Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 293: Destroy all king-level alien beasts!

Remember [New] in a second! The fight between the four new species and Surin soon spread to the territory of the other new species in the southern mountains!

The IQ of these new species in the southern mountains is not inferior to that of human beings, and even higher than human IQ!

After the falcons, flying squirrels, etc. were chased by the white wolves, they watched the white wolves invading the southern mountains, and joined the fight without the slightest hesitation!

Soon there were nine new species participating in the hunt!

Counting the three new species killed by Su Lin yesterday, most of the new species in the southern mountains have already appeared!

Nine new species, there are six high-level kings and three ordinary kings!

Even a three-headed new king-level species has a lot of powerful cards.

Otherwise, they have already been born with the power of the original source, if they don't have some cards for self-protection and fighting for their lives, they will have been hunted and killed by other new species as the purest blood food!

It can be said that each of these new species is not easy to get along with.

But even so, even if the mid-to-high-end combat forces in the southern mountain range, which is known as the forbidden area of ​​the self, still failed to contain Su Lin's offensive and killing!

At this time, the Siberian tiger, which was being taken care of by Su Lin, was covered in scars all over his body!

No longer is there just a hideous and terrifying wound on the front chest, but there are **** wounds cut open by wolf claws on the back and abdomen.

In addition, the huge tiger head of the Siberian tiger was dented just now by Sulin's claw!

Blood and white brains are slightly overflowing from the tiger's head!


Even if the new species has extremely tenacious vitality, facing such a heavy injury, the Siberian tiger can't help showing timidity and timidity in its eyes!

Because it can feel that under the repeated heavy attacks of the Arctic wolf king, its vitality and vitality are rapidly passing away.

The speed of vitality and qi and blood loss is beyond imagination!

The Siberian tiger, who was originally a member of the tiger family, is a natural king in the jungle, and there is no shortcoming in comprehensive attributes!

The vitality and blood are very vigorous, comparable to that of large herbivorous species!

In terms of attack power, it is comparable to the bear clan!

In terms of speed and physical flexibility, it is not inferior to mountain leopards and lynxes!

So whether it is before or after the great change of the world, it always occupies the seat of the strong in the southern mountain range!

Now its blood value has a full 20,000!

This kind of blood value, combined with the defense of the Siberian tiger, is enough to resist the indiscriminate bombardment of human beings' top technological killers!

But even the white wolf's three or four heavy blows did not resist!

The Siberian tiger is so injured right now!

In the fight just now, if it hadn't been helped by the other new species, it might have died!

The attack power of the white wolf is almost unmatched!

Even if it is a new species of its level, it feels like it will hurt and die when touched!

At this time, the Siberian tiger was timid and timid, and its attack was more than self-preservation, and it could no longer fight like it did at the beginning!

Even Siberian tigers are looking for opportunities and want to retreat from the frontline battlefield of fighting white wolves!

Because of the heavy injuries on its body, it is really impossible to support it to fight like this!

But just when this thought came to him, the arrogance of the white wolf in the center of the hunt intensified again!

In the hunting of nine new species, not only did the white wolf not show any signs of decline, but it became more and more courageous as it fought!

At this moment, the almost mighty aura on Surin wolf's body was no longer suppressed, and it radiated out suddenly, spreading to a radius of hundreds of miles!

All species that feel this aura of heavenly power will feel oppressed like suffocation!

Even the nine-headed new species paused for a moment in this tyrannical aura that was almost heavenly!

And after the huge Su Lin released his aura completely, the silver fluorescence emitted from his whole body was also extremely bright!

The burst of silver fluorescent light seemed to cover the sun's brilliance, making the southern mountain range ten kilometers full of silver!

Su Linna originally had the original strength of more than 40 meters, and it was abruptly raised to the point of 70 or 80 meters!

At this time, the energy fluctuations on Surin's wolf body reached an indescribable extreme!


Another sound of Sirius howling at the moon!

It's just that this time the sound wave of howling wolves has been enhanced by an unknown number of times!

The power of this Sirius Roaring Moon is four to five thousand tons, which shocked all the new species participating in the battle!


An unimaginable sonic roar sounded!

The all-pervasive sound waves swept through the already messy mountain range, lifting up a layer of rocks in the forest, countless towering giant trees rose from the ground amidst the howling of wolves, and even strange trees were crushed. Brutely brought it up from the ground!

Even if the roots of the different trees are completely rooted in the rocks, it is useless!

Directly connected with the rhizomes, large deep pits were pulled out of the forest!

Under the sound of Sirius howling at the moon, the mountains in the southern border seemed to be shaking!

It's like an earthquake with at least a magnitude of ten or more.

In such a shock, Su Lin directly yelled that several new species that were fighting were seriously injured!

Even the long-tailed falcon in mid-air was swept into the sky by the sudden sweep of the sound wave cloud that suddenly rose up!

And the bodies of the rest of the new species were also directly blown away by the sound of Sirius Howling Moon, who knows how many meters away!

The Siberian tiger, which has already been severely injured, has no power to resist!

The tiger's body, which was more than twenty meters long, was like a fallen leaf, crumbling to pieces!

The flesh, bones, etc. of the Siberian tiger are exploding!

Even the tiger's head, which had been sunken, was even split open by the shock!

White brains and blood splashed like money!


The Siberian tiger's eyes were full of panic, it was trying its best to stimulate the remaining original power, trying to recover and contain the injury!

But the injury caused by the sound of Sirius Xiaoyue was too serious!

Even the Siberian tiger activated its other two talents one after another, but the talent Luminescence, which was originally the most able to contain injuries, was ineffective at this moment!

After flashing fiercely for a moment, it shattered like fireworks in the sound waves of Sirius Xiaoyue!

The second talent, fluorescence, just appeared and then disappeared!

The Siberian tiger, who was seriously injured to such an extent, could no longer support his body to activate his talent again!

At this time, as the picture of the wolf howling at the moon in the sky is fully displayed, the power of the wolf howling sound wave has also reached the peak!


At the moment when the power of the wolf howling sound wave was at its peak, the Siberian tiger's already scarred body could no longer hold on, and at this moment it collapsed into pieces in the sound wave!

The extremely pure blood and visceral fragments of the new species fell from mid-air towards the blood-red blood rain below!

And Surin, who had suddenly activated his hunting talent and his eyes were already filled with scarlet, didn't waste any time after the Siberian tiger was shattered by a roar of Sirius Roaring Moon!

He went straight to Momonga!

This flying squirrel possesses all kinds of unimaginable and can greatly weaken the opponent's combat power. In this fight, it caused great disturbance to Su Lin!

So for the second target, Su Lin gave up on the towering snow ape who was also seriously injured, and came straight to this flying squirrel!


After turning on the hunting talent, Su Lin's speed became like teleportation!

At 10,000 meters per second, the howling wind swept away the rocks and fallen leaves all over the sky!

At this time, although most of the new humans who were following in the distance were frightened, they fled the battlefield!

But there are still many strong new human beings who rely on their own strength and continue to explore!

Most of these new human powerhouses are also driving first-class mechs, and they are also very cautious watching the battlefield from a long distance, so they have not been seriously injured!

At this time, the Siberian tiger, which is a high-level king, was smashed into mid-air by a living roar, and they all saw it!

These new humans are all strong, with the help of at least first-class mechas to assist their vision, they can naturally see the battlefield more than a hundred miles away!

It's just that it's impossible to capture the supreme demeanor of the **** battle of the Arctic wolf king, because all the shooting equipment released were destroyed by the sound waves of howling wolves!


Even if they were more than a hundred miles away, they could still hear the howling of wolves coming from the center of the battlefield!

Amidst the howling of wolves, they could also feel the overwhelming combat power of the Arctic Wolf King!

This is the World Extinguishing Level Alien Beast!

A wolf howl can forcefully smash a high-level king-level beast!

You must know that this Siberian tiger is also more than 600 on the Alien Danger Index list released by the Science Alliance!

More than 600 strange beasts died so easily in front of the Arctic wolf king!

And now judging from the sudden increase in speed of the Arctic Wolf King several times, and the speed that has begun to be unpredictable, the new humans present all know that this may be the real peak combat power of the Arctic Wolf King!

The nine new species that fought alone just now are not its limit at all!

In this way of thinking, all the new human powerhouses who are still present are increasingly aware of the importance of the Arctic Wolf King report.

After all, with more data about the Arctic Wolf King, I can have better countermeasures when I really part ways with the Arctic Wolf King and the wolves in the future!

Most importantly, once it is sold to major families and chaebols, it will be able to get a higher price!

Sometimes, the fear of risk is just because the chips given are not enough!

Therefore, after weighing the gains and losses, many new human powerhouses showed firmness in their eyes, and took the risk of being shocked to death by the aftermath of the energy to move forward again, and began to use the shooting equipment on the mecha to conduct remote filming.

During the filming, the battle in the distance changed from a stalemate to a one-sided massacre in an instant after Su Lin activated his hunting talent!

One after another, the blood of the king-level alien beasts stained the mountains and forests!

The new species that survived soon also gave up their initial hatred and confidence in hunting white wolves, and began to scatter away with eyes full of fear!


At this time, public opinion on the Internet was still boiling, and the focus of the entire network was still on the wolves and the Arctic wolf king.

The news about the Arctic Wolf King has been buzzing for a long time, especially after the video of the **** murder of the Arctic Wolf King in the southern mountains was released, everyone was shocked by it!

The Arctic wolf king's killing power and **** methods are not inferior to any mutant creatures of the world-killing level.

But fortunately, the members of the wolf pack did abide by the agreement these days and never slaughtered humans.

Therefore, although the **** killing video of the Arctic Wolf King caused countless people to panic, it did not cause too much turmoil!

And the Arctic wolf king continues to kill in the depths of the southern mountains, which also attracts the attention of all human beings from all major forces!

With the passage of time, coupled with the tracking and shooting of many new human powerhouses in the southern mountain range regardless of life and death, news about the Arctic wolf king has also spread from the southern mountain range!

[New news, in the early morning of the 23rd, the Arctic Wolf King went deep into the southern mountains to fight against the White Feathered Wind Eagle, Siberian Devil Tiger, Flying God Mouse and Towering Snow Ape! 】

[Latest news, followed by the dead men of the Luo Fei family. On the morning of the 23rd, the Arctic wolf king fought a **** battle with nine king-level beasts. 】

【Shock! The invincible wolf king went crazy, UU reading www. uukanshu. com Following the Siberian Devil Tiger, he went mad with blood, and then chopped off the Heavenly God Rat, and the other seven king-level beasts scattered and fled! 】

[The arctic wolf king is amazingly fast, and within half an hour of the chase, he killed the Siberian leopard, the towering snow ape, and the **** poisonous bee. These three king beasts ranked 513th, 629th, and 893rd on the list of mutated creature danger indexes respectively! 】

[In the middle of the night on the 23rd, the Arctic Wolf King killed the White-Feathered Wind Eagle on the top of Mount Sarayiner. The White-Feathered Wind Eagle ranked 179th on the list of mutated creatures in the danger index, and it is the existence closest to the ultimate king-level existence in the southern mountains! 】

[In the early morning of the 24th, the wolf king beheaded the last three king beasts that fled, and all nine king beasts that participated in the scuffle fell! 】


After the news came out, it caused a huge shock in human society!

Slaying nine king beasts in a row, plus the previous three king-level beasts,

It can be said that after the Arctic wolf king entered the southern mountain range, twelve king beasts fell in less than two days!

Therefore, these two days were called the days of Wang Yun by everyone in the entire network!


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