Dictator From Outer Space

Chapter 24: Space Exploration and the Railgun Proposal

Chapter 24: Space Exploration and the Railgun Proposal

“I had originally planned to wait until you turned forty…”

Chairman Yu Kyung-seok said in a serious tone after they finished their meal and he offered some tea.

He took a sip of the warm liquid and cleared his throat.

“During this incident… I realized a lot of things. My group was boycotted, and I was powerless to stop it.”

“I only managed to get out of it because I was lucky enough to have these abilities.”

His son tried to comfort him, but he shook his head.

“No, I don’t think I could have handled it any better if I were in your shoes. Who can withstand a boycott from the Japanese government? You made the right decision to resolve it quickly.”

Otherwise, the pro-Japanese factions would have interfered with the mediation.

Japan’s power didn’t disappear just because they lacked Black Metal.

They might not be able to compete with China, but they still had a lot of influence in the country.

He waited quietly for his father to continue.

He was probably going to say…

“After assessing everything, I decided that you are capable of leading a part of the group. No, you are even more outstanding than me. You handle everything so smoothly and quietly. You said there is no overtime because you distribute the workload well.”

“I just created a system and made the employees follow it.”

“That’s exactly what the group needs right now. I want you to take on the role of vice chairman.”

Vice chairman at thirty-three years old.

It was a bit early, but not unheard of in the history of Korean corporations.

Lee Hong-joon of Global Chemical had inherited the chairmanship at thirty-one years old.

He tried to decline once, but his father smiled and held his hand.

“Isn’t it a generous offer? If the group is going to be devoured from the outside, it’s better to do it from within.”

“You knew about it.”

“I could tell by your interest in marine development. You must have also thought about delisting Silla Energy.”

“Haha, you can see right through me, Father.”

“You have a lot on your plate, so I’ll make it brief. Take charge of energy, auto, and electronics. I’ll sort out the shares and transfer them to you gradually.”

“Also, I would like to have the defense industry as well.”

Chairman Yu Kyung-seok frowned.

“Silla Hi-Tech? You know their situation, don’t you?”

Silla Hi-Tech.

It wasn’t a leading defense company in South Korea, but it had recently failed several projects and was struggling to survive.

Especially, the failure to meet the ROC (Required Operational Capability) in the next-generation border surveillance drone system project was a huge blow.

The goal was to monitor and patrol beyond the border fences as a replacement for the GOP forces, but it proved difficult to operate at night and in bad weather conditions.

Hansung Inotech had barely met the ROC, but the Army authorities were not satisfied.

“I have a rough idea, and I also have a perfect idea for that.”

Chairman Yu chuckled and scratched his cheek.

“An idea… I remember when you said you had a good idea before, I secretly smiled to myself. And then you showed me the achievement called ‘Black Metal’.”

“You won’t regret it.”

“Everyone is praising you at the National Business Federation meetings these days. They even give me approving nods.”

“If I’ve made you proud, can I ask for one thing for myself?”

“What do you mean?”

“I want to set up a subsidiary company. I’ll name it Starfield.”

“Unless I heard wrong, that sounds like it’s related to the space industry.”

“You heard right. We’re going to explore space in the future.”

Oh my, what a surprise.

Chairman Yu put his hand on his forehead and said.

“Do you know how much our country’s total budget for space-related matters was last year?”

“I have an idea. Wasn’t it around 32 billion?”

“The government has completely withdrawn its support. How do you plan to get any help from them?”

“I don’t need any help. Well, I’ll have to rent a launch site, though.”

With such a confident attitude, Chairman Yu couldn’t help but sigh.

“It’s hard to build a single rocket even if you spend billions. I don’t know if you’re dreaming of a Korean SpaceX, but that was possible in the US. It’s almost impossible here.”

“I know it’s difficult. But I still want to try it. I’ll start small, and make sure it doesn’t affect our main business. You don’t have to worry.”

Thinking of it as a hobby-like venture, Chairman Yu reluctantly agreed.

“Fine… Okay, call the executives and announce the personnel changes by today. They’ve been eagerly waiting for the supply of Black Metal, so mention that too.”


Chairman Yu watched his son leave and felt excited.

But at the same time, he wondered how long he could last before giving up.

“He earned the money himself, so he’ll figure it out on his own.”

He gathered the executives of the subsidiaries entrusted to him.

“Congratulations on your promotion.”

“Nice to meet you, Vice Chairman.”

The respectful tone towards the thirty-three-year-old Vice Chairman was because they had seen what he could do.

He had made Japan surrender after they started the boycott, which meant that any executive who showed a hint of defiance would be in serious trouble.

However, Vice Chairman Yu didn’t intend to establish his authority from the start.

“Silla Electronics will stay as it is for now. As for the Auto division, we will supply the batteries as planned, so please test the prototype products.”

“We’ve been waiting for those words.”

President Im Sang-hyun nodded.

“Oh, and we will also install the algorithms as scheduled. Please get ready for testing. We will do internal tests and K-City tests.”

“We will start pilot production as soon as we get the modules.”

He said that, but President Im was worried.

The batteries alone were a huge project for the future.

When would they have time to design and implement the algorithms?

He didn’t doubt Vice Chairman Yu’s skills, but there was simply not enough time.

They had to follow his orders.

“And about the Defense division… There are many problems, right?”

“I have nothing to report.”

The one who nodded was not the president but Manager Oh.

He had taken over after the former CEO resigned suddenly.

Silla Hi-Tech was working on two drone-related projects, but they were in chaos.

The rest of their business was minor projects like rifle upgrades and parts supply.

They were barely keeping up the reputation of being a defense company.

He looked at Vice Chairman Yu.

“For now, focus on the bulletproof plate. It has been discussed with the government, so contact the factory and arrange the delivery.”


“Also, compile the specifications and issues of the tank-mounted drones and surveillance drones and send a report to the secretary’s office. As soon as possible.”

“Yes… Yes?”

Manager Oh looked up in surprise at the sudden request.

Did he want him to deal with the autonomous driving algorithm too?

He knew that Silla Hi-Tech was behind in the algorithm field, but it was a different domain.

It wasn’t something that a former AI researcher with a master’s degree, who had quit and punched someone a few years ago, could handle.

But what could he do?

The other person was the new Vice Chairman who had made Japan surrender.

He didn’t want to show his weakness in their first meeting.

He quickly nodded and lightly touched Vice Chairman Yu’s hand, who said,

“I don’t like wasting time. If there are any issues, report them right away, and give feedback promptly.”

“Yes, understood.”

“From now on, we will also have meetings through video conferencing, so be prepared. And I know you have internal energy matters to deal with, but I will also give you work instructions. When you access the energy server, there is a task management tool, so download that.”


Why did he run things in such an old-fashioned way like in the 80s?

Wasn’t it completely out of sync with the recent trend of horizontal and autonomous human resource management?

The executives had some complaints, but they couldn’t say them out loud.

He looked around at the faces of the executives and stood up.

“That’s all for today. Let’s get to work.”

He didn’t say “let’s have a company dinner”.

Usually, when a vice chairman-level executive took office, there would be at least a modest dinner to celebrate, right?

The executives stood up, speechless because of the unconventional decisions.

In any case, the results would show.

He checked the report on the surveillance drone system through the Arma that he maintained.

This system was supposed to monitor the perimeter instead of relying on human troops.

The army had been guarding the perimeter beyond the fences using CCTV and various functional barriers, but they were full of errors and unreliable.

They were useless at night or in bad weather conditions.

Above all, the frame rate was too low, making it hard for the surveillance staff to identify things properly.

The sensors were too sensitive, triggering alarms even at the slightest movement of leaves.

Of course, they could have reduced the sensitivity, but then they would miss North Korean soldiers who surrendered after crossing the barrier, and they faced harsh criticism.

There was a scandal when a defector managed to reach the barracks, and the whole army was in chaos, leading to a national investigation.

So, the army started a project to implement a boundary system using drones.

These drones would detach from the station and patrol the surroundings, alerting the control room if they detected any unusual activity.

It was an impressive innovation that they could return to the station for recharging when their batteries ran low.

The problem was that the process was not smooth.

It was not easy to design a flight algorithm that could scan every corner of a vast area without missing any spots.

After inspecting the source code, Arma shook its head.

“It’s a complete spaghetti code.”

“So, do you think it will work with the current hardware?”

“It’s not perfect, but it should be enough to divide and patrol the areas. The challenge is in positioning when returning to the station.”

This project had been criticized as a hopeless task from the start.

Even the US and China, known for their advanced technology, had given up.

The common pessimism was, “How can we succeed when they couldn’t?”

But the army authorities were afraid of their shrinking manpower.

If they couldn’t set up an unmanned system, the GOP line could be easily breached.

However, Arma had a slightly different goal in mind.

“Try catching the drones with one arm.”

“But that will increase the cost, won’t it?”

“It doesn’t matter. And let’s attach a submachine gun underneath.”

And so, the drone model was completed.

It could fly autonomously, monitor the assigned areas, and even engage in localized combat.

If we added noise reduction technology, waterproofing, and bulletproof features, we would have a fully equipped lethal drone.

Arma raised an eyebrow.

“Are you thinking of replacing manpower with this instead of androids?”

“It’s hard to send troops abroad. We’ll use this to protect smart farms. Encrypt the source code and design it for mass production.”

“Understood. And sir, they have arrived.”

They meant the android employees who would be involved in space development.

As Arma opened the door, several men came in.

“Hello, sir.”

“Nice to meet you.”

Arma examined them carefully.

They looked almost indistinguishable from Koreans.

“Hmm… Is the habit implementation done as well?”

“Don’t worry, sir. We’ve taken care of every detail, so there’s no way we’ll be exposed.”

“Good. Set up a company and contact the government. Make a manual based on the materials from NASA and JAXA.”

They had obtained a lot of data from JAXA and NASA in exchange for accepting Japan’s apology.

Inside, there were ion engine and spacecraft design technologies that NASA hadn’t shared.

Of course, Arma had no intention of using such outdated technology in their space development.

It was just to show that they didn’t start from scratch.

The real deal was the reinterpretation of the Settler, resulting in the creation of ion thrusters and Black Metalprojectiles.

With a spacecraft built this way, it could fly through the atmosphere without needing fuel tanks or boosters.

But there was one thing they had to do before doing all these processes.

The researchers, who were almost abandoned and neglected, looked at the desolate scenery of Naro Space Center.

“Let’s start with cleaning. Hire a company to send people.”

He will take care of the acquisition.

Naro Space Center had been left unused and lonely, but it still had an owner.

They contacted the representative of the owner’s representative.

“Mr. President, I want to acquire Naro Space Center entirely.”


President Lee Hyun-seong was silent for a while.

Did he think I was a young entrepreneur who was hard to communicate with? Was my statement too rash?

—Vice Chairman Yu, how much money has been invested in Naro Space Center?

“Initially, about 330 billion won was invested, and another 50 billion won was invested for facility expansion. It would increase more with the projectiles.”

—Naro Space Center is a national asset. It can’t be sold without the approval of the legislature.

“I’m asking for your help, Mr. President, including that.”

—Hmm… I might have considered it if I were in the opposition. Let me hear it.

“I will build a railgun for you.”

There was silence for a while.

The president, who had a strong interest in the military, might not know what a railgun was, or he might be surprised.

—I told you before, didn’t I? The TF railgun project has been canceled. The researchers have dispersed, and the facilities have been abandoned for a long time.

“I understand. I will acquire the research facilities and hire new researchers. I will make it operational within a year.”

The sweet temptation of being operational within a year appealed to the president.

Of course, his term would end before the year was over, so he couldn’t make the railgun a political achievement.

But he had to think about the future of South Korea.

—Even though I know that Vice Chairman Yu doesn’t make empty promises, I can’t help but ask. Our technology level is far behind the US. It’s not just about the barrel and the capacitors; there are many challenges. Is it really possible?

Even if we had to start from scratch, it didn’t matter.

The one-year timeline was just to secure a minimum level of credibility.

“Meeting the ROC required by the Navy, initial production, and integration can be done within a year. After that, there will be various administrative factors like testing and operationalization, but let’s put those aside for now.”

—I would like to approve it right away, but this is not a decision I can make alone. Let me think about it.

“As much time as you need.”

Of course, he knew that President Lee Hyun-seong would come up with a favorable answer.

It was better to transfer the space center to the private sector and make use of it rather than letting it rot.

Although it was left abandoned, the annual maintenance cost alone exceeded 2 billion won, so there was no reason to refuse.

But he felt that he needed to present some additional opposition.

He couldn’t openly announce that we would build a railgun.

China had a significant influence over South Korea and had interfered more than the US in the past.

They were always ready to impose economic sanctions.

The politicians in Beijing would run away at the slightest cough.

Soon, a phone call came.

—The announcement of the battery factory site is coming soon. Can it be changed?

“We can consider the preferences of both the ruling party and the opposition party in choosing the local government.”

It would be better for the future to build it in the southern region, but it didn’t matter much. We weren’t the ones paying for it.

–That’s good to hear. Both parties are willing to accept the battery factory in their regions. But the condition is that Vice Chairman Yu must attend the groundbreaking ceremony.

‘They sure love political ceremonies.’

“Understood, I accept the conditions.”

—By the way, if we want to develop the railgun, wouldn’t Silla Hi-Tech alone be insufficient?

Recently, domestic defense companies had been suffering from continuous losses.

The economic downturn had affected national defense, leading to the cancellation of various projects.

So, chaebols with defense companies were thinking of how to pass the burden to others.

As the president, he would know about these difficulties.

I brought up my hidden intention, expecting something in return.

“I actually want to acquire a defense company, but I need government approval. Can you help me?”

—As long as it doesn’t involve going abroad, I have no objections. Since Vice Chairman Yu will make significant investments in the defense sector, I will support you as much as possible.

Of course, that was ultimately for the reconstruction of United Humanity Federation.

Korea had to become one of the pillars of United Humanity Federation.

“For now, I’m considering Hanseong Inotec.”

—That company is quite large. They have recently mentioned considering selling, so they should agree as long as you offer reasonable conditions.

“Thank you for your permission. I will proceed accordingly.”

–You’re welcome. By the way, the new company you set up… Is it related to space?

“Yes, as I said before. You said you would assist us, Mr. President.”

—Did my heart just skip a beat? I was wondering what else you would ask for this time.

Despite asking for various things, it seemed like the President enjoyed talking with Vice Chairman Yu.

It might seem like he was making many demands, but ultimately, it would help his political achievements.

“You only need to announce one presidential decree. It should state that Korean private entities can explore and secure space resources without any restrictions.”

—Hmm… As far as I know, there are no specific limitations, but is it because of the UN Outer Space Treaty?

“Yes, the US issued an executive order with those provisions a few years ago. I asked because Korea hasn’t taken any measures in response.”

It was an expected situation since there were no private companies seriously venturing into space in the first place.

In Korea, laws are hastily added after all kinds of side effects emerge.

A cheerful voice came through the phone.

—Excellent. I’ll discuss it with my secretaries and announce the presidential decree later.

“I have one more thing. Actually, this is also related to the Navy.”

—What is it?

“To mount a railgun with a range of over 500km and two barrels, we need the output of the Sejong the Great-class ships. It would be better to create a dedicated platform.”

–It’s a new project… The Navy would be happy. Wait, if the railgun has two barrels and is mounted on Func and Hammi, then it’s like the battleships used in World War II… Oo

“While the US has Zumwalt, Korea can’t just dismantle the Sejong the Great-class ships, can it?”

—That’s right. If we have one ship docked, it could affect operations. So, we need a new platform… If we are sure about the railgun, of course, we can proceed, but…

“It would be great if Silla Heavy Industries could handle the design and construction.”

—Haha, it sounds like you’ve already developed it, haven’t you?

“I’ll share good news with you soon.”

—I have one concern. I wonder if Vice Chairman Yu has acquired citizenship somewhere else… Being the one who has done amazing things, there’s no guarantee that other countries won’t tempt him with sweet offers.

“I am Korean, and I will stay Korean in the future. You don’t have to wo

rry about that.”

He didn’t lie about keeping his Korean identity.

Anyway, since Korea would eventually be part of United Humanity Federation, wasn’t it essentially the same thing?

—That’s the most pleasing thing I’ve heard this year. Great. Let’s trust Vice Chairman Yu and move forward. By the way, it’s late, but congratulations on your promotion.

“Thank you.”

The call ended, and he left the office.

From now on, he will meet with one of Hanseong Group’s seniors.


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