t need to join, or he was so great that he didn’t need the coordination of international organizations.

Most reporters were negative.

“Even the US tried to get the approval of the UN until the end when they attacked Iraq…”

“He might trust the US for now, but what will he do after that?”

“I wonder if he can chase them away if countries like Japan send warships to protest.”

On the other hand, there was also a view that Yu Ji-ha had lost his trust in international organizations due to a series of incidents.

“It’s true that you can’t do anything if the permanent members oppose it, right?”

“They can attach the clause of solidarity for peace to anything they want. The permanent members are the only ones who can do that.”

“They teamed up with the EU and revised the space treaty. It was a mess.”

Even as whispers were heard, Yoo Jiha’s presentation continued.

“The United Human Federation may be regarded as a joke for now. It does not represent humanity, nor is it a union. But it will change in the future.”

“Finally, I will show you the flag-raising ceremony.”

The laptop screen turned on and showed a video of Yu Ji-ha’s business jet flying in the sky.

Soon, the door opened and someone jumped out with a backpack.

It was not a person, but an android Lucia made by Boston Dynamics.

Then, a parachute opened and Lucia landed on the soggy ground.

And a flag with an eagle spreading its wings fluttered.

“That concludes the declaration of the founding of the United Human Federation. What I’m handing out now is a press release.”

Another android Lucia went around among the people and handed out press releases.

The reporters sneered as they confirmed the exact pattern of the flag.

“What kind of Rome is this…”

“Isn’t this the United Empire, not the United Human Federation?”

Some reporters also discussed the identity of the United Human Federation seriously.

“An android raising a flag… This seems to show the future national identity.”

“If you include artificial intelligence Lucia, I don’t know what will happen.”

“Considering Yu Ji-ha’s ability, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call it a corporate state.”

“The problem is what happens next. The political circles won’t stay still.”

“By the way, who brought her here?”

They were talking about the android Lucia who landed on the island.

She must have brought herself here somehow.

—Yu Ji-ha, chairman, founded the United Human Federation on an island in the Pacific Ocean.

-This country has nothing to do with South Korea and claims its own sovereignty.

This news was announced in South Korea and completely buried the news of the war between the two sides.

It was such a shocking news.

The internet was in an uproar about when such an island was created.

—Did that island appear because of the Pacific earthquake?

—That earthquake caused tuna prices to skyrocket. Tuna shake is now dead.

—So what? Is it over with declaring a country?

—Isn’t there a law that says that land acquired by South Koreans belongs to Korea?

—There should be no unclaimed land in this world. This is unprecedented.

—I heard it’s much bigger than Jeju Island… I’m jealous…

—It’s fine to declare it, but what about defense? The US military will leave soon. They said they won’t join UN either.

—They’re totally crazy.

—Well, if you have amazing abilities, you don’t need to join UN. The problem is that the hurdle is too high.

—But who discovered it first?

-It’s obvious. The Pacific is the US backyard, so the US discovered it and Yu Ji-ha quickly negotiated with them.

-Can I become a citizen of United Human Federation if I go there?

-They said they’ll accept pre-registration for permanent residency soon, but it seems pretty strict. They look at age and ability and everything.

-But what’s going to happen… The political circles won’t stay still.

The situation spread to the media and there was always a press team waiting in front of Shilla Group.

Silla Hi-Tech’s railgun was showing amazing performance in the war between the two sides, and there was even a claim that Iron Beam was also made by Shilla Hi-Tech.

-So what? Is Silla Hi-Tech blocking China?

-It’s ridiculous to block China with two weapon systems.

-That’s why there are US Aegis ships equipped with SM-6 missiles in the West Sea. China might get angry and shoot missiles at us.

The competition for coverage continued every day and now people didn’t care much about what happened in parliament.

The only interest they had was hatred for the opposition party.

The anti-China sentiment was at its peak.

—If they have any conscience, they should stay quiet until the general election?

—I wish they would tie them up and throw them into the Taiwan Strait.

The first-term lawmakers of the opposition party were in a hurry.

They were likely to fall off their horses in the upcoming general election in April.

Wouldn’t it be better to do something than end their political life in their first term?

So they decided to get involved in the land that Yu Ji-ha acquired.

They didn’t worry much about the possibility of backlash.

He had made enemies all over the world and his options were very limited.

—Maybe he can go to America or Russia, but if he goes to Russia, there will be a lot of interference in management. President Putin is very famous for that.

—There are a lot of Democrats in the US. It would be better to stay in Korea and guarantee his management.

—A 50-year exclusive development right and the business right from it should be enough, right?

They thought so and campaigned for it within the party, but the opposition was not easy.

“Because of the retroactive application of this bill, it will be unconstitutional. I don’t want to pass a bill that has holes from the start.”

“Think carefully. It may be unconstitutional, but it’s enough for pressure. He can’t leave South Korea, you know. You can tell by the fact that he rejected the US proposal.”

“Chairman Yu is patriotic, even if his behavior is a bit questionable. He won’t leave this country.”

“···Is it okay to push such a patriot like this?”

The specialist member threw a doubtful look, but the majority members calmed him down.

“Oh, come on, we’re not really pushing Chairman Yu.”

“Isn’t it the basic of negotiation to throw in the beginning and gradually compromise? If 50 years of lease is too much, we are willing to give 100 years of lease as well.”

“That’s enough for Chairman Yu’s grandson to manage.”

The important thing was to get a spoon in Tera Island.

They were desperate for the general election.

But this public opinion war ran into Yu Ji-ha’s resistance from the start.

He held a press conference and declared this.

“If any bill regarding Terra Island comes up on the National Land Committee, Silla Group will become a company of another country, not South Korea. Please keep that in mind.”

The opposition members were outraged by his warning to move his headquarters.

“Is he threatening us or what?”

“How can a mere businessman threaten a congressman who represents the people? This is unacceptable.”

“The country is going backwards.”

“No matter what, the bill will be submitted to the plenary session without any problem.”

“I understand.”

It was Yu Ji-ha’s last word.

Soon after, rumors circulated in Yeouido securities market that Silla Group might leave Korea and move its headquarters.

The opposition members insisted that it was impossible, but all Silla Group employees were given paid leave.

Even the marine development stopped working, and the supply of black metal was cut off.

Employees, as well as companies and countries that had to receive batteries, asked the government what was going on.

It was unbelievable for President Jo Hyung-geun.

He immediately called in the opposition members.

“I’ve been watching because it’s a matter of Congress, but I can’t do it anymore. Withdraw the bill immediately and restore it to its original state.”

The members made a fuss at his firm words.

“We’ve come this far and we can’t do that.”

“I don’t understand why you are intervening. Aren’t you too involved?”

“Our goal is not to make Chairman Yu completely surrender. There is some room for compromise, you know. So···”

At that moment, President Jo Hyung-geun’s fist slammed on the table.

“Are you out of your mind! Do you think you can negotiate with Chairman Yu right now? Do you know where he is right now? He’s in Moscow!”

“If he goes to such a dictator···”

A member tried to say something but stopped when he saw President Jo Hyung-geun’s face turn red.

He was famous for his temper that exploded without warning and didn’t spare anyone.

“Do you think he’s tying my feet! Do you know what will happen if Yu Jiha really moves his company to Russia?”

“What will happen?”

“Russia will get N···”

At that moment, President Jo Hyung-geun’s mouth shut tight.

He realized that it was not a good idea to mention NCM bullets.

If the secret leaked out, the US Navy 7th Fleet stationed near Taiwan would turn its direction to Korea.

Not only that?

President McKinley of the United States might visit Korea within two days.

And this was just a local problem.

It was horrifying to imagine what Russia would do with NCM technology.

If things went like that, Jo Hyung-geun would be recorded as a fool who handed over NCM bullets to another country in later generations.

He shook his head and growled.

“Listen carefully. Withdraw the bill right now and go apologize to Chairman Yu. If you don’t, I’ll mobilize the prosecution. I’ll expose every single thing that your senior member Lee Hong-sik received from him. Do you understand?”

The members were startled.

Was there such a thing?

Well, how much did he receive and how could the other members be clean?

The media also highlighted this point at the time, but it was swept away as the situation changed rapidly.

“The former president asked me to look after him, and I agreed. We should fight in Congress, not break it down. But if you come out like this, I’ll be in trouble too.”

He even tried to call the prosecutor general.

The first-term members got up and stopped him.

“Oh, Mr. President!”

“We’re not saying we’re going to do that···”

The situation was reversed in an instant.

President Jo Hyung-geun sent them out with the condition that they completely withdraw the bill and never bring it up again.

And he called Yu Ji-ha.

“I’m sorry. The first-term members seem to have made a fuss without knowing anything, but please be generous.”

―I have no intention of making trouble as long as the problem is solved.

“That’s refreshing. I’ll make up for the loss by revising the corporate tax.”

―That would be nice.

“···But President Yu, why did you go to Moscow?”

―Oh, it’s nothing big. I ordered more mining ships and new cargo ships.

“I’m asking out of curiosity, but after the base is established on Terra Island···”

―I promise you this. As long as you don’t touch it, Silla Group will not move in Korea.


A silent sigh escaped.

He had to go north in the first half of the year, and it was very difficult without Yu Ji-ha’s cooperation.

“That’s what I wanted to hear. Please help me in the future. Oh, don’t forget to deliver the railgun and ion beam as scheduled.”

―I understand.


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