
Chapter 190: The Grand Parade

Chapter 190: The Grand Parade

Uriel let out an internal sigh as she watched the large doors of the throne room swing open. Her eyes were fixed on the sigil of the Great Beast. Its wide open maw was the first thing any viewer would see when they stood before these golden doors. 

It boggles her mind how the denizens of this world would so easily welcome the rule of a monster such as the Great Beast. The old world was filled with strife and senseless war. There was time when the words of the funeral rite could be recited verbatim by every soul that knew how to speak. Children knew it, for they had buried their siblings and their parents. Parents knew it for they have buried their children. 

The curse of the Ancients was over, and yet the common folk in this large empire welcomed back their rule with open arms. 

But in truth, Uriel knew that Seraphim was partly to blame for this situation. They had neglected this world, using it as nothing more than a glorified generator. Millennia of neglect and atrophy led to discontent. Poverty, death, and corruption became more prominent. The gods of High Heaven had failed

The people chase this dream, a dream offered by the Empress. She promises a golden age, an age of peace and prosperity. It was a time of strength where the people would fear no outside force, and their futures were secure. 

Pax Imperialis, Imperia Invicta. 

Peace of the Empire, Averlon Unconquered.

This is a beautiful lie that the Empress wants the Seraphim to destroy. When the truth is out and the hatred of betrayal comes to pass, all that bitterness will be hurled right at High Heaven. The people who once venerated the Sacred Order would now burn their idols and take up the sword against her kin. In the Sacred Order's place, then, would rise something new

As the doors opened all the way, she saw Father Navis staring at her through his white mask. It used to be a veil, but now it was a pure white mask with no holes for the eyes, nose, or mouth. Magic allowed him to still see, breathe, and speak easily. This was an imitation of the Great Beast and his hivewhite faceless creatures who gave away nothing but still saw everything. They were the symbol of unity, abandoning the self and serving only the collective.

Most of his hive favoured the Sensor Dome adaptation. It is an extremely rare and expensive organ, but the Great Beast must have put great stock into this adaptation. Most combat-oriented creatures of any note were equipped with one. Only the lowest castes were given eyes, and even then, they had four. 

As Uriel entered the throne room, Father Navis gave her a courteous bow with a mild flourish of his flowing white robes. Uriel returned the bow with a polite nod, but she noted the lack of reverence in the gesture. When Mother Justina approached and gave her a bow, there was far more reverence in it.

As for the Empress, she merely gave her a curtsy as if she was speaking to an equal. As far as the current relationship goes, she was not wrong to do so. But still not long ago, the Empress would have to press her head to the floor if Uriel would demand it.

Life is motion, stasis is death. The old words of the First Born, it was one of the few things that they all agreed on. If only the Seraphim did not forget those words. Now they are paying the price for it.

Greetings Archangel, thank you for accepting the invitation. We have a parade and I hope you will join us for the festivities. It is the third year of our Empires formation. We wish to celebrate how far we have come. Cecilia said with a gracious smile. Uriel returned her smile with a smile of her own.

False smiles on both sides, this was her flaunting her military might. A reminder to the Seraphim that they would find no easy prey here in the Averlonian Empire.

I look forward to seeing it. Uriel said and Cecilia gave her another graceful nod before gesturing her to follow.

Even from within the throne room, Uriel could hear the cheers of the common people. Their adoration was palpable, the glory of the Empire was on full display. Her agents have even said that the crown was granting a payment of five gold coins to all citizens of the empire. It would be an exorbitant expense if not for the fact that the coffers of the Empire were stacked to the ceiling. With some of the Empires clever economic manipulations, there wouldnt be much inflation either. Even if there was, the citizens were definitely earning more than ever thanks to the abundance of resources achieved by the efforts of the Hive. As absurd as it sounds, the common folk could now have items made of enchanted mithril, it wouldnt be cheap, but it was now in the realm of possibility for purchase. 

Young officers from the common folk were now receiving gifts from their families that included mithril daggers. Mithril was being used for things like walking canes, and furniture, it was truly slowly returning to the world of old. Where magic was integrated into every facet of life.

As Uriel followed her onto the balcony she looked out over the streets below and she heard the rousing cheers of the people. Above the buildings she could see people throwing rose petals as they rained down on those below. 

Cecilia raised a hand as none other than the Great Beasts right hand took her spot next to Uriel. Of course it would be like this, there must be symmetry. The Empress in the middle, and the Uriel to one side with Legiana to the other. Uriel was accompanied by Justina and Legiana was accompanied by Navis.

Long live the Empire!

Long live the Empress!

The people shouted in exaltation. It was clear to Uriel whose side the people will take in a war.

Glory to the Empire!

Averlon Unconquered!

Pax Imperialis, Imperia Invicta!

More shouts and the people cheered as they gazed up at the palace and the magical screens that had been laid out across the empire.

Then Cecilia raised a hand, and as if she had cast a spell the cheers died down. Then a servant approached with a magical device. It was a bronze orb that was filled with a blue light. It was attached to a pole and it was placed in such a way that she could easily speak into it.

Cecilia took a deep breath then she began to speak.

Citizens of the Empire

Today we celebrate the third year since our Great Empires founding

Three years ago, we were wracked by strife, poverty and destitution

Corruption was rife throughout all the realms

States squabbled over petty arguments while the people suffered

From the cesspit that our lands had become, I heard a cry for help from the good people

I heard YOUR cry and I have answered

At those words, there was another round of cheers. 

Today we live in a golden age

No more should you know hunger

No more should you know fear

Never before has the future been brighter

Never before has our future been more secure

But all of this would not be possible without every last one of you

Yes the Great Beast is the core of this bright future

Many would level the same praise on me

But do not forget the humble farmer

Do not forget the diligent smith

Do not forget the tireless members of the administration

And most of all do not forget our brave soldiers

The brave and valiant who bear arms against the terror

They are the blazing sword held against the darkness

The stalwart shield that guards the empire 

Today is not held in honour of me

Today is a day held in honour of the Empire

Today is a day held in honour of its brave defenders

Averlon Unconquered!

Cecilia finished with a shout that brought upon even more cheers.

Averlon Unconquered!

Pax Imperialis!

Imperia Invicta!

The people echoed those words with a fervour that Uriel could only dream of hearing for the High Heavens. It was a painful reminder of where the loyalties of the people now lay. Although on paper the Crown of Averlon still respected the authority of High Heaven it was clear that the Seraphim were no longer gods. They were a race, just like any other.

Some still believed but despite Uriels best efforts the faith was fading in the Empire. The people simply no longer had a need for the Seraphim. Heaven had abandoned the people here for millennia and now the people have abandoned Heaven.

Then came the parade, the Empress had designed a parade ground facing her balcony so that she may observe the procession of the Empires Finest.

Uriel could only wear a pleasant mask as the people cheered for the brave defenders of the Empire. The proud songs of the Legions played as their banners flew high in the wind. Soon the commentary started.

Leading the parade are none other than the Wardens

They were some of the first to declare for the Empire

Thus the Empress has granted them the honour of taking the lead

All know them, the Wardens of West have held their vigil for thousands of years

They are not an island with an army, they are an army with an island!

Uriel watched as the Warden marched past, now clad in opulent heavy armour.  Each piece of armour was filled with magic circuits. They were now hulking behemoths towering almost three meters tall in full armour. They held in their hands enchanted greatswords with runes of power running along its entire length.

As they marched past they turned as one and saluted the Empress in perfect unison. Their helms now with glowing blue eyes locked on the Empress they have sworn their loyalty to. Then to the banner of the Empire, the symbol of the home they were charged to defend. 

What followed after them was the most renowned regiments of the regular army. The regular soldiers marched as one, their armoured footfalls striking the ground like a drum beat. Such was the discipline of the army that the songs of the military needed no drums, only the footfalls of its soldiers.

These were the regiments that served in all the wars since the Empires creation, they have clashed with the Vampires in Zarima, proving their mettle against a Black Crusade.

Presenting the Regiments of the Ivory Phoenix

They are veterans of the Black Crusade

The liberators of Valoreia

None can question their resolve!

Behind the the procession of heavily armoured soldiers was a great barge pulled by the beasts of burden from the Hive. Atop the barge sat none other than Grand General Montis, one of only two Grand Generals. He commanded almost a million soldiers and auxilary troops. He was one of the most powerful men in the Empire by far. He could bring to bear the might of half a continent of loyal and blooded soldiers.

After him came then forces of Necoronas, the Blood Knights of the various Vampiric houses marched and rode atop their undead steeds. Their sanguine banners flying atop the wind. Reports indicate they recently fended off an Elven incursion, the blood of the Ancient Alvs now water the dead land of Necoronas. Despite political protests from the Empire the Alvs were far too proud to let the eons long grudge go.

As with his counterpart, Grand General Ordias Derange too rode on a barge and his was pulled by the undead beasts of his domain. The people unperturbed, cheered the dead all the same. They were just the latest additions to the fold, more strength for the Empire, more security for their future.

Behold the valiant warrioir of Necoronas

They recently repelled an incursion from the Alves

Though once enemies, they have sworn their loyalty to the Empire 

They have served with distinction, and even now, they lend their experience to our soldiers.

Pragmatism always won out in the end. The Vampires may be monsters but they were highly competent soldiers. Each Vampire had enough battle experience to make them a general in the regular army. No matter the reservations of the people, having their husbands, brothers and sons trained by warrioirs such as these was a comfort.

Then came the Zarimans, they marched in their golden armour and held their flaming weapons. Their heads held up high and proud as they marched past. Though in truth they were incompetent warrioirs up until recently the announcer still gave them the praise.

Glory be to the Zariman Houses

Hallowed is the House of War

Exalt the defenders of a thousand Black Crusades!

The irony was not lost on Uriel in this statement considering the Vampires just marched past. But the general sentiment of the Empire was clear, enemies today, vassals tomorrow. All can serve, and all will serve. Strength through unity, and woe betide those who challenge the Empire.

Uriel knew as it stands Heaven would still win handily against the Imperial army in a direct conflict. But it was everything else that might turn the war into either a pyrrhic victory or outright defeat. 

What came next were representatives from the allied forces of the Naga and Mugummans. Uriel couldnt help but let out an internal sardonic chuckle. The raids on Eastern Voleria, Merchant Princes and Divonia had diminished significantly since the alliance. As to why it was merely diminished well the Naga has said that there were some rebel groups that refused to give up their ways. 

It was just lies of course; the Naga all answered to the Siren Court without hesitation. The Sirens sang their little tune, and the lesser Naga all danced. The Mugummans hadnt gone with something like that, but they merely had light skirmishes against incursions into the jungle.

Nothing much was happening in the east, except for the fact that the so-called rebel Naga were hitting everything except Imperial Ships. This fact was so obvious that Averlonian logistical and naval escort services were fetching an absurdly high premium on the trade routes. Uriels agents indicated to her that a simple pair of light frigates from Cathay could pay themselves off in half a year if they just did escort services for Divonian ships. 

Just another way for the Averlon to siphon wealth from Divonia

It was all so cleverly done that it was difficult to justify any form of retribution. If you told this to the average citizen they would just think you are a conspiracy theorist. There were always convenient explanations.

Such as water based broods of the Great Beasts hive projecting an omnipresent threat to the Naga if they ever tried to attack Averlonian ships.

Glory to venerable Ironhammer!

Honour the Ancient Clans!

Those words snapped Uriel out of her contemplations. She had just noticed that the Knight Enchanters had marched past, and now the forces of Ironhammer were on display. Their Rangers led the way and were followed by their new war machines. Uriel noticed with dismay that almost all of them could be used in some capacity for anti-air attacks. She wasnt an idiot she knew why this Empires military seemed intent on making every facet of its military capable of dealing with air power.

Uriel could only flash another graceful smile as she turned to look at the hulking eight-barreled anti-air cannon that was pulled past her. The commentator was of course, boasting about how it could fire a thousand shots a minute and how they were deployed all across the Empire,

Blessed are the Clans of Ironhammer

Great is their service to Empire

While the Clans live, the skies are safe

Averlon Unconquered


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