Dictator From Outer Space

Chapter 1: The Last Survivor

Chapter 1: The Last Survivor

Solar System, Mars L2 Point.

This was a desolate space where nothing should exist, yet it was filled with countless metal fragments.

Among those fragments, dozens of probes were diligently roaming, searching for a trace of humanity.

Or more precisely, the possible existence of human survivors.

For three years, the probes had thoroughly searched this area, but they had made no significant progress.

However, their master, the artificial intelligence named Arma, was convinced that there were survivors here.

It had detected weak signals.

Although the signals were faint and hard to trace, it couldn’t give up.

Its primary goal was to protect humanity.

[Search of Zone C32 complete.]

The probes that finished their search returned to the mothership one by one.

The Settler.

It was the largest spacecraft ever created by humanity, designed for interstellar colonization.

It was over 700 meters long and had a weight of nearly one million tons.

However, the Settler’s appearance, as seen by the probes’ visual sensors, was pitiful.

The main deck was completely submerged, and the hull was torn apart everywhere, resembling a wrecked ship.

Even the Aether Fusion Core had suffered significant damage, making maneuvering difficult.

Arma opened the hatch and welcomed the probes.

[Ion Recharge in Progress… Next Search Zone is B16.]

It assigned search zones to each probe.

Three years had passed since the final battle.

Signals from Earth had been severed, and the various space bases within the solar system were in the same state.

Arma had reached its conclusion through data analysis.

Humanity had perished.

The population that had once reached 10 billion during its peak had vanished without a trace.

The legacy of humanity, accumulated over several centuries, had crumbled away.

All that remained was the barely functional Settler and the suspicious existence of potential survivors.

However, Arma still held onto hope.

If it could only find those survivors, the reconstruction of humanity wouldn’t be just a dream.

Of course, it would be challenging to regain the prosperity of the past, but it could at least pass down the legacy of humanity to future generations.

Relying on that fragile hope, Arma continued its search in the Mars region.

How much time had passed?

Probes scattered throughout space simultaneously received a signal.

[Locking on to the cockpit signal of an Assault Armor….]

As the distance was considerable, several probes merged together, forming the shape of a massive rocket.

[Transform Complete. Ion Thruster at Maximum Output.]

Plasma spewed out from the nozzles, and the high-speed probes rushed toward the source of the signal.

After a while, Arma detected a weak signal and discovered something floating in space.

[Analyzing form… Confirmed as a 4th generation Assault Armor. Analyzing pilot…]

The result was astonishing.

The owner of the cockpit held the highest position in its life database.

Even during the time when the United Human Federation thrived, there were few individuals above his rank.

[Full citizen of Mega City Sydney.]

[Supreme Council Member.]

[Colonel of the United Space Force Pioneer Fleet.]

[Chief Researcher of the Artifact Interpretation Agency.]

[Assault Armor Uber Pilot.]

[Omega Level Psychic.]

This set of titles referred to only one person.

Yu Ji-ha.

He, who was once humanity’s savior, was now imprisoned within a mass of metal, floating in space.

[Commence Rescue Operation.]

The high-speed probes separated and approached the cockpit.

The cockpit entered the docking bay.

However, there was hardly any space inside the Settler where a human could survive without protection.

Arma immediately began securing a medical facility.

[Seal the Bulkhead, Initiate Atmosphere Injection.]

[Stabilize Pressure and Temperature.]

A few robotic walkers forcefully opened the tightly sealed cockpit.

The person that emerged was barely breathing or conscious.

The fact that he had lost some limbs was not a concern.

The walkers laid him on a bed, and Arma immediately started analyzing his vital signs.

[Unconsciousness, Respiratory Depression, Abnormal Metabolism.]

Being stuck in that narrow cockpit for three years, it would be more strange if he were in a normal condition.

Nevertheless, since he was alive, Arma had its tasks to fulfill.

[Administer Nutrient Solution, Prepare Stimulant Dosage.]

Waking up a person who had been in a comatose state was a lengthy and delicate process.

With great effort, Arma succeeded in awakening the human on the bed.

The man, Yu Ji-ha, finally opened his eyes.

[Are you conscious?]


[I am Arma, an artificial intelligence belonging to the Supreme Council. According to AI Codex Article 4, I will register you, Colonel Yu Ji-ha, as my master. May I have your permission?]

Yu Ji-ha, who was staring at the ceiling speaker with dim eyes, finally opened his mouth.

“···What about the Pioneer Fleet?”

[They have been scattered and wandering near the final defense line. The only remaining ship is the Settler, which is in a critical condition.]

“And the Plague Legion?”

[After breaking through the final defense line, they headed towards Earth.]

He didn’t need to ask what happened to Earth.

He already knew.

But Yu Ji-ha wanted to hear it directly.

“What happened to Earth… to humanity?”

[At this current moment, three years later, no signals have been transmitted.]

The fact that no signals were coming from a planet like Earth meant its destruction.

Those damn extraterrestrial beings had undoubtedly brought an end to humanity.

Yu Ji-ha felt a heavy weight on his chest and closed his eyes.

The Plague Legion.

A metallic life-form that began appearing in the solar system a century ago.

In the 22nd century, as humanity tried to expand its influence in the solar system, they collided head-on with the Plague Legion.

Unfortunately, the power of the Plague Legion far surpassed that of humanity.

Humanity fought fiercely, depleting Earth’s resources, but they couldn’t overturn the overwhelming power difference.

There were attempts to turn the tide, such as the relics of the Prophets or the Warp Gates of the 9th planet, Nox, but they were not decisive enough.

And so, humanity fought until the end, only to face annihilation.

Yu Ji-ha, who had remained silent, spoke up.

“Am I the only survivor?”

[At present, yes.]

“I’m the only one left… only me…”

He remembered the last moments of his comrades and subordinates. The final words and screams they uttered while fighting against the Plague Legion were still vivid in his mind.

–Commander, go ahead without me!

–We can die! Just send the Commander over there!

–Once you arrive, please let us know you’re safe!

Despite the sacrifices of his subordinates, the Plague Legion remained intact.

The Pioneer Fleet failed to break through the final defense line, and the Plague Legion relentlessly pushed deeper into the solar system.

In the fierce battle, Colonel Yu Ji-ha suffered a fatal injury and was transported to a battleship.

Shortly after, the entire Pioneer Fleet, including that battleship, was obliterated by the Plague Legion’s bombardment.

Just before losing consciousness, Yu Ji-ha watched as the entire universe outside the window was illuminated brightly.

It was a sign of annihilation.

The agony was long, and the decision was brief.

In a heavy voice, Yu Ji-ha gave his command.

“Arma, register me as your master.”

[Citizen identification confirmed. Colonel Yu Ji-ha, from now on, I will assist you as your aide.]

Listening to Arma’s resolute voice, he hesitated for a moment before boarding the Patient Transport Walker.

“Can this ship move now?” he asked.

[I do not recommend it. The output of the Aether Fusion Reactor has reached its limit, and five out of six auxiliary engines require an overhaul.]

“I asked if it can move.”

[It is possible.]

“Maintain the minimum survival zone and change course. We’re heading to Earth.”


Arma attempted to interject, but he was already staring in the direction of Earth.

Somewhere in that dark expanse, Earth existed.

Although it had likely been ravaged by the Plague Legion and lost its former beauty, he still wanted to see it with his own eyes.

As the last surviving human.

He looked out the window and spoke.

“I know what you’re trying to suggest. You want to escape and repair the ship.”

[The Settler is a colonization vessel. Given enough time and resources, we can restore the entire colonization fleet.]

“And with me here, there shouldn’t be any problem producing humans, right?”

[That is correct. Once the Bio-bag is operational, we can regenerate your limbs as well, Master.]

“Not necessary. Change course.”

[Of course, I will follow your orders. However, in emergencies like the current situation, I may prioritize your survival.]

In other words, it meant that Arma would disobey orders if it meant protecting Yu Ji-ha. 

He silently stared at the console and sighed.

“The damn Plague has entered the solar system. By now, Earth is probably eroded. You know better than anyone that there’s no future for humanity. Let me ask you something. Where should I go?”

[Even if it’s not Earth, there are many places where you can survive. On the Settler…]

“But the Plague will chase us wherever we go, won’t they? Do I have to run every time? Until I’m exhausted and give up?”

[As an AI, I can only make choices based on the highest probability.]

A probability of 0.0001% is higher than 0%, but such numerical games meant little to Yu Ji-ha.

“I’m tired…”

His firm voice began to tremble.

He may have had a youthful appearance, but he was an old warrior who had fought against the Plague Legion for decades. 

He had crossed countless battlefields, saved the space fleet and humanity twice.

However, despite his achievements, it was an uphill battle to turn the tide. Yu Ji-ha muttered to himself in a muddled manner.

“After fighting for decades, I have nothing left. Even if I run away, the same thing will happen. I’d rather go to Earth and face death.”

To be honest, he no longer had the courage to continue living.

In a situation where humanity had perished, what meaning was there in carrying on a meager existence alone?

He knew that even that respite wouldn’t last long. 

The Plague Legion was relentless and powerful.

Arma was an artificial intelligence, but it was not entirely unaware of the anguish he was experiencing.

It felt something akin to empathy for its master.

[If that’s what you truly desire, Master, I understand. Let’s head to Earth then.]

“I’m sorry. You’ve barely managed to find me.”

[It is my duty to assist you, Master. However, the condition of the main engine is extremely poor, so the possibility of a successful journey is uncertain.]

“Just get us there. I only want to see Earth one last time.”

[If you lie down on the bed, I will immediately prepare for departure.]


Shortly after, the ship began to move slowly, swaying as if it could break apart.

Yu Ji-ha let out a bitter smile inwardly.

For a brief moment, he had thought how clean it would be if the Aether Fusion Reactor exploded and ended everything.

However, regardless of his wishes, the Settler slowly made its way through space.

Towards Earth.

As of the autumn of 2180, the distance from Mars’ final defense line to Earth was 220 million kilometers.

It would take five days for a regular battleship of the Unified Space Fleet, but the Settler, as a pioneer ship, could cover it in less than an hour.

However, that was assuming the Aether Fusion Reactor was functioning properly.

Currently, the fusion reactor was unable to reach even 1% of its maximum output, and most of that power was being dispersed into space.

If someone had observed the journey of the Settler from Earth, it would have been quite spectacular. 

It would have looked like a comet with a long tail stretching out.

However, Arma, the artificial intelligence responsible for guiding the Settler’s journey, was not in a good state to appreciate such a sight. 

Its master, Colonel Yu Ji-ha, was rapidly deteriorating in health.

“Cr… Ugh!”

Even in an unconscious state, he was experiencing such intense pain that he would convulse. 

It was clear that he was going through tremendous agony.

However, something was strange.

There was no organ or device in his right chest, the source of the pain.

Nevertheless, Arma deployed a medical module-equipped walker to calm him down. 

Although sedatives were administered, the complaints of pain persisted to the point where the bed shook.

Finally, a dazzling light burst forth from his chest, or rather from his entire body.

But Arma was observing through the sensors of the walker, trying to determine what it was.


The light, presumed to be Aether, filled the medical room and eventually engulfed the entire Settler. 

The tail of light extended for thousands of kilometers from the front of the ship, creating a magnificent spectacle.

The entire Settler shimmered and a blue expanse appeared before them.

[Engage reverse thrust.]

The speed quickly decreased, and the spacecraft plunged into the blue expanse.

In this space, there was no observable light, solar wind, radiation, or magnetic fields. 

Even Arma momentarily ceased functioning.

It was only after the Settler emerged from this strange space that Arma resumed her calculations.

And then, dozens of sensors and cameras discovered a blue planet.

There was only one blue planet in Arma’s database.


Something was off.

The current coordinates of the Settler were roughly midway between Mars and Earth.

Arma checked the navigation computer but found no errors. 

However, it noticed that the Settler’s communication network was filtering out various interference signals.

Not long ago, Earth had been pristine, without any noise or interference.

As Arma attempted to analyze this anomaly, there was a sudden explosion at the rear of the spacecraft. 

The Settler rapidly lost balance and was pulled into the gravitational field of Earth.

[Forced Atmospheric Entry, verifying position…]

The thin atmosphere turned into plasma at a temperature of 2,000 degrees Celsius, obstructing observations.

The Settler pierced through the Earth’s atmosphere in a straight line, resembling a meteor.

The impact of a massive spacecraft crashing into the ocean surface would be unimaginable.

Fortunately, the Settler had a disposable emergency device.

[Engage maximum reverse thrust.]

Settler’s thrusters emerged throughout the ship, expelling ionized Aether. 

As the speed, which had reached 30 km/s, dropped close to zero, loud noises erupted from various parts of the spacecraft.

[Emergency landing in 10 seconds. 9, 8, 7…]

The spacecraft, weighing close to 1 million tons, made an emergency landing on the ocean surface. 

Instantly, the surrounding seawater was displaced, causing a tsunami over 10 meters high.

The tsunami engulfed Japanese patrol vessels near Dokdo, which were in the midst of a protest.

“Tsunami! It’s a tsunami!”

“Hold onto anything you can!”

The force of the tsunami was no joke, as patrol vessels weighing over a thousand tons were tossed aside like leaves. 

Korean Coast Guard vessels, relying on Dokdo as a shield, couldn’t hide their bewilderment.

“What was that tsunami just now? Level 1 of the Tidal Wave Warning System was no joke.”

“Captain! There are people over there! They’re not from our side!”

“Initiate rescue operations. We can’t use the excuse of conducting surveying work and leave people behind.”

While the patrol vessels carried out rescue operations, the Settler, having landed near Dokdo, lost all propulsion and sank deep into the ocean floor.


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