Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 34: Northern Lights.


With Xiaohui, Su Lin searched a large area in the vast Arctic continent.

Still nothing.

Under the polar night, everything is lonely.

Su Lin stood on a snow **** and looked around.

Except for the faint aurora flickering on the ice layer in the distance, there are no traces of life in other places.

In the end, Su Lin decided to go to the ice layer to take a look.

In the ice area, there are often polar bears, the real overlord of the Arctic continent.

Therefore, in these areas, the frequency of arctic wolves is not high.

However, in the ice layer, due to the presence of marine life, the food is still plentiful.

Su Lin and Xiao Hui walked on the vast Arctic continent.


Su Lin, who was on the snowy slope, suddenly saw dots of light flickering in the distance.

He stopped in his tracks, and looked down with bright green eyes.

Xiao Hui beside him also immediately crawled up, ready to attack.

After following Su Lin out many times, Xiao Hui has done a good job of being vigilant and concealing his body.

This flickering light, Xiao Hui didn't know what it was.

All I could see behind the bright light was the gigantic monster four to five meters long.

The size determines the strength, looking at this four or five meter long behemoth, the little heart sank in frustration.

But standing on the snow slope, Su Lin didn't panic.

He knows what it is.


It seems to be the off-road vehicle I saw when I was hunting musk ox last time.

It can be seen that the photographer in the car came back from the ice.

Under the polar night, I took risks to shoot.

Whether it is making documentaries or studying biological habits, they are all dedicated.

The speed of the off-road vehicle was not slow, it was wobbly, and it quickly left Su Lin's sight.

The people in the off-road vehicle did not find Su Lin,

After all, Su Lin and Xiaohui were standing on the snow slope, condescending,

With the cover of pitch black night, it is difficult to be found.

After the off-road vehicle left, Su Lin looked away,

With a low howl, Xiao Hui called out, and continued to set off towards the ice layer.

It didn't take long,

Came to the ice layer.

The ice layer is not as dark as other places.

Instead, there are many auroras hanging in the sky.

The aurora is very beautiful, with ever-changing shapes,

Sometimes it looks like a ribbon, sometimes it looks like a flame, and sometimes it looks like a huge colorful screen.

Some colors are diverse and ever-changing,

Some are extraordinarily bright, as if they have a brilliance comparable to the stars and the moon,

Even apart from the dots of aurora on the ice,

There also seems to be an aurora appearing on the horizon in the distance, like the dawn of the morning.

In addition, the colors of the aurora are also very beautiful, red, purple, green, blue, etc., several kinds of light are intertwined together.

There is a red aurora like a camellia, a piece of fiery red,

There are also purple auroras, like curtains and curtains.

Of course, there is also the aurora that emits green rays,

Such an aurora can shine far away.

The aurora floats lightly, dimming and brightening,

At first glance, I just feel beautiful.

This is a beautiful picture scroll drawn by nature.

Many people used to think that

The beautiful aurora is the light that ghosts and gods open up the heavens and receive lost souls.

And under the beautiful aurora,

With faint green eyes, Su Lin also saw the shadows of some animals on the ice.

It was a pack of seals.

There are five or six seals lounging together on the ice.

Seals are also mammals, and if they want to raise their young, they need to be on the ice.

But obviously, this group of seals has no cubs,

Looks like it's just going ashore for a rest.

Species: Gray seal.

Level: Level 8.

Qi and blood: 1523.

Stamina: 91.

Strength: 63.

Defense: 59.

Speed: 51.

Su Lin glanced at it, and the numerical attributes of the seal emerged.

The strength of this batch of seals is not strong.

On weekdays, they only feed on small fish and shrimps in the ocean, and their fighting ability is also very weak.

It's not a problem for Surin to single out a group of them.

But he still didn't move.

Because the seals are too close to the sea that breaks through the ice,

If you do it rashly, it will be a trivial matter for the seal to escape.

If you accidentally fall into the sea, you will have fun watching it.

Although Sulin's lungs have also been developed by potential medicines, he doesn't need to breathe for five or six minutes.

But didn't take the risk,

It's better to be steady.

It was the first time for Xiaohui to come to the ice layer, so he was obviously very excited.

But there was no boss to give orders, nor to provoke the group of seals.

Instead, on the ice, bouncing left and right,

He also came to another broken ice layer, stuck out his tongue and licked the sea water to drink.

Little Gray is an arctic wolf and belongs to the land wolf family.

Seawater with too much salt content cannot be directly drunk.

After a few sips, I was overwhelmed by the saltiness.

But Xiao Hui, lying on the ice,

But I saw many fish swimming in the sea water under the ice layer inside.


Xiao Hui stretched out his claws to fish a few times, but he didn't catch any of them.

It was so angry that it couldn't help howling twice.

The howling of wolves also made the seal not far away look over.

Seals rarely see arctic wolves that come to the ice,

Therefore, those small eyes were also very curious about the two hunters who rushed in.

Su Lin didn't care about the seal's gaze, and came to the place where Xiao Hui was.

I looked at the opening in the ice layer and the fish swimming below.

Su Lin's eyesight and reaction are much faster than Xiao Hui's.

Seeing a fish swimming past the mouth of the ice layer, he grabbed it with one claw.

The sharp wolf claws penetrated deep into the sea, stirring up vortices.

The sea water is very warm, which makes Surin feel very comfortable.

However, the softness of the sea water also made him feel resistance.


Su Lin also missed it.

But the back of the fish was cut, and the blood scattered all over the place.

Fish in the Arctic Ocean are fierce and flexible,

It is also expected for the empty catch.

At this time, the fish's scales were cut, and the **** smell emitted also attracted many fish under the ice layer.

But these fish are very flexible, even if there are a lot of them,

Xiao Hui stretched out several claws in a row, but they were all empty.

In a hurry, it could only watch.

Su Lin, who was reborn as a wolf queen, had never eaten fish.

I also want to see what it's like to eat fish with wolf's taste buds.

This made Su Lin serious.

He signaled Xiao Hui to stop scratching, and stood guard on the sidelines,

Prevent other animals from sneaking up. UU reading www.

And Su Lin himself,

A pair of wolf eyes exuded a faint green light, looking intently at the fish swimming under the mouth of the ice.

The strengthened front right paw is ready to go.


An arctic salmon about 40 to 50 centimeters long swam over nimbly following the scent of blood spreading.

This arctic salmon weighs about seven or eight catties,

One piece is enough to fill your stomach for four or five minutes.

When the arctic salmon swam to the closest distance to Surin, it swung its right paw fiercely.

Into the water,

Bring out several vortices of water flow,

extremely fast,

The sharp wolf claws ruthlessly pierced through the scales and penetrated into the arctic salmon's body.

But Arctic salmon are very fierce, even though they were almost pierced by wolf claws, they still resisted fiercely.

In fierce resistance,

Out of Sulin's wolf claws.

However, Arctic salmon have been injured and their swimming speed has slowed down too much.

Surin made another claw, and pierced into the arctic salmon again.

Even though the arctic salmon wanted to resist this time, they were completely powerless.

with sea water,

Surin caught this arctic salmon.

This scene,

Surprise flashed in the eyes of several seals not far away who were looking here.

The IQ of seals is much higher than that of wolves, and their understanding of nature is naturally deeper.


Arctic wolves that come to hunt in the ice are rare.

But what they didn't expect was that this majestic arctic wolf was actually fishing at the mouth of the ice.

And really caught the fish.

This made the eyes of a group of seals full of splendor.


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