
Chapter 86: The Little Deal

Chapter 86: The Little Deal

Mahaila looked on in disgust as she sat in the corner of that degenerate prince’s bedroom. She half wanted to draw her sword and cut him in half right there. Throughout her long life, it always amazed her what depths humanoids could sink to. In some ways humanoids were worse than even monsters at time. At least monsters didn’t pretend, they knew exactly what they were. Yes they lie, they deceive but they do so knowing full well it is a lie. Humanoids have the unique talent to even lie to themselves.

Sometimes Mahaila wonders if this is just a unique side effect caused by their artificial creation by an inferior creature. All humanoids could trace their ancestors to the creations of the Watchers. The Watchers had no progeny, they were never designed nor allowed to be able to evolve and adapt to a new species. The Firstborn made sure to occasionally maintain the Watcher’s bloodline to ensure they stayed true to their purpose.

Anyone who knows the true history of the Humanoids knows that all the lesser humanoids are greatly flawed in many ways. Perhaps the Watchers didn’t know how to fix it and the Firstborn couldn’t be bothered. Perhaps the Firstborn simply felt it was just entertaining to watch all the humanoids stumble about like fools. It could have certainly been both, most think of the Firstborn as this single group but that was far from true. There were few similarities between different Firstborn, they are each a species of one. Variation, change and adaptability are their core strengths. Many solutions to the same problem, each Firstborn competing for supremacy while at the same time enjoying the thrill of the challenge.

That which is not challenged will eventually grow weak. That is the core belief of the Firstborn and if there is one thing they hated, it is weakness. You either live like a wolf or you will die like a dog. There was no middle ground for the old gods. You consume, you adapt and you overcome. If you fail you die for you are unworthy of life, the strong do what they will, the weak suffer what they must and to the victor the spoils.

Though the Firstborn are gone, still the world they made operates on the same rules. Case and point: that vile man who was grunting on top of his sister. Mahaila could tell Prince Silas’s sister did not want this, she was dead silent with the only sound being sharp intakes of breath. Meanwhile the Prince was groaning and grunting like an animal as he held her down and thrust furiously between her legs.

Mahaila looked away in disgust, she was no stranger to things like this. Her master taught her that strength does not always come from violence. Violence was not an answer, it was a question, and if the answer to that question is yes, then why is it yes? Sometimes a softer approach can be effective, so she was trained as an infiltrator as well as a master duelist. So sitting in these uncomfortable situations was not new to her. In truth the only reason she was here in this room and not scouring the palace records was because she wanted to talk to that princess. To offer a little something that might help her and Mahaila.

At last Mahaila heard the Prince let out a loud groan and Mahaila looked up to see his body shuddering. Then it was over and he extracted himself from his sister. Then surprisingly he almost shamefully got dressed and left the room without a word. Leaving his sister silently splayed on the bed. Mahaila will bet her right hand that this wasn’t the first time this happened.

Once the door closed Mahaila watched as the princess calmly sat back up as she gingerly made her way over to a nearby table. Mahaila watched as the princess almost robotically grabbed a nearby cloth and began to wipe herself down. 

Mahaila moved until she was next to her and she saw the princess had this hollow and resigned gaze. Like someone who had completely accepted their lot in life and absolutely hated it. Well perhaps that could be taken advantage of, if she was a meek girl like that Beralis princess it would be easier to persuade her to tell Mahaila exactly what she wanted.

Mahaila moved back behind her and disengaged all of her stealth spells. 

“Hello princess Eissa…” Mahaila said and she watched as the princess flinched but she didn’t turn around. Mahaila watched as her muscles tensed as if expecting an attack or perhaps preparing to launch an attack.

“Who are you?” Eissa asked evenly, her voice steady. Mahaila watched as her hand slowly reached downwards to a drawer in the table.

“I’m here to talk, to ask some questions.” Mahaila replied.

“I assumed so, if you were here to kill me I would already be dead. If you are here for my brother you just missed him.” Eissa said. 

Mahaila knew she was probing. The spells that allow one to phase through walls are lost. So either Mahaila was always in the room, she somehow scaled the walls to this room or she did indeed have spells allowing her to phase through solid objects.

“I’m not here for him.” Mahaila replied as she watched as Eissa turned around to face her. But she had her hands behind her back and her hands should be right where that drawer was.

“A human, a spy then. Perhaps an agent of the Spider?” Eissa said. As she spoke Mahaila could hear her opening the drawer, she was using her words to mask the sounds of the drawer.

Mahaila smiled internally as she realised this princess had a rather sharp mind and steady nerves. Fine… Mahaila will play the game.

“You got a knife in that drawer?” Mahaila asked with a smirk.

Eissa flinched as her gaze wavered, but she remained silent. Mahaila could tell she was thinking, perhaps coming up with some other scheme. Then Eissa looked down for a moment as if in resignation and her shoulder slouched forward. But the action was just stiff enough for Mahaila to realise it was a ruse.

Then Eissa looked up suddenly, right over Mahaila’s shoulder as if someone had just opened the door. Deciding to humour her Mahaila turned her head as if to look at what was supposedly there. Mahaila knew there was nothing there, few things could sneak up on her and she was very sure none of them were in this room. 

Sure enough Mahaila heard the sound of a weapon being picked up and she raised her hand to catch the dagger that was being thrust at her throat. Mahaila calmly turned around to see Eissa not with a look of fear in her eyes but a gaze of fierce defiance.

“You are a feisty one aren’t you? A good actor too, you must have the whole court fooled…” Mahaila said wryly.

Eissa narrowed her eyes as she loosened her grip on the dagger and Mahaila took it out of her hands before releasing her. Eissa just stood back up straight and didn’t even bother taking a step back.

Mahaila smiled as she gazed at her, she was certainly an interesting one. 

“I’m not here to kill you, I just want to talk.” Mahaila said as she twirled the dagger in her hand till she was holding it by the blade. Then she offered the handle to Eissa, who looked at the dagger with a sceptical look in her eyes.

“You know if you want to interrogate me, I could use that dagger to stab myself.” Eissa said as she took the dagger.

“You have teeth and a tongue and I know healing magic. You won’t die unless I want you to.” Mahaila replied calmly.

“So what does the Empress of Elysia want with me? Or does that beast just have some clinical curiosity? Perhaps he is curious what the incestous princess feels about her impending death and the fall of her house?” Eissa asked wearily.

“In truth I want to know more about you. I have heard the rumours and read the records but it reads like bad fiction.” Mahaila said as she turned around and sat down on one of the chairs.

“All history is bad fiction, the victor writes what they want. There are no good men and women in power. There are only the ones that die of natural causes and those that don’t.” Eissa said as she calmly walked over to the wardrobe and began putting on a night gown.

“But you knew that, that is why you are here. So what is this? You want to know the inner workings of my mind? My true history? What more advantages do you need? Once you take this city you can chop all of our heads off or feed us to your pet monsters and then that will be that.” Eissa said in resignation as she took a seat on the chair next to Mahaila.

“Why are you so convinced you will lose?” Mahaila asked curiously.

“My brother has given up. He is a lot of things, but he is not a fool that gives up easily. What he has seen must have truly shaken him.” Eissa said.

“How do you know he has given up?” Mahaila asked.

“I’m pregnant with his child again. My two other children are his too. Usually he tries this when my husband demands another child. In truth my husband has no children that bear his blood and the fool is none the wiser. My husband is away so there is no way to pass off this child as his. My brother doesn’t care about the consequences anymore.” Eissa replied calmly.

“You are pretty forthcoming.” Mahaila mused.

“Why not? I will be dead within the month along with my children. You do not allow potential rivals and rebellion leaders to live.” Eissa replied.

“Hmmm… true enough but honestly do you despise your brother?” Mahaila asked.

“Why these questions? Do you perhaps hope that I would turn against my family? Undermine my own house? Do you truly think I am so stupid? Why would I help you just for you to kill me afterwards? Because you will let me live a few weeks more?” Eissa asked as she narrowed her eyes.

“I never said we were going to kill you…” Mahaila said with a smile and she smirked when she saw the shock momentarily flash across her eyes. Then her eyes were once again filled with scepticism and then anger.

“You think me a fool? Do not insult me, your honeyed words will win you no victories. If you wish to kill me, get on with it.” Eissa spat in response.

“You are lucky you know Princess.” Mahaila said as she stood up and poured two glasses of wine from a nearby jug.

“Very lucky…” Mahaila said as she handed Eissa a glass.

In response Eissa lifted the glass and downed it one swig.

“Will I be turning blue soon?” Eissa asked as she gracefully wiped her mouth with the back of her thumb.

“No poison, just a refreshment.” Mahaila said as she raised a glass towards Eissa before downing her glass.

“A truth serum then?” Eissa asked.

“Better to drink it yourself than to have me force it down your throat?” Mahaila asked with a small chuckle.

“Do not patronise me Elysian.” Eissa replied with a small snarl, twisting her beautiful features.

“No potion either, your highness.” Mahaila said sarcastically as she put the glass down on the nearby table.

“Then what is it? Why are you here?” Eissa hissed, her patience clearly running thin.

“Like I said I never said we were going to kill you. Your average human ruler would see you as a threat. But an ancient beast may see something else…” Mahaila said, this got Eissa’s attention…

“The beast… is not a pet?” Eissa asked.

“Fortunately for you, no. Elysian culture finds Volerian culture repulsive, even more so considering Elysia is ruled by a woman. Much of your way of life will not survive, but not all of it has to die. Lives can be saved and peace can be won with less sacrifice. 

Isn’t it easier for the people to accept a Volerian woman ruling them as compared to foreign invader and a monster? Far more palatable alternative wouldn’t you agree?” Mahaila asked.

“By having me rule, it would help bridge the gap. It would be easier to accept that the Empress is a woman. It would make Voleria easier to rule.” Eissa said as she sat up straight, now understanding the point of the conversation.

“Rebellion to an extent is inevitable with the Empress on the throne. But the Great Beast sees these potential rebellions for what they are. To him they are mild inconveniences at best. The Empress and the Beast has visions and ambitions long past this war. This war is only the beginning, they have far greater designs. 

The offer is simple, really Princess. Would you like to be part of this future that they wish to build?” Mahaila asked as she offered a hand to Eissa.

“You mean a future as a puppet and slave?” Eissa asked, Mahaila knew she was just probing. She could already tell her stress levels were dropping slightly, there was almost relief in Eissa’s eyes.

Mahaila waved her hand and cast a spell. The rag that Eissa had used to wipe her nethers shot towards Eissa’s head and stopped right in front of her face. Showing her the stain of her brother’s fluids, letting her breathe in the rather pungent scent.

“You mean more or less of a slave than you currently are? I can promise you won’t be a sex toy and broodmare at least.” Mahaila asked. 

Eissa calmly took the cloth out of the air and held it in her hand. She ran her thumb over the white slime showing how familiar she was with it.

“It tastes terrible, you know, bitter, salty, sour, disgusting…. I was wondering if you were watching my brother defile me. I suppose it was to put me into the right frame of mind. It would have been effective if I was this meek, timid woman…” Eissa said as she looked up at Mahaila and raised a brow.

“No this is far better, a competent ruler and logical woman. How convenient…” Mahaila replied with a smirk.

“A good offer, I would be a fool to refuse…” Eissa mused as she wiped her hand clean and continued to hold the cloth in her other hand.

“Are you a fool?” Mahaila asked.

“I can drink this from a glass if it would make my life easier, what do you think? I do what I must, because it’s either that or suffer needlessly.” Eissa replied dryly as she raised the stained rag in her hand.

“Excellent, now I have some more questions.” Mahaila said with a grin.

“We might need more wine, I’m getting thirsty.” Eissa replied.


Silas stumbled back into his study, his head pounding from the copious amounts of wine he had consumed. He could feel the guilt gnawing at his heart as he thought back to what he did to his sister.

It was good wasn’t it?

“Shut up…” Silas hissed out loud as that familiar voice echoed out in his mind.

You liked it, her wet tightness wrapped around you…

“SHUT UP!” Silas roared as he grabbed a nearby bottle and threw it at a random wall.

He had this voice in his head for as long as he could remember. The nagging smug voice that ate at his mind. It always stoked his worst inclinations, his darkest thoughts, his most profane desires. Very often it gave good advice, if one could call it that. It would tell Silas the best tactics, the best way to do things, the best way for him to derive the most pleasure from life. 

Silas’s mother died a year after bringing Eissa into the world. She hung herself in the royal bedchamber after discovering she was pregnant with another child. So Silas never had a motherly figure in his life. Perhaps that was why he always craved female affection. Silas suspected this part of his life was why he desired his sister for as long as he could remember. He remembers noticing that she was slowly developing into a woman, she was getting curves and he remembers seeing the modest mound at her chest. 

Silas knew it was wrong but he couldn’t help it, the first time he lay with a woman his mind was on her. When he found out that his sister was engaged the voice came in earnest. It was odd it didn’t even sound like his own voice, it sounded like it belonged to someone else. A voice that is both extremely foreign yet extremely familiar…

He could still remember the dark whispers that led him to do what he did. The words poking at his soul, pulling right where it hurts the most. The voice knew exactly what to say, it was like a demon on his shoulder…

If you let things go on as they are, your sister will be taken by another

You will lose her, just like you lost your mother and all the others after her

You remember Serene your caretaker?

She was married off to someone else…

What about that other noble girl you fancied?

What was her name…

Ah… Ferian…

She has someone’s else's child in her belly as we speak…

Will you let that happen again?

Of course you are, you are a weak coward

You always were and you always will be…

That voice uttered those words the night he found out about his sister’s engagement. This went on for hours and finally past midnight he cracked. He still remembers barging into his sister’s room and forcing himself on her.

Reminiscing on that beautiful night?

“Quiet…” Silas hissed in response.

I know you loved it, I don’t recall another time where you had a better time…

Silas grit his teeth as he listened to the voice mock him. The worst part about it was that it knew when to shut up. When out in the field or in public it would shut up mostly and offer good advice. This man is disloyal, the soldiers are lazy, the enemy is fragmented. Its words were always true, in the back of his mind he knew he did enjoy forcing himself on Eissa. She was better than any other woman he had laid with. Every time he saw their children he felt this wave of happiness as he gazed at the children they made together.

The voice even knew when he had impregnated her…

On that note, you just made her pregnant again…

If you do exactly as I say you will win the battle

You will live to see her belly swell with another child…


The Archdemon Alastor smirked as he spoke with that wayward prince. His mind connected to the Prince’s through a deal he struck with his ancestor. His ancestor, that mercenary lord, couldn’t have overthrown such a large house on his own. So he made a deal with an Archdemon, he made a deal with Alastor. 

At first Alastor had no idea this bloodline would be this useful. That was before he found out about the prophecy with that Elysian Princess. He never imagined at the time that a little petty fun could have turned into something so useful. This has been the most fun he has had in thousands of years. The return of the Firstborn, his little gift of that ancient book. It was exhilarating to compete with his rivals, to pull the strings. The Syndicate, himself, the ancient hero Mahaila and as for the rest of the ancients… they won’t be far behind. 

Alastor was merely backing the winning side, someone must hold the most favour with the Firstborn. His deals won’t work with the Firstborn, his deals cannot bind them. Their physiology changes so much and so often. The moment they alter their bodies the dark magic fizzles out. So he has to earn their favour in other ways. The Syndicate are slow on the draw, Alastor planned to show them what a true schemer is. 

“I’ve never been wrong haven’t I? Every victory you have, you owe to me. Listen to me and you will rule Volerian and Elysia.” Alastor said as his smile widened. 

“Why didn’t I say anything when you invaded? Well it was because victory was impossible, you didn’t have enough men and if you retreated your political power was at risk…” Alastor replied as he continued to speak into Silas’s mind.

“But now, you have the people of this city as shields. The beast cannot hope to kill all of them, if they do so heaven will take issue with that. So it must at least pretend to be merciful, use the people as a shield, you have declared a do or die stance as I instructed. Now you need only wait for the fruits of your labour.

With the defence of the city thanks to your strategy, your ascension will be unquestioned. No one can contest your rule, you can take your dear sister as your wife. You will live to see her rule…” Alastor said with a smirk.

Alastor could sense the fool hadn’t picked up his little hint there. His sister will rule, Alastor didn’t say he would rule beside her. Chances are Mahaila would have thought to use that Princess to their advantage, it is a plainly obvious choice. Even if she was unsuitable, they could use her for the meantime then execute her afterwards. Of course what he said above led to that impression, but it was just a bit of casual cruelty on his part. Oh Alastor did love tormenting the mewling mortals. 

Alastor makes deals, and his ancestor sold his bloodline for his own personal power. So Alastor gave him what he wanted, power, women and when he passed Alastor had his soul. A fine addition to Alastor’s collection and so he played with the house of Tralis. His command and curse passed from generation to generation and how fun it was to make them dance.

Humans were so stupid and easy to manipulate, with their fleeting lives trying to scrabble at every scrap of power. It made them easy targets for Alastor’s deals.

You will get everything you deserve Prince Silas…


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