Devouring the Hero's Family

Chapter 106: Do You Like The Entrance, Lorein?

Chapter 106: Do You Like The Entrance, Lorein?

“Sigh… Lee Hyun-woo, you pervert….”

Lorein thought to herself as she looked at her partner.

Indeed, this wasn’t the first time she had such thoughts.

His suggestions always surpassed Lorein’s common sense.

“…But anal is a bit much, isn’t it?”

When she first heard the suggestion to try anal sex, she doubted her ears.

Sure, vaginas were similarly erotic, but they were inherently designed for that purpose, so she understood.

However, anal was entirely different.

No matter if it was just another “hole,” the idea of inserting something there had never occurred to her.

A noble lady… no, even an ordinary woman would find that unnatural.

“Why can’t I refuse this…”

Of course, there was the pretext of fulfilling a wish.

Separately, she owed Hyun-woo a lot.

From swordsmanship to monsters, even the engagement issue.

The help she received from Hyun-woo was now too much to even account for.

He was a benefactor beyond her own life, to the estate itself.

There was also the reason that she needed to repay his kindness.

“But… it’s not just that.”

Lorein knew that if she truly disliked it, she would be a woman who would refuse such suggestions.

In fact, she wasn’t entirely against such perverted suggestions.

No, to be more honest, she was looking forward to it.

The new experiences that Hyun-woo introduced were too stimulating for Lorein, who had lived a life of restraint.

“Hmm, Lorein, your body is always so sexy.”

“……Can you not appreciate someone’s naked body like that?”

“It’s irresistibly sexy.”

“…I meant don’t say it out loud.”

And so, she found herself bound, legs spread, in a naked state.

She resented her body for twitching with joy at such perverted words.

“This is… still embarrassing…”

She was bound, exposing all her private parts.

Moreover, Hyun-woo’s gaze on her was blatantly lecherous.

The tingling gaze made her quiver down there.

Lorein already felt wet as Hyun-woo inserted his fingers into her.



The experience didn’t just involve insertion; he flicked his fingers, sending waves of stimulation through her.

Soon, her body was making unmistakable, lewd noises.

‘Why, why does this feel so good…’

Certainly, there’s something to be said about size and girth.

But why did the sensation from his fingers alone send shivers down her spine?

Could it be that Hyun-woo’s fingers were thicker than hers?

Or was it his technique that’s different?

It felt nothing like when she touched herself.

“Uh… Hmm…”

“Does it feel good, Lorein?”

Hyun-woo had a knack for asking such teasing questions deliberately.

Even when she wanted to surrender to the sensation, his words ignited her pride.

He probably did that knowing full well the effect it had.

“You’ve been focusing on my vagina this whole time… are you sure we’re preparing for anal?”

Lorein skillfully diverted the conversation rather than responding.

Her pride prevented her from admitting the pleasure she felt.

Denying it became challenging with her arousal undeniable.

Even so, her body eagerly responded to his touch.

Thankfully, Hyun-woo smoothly transitioned.

“Anal preparation involves gradual steps. That’s why I’m loosening up your body first.”

“Loosening up?”

“More accurately, it’s about warming up your body to enhance pleasure.”

Was she truly just enjoying this foreplay to such an extent?

The thought irked her slightly.



As though concluding the session, Hyun-woo withdrew his fingers.

Lorein felt a fleeting sense of disappointment as he pulled away.

She pondered if she might have reached climax had he continued a bit longer…

“Now, let’s actually begin with anal. Just relax.”

Hyun-woo applied a sticky gel to his hand.

She sensed this gel was no ordinary substance.

He then applied a generous amount above Lorein’s anus.

So much so, that despite its viscosity, it seemed to flow more than adhere.

Surprisingly cold, Lorein shivered slightly.

“Isn’t that too much?”

“This kind of excess is good. You don’t want to feel pain, right?”

Hyun-woo, with a finger, circled around the anus, spreading the gel.

A strange sensation caused goosebumps to rise on her spine.

‘Uh… My anus is too distracting…’

Perhaps it was because he said he would insert it there and was now touching it.

She felt all her nerves focusing on her anus.

Seeing this, Hyun-woo smiled faintly.

“There’s no need to be too tense. I’ll make sure you’re relaxed enough to feel great.”

“How can I not be tense when you’re touching there?”

With a smile, Hyun-woo nodded and tapped the entrance of the anus with his finger.

His provocative touch made women inadvertently heat up.

With Hyun-woo doing it, resistance was already difficult.

It was a massage-like touch but much more delicate than before.

‘Uh… If you do it like that…’

His gentle movements naturally eased the tension she was holding.

The twitching anus began to prepare to slowly open.

As if eagerly waiting for a man to enter quickly.

“Then, I’ll insert it, Lorein.”

“Just, just don’t dawdle and hurry up…!”

Now, just tensing up her body was draining her energy.

Hyun-woo slowly inserted his gel-coated finger.



At first, her anus tightly closed at the entrance as if to block it.

But as Hyun-woo applied a bit of force, her hole fluttered open.

Then it allowed the finger in far too easily.

The slippery finger entering deeply felt excessively direct.

‘My, my butt… It’s really in…!’

Without realizing it, she tightened around his finger with all her strength.

Hyun-woo looked at her as if he found it cute and slowly moved his finger.

Each time, a faint warmth spread from her anus.

‘The sensation… and the feeling is strange…’

Though not as intense as the vagina, each time he grazed the barrier, a faint pleasure was felt.

Perhaps because her body was already excited, the movement of his finger was very distracting.

“Haah… Hmm…”

“Wow, Lorein, that’s impressive. It’s not easy to feel pleasure from anal stimulation usually. Looks like you have a talent for it.”

“I, I don’t want to have that kind of talent…”

Though she said so, Lorein was honestly flustered.

The pleasure she felt was more than she had imagined.

‘My, my ass feels good…? Why…?’

Honestly, Lorein did not believe Hyun-woo when he said anal sex would feel good.

She thought it was merely a joke to fit his perverted tastes.

But as soon as his finger entered her anus, a dizzying pleasure was felt simultaneously.

‘Uh… it’s pounding inside, making my insides sing…!’

Her body shivered uncontrollably with the pleasure starting from deep within.

Could she really have a talent for anal?

Or was it simply that Hyun-woo’s technique was good?

Either way, she felt it was dangerous to continue like this.

‘Ah… I can’t move…’

It was too late to do anything, and she realized she was bound and couldn’t move.

This meant she had no choice but to let Hyun-woo play with her anus until he was satisfied.

-Thump! Thump!

Lorein’s heart pounded vigorously.

She felt both fear and anticipation for the unknown pleasure.

Meanwhile, the development of the anus continued diligently.

“Uh…! Hmm…! Ah…!”

Hyun-woo moved his finger slowly as if exploring.

Sometimes gently scratching a single spot.

And stimulating the whole area by moving in circles.

As the caressing continued, her anus became increasingly sensitive.

‘The… the anus is getting heated…?’

Now, her body got excited quickly just from receiving a massage from Hyun-woo.

But such a reaction from anal stimulation was still strange.

Was it also because it’s Hyun-woo?

“Lorein, did you know?”

“What, what?”

“The anus, it’s originally an organ for expulsion, so it feels a stronger pleasure when pulling out than inserting, unlike the vagina.”

“……You really have a peculiar hobby.”

Upon hearing those words, she became acutely aware every time the topic was broached.

No matter how hard she tried to dismiss it, it wasn’t something she could simply ignore.

Especially when she was restrained, with only that specific area being attended to.

“Then, I’ll extract it gently, so just focus.”


Hyun-woo began to carefully withdraw his finger.

The constricted area tightly clasped around the finger.

She couldn’t deny the pleasure she felt as it slid out.


An involuntary moan escaped her lips.

The sensation was both exhilarating and blissful to such a degree.

She realized too late her attempt to silence herself.

“Lorein, it feels good there, doesn’t it?”


As always, Hyun-woo understood her body more than she did.

He then concentrated on stimulating the very entrance.

“Uh… Ah…! Don’t, don’t do that…!”

“Your expression looks like you’re overwhelmed with pleasure.”

“Ah… It’s embarrassing, so please don’t say things like that…!”

She was powerless as he continued to tease the entrance with his finger.

Despite her embarrassment, her body reacted involuntarily.

“Haah… Hmm…♥”

At this juncture, she had to concede.

That she genuinely found pleasure in it.

‘It’s, it’s manageable to this extent… I can endure it…….’

After everything, Lorein had shared many intimate moments with Hyun-woo.

Compared to the overwhelming pleasure she had experienced, this was still tolerable.

However, contrary to Lorein’s hopes, Hyun-woo was only just beginning to explore further.

“Now, I’ll also stimulate here.”

“What, what?”

What Hyun-woo revealed was the massager he had mentioned earlier.

The device, humming with intense vibrations, appeared intimidating by its mere presence.

“Just, just hold on a moment, Hyun-woo…! Wait…!”

No matter how much she struggled, her attempts to resist were in vain given her restrained condition.

Her defenselessly exposed vagina could only twitch pitifully.

As Hyun-woo continued to gently stimulate her anus with his finger, he rubbed the massager against her vagina.


Her vagina expelled love juices due to the overwhelming stimulation.


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