
Chapter 79: Lambs to the Slaughter Part 2

Chapter 79: Lambs to the Slaughter Part 2

Arias felt Conte yank him towards him by the collar. Arias flinched as he saw the intensity in Conte’s eyes. His eyes held the gaze of a sharpened blade but somewhere within Arias saw a certain resignation in his eyes.

“Listen to me kid, get to the general. Tell them the right flank has fallen. Make sure you get as close to the prince as you can. Remember that last part, get close to the prince. Understand?” Conte said as he shook Arias to make sure he understood.

“Yes!” Arias stammered in response.

“Don’t run out into the field, move carefully right at the edge of the formation. Don’t stop to help anyone. Got it?” Conte said earnestly.

It started to dawn on Arias that Conte didn’t expect to make it out alive. He wanted Arias to get to the prince so that he would be dragged along in the retreat. They wouldn’t let a royal die out here…

“Come with me… you and Lars can come with me…” Arias pleaded.

“The three of us would look like deserters. You look like some green kid, they would believe that you are a runner. Besides I can’t leave these guys, this is my home now. I’m here on a judge's order, it was either here or the gallows. The judge said I wasn’t worth anything so go and die for my country.” Conte said with a small smile.

“No…” Arias replied shakily.

“Go on, kid. You got a girl to marry. Remember, keep going, stick to the edge, don't run out there. Don’t fight, don’t help anyone, just run, don’t stop for anything. Also I need you to deliver something… it’s a letter there’s an address on it. If the person has moved out then burn it, it’s just selfish words anyway.” Conte said as he turned to look at Lars who had just killed another beast alongside another soldier.

“Lars, your letter!” Conte shouted and Lars turned around as realisation dawned on him.

“Here kid. Good luck.” Lars said as he shoved a letter into one of Arias’s pockets. Arias watched numbly as Conte shoved his own letter into the pocket.

Conte bent down and picked up Arias’s sword and shoved the handle into Arias’s hand.

“Come with me, you don’t have to die here…” Arias pleaded.

“You're a good kid, you know that? I’m a condemned soldier, I learned how to die a long time ago. Go marry that girl. Her name is Rosie right?” Conte said and Arias flinched at the name.

“How do you…” Arias began as he recoiled slightly in shock.

“You talk in your sleep. We’ll meet up in the next life, I better not see you soon. Now go on. GO!” Conte said as he shoved Arias back, before turning around and rushing towards Lars who was fighting another beast.

Rosie… he needed to get back to her. She might have their child in her belly, he couldn’t let her raise it alone…

“I’m sorry…” Arias choked out to the mass of men fighting in front of him before turning around and running towards the back line. He could feel the tears burning his eyes, half of him wanted to stay but the thought of Rosie crying when he never returned kept him going. The final letters in his pocket gave him the strength to move his legs.

Arias remembers a line in a book he read while he was in training…

In a man’s final moments, he shows who he truly is…

If that was true then that would apply to a final letter too. A dying wish was words from the heart and he wanted to deliver those words.

Then he heard screams to his left, he halted just in time to see a large beast fly past him. Knocking men in full plate out into the plains to his left. The beast was the size of a wagon and it roared as it brought its large fist down onto a nearby groaning body. Arias flinched as the armour crumpled and red sludge erupted from the gaps of the armour.

He froze as he watched another soldier get back up and charge the beast. The beast turned and swiped at the man. His shield crumpled, it’s claws cut the arm right off and it raked over his chest in a spray of blood. The beast turned around as it looked at the mass of screaming men and beasts. It let out a roar as these strange crystals on its back glowed, before it charged and barrelled back into the mass of men to a chorus of screams from the Volerians.

Arias shifted his gaze back to the open plains on his left and he saw the slashed up soldier struggle to his feet with his one remaining arm. He watched as the soldier stumbled over to his ruined arm as he reached out with his stump as if forgetting it was gone. The soldier paused for a moment then he dropped his sword before reaching out to pick it up with his other hand. Then he began to stumble back towards the mass of men. 

From the corner of his eye he saw a pair of those dogs take aim at the man. Instinctively Arias raised his shield and braced. But he felt nothing, he shakily peeked over his shield and saw the man fall to his knees. His body trembling as he coughed out a mouthful of black blood. Then he fell face forward on the grass, his body convulsing. Arias could see his entire back covered with spines from the dogs.

Arias grit his teeth and he resumed his run. He kept an eye on the formation and completely ignored the dogs roaming around on the open ground. Arias realised that those beasts were deadly accurate and they were only targeting the runners. With their accuracy if they decided to fire at him he was dead anyway, so no sense worrying about that.

The only danger he could mitigate was some random beast bursting out of the formation and slamming into him. If that happened the impact could kill him or maim him. If he got knocked into the open plains then he would be shot by the dogs. In the back of his mind, Arias remembered Hive soldiers obeyed commands to the letter, no more no less. Those dogs were probably ordered to only kill runners which was why they weren’t shooting at him. The only reason he could think of as to why was that the dogs had a limited amount of shots and this was a simple way to prevent runners from scattering. 

Arias knew armies rout and he had to get to the rear line before the formation turned into a stampede…

Again he heard a sudden increase of screams on his right and he heard the sound of metal grinding. He halted his footsteps and saw another of those large beasts burst out of the formation sending four men flying. His eyes widened when he saw one of the bodies flying right at him. He tried to dodge but he was still hit and he felt something hard hit the side of the helm. Then his back hit the earth and he felt the world spin. He blinked as he looked up and saw the bright blue sky swim in his vision.

Don’t stop for anything…

Arias heard Conte’s voice ring out in his mind and he found the strength to drag himself up. He tried to stand but he was still unsteady on his feet. Perhaps he had a concussion…

Arias took another two steps before falling forward and landing in the mud. He grit his teeth as he shook his head trying to shake the dizziness off. He raised his head and he saw another soldier lying on the ground looking at him. He could see his face through a small gap in the chaos of armoured legs. Arias looked on as the soldier reached out his hand towards him. Arias saw the soldier’s mouth move but he couldn’t hear him over the din of battle. The soldier was lying in the mass of soldiers and he could see their armoured boots tramping his outstretched hand. He saw one foot step on his fingers, the fingers bent back before snapping and laying limply against the ground next to the outstretched palm.

The soldier’s mouth continued to move but still Arias couldn’t hear anything, but then he focused on his lips and he realised what he was saying.

Help me…

I don’t want to die…

Arias reached out and crawled forward slightly towards the soldier. Then he saw another soldier trip over the man’s outstretched arm and it knocked a small hole in the mass of screaming men and beasts. Arias’s eyes widened when he got a good look at the rest of the soldier’s body. Previously he could only see his face in a convenient gap in the mass of men but now Arias could see his entire body.

Arias saw one of the beast’s with its maw the man’s belly. The beast raised its head and it dragged the man’s entrails out in a bloody trail, his intestines trailing out of his body in bloody strips. Arias felt bile rush up his throat and he puked right into his helmet. He felt the warm foul smelling sludge fill the bottom of his helmet and he gasped as he pulled the helmet off. He looked down at his helmet and saw the brownish sludge on the inside of his helmet and he felt bile rise up again before he vomited again on the grass. 

Arias raised his head again and he saw the soldier still mouthing words at him. Now there was blood streaming from his mouth and nose. He was pale as a sheet and Arias knew he didn’t have long in this world.

Help me…


Arias saw him mouth and then he heard Conte’s words in his mind once again.

Don’t fight…

Don’t help anyone…

Don’t stop for anything…

Arias bit his lip as he scrambled to his feet. He grabbed his helmet and gave it a slight shake to remove as much of the vomit as he could before putting it back on his head. The smell hit him but he had bigger problems and he had no more vomit left in his stomach anyway.

He continued his run, dodging beasts and screaming desperate men. Three times more he threw himself on the ground to dodge spines, a few of the shots actually came quite close. Finally he saw the formation start to taper off as he approached the rear of the formation. He saw the uniforms start to change as the equipment varied. At first the armour was steel, then it was leather, then back to steel, then to mithril and finally metal gave way to cloth. 

Arias turned and gulped as he saw what was happening in the rear. Now he could really see the golden feathered beast up close. The mages were firing frantic spells at it, but it laughed in response, their spells bouncing off its hide and only managed to knock feathers loose. There were no war spells being fired because those had a large area of effect. To fire one into the middle of your own formation was suicide.

Then Arias spotted a large glowing light appear in the middle of the tattered mage formation. Arias ground to a halt as he saw the light, were they actually going to attempt that?

Arias could hear the desperate shouts, the screaming that bordered on madness. He turned to the beast and saw it tilt its head as if in amusement. Arias saw it open its maw and he felt his blood go cold when he realised what was about to happen.

When ritual spells are interrupted they tend to backfire… rather violently…


Arias heard one mage scream above the din of the battle. The fact that he could even hear it was a testament to how loud that mage was shouting and also… how close he was to it…

Arias tried to turn around to get some distance but then he felt the heat. He turned around and saw the light engulfed by white flames. He heard the sound of Ether crackling and then a flash of light. Next thing he knew he was on his back as he struggled to breathe, all the air knocked out of his lungs.

He dragged himself to his feet and he saw the entire right edge side of the rear formation had been knocked off their feet. He felt bile rise up his throat as he saw the mangled burning and charred bodies lying around. At least he now had a clear run to the command tent, he could see it from here…

Arias pushed himself forward, his body screamed at him in protest. His legs felt like lead and his knees were scrapped raw from constantly throwing himself into the dirt. His back was killing him from how many times he was blasted off his feet. As he ran along the edges trying to ignore the shell shocked soldiers struggling to their feet as they were constantly pounced on by the beasts. All the while the laughter of the golden feathered beast echoed out over the battlefield.

At last he reached the rear line and he saw women in white robes tending to the wounded. They were the Priestesses from the Order of Mercy. Women of the church who volunteered to follow armies and soothe the suffering of the wounded. They were sacrosanct by treaties amongst the humanoid nations, if they are harmed by an army, the nation will face severe condemnation both from abroad and within.

Yet somehow Arias had a feeling the beasts wouldn’t care about some lines written on a piece of paper…

Then Arias felt the ground tremble beneath his feet. He yelped as he felt the ground beneath his feet explode outwards. He was sent flying into the formation, he rolled head over heels, over corpses and over dying men. When he finally came to a halt, he had lost his helmet and his sword. As he struggled to his feet he gagged when he realised an eviscerated torse was a few centimetres from his face.

Arias let out a scream of terror when he saw the open ribcage and the organs strewn out on the ground. Then he noticed there was a woman in white kneeling next to the mangled corpse. He looked up to see the woman had her arms out and palm towards the corpse. A green magic circle was rotating around her palms. Was she trying to heal that corpse? 

He raised his head and saw the priestess was a young blonde haired woman. Her gaze was hollow as tears ran down her cheeks. Then Arias heard a roar and he turned to see one of the large wagon sized beasts bat a charging soldier aside like a fly. He saw the beast turn to look at him and he felt a rising panic. Instinctively he scrabbled forward and tried to run. Then he spotted that priestess again and he remembered that the beasts would not stay their claws against the priestesses.

Instinctively he grabbed the priestess’s arm in an attempt to pull her away. The priestess allowed herself to be pulled to her feet. Arias was about to shout at her that they needed to run but he felt someone shove him aside. Arias fell to the ground and saw the Priestess had fallen as well, landing in a pile of pulped flesh. Her eyes widened in terror as she looked down at red mush she was sitting in.

Arias looked to the side and saw the man that had pushed the pair of them down was wearing the cheap leather armour of the rear echelon reserves. The man was hysterical and screaming his head off as he ran out into the plains.


The man screamed and Arias froze when he saw a pair of those dog beasts point their tails at him. Arias realised he was in the firing line of those tails and he instinctively scrambled to his feet as he moved to shield the priestess. He raised his shield just in time to hear the man in front of him scream. Arais shut his eyes then he felt a thud on his shield. 

Arias gingerly opened his eyes and he flinched when he saw a blood covered spine right in front of his face. His vision focused and he saw that the spine had almost gone completely through his shield. He lowered his shield and saw the man standing there with his back covered in holes. Arias saw the soldier to his knees before falling face first into the dirt. Arias cast his gaze around him and saw spines embedded in the bodies around him. 

Then Arias heard a snarl and turned to look at the golden feathered beast. It was growling as it snapped its jaws at the wagon size beast from before. The wagon sized beast lowered its head almost as if in apology. Then the wagon sized beast turned and roared at the pair of the dogs that had shot the spines while the crystals on its back glowed. Arias turned this head to see the pair of dogs lower their heads as well. 

What the hell was going on?

Arias watched as the wagon sized beast turned its gaze to Arias. It growled before turning away and burrowing back into the ground. 

Arias looked back down at the young priestess that was crying as she clutched onto the front of his armour. He shifted his gaze back to the spine on his shield and was about to reach out to the spine but he heard a woman’s voice shout at him.

“Don’t touch that! It’s poisoned!” the voice shouted.

Arias turned to see a woman in her forties storm over. She wore a priestesses robes as well but her robes were far more ornate and stained with blood and filth.

“Sister Junie, are you alright?” the priestess asked.

“Mother Justina!” the Priestess in my arms cried out as she tore herself from Arias’s chest and hurtled into Justina’s arms.

“There there, calm yourself Junie, this is no time to cry.” Mother Justina said as she gently rubbed her back.

“Thank you young man for protecting my fellow Sister.” Justina said calmly as she looked at Arias.

Arias gaped as he looked at Mother Justina, for some reason he felt like he was in the eye of a storm. As if the slaughter happening behind him wasn’t happening at all. How the hell was she so calm? Did she truly believe the treaties would protect her?

“You should get rid of that shield. If you cut yourself on that spine, you will be dead in minutes.” Mother Justina said as she glanced down at Arias’s battered shield.

Arias flinched as he quickly dropped the shield on the ground and took a step back away from it. 

“Why are you here, soldier? A deserter?” Mother Justina asked.

“No, I’m a runner. I’m supposed to tell the General that the right flank is being overrun.” Arias replied stiffly.

“Is that so, well young man, could you bring Junie here with you. Let the general know that the healers are overburdened and we require more hands to organise the wounded.” Mother Justina said.

“Yes as you wish Mother.” Arias replied with a stiff bow, but he paused as he looked up slowly.

“Mother… you will not have your usual protection against the beasts….” Arias began.

“Oh I know, but where are we to go? The only thing we can do is to ease the suffering of those here. By the way young man, when you two deliver the news make sure you try to stand as close to the Prince as possible and try to remain by his side. I would ask you to tell the Prince that I requested you to stay by Junie’s side as she rested.” Mother Justina said.

Arias blinked blankly at those words, Conte told him to stay as close to the Prince as possible too… Did they want him to protect the Prince?

“Do you understand young man?” Mother Justina asked and Arias nodded. 

“Good now go.” Mother Justina said as she gently handed the weeping Junie to Arias. Arias gripped her hand as he nodded. 

It took a little coaxing but he managed to lead Sister Junie towards the command tent. As he approached the command tent he saw a pair of royal guards stare at him through their helms.

“Message for the general and a request from Mother Justina.” Arias said and the royal guards nodded as they held open the tent. But before Arias could move he heard a voice shout out from the tent.

“ARE YOU MAD MONTIS?” Arias heard a voice shout.

Arias froze as he gazed at the tent opening apprehensively.

“Go in.” one of the royal guards said coldly and Arias nodded as he stepped into the tent. Within he saw the Prince glaring at General Montis. General Montis had his back turned to Arias and was facing the Prince across the war table.

“I cannot abandon my men, your majesty. The Priestesses will be left behind as well and my wives to be are in the supply train behind us.” General Montis said.

“The supply train has been overrun! The Elysians are to our rear!” the Prince shouted.

“Overrun by humans, which means they may still be alive. Regardless, I must do my duty. Farewell my Prince, may we meet again in this life or the next.” General Montis said as he bowed before turning around.

General Montis paused as soon as he saw Arias and Junie standing there.

“Message from the right flank has been overrun.” Arias said tentatively.

“Yes, along with the rest of the army. You have new orders boy. Stay here in this tent and good luck.” General Montis said as he walked past Arias and out of the tent.

“What?” Arias mumbled in confusion as he gazed at the tent flap as it closed. His new orders were to stay in the tent? 

Then Arias saw a flash of blue light from behind him and he spun around in shock. He turned to see the prince holding a strange totem in his hands. The totem was made of this strange black metal and on it were engraved rapidly fading runes. 

Arias watched as the Prince bitterly dumped the totem on the table before slamming his fist into the wooden table in frustration.

“Honourable fool…” the Prince muttered.

“Guards fall in! I am going to see my father.” the Prince roared as he snatched up his helm and sword.

Arias watched as the Prince and his guards stormed past him. Then he noticed something… as he looked past the swaying tent flap that the world on the other side wasn’t the grassy plains of slaughter that he just ran through. It was then that he also realised that he couldn’t hear the sounds of battle anymore. The area around him was now deathly quiet.

He pulled open the flap and saw what looked to be the interior of a castle. As he tried to take a step forward he felt his arm tug back slightly and he remembered he was still holding the hand of that Priestess.

Arias turned to see her still hollowed eyed and it looked like she barely knew where she was. He felt a tinge of pity and he gently tugged on her hand. The Priestess Junie looked up at Arias for a moment, showing a moment's clarity.

“Come on.” Arias said gently and the pair of them tentatively walked out of the tent. He saw the tent was now in this strange large stone room. He could see runes glowing in the walls and he spotted a large obelisk filled with glowing runes protruding downwards from the tall ceiling like a stalagmite.

He saw that the only way out of the room was this large doorway that was flanked by a pair of Royal Guards. These ones looked different than the ones he saw previously. Their armour was more ornate, they wore flowing blue capes and they wielded halberds filled with gold embroidery. Arias could even see sapphires inlaid into the handles.

“Halt! Who are you?” the Royal Guard shouted as he and another guard turned to face Arias and Junie. They both pointed their halberds at the pair of them, although they were a good distance away the gesture was still more than enough to create some panic in Arias.

“I was a messenger! I got caught in whatever magic that was. Both of us were.” Arias shouted back as he raised one hand in surrender. Arias was painfully aware that if he was branded as a deserter he would be summarily executed.

“Hold up, the kid’s telling the truth. I heard General Montis ordering the kid to stay in the tent. He had no idea what was about to happen.” another voice said and Arias turned to see another Royal Guard that was dressed in far simpler armour, similar to the ones he had seen on the battlefield.

“Major!” the two better dressed Royal Guards shouted as they snapped crisply to attention. 

“At ease, and for Heaven’s sake can’t you see there’s a Sister of Mercy? Don’t point your weapons at a Sister if you value your lives. Their safety is sacrosanct.” the Major said impatiently.

“Our apologies Major!” the pair of guards shouted in response. 

“Leave us, come back in ten minutes. I need to speak to these two.” the Major said and the pair of guards saluted as they turned around.

“I apologise Sister, they are young and inexperienced. They are loyal and dedicate themselves to the protection of this great nation and its good people. As a superior officer I humbly request that you forgive their transgressions.” the Major said with a small bow.

Arias looked at Junie and saw her looking hollowed eyed at the Major not saying a word.

“Erm I don’t think she… can…” Arias mumbled in response.

“I understand, this is more common than one might think in times of war. Then young man your new orders.” the Major said and Arias instinctively snapped to attention.

“Bring the Sister here to the People’s Church, also explain to the honoured Mothers the transgression that just occurred and offer my apologies to them.” the Major said and Arias nodded stiffly in response.

Then something occurred to Arias… People’s Church? Where the hell was he?

“Erm sir? Where are we?” Arias asked tentatively.

“Ah of course you would not be aware. You have been transported back to Tralis using an ancient artefact that dates back to the old empire. You are ordered to take the honourable Sister to the headquarters of the Sisters of Mercy, the People’s Church of Tralis.” the Major ordered.

Tralis? They were in the Capitol? But the bulk of the army was gone along with most of the veteran units. It won’t be long before the Elysians and their monsters close in on the capitol…

Then Arias heard the Major make one last declaration.

Rejoice young man you now have the honour of defending our great capitol…


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