
Chapter 58: Love and Cruelty

Chapter 58: Love and Cruelty

I landed on the balcony of my not so little room, I had this large door installed on the balcony. Since Cecilia is crashing in my room and snows are coming, this room would be quite cold if there was this large gaping hole there. So the two of us decided to do some renovating.

“I’m back.” I said as I opened the door to see my now transformed room.

The floor now had a nice plush carpet under a little seating area with couches. There was a bath in the far corner and a large hearth nearby to keep the room warm.  I could see quite a few people here, they were the usual faces… well soon to be usual faces. I’m not sure how but my room has sort of become this little gathering room now…

This sort of started happening a few days ago…

I saw Cecilia sitting on a nearby couch with her sister. Cecilia's sister's name was Celene and she was sitting next to her, the first time we met was at the throne room when we retook Averlon. Her sisters have been hanging around my room a lot recently just to be with Cecilia. Lily was standing behind them acting like a servant because of course they can’t do kinky shit now. The youngest sister Celeste was sitting on the carpet playing with Spots, for some reason she didn’t seem that afraid of him. Which is odd considering half her body could fit into Spots’s mouth. I also made Spots a bit more… dog like, so that the girls can play fetch with him or something.

“Ah friend, I bring good news.” Cecilia said cheerily.

“And that is?” I asked curiously as I closed the door and moved to sit down on my cushion.

“Arune accepted, they sent the raven on the last day of the dead line.” Cecilia said with a small laugh.

“Well at least they made the wise choice, it’s annoying to rebuild a city in the dead of winter.” I replied as I magiced a book into my hand.

Now where was I… ah yes this was one of the books Beatrice wrote. A bit dry and she isn’t the best novelist. I mean it was named “A academic examination on the history of the Phoenixes, with a special focus on the cultural significance within the Elysian Empire.” So yeah it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue…

“Marina on the other hand is a different story…” Cecilia said lazily as she sipped her cup of tea.

“I wonder how that King of Arune made his decision…” I mused as I turned away from the book.

“Oh Sarana told me the funniest story about that. Word is that he was tearing his hair out for two weeks!” Cecilia said as she burst out into a fit of laughter.

“His advisers were all giving him conflicting advice. It appears his eye for talent is just as good as his decisiveness.” Cecilia replied with a giggle.

“So he has bent the knee?” I asked.

“He has, now we just need to claim Marina.” Cecilia replied.

“I assume that idiot has turned down your offer?” I asked.

“Yes he has… but hopefully we won’t have to send your children storming into the city. Although it would certainly be interesting to see the capabilities of your hive in open combat.” Cecilia mused as I turned to see Celeste throw a ball and Spots bounded after it.

Celeste laughed a bell-like laugh as she stomped her little feet in excitement as Spots returned with the ball. You know when I made Spots I thought he would spend most of his time at Cecilia’s side keeping her company. But somehow it has turned into Celeste’s puppy…

It was kind of funny honestly, I once caught sight of Celeste riding on top of Spots in the castle with Celene following behind with a strained smile on her face. The other nobles were quite understandably taken aback by a toddler riding a large monster through the castle like she was riding a horse. I could still see the scene in my head of how the small toddler had her hand out pointing straight forward as if she was on the way to some great crusade or something.

“Well there’s time for that soon, with Tralis itching for a fight…” I replied with a laugh as I mentally commanded Spots to shake Celeste’s hand after I noticed she was trying to teach him to do tricks.

“Yes, speaking of that. Sarana has mentioned that Beralis is doing rather poorly. It appears their food reserves were burned a few days ago by Tralis’s agents. They look like they will be starving through this winter.” Cecilia said.

“They kept all their food in one place?” I asked as I ordered Spots of roll over and I watched as Celeste giggled as she jumped on Spot’s exposed belly hugging it happily, giggling all the way.

I should probably program in some basic instructions for Spots so that he can do the tricks Celeste wanted.

“Well most of it, Beralis never expected to be defeated so dramatically so they never bothered to fully plan out their food storage in the event of a siege. They placed too much confidence in the Beryl Line.” Cecilia replied.

“Just like how the Elysians put too much confidence in the Elysian Gate.” I said as I turned my gaze to Cecilia.

“Indeed, but now the Elysian Gate is just a border gate. I believe you said you have a… non conventional plan for the coming war?” Cecilia asked as she turned to face me.

“Yes, I’ve read your books and I think Bandit Prince will be expecting a conventional war. He thinks we’re going to line up neatly and trade blows, but that is not how beasts fight. I will teach him there is no glory in war, only slaughter.” I replied as I let out a laugh, the Eternal Mother left me some memories on how a Hive can fight.

Hives do not fight the same way humanoids do. The soldiers of a hive do not know fear, they do not know pain. They do not need any pep talks or recompense. While men fight for gold, glory and the other spoils of war. The soldiers of a Hive fight only to obey. 

Hive tactics revolve around speed and ferocity. A hive washes over their foes like a ceaseless tide, caring not for their losses. 

For as long as they win, they profit. New soldiers can be bred in days, so as long as a Hive takes ground they are immune to attrition.

I can still hear the Eternal Mother’s voice echoing out from the memories. She described a Hive with a simple sentence, and now that I command one I know how true that is.

A hive stands alone, together.

In some ways, this was also reflective of my relationship with Cecilia. The pair of us stand alone against the world but we stand together. You don’t need that many allies, you just need a few good ones.

“They do say he is a tactical genius and a capable statesman in a tyrannical sense. However, I am sure he has only studied conventional warfare. The only nation in the surrounding regions who would be experienced in fighting your Hive would be the Lizardkin but they weren’t available so Tralis is on their own.” Cecilia remarked.

“In a different life, in a different time he may have ruled this place.” Celene mused quietly as she looked at Cecilia.

“I suppose that’s true.” Cecilia replied with a fond smile.

“History can turn like a coin, if neither Cecilia or I were here. Your life will be very different, I doubt your late brother could have protected you two.” I said as I leaned back into the cushion and looked up at the ceiling.

“Yes. The thought of it gives me chills…” Celene replied softly as she rubbed her arms as if feeling the cold.

“Well we are here, nothing is going to hurt you Celene.” Cecilia said as she put a gentle hand on her dear sister’s shoulder.

“Thanks big sis…” Celene replied with a small smile.

“Although my thoughts are often with Maria… I wish she didn’t have to suffer at the hands of that brute…” Celene said her voice forlorn. In contrast to her elder siblings Celene had a rather soft and kind disposition. Cecilia mentioned her mother had doted on Celene excessively, perhaps out of guilt for what Cecilia was subjected to.

“Well we have something in the works for that don’t we Cecilia?” I said as I gave her a wry grin.

“That we do, but that little plan comes after we take Marina… I can’t afford to invite aggression until the region is secure. We could still win without Marina but it would send the wrong message to other lords and ladies. I would come across as a rash and impulsive.” Cecilia replied in a rather clipped tone.

“I’m going to punish that fool in Marina when I get my hands on him…” Cecilia seethed.

“And the Bandit Prince?” I asked.

“That’s Maria’s prize if she wants it. If she doesn’t want it… well… I’m sure you can put him to use.” Cecilia said as she turned to face me.

“Oh definitely, I’ll make sure to keep him around longer than usual. I won’t waste a single thing about him, take it as a little favour to your family.” I replied with a smirk.

“Then I must think of a way to repay you.” Cecilia replied with a fond smile of her own.

I chuckled at her words as I turned to look at her.


No need, this one’s on the house…


Maria mewled as she felt her lover pierce her. Her legs were up in the air as they shuddered with each thrust. She could hear him moan her name and she felt her heart flutter with each mention. 

After her meeting with her cousin the Prince of Tralis was in a foul mood and he took it out on Maria. As the carriage trundled out of Averlon she panicked and tore off a piece of her dress before shoving it into her mouth. It was to prevent any sound to escape her lips as the Prince took her in the carriage. This went on for days as he ravished her whenever he was able all the way back to Averlin.

The only solace was that the prince was in such a foul mood that he decided to leave her in Averlin rather than bring her back to Tralis. In the back of her mind although she had suffered all the way home she was still grateful to her cousin. At least she was free from him for a few weeks at least. Also her cousin's affirmation meant the world to her, her cousin hadn’t forgotten about her…

In truth Maria felt so abandoned these past few months. Her own retainers have slowly abandoned her, fearful of being taken along with her to Tralis. The other nobles were also chafing under the alliance and they had directed this displeasure onto her head. 

The “Royal Harlot” they called her…

She never felt this scorn more clearly when she had arrived back at Averlin. Prince Silas had merely kicked the door open and thrown Maria out of the carriage like a sack of garbage. So she landed on the hard stones, scrapping her arms, naked, sweaty and covered in fluids. When she raised her head she saw the other nobles looking on in disdain and her own attendants afraid to approach her.

“I’ll be back whore.” Prince Silas had spat as he slammed the door shut and the carriage went on it’s way leaving her naked and in tears on the stones. Her attendants hearing this set of words jumped and disappeared back into the palace abandoning her there.

The worst part about this was that she didn’t even blame them. In the chauvinistic society of Tralis, maids and servants were frequently called to bed chambers by nobles and knights. So if any of her female attendants followed her to Tralis they would no doubt suffer the same fate.

At the time Maria was at her lowest, she wished the world would just end right there…

Then she heard armoured footfalls rush towards her. She looked up to see Sir Rowan rush over to her, she watched as he tore off his majestic red cape and draped it over her. He was a member of her Royal Guard, one of the handful of retainers still loyal to her.

“Your highness are you alright?” Sir Rowan asked gently.

“Yes… thank you…” Maria replied tearfully.

She remembers him picking her up and carrying her into the palace. She remembers how at that moment something had snapped inside of her. Her pride and dignity was already in shattered pieces lying in the mud. So why bother acting chaste anymore?

So she took Sir Rowen as her lover, she knew he cared for her beyond simple loyalty. She could tell by how he held her when he carried her into the palace, in how he spoke to her and in how he cared for her. In truth she knew it was desperation and grief that made her do this stupid act. If the truth of their little relationship came to light Sir Rowen would hang…

But Maria wasn’t strong enough to resist the calling of her heart. She wasn’t like her dear cousin, the resplendent Empress Cecilia. She didn’t have the strength, wit and guile to tame the squabbling lords and ladies of Elysia. Many are whispering that they were witnessing the rebirth of the Elysian Empire with the rise of a new Empress.

All of that however… seemed so far away…

All she could feel now was the sensation of her lover moving inside her and she clutched him tightly almost as if she feared he was going to vanish into thin air. Each movement caused a shock of pleasure and her heart felt so full from affection.

Maria could still remember their first night together, it was the day she had returned and she was crying in her room. She was alone, her attendants gone and the only person that came up to check on her was Sir Rowan.

She remembered pouring her heart out to him, the only person who would listen. She remembered him wiping her tears and assuring her that he would never abandon her. She remembers telling him how filthy she felt, like some discarded rag and he assured her he didn’t care about any of that. 

Soon she was in his embrace, then she pushed her lips against his and finally that fateful night they made love. It was a bittersweet memory she has never known pleasure from a man’s touch only pain. Sir Rowan taught her that a man’s touch can be reassuring and a safe place. So again and again she called him up to her bed chamber.

Maria moaned into his mouth as he captured her lips with his. She kissed him with an almost desperate fervour. Then she felt him tense as his body shuddered, she felt his member twitch before he filled her with his love. 

Then it was over… she could only do this for long… but these nights were pure rapture…

She had received a letter from Prince Silas, he had said he would collect her when he had added the princesses of Beralis to his collection. Then she could watch as he broke them in…

No doubt he had dumped her out of the carriage like that and left her to rot in her own home to deepen her humiliation. So she had at most two seasons of this… still two seasons was better than nothing…

Maria felt her eyes water at the thought and saw a sad smile on her lover’s face as he bent down and gave her a soft kiss.

If these two seasons were all the happiness she was allowed then she would be happy with just this.

But as this thought crossed her mind she felt the tears flow from her eyes.

Love was so cruel…


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