Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 20: New pack of wolves.

And Surin's evolutionary value is also slowly increasing these days.

Although eating repeated prey, the evolutionary value obtained is greatly reduced.

But it's better than nothing, eating some can also increase the evolution value by three or four points.

The current evolution value has more than 80 points.

It was another step forward to be promoted to level 6.

Surin also used the remaining two potions of potential for wolf father and mother wolf.

It is clear,

Since the wolf father and wolf mother have already grown up, their physique and bones have already been fixed.

The effects of potential potions are negligible.

It just makes the fur of wolf father and mother wolf look softer and shiny.

It also made their numerical values ​​slightly improved.

Potential potion is used up,

As for the evolution potion, Surin planned to use it after hunting new prey.

After all, the evolution potion can increase the obtained evolution value by three times.

It must be used to eat new prey, better.


Su Lin also had a showdown with wolf father and mother wolf.

He is going to take Xiaohui and go out to build a new pack of wolves.

As for Sister Wolf, Cousin and Little Gray Wolf,

If the wolf father and wolf mother don't worry, they can take it away by themselves.

After the showdown,

Father Wolf was silent for a whole day.

And the wolf mother repeatedly licked Su Lin intimately, trying to make Su Lin stay.

Su Lin was also reluctant to care for his wolf mother and wolf father.

Although Father Wolf looks very strict and doesn't like to communicate with the cubs, he cares about them very much in his heart.

But as his strength became stronger and stronger, his prestige among the wolves would definitely be affected more and more seriously.

So Surin decided to leave the wolves now,

In case there is really an incomprehensible gap between father wolf and himself in the future.

What's more, the cave he chose is only about twenty kilometers away from the wolf father and mother wolf.

If something happens, you can also quickly take care of wolf father and mother wolf.


After being silent for a day, Father Wolf agreed with a low howl.

And also picked up the wolf sister, the little gray wolf and the cousin, and howled a few times to signal the three cubs, and they will follow Su Lin from now on.

In her heart, Wolf Girl has always been very dependent on Brother Wolf.

When she heard Father Wolf's order, she howled heartlessly and happily.

The cousin and the little gray wolf also have no objection to following Su Lin.

After all, Su Lin has long been the boss of a group of youngsters.

It's just that I feel a little bit reluctant to leave the cave where I lived for a long time, and also leave my biological mother.

Gray wolf's mother and cousin's mother licked their cub for a long time, wanting to remember the smell of the cub forever.

Cousin has been born for a year,

During this period of time, with the help of potential potions and sufficient food, he also broke through to level 3.

Her ability to bear was much better, but after cuddling with her mother for a while, she followed behind Su Lin.

But the little gray wolf cuddled up for a long time,

In the end, it was Xiao Hui who howled twice impatiently, and finally called the little gray wolf over.

that's all,

A group of five wolf cubs with an average birth age of less than half a year left the cave.

Go to the vast arctic continent and start a new venture.



Along the way, Xiao Hui was very excited.

Finally going to a new cave and start a new life.

There is also a whole arctic reindeer stored in the cave,

Thinking of the delicious venison, Xiao Hui salivated in disappointment.

But the wolf sister, the cousin, and the little gray wolf came out of the cave for the first time, and they were all very novel about everything outside.

The wolf girl was bouncing around, playing in the snow, and biting the shrubs and grass along the road.

In a pair of wolf eyes, he was curious about everything.

Seeing a bush, I tried to climb it, but fell several times.

Under Su Lin's low howling call, he followed up with the large army.

Gray and white wolf and cousin, although they are also very novel.

But they still followed Su Lin closely, and didn't run around carelessly like the wolf girl.

After the wolf girl came back, the cousin howled twice, signaling the wolf girl to be careful.

After all, in the icy and snowy wilderness, there may be danger hidden anywhere.

Still closely following Su Lin, with a sense of security.


When the sky is completely dark.

Su Lin also brought them to the new cave.

A new cave, the road is rugged and steep.

Xiaohui can barely climb up by herself,

The cousin spent a lot of effort, and she just climbed up for a certain distance, and she was exhausted.

As for the wolf girl and the little gray wolf, they could only look at the road and howled.

In the end, Surin brought them up one by one.

The new cave is very spacious,

come to the cave,

The cousin, the wolf sister, and the little gray wolf are all familiar with the new environment.

Surin signaled to Xiao Hui to drag the carcass of the arctic reindeer.

The carcass of an arctic reindeer, stored in a cave for several days, has been frozen to death.

The skin is also covered with a thin layer of frost.

But the wolves are not so particular, as long as it is food, they can swallow it.

It is still the old rules that Su Lin set for them before,

Sister Wolf and Cousin ate first, while Little Hui and Little Gray Wolf ran to the door to watch the wind.

Cousin is now level 3, and it is not a problem to tear off the flesh and blood from the frozen reindeer carcass.

It's just that the wolf sister took a lot of effort to bite off a small piece of flesh from the carcass of the reindeer.


This made her howl to Brother Wolf for help.

At the same time, the wolf girl was also being wronged, feeling that she was very incompetent,

Even to eat, I have to bother myself, brother wolf.

After seeing Brother Wolf coming to help him tear off a large piece of flesh from the Arctic reindeer carcass,

The wolf girl licked Brother Wolf's hair, expressing her gratitude and joy.

But because he is too short, he can only lick the hair of Brother Wolf's front paws.


After Su Lin helped the wolf girl tear off a large piece of flesh, he motioned for it to eat quickly.

In addition, he also took two bites.

It is found that the meat of the arctic reindeer is not as smooth as when it was just hunted.

But because of the freezing, it also has a different taste.

The cold entrance brings out the Arctic reindeer is still very fresh, retaining the light sweetness of the meat.


As expected of venison!

Venison is a good food no matter in nature or human society.

But Su Lin only took a few mouthfuls and stopped eating.

With only sporadic evolution points obtained, Surin didn't have much interest and appetite to eat.

After Wolf Sister and Cousin were full,

Su Lin let out a low howl.

Little Hui and Little Gray Wolf immediately trotted over to eat.

Now the little gray wolf is not much stronger than the wolf sister, and he can't tear the flesh off the reindeer.

Fortunately, the wolf girl didn't finish eating the large piece of flesh and blood that Su Lin had just bitten off.

After howling twice, seeing that Su Lin didn't refuse, he happily ate.

The meat of large herbivores such as arctic reindeer is rarely eaten by gray and white coyotes.

But in the last two months, I was able to eat it only after following Boss Su Lin.

This gave it some comfort in its heart after leaving the original wolves and its mother.


On the other hand, Xiao Hui wolfed it down and howled happily at the little gray and white wolf.

It expresses that only by following the boss closely can we eat such delicious food.


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