
Chapter 173: Land, Sea and Air

Chapter 173: Land, Sea and Air

Cecilia opened the door as she let out a small sigh of exhaustion. Her court was swelling rather alarmingly. With the Zarimans now a part of the court, the amount of delegates milling and socialising in her palace has grown rather large. 

The Mugummans and the Naga delegation would be arriving soon, and she was here to grab hold of her dearest friend. Legiana told her that he was trying something out in the room. When she opened the door she froze when she saw this man she had never seen before. He was shirtless as he posed in front of the mirror. 

More precisely, he was posing very oddly, like someone who had never posed in a mirror before. Her dear friend was staring at the man with a smile of amusement on his face.

Then the two turned to face her, and Cecilia immediately realised what was happening. The man had this cheeky look on his face that only one other being would have.

“New body?” Cecilia asked as she looked up at her friend.

“You like it?” the two of them asked in unison.

“Huh, that’s new, why are both of you talking?” Cecilia asked curiously as she closed the door behind her. Still, as Cecilia looked at the human body, it was probably the finest human specimen she had ever seen. It had toned, rippling muscles, and she would bet her right hand that it was stronger than your average human.

“New connection method, I need it since all you humans have such expressive faces.” the Great Beast said as the man pulled a somewhat exaggerated expression.

Cecilia couldn’t help but laugh at the new body. It gave off this strangely child-like aura. A man of that age would have learned to keep his face under control. They say a child’s face is very honest, and this one’s face was the exact opposite of a poker face.

“Doesn’t exactly have much of a poker face, does it?” Cecilia asked as she walked up to it and examined it.

“Never really needed one until now.” the two of them said simultaneously.

Cecilia looked up at her friend’s real body, and she saw him waving his hand over his smooth, domed face. With a face like his, the only way you could figure out his thoughts would be through his mouth. It was either some variation of a smile or bared teeth that showed aggression.


Cecilia reached out and touched the muscled chest of the new body.

“Could I have one of these?” Cecilia asked as her mind wandered to nighttime activities.

“Maybe, but it's a prototype. This a combat type, it would probably hurt you, and I also didn’t give it genitals. Wouldn’t really know what to do with the genitals honestly.” the body replied with a shrug.

“Makes sense, you don’t reproduce after all.” Cecilia said as she took her hands off the body.

“So what were you going to do with this?” Cecilia asked as she faced her friend’s towering actual body.

“Well there are several options, but the main one was soldiers. The humanoid frame does offer quite a bit of flexibility but it's more of a test model.” he said as the proxy body slumped onto the floor as if it had been disconnected like a common magic tool.

“So have the birds and fishes showed up yet?” her friend asked and Cecilia nodded.

“Well let's go shall we.” her friend said as he turned away.

“Shouldn’t we do something about that?” Cecilia asked as she looked over her shoulder at the body slumped on the floor.

“Nah it’s fine just leave it there.” her friend said, and Cecilia just shrugged before moving to follow him.

“You know I always wanted to know how Mugummans and Naga taste.” her friend said offhandedly and Cecilia rolled her eyes at his silly comment.

“I am sure we can arrange something, they must have criminals.” Cecilia replied with a light chuckle.

“Well all criminals need to be surrendered to us anyway, so it's not much of an arrangement and more of a demand.” her friend replied.

“It’s called diplomacy my dear friend.” Cecilia replied with a chuckle.

Her friend let out a chuckle as well, but his was lower and deeper. Cecilia has grown to enjoy that sound but to anyone else, it would sound extremely unnerving. It was a deep feral laugh, and her dearest friend only made this sound when something interesting was about to happen. Cecilia knew better than anyone else that anything a Firstborn finds interesting would be simply…



Kykikaze Shairen walked forward with his daughter in tow as they approached the Naga delegation that arrived earlier. Kykikaze was a senior member of the Mugumman Farseer Council. He was sent because he was in fact the youngest member of the council. The council in its wisdom has determined that the world was entering a state of great change. 

In this tumultuous time it has been determined that in this moment it was the youth that would lead the way. It was a time of change so flexible minds were needed. Those who have the least amount of preconceived notions.

As the ancient words say.

Everything we hear is opinion, not a fact

Everything we see is perspective, not truth

The universe is change, our lives are what our thoughts make it to be

Kykikaze shifted his gaze to his daughter Kyranthea who was to be his successor on the council. She like all Mugummans, had a head that was covered with a mane of feathered hair. Like all their females her mane of feathers was more voluminous as compared to the men. From her head protruded a pair of large feathered feathers that were pulled back against her head, clearly betraying her nervousness.

When Kyranthea noticed her father’s gaze she instantly stood up straighter and her feathers stood up again as she collected herself. Those feathers were called soul feathers by the Mugummans as they are by far the most expressive part of a Mugumman’s body. As they say the feathers do not lie.

“Calm yourself.” Kykikaze chided and Kyranthea nodded as her back got that little bit straighter. She adjusted her long robes that had wide flowing sleeves to accommodate the large feathers that covered the body.

When Kykikaze approached the Naga representative he recognised her as the Siren Maralith.

The Naga were a matriarchal society led by the Sirens. The Sirens could channel powerful magic using their voices and countless human ships have fallen to the Siren’s call.

“Ah Young Master Kykikaze I hope the tides of fate have been kind to you.” Maralith said in the usual sing-song voice that the Sirens had.

“The tides push and pull as they always do my lady Maralith.” Kykikaze replied with a respectful and flourishing bow to which Maralith returned with a bow of her own. 

The ties between the Mugummans and the Naga were deep and ancient. Once the Mugummans were offered much to betray their sea-born allies by the Seraphim. The Mugummans responded by killing the messenger for daring to suggest such a thing.

In the Mugumman faith, the worst punishments were reserved for betrayers. Traitors were those of weak wills, for bonds are only as strong as the will that forges them. For a Mugumman promises were sacred things, to break them would incite violent retribution.

“Ah this must be your daughter.” Maralith said as she turned to face Kyranthea who gave her a deep and respectful bow that was only granted to seniors. Maralith for her part bowed in return though not as deeply as she did for Kykikaze.

“Yes, she will be joining us for this delegation.” Kykikaze said and Maralith nodded in understanding.

“Very well, then shall we head in?” Maralith said as she shifted her gaze to the large gold door that had the visage of The Great Beast carved onto it.

“Yes, let us proceed. It is not wise to try the patience of the ancients.” Kykikaze replied.

“Agreed, that is wisdom only a fool goes against.” Maralith said as the turned to face the door. It took only a short moment before the door opened and for the first time Kykikaze laid eyes on The Great Beast.

He instantly knew he was looking at an ancient, such a body was not found in the younger races. The Great Beast’s frame was obviously designed for a far more deadly world. Armoured plates, large powerful ether-filled wings, wicked curved bone blades and the signature smoothed head of a sensor dome.

The Great Beast was coiled around the throne of Empress and Kykikaze could see the two of them smiling at each other as if they had just shared a joke. When the two turned to face them Kykikaze suddenly realised why both of them were described as monsters in the reports.

Kykikaze had seen that look in the Empress’s eyes before. It was the same gaze that was held by his mistress Serchax. That same hunger was in her eyes, it was clear she held few things sacred. Exactly the mindset that the ancients held. 

There was little use for sentimentality in the world of the ancients. The strong do what they will, the weak suffer what they must. 

“Come honoured guests.” the Empress said graciously, exuding all the charisma one would expect from the head of state.

“Thank you for having us your grace.” Maralith said with a graceful bow.

What followed was the typical slew of introductions. Kykikaze held his breath as the introduction ended and all that remained was for the Great Beast to introduce himself.

He watched as the Great Beast tilted his head. Then in the blink of an eye he had appeared infront of him. His vision was instantly filled with his rows upon rows of serrated teeth.

The delegation instinctively took a step back in fear. It took all of Kykikaze willpower not to draw his weapon.

“Calm down, I’m just fucking around.” the Great Beast replied with a laugh as his body vanished into motes of light, revealing the Great Beast was instead still coiled around the throne. It was then that he realised that it was just an illusion.

“Friend, please don’t scare our guests,” Cecilia chided but the Great Beast just laughed in response as he laid down onto the marble floor.

“Say your piece.” the Great Beast said as he turned his head away, clearing losing interest.

Kykikaze glanced at the angel in attendance and noted her wary but hostile gaze. 

“We have heard that you have signed an accord with the angels, yet you now count vampires amongst your ranks. Our elders wish to understand the truth of the matter.” Kykikaze said.

“As does my queen.” Maralith said, and the Great Beast just let out another laugh.

“We offered them peace so they could fight their war in the north. In exchange for leaving us alone, we offered to deal with their vampire problem. But there was some slight… misunderstandings…” the Great Beast said with a chuckle.

Kykikaze glanced over at the angel and saw the slightly sour look in her eyes. So it seems the angels thought the Great Beast would destroy the Vampires and not recruit them. A mistake born of complacency, the world has operated for so long under the rules of the Seraphim, that the angels themselves forgot what came before.

“An easy mistake to make, the Ancients have minds like a maze. Unless one is accustomed to dealing with them, such misunderstandings are a natural occurrence.” Maralith replied diplomatically while throwing a subtle jab at the angels.

“But I assume that is not the only reason you are here,” Cecilia said as she tilted her head.

“Yes, we wish to sign a mutual defence pact with your empire.” Kykikaze said and he saw the angel’s eyes bulge at the words.

“I’m afraid there is very little reason for me to accept that offer.” Cecilia replied, her tone betraying the fact that she was unimpressed.

“I know you are attacking Eastern Volerian and I know you are killing Divonian Refugees. The way you are acting it is only a matter of time before you provoke the wrath of heaven. So how would a mutual defence pact help me when my empire is so much more powerful than you?” Cecilia asked.

“The mutual defence pact would come with stipulations, we would cease all current hostilities with the Divonians.” Maralith stated.

“Not good enough, you can still antagonise and draw us into a war we do not want to fight.” Cecilia replied.

“Then what would you propose?” Maralith asked.

“A military alliance, we will need to agree on who to attack. But we will come to each other’s defence. I can assure you my empire can cover all the resources you need.” Cecilia stated and Maralith nodded in understanding.

“An interesting proposal. We are currently planning an invasion of Eastern Voleria. Would you like to be a part of it?” Kykikaze asked at those words he saw the angel step forward.

“We will not condone any further conflict. If that invasion happens we will have to intervene.” the angel said as she stepped forward, she had six wings which means she was a high angel. It seems Heaven sent a high level emissary…

“I will not condone an invasion as well, I will only enter Eastern Voleria if our intervention is requested. If you wish to sign an alliance with us, you will have to cease all hostilities with Divonia, the Merchant Princes and Eastern Voleria.” Cecilia said and Kykikaze paused at those words.

“Until we agree on a course of war?” Maralith asked and Cecilia nodded in response. As she did so Kyikaze saw a vaguely smug look on the angel’s face.

“If we agree to this, the angels may take it as a sign of weakness. It is difficult for us to agree to such a thing without proof that you are willing to fight when the time comes.” Kyikaze said. Even if he knew this whole thing was a farce he was still hesitant to agree to this. He thought the Empire would be far more willing to take up arms against the ancient foe. 

“If you want a guarantee…” the Great Beast said as he reared up again.

“You only need to look at her.” the Great Beast said as he turned to face the angel and Kykikaze noticed the hint of fear cross her eyes.

“I can smell her fear from here. Do not worry, if the Serpahim assumed we were weak they wouldn’t send her. They would just send fire and blood.” the Great Beast said with a wide grin.

“But in truth I don’t care what they think, they are free to assume anything they want.” the Great Beast said but as he did so, he bared his teeth showing off his rows upon rows of curved serrated teeth.

If they assume we are weak, they are free to test that assumption…


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