
Chapter 175: Infernal Visitor

Chapter 175: Infernal Visitor

Alastor hummed a little tune as he walked down the famous Red Street in Averlon. His horns and infernal nature hidden thanks to some clever applications of magic.  Honestly, this place reminded him of part of the Lust Ring, albeit alot tamer. For instance, the harlots and whores dotted the streets, but unlike hell, the ones here had covered chests. 

Things are always hotter in hell…

Alastor looked at the glittering street lit up by red magical lights. Alastor had to give it to the Empress of this nation, she managed to turn an eyesore into a tourist attraction. From what his agents have said, word of this place has spread as far as Divonia.

Case and point he spotted a pair of wealthy merchants that had the trademark dark skin found in the region controlled by the Merchant Princes. The two of them were heading straight down the street with a clear destination in mind.

If Alastor was a betting demon, and he is, he would bet they were heading for the same place he was. The destination was obvious there was a small crowd in the distance, all of them clamouring to get into the finest establishment in Terra. 

But that wasn’t to say that the other places here weren’t doing well. Sex sells, and business was booming. The street was more than three times as wide as a regular street, and all along this large road were establishments that peddled the pleasures of the flesh and the thrill of chance.

Den of sin, the angels called it. Alastor calls it a monument to honesty. This was what lay within the deepest parts of the soul. The desires are repressed and now to be released for the right price.

Alastor cast his gaze across the street and saw the smaller brothels and casinos packed with clients. The beautiful women and gorgeous men all entertaining their clients. He could see many neon signboards lit up with the names of their establishments: The Blushing Peach, House of Roses, Nymph's Luck Lodge, Oasis of Pleasure and many more.

At last, Alastor arrived at the jewel of the Red Street, funded and owned by none other than the Empress herself. The gleaming and opulent, Casino Royale. A place for the most wealthy and influential clients. An establishment to draw the rich and powerful from across the world.

From what his agents have told him, the Casino Royale has attracted the patronage of Divonian Princes and Merchant Prince Wine Lords. The Lords from the Golden Sand of Zarima and the officers from the Imperial Army.

Alastor paused at the door of the Casino Royale and saw the opulent sign with the symbol of a crowned phoenix, front and centre. There was a pair of well-dressed guards in red and gold uniforms. They were screening the entrants, and it seemed that anyone underdressed would be denied entry. It wouldn’t be a problem for Alastor, considering he was wearing a fashionable black and red suit that would be fit for a Royal. 

Alastor calmly bypassed the line and approached the door. The guards took one look at him and waved him in. 

“Welcome to the Casino Royale sir.” one of the guards said politely.

“A pleasure.” Alastor replied in his usual classy tone as he entered the casino.

The moment he stepped in his ears were filled with the sounds of singing and loud music. He walked through the floor, past the tables where cards were being played. He glanced at a scantily clad waitress who walked past with a tray of drinks in hand. Alastor gracefully plucked a glass of wine off the tray and the waitress gave him a sultry smile before walking past. 

Alastor took a sip as he looked at her walk away. Her plump rear clearly exposed thanks to the tong she was wearing. The twin cream-coloured globes sashayed away as her long brown hair swayed lightly with her stride.

“Not bad…” Alastor muttered with a grin as he took another sip before turning to the stage.

On stage was this beautiful blonde woman with sapphire blue eyes as she sang and danced. She was wearing a white corset with a short white skirt that would sway and flash her panties as she danced.

Alastor took another sip as he listened to her sing.

You fell deeper into this pit

So count your blessings cause this is it

So what if I misbehave

It’s what everybody craves

So come if you’re feeling brave

You fancy yourself a mate?

You want it, I got it, see what you like

You could have it all by the end of the night

Money and power, my sinful delight

Heaven and Hell, one hell of a high!

Alastor clapped as she finished her song along with the rest of her patrons. Alastor smirked as he turned and he approached one of the counters. When he reached the counter, the receptionist shot him a charming smile.

“How can I help you sir?” the receptionist smiled.

“I’m thinking of grabbing one of your best couches. If you don’t mind that is.” Alastor said with a charming smile, and he spotted the ever so slight trace of a blush cross her cheek.

“Of course sir, these are the prices.” the receptionist said as she pulled up a magical display. Alastor barely glanced at the screen as he kept his eyes on the pretty blonde-haired receptionist. She was exactly his type of woman. Cute, innocent and ripe for a bit of corruption. Alastor would like nothing more than to see her sweaty and come undone underneath him.

Alastor switched his vision, and he saw the particular aura of a woman who was currently romantically attached to someone else. How perfect… what fun…

Alastor cast a quick, silent spell, and he watched as it took root in her. He watched as she subtly shifted in her seat as the heat in her loins no doubt started to appear.

“Here you go my lady, also may I speak with your manager? It’s regarding a companion I would like.” Alastor said as he slipped several platinum coins across the desk for the VIP couch.

She mutely nodded as she stood up and walked off to get the manager. Her thighs clamped together as she gingerly moved away.

When the manager returned, Alastor asked for the receptionist to be his companion for the evening. Beautiful bodies were plentiful in hell, but a ripe, innocent soul ready for corruption? Oh, that was something very rare indeed. When the manager saw the price he was offering both to the Casino, himself and her, he immediately went to ask her. Apparently in this nation, you couldn’t compel anyone to do such things. That would be a crime punishable by being turned into one of the Great Beast’s guinea pigs. Most would prefer death over whatever experiments the Great Beast had in store.

Soon enough Alastor found himself sitting on the couch with the receptionist who was called Amie. She was now wearing far more revealing clothes but if she minds, she gave no indication. Alastor could smell the arousal radiating from between her legs, and he could tell she was going crazy with desire.

Alastor grinned as he wrapped an arm around her waist as he pulled her hot soft body against his. His hand wandered down until it was between her legs and he ran a finger along her soaked underwear, eliciting a whimpering shudder from her. She shifted her hips pressing herself against the finger.

He shifted his gaze up to the stage as the next singer performed. The glitz and glamour of this place amazing. Personally he loved the music here, it was right up his alley.

We’re lost in lullaby slumbering away

Where sins remain hidden but rarely they stay

It was only in my shadow that I finally found a friend

When the light that bound us let go and the devil took my hand

I thrive in the shadows untrusting of light

Be warned if you join me it’s just for a night…

Alastor could practically feel how much the poor girl next to me was pining. She wanted release from her torment. He could feel her guilt as she pined for infidelity, to give in her darkest desires. This was going to be a very fun evening. Alastor turned around and pressed his lips against hers and she hungrily parted he lips allowing his tongue in. He gave her another dose of the spell, and he could feel the kiss fill with desperation…


Alastor laid on the bed with his hands behind his back. He looked to his left and saw Amie spent and panting on the bed next to him. She was as bare as the day she was born, she was covered in sheen of sweat. He could see his fluids all over her face and ample chest. Her blonde hair was a mess and the gaze in her blue eyes was dull with fatigue and satisfaction.

Alastor sat up as he pushed her onto her back so that she was splayed on the bed and he admired his handy work. He had just given her the best night of her life. Three hours of rapture was just given to her and she could never go back. 

“You know what I just might keep you.” Alastor said with a grin as he ran a hand over one of her large mounds, kneeding the soft flesh to the sound of weak moan.

Then he heard a knock on the door, he turned and saw the door opened without further ceremony. It seems someone knew who he was, not that surprising he didn’t sense a single Hive creature in the casino and judging by what his agents have said the Great Beast’s eyes were everywhere. Alastor would bet good money that he was tagged the moment he entered the city.

The door opened to revealed a raven-haired woman who interestingly enough had angel blood carved onto her right hand.

Ah, so this must be the Spider…

“Did you enjoy our gift my lord? I hope you found something to your tastes seeing as you are so far from home.” the woman said.

“A pleasure, Spy Master Sarana.” Alastor said as he stood up not even bothering to cover up. He noticed her gaze was locked on his face, not even caring for his state of undress or the thoroughly spent woman on the bed.

“There is someone you should meet. I will give you a moment get dressed.” Sarana said.

“No need.” Alastor said as he snapped his fingers and his clothes reappeared on him in a burst of flame.

“A useful trick, now come. As for the gift do you wish to keep her?” Sarana said as she shifted her gaze to Amie.

“No, I think I have tired of her. As for this conversation, I assume it won’t be a problem.” Alastor said as he adjusted his tie.

“No need to worry, memory magic is rather useful for things like this.” Sarana said as she turned and began to leave. Alastor followed after her, and when he exited the room he saw a pair of black-robed operatives standing guard. The moment they left, the two agents entered the room no doubt to address the mess he made.

Alastor silently followed Sarana as they headed through the opulent hallways. Eventually, he found himself in front of an ornate door. When the door opened he saw none other than the Empress sitting at a table next to a humanoid Hive creature.

“Leave us.” Cecilia said as she waved Sarana off. She bowed obediently before shutting door behind Alastor. Once the door closed he saw powerful and ancient magics course over the door, sealing it away from prying eyes and ears.

“Can’t be too careful, especially with that thing on her hand.” Cecilia said calmly as she gestured to the seat in front of her.

Alastor smirked as he walked forward. So it seems the Empress keeps her around even knowing that the Syndicate has her Spy Master on a leash.

“You truly are a daring woman.” Alastor said as his eyes lit up with interest as he scanned her beautiful visage.

“Best to keep a channel of communication open to the Syndicate in case I need it. Well to be fair there’s two, the other one is the manager of this Casino, that half-orc

.” Cecilia said as she took a sip of her wine.

“Thank you for the gift. Amie was truly a pleasure.” Alastor said with a charming smile as he sat down. 

“I am happy you liked it, also for the child I assume you have no issues if we keep it? Since you have no desire to hold onto her.” Cecilia said nonchalantly as she gestured to Alastor to help himself to the wine.

“Ah of course, do you have a particular interest in Cambions? I can get you more if you want. Few take interest in human, demon hybrids. I assume it’s for the hive?” Alastor said as he glanced at the humanoid hive creature.

“Just a passing curiosity, natural hybrids are crude, after all Cambions are sterile.” the creature replied calmly.

“Ah, so this is a proxy body. A pleasure to finally meet you. I am…” Alastor began but was swiftly cut off by the Great Beast.

“My friend down under.” the Great Beast said with a smirk.

“I hope you liked my gift, I have more if you like.” Alastor said as he snapped his fingers and a stack of ancient tomes appeared on the table.

“Hmm, that will be useful. As for the Cambions?” the Great Beast asked.

“I will have them delivered, just let me know where and when.” Alastor replied with a smile.

“And no payment? A charitable demon is like wet fire. It doesn’t exist.” Cecilia asked as she raised a brow.

“Consider a gesture of good will. I’m a gambler at heart and I like to back the winning side.” Alastor replied with another winning smile.

“So what do you want?” Cecilia asked as she put her wine glass down.

“Right now, I wouldn’t mind a night with you.” Alastor said in a tone that made it seem like he was joking.

“Tempting but are you sure you know what you are asking for?” Cecilia asked with a cruel smile as her eyes flashed with an eldritch glow. Alastor felt a thrill of fear go up his spine as he felt ancient energies radiate from her body. That was enough proof for Alastor, she might have been born a human but she sure as hell wasn’t human now.

“Hmmm, being friends with a Firstborn has it’s perks.” Alastor said as he reclined in his chair.

“Believe me, I know that all too well. Still having an Archdemon tied up underneath me is quite the tempting offer.” Cecilia said with another cruel smile, and Alastor instantly began regretting his previous statement.

Something has been done to this woman. She might look like a young woman fresh into adulthood, but there was something about her that terrified him. Whatever the Great Beast did to her, he didn’t hold much back. Honestly, that crackle of power ever so slightly reminded him of the Watchers.

“So, would you like to give me that gift? I am quite curious to see what you are made of.” Cecilia asked as she taunted an Archdemon.

Alastor raised his hand in surrender as he gave her a smile.

“I would have to consider that gift.” Alastor replied, she was just as likely to give him a great night as she was to dissect him…

“Hmm, pity. Now then, as to the real reason you are here.” Cecilia said as she gazed at him her gaze growing cold.

“I wish to stay ahead of the competition, seeing as the Syndicate is doing such an admirable job drawing Heaven’s attention I thought I shouldn’t be left behind.” Alastor said, and Cecilia nodded.

“So you started moving into Divonia to match the Syndicate’s bid.” Cecilia said, and Alastor nodded.

“So tell me what are you going to offer? These trinkets you have given us are interesting, but the Syndicate has done more, and we aren’t even bringing Mahaila into the picture.” Cecilia stated. 

“What could you offer? All of you want a seat at the table so why should you get a good seat.” Cecilia asked, and Alastor shifted his gaze to the Great Beast as if asking why does she get the best seat. The seat of an equal.

“I just like her, so she gets to have the best seat. Deal with it.” the Great Beast said as he downed the bottle of wine.

“Courting division between us will not end well for you.” Cecilia said calmly as if reading his mind. It wasn’t that much of a leap, causing infighting was a classic demon tactic.

“Can’t blame a guy for trying.” Alastor replied in jest.

“Yes I can.” the Great Beast replied a dangerous edge in his voice. Alastor, in response just gave the Great Beast an apologetic smile.

“My apologies, a joke in poor taste. As to what I offer. I think you might be quite interested.” Alastor said.

“And that is?” the Great Beast asked.

I offer all of Hell itself

Come let me explain the details…


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