
Chapter 165: Divine Council

Chapter 165: Divine Council

I slithered back down the passageway that led to the black box, my little playground. I turned a corner and saw Cecilia staring at one of my latest creations. I was rather proud of this one it was by far my best idea and perhaps my greatest weapon against the Seraphim. They were going to be angsty that I took the Vampires in and a reckoning would soon come. But that wasn’t the only reason the angels would be pissed at me.

“Hello friend.” Cecilia said as she turned away from the creature.

“Hey, you like it?” I asked slyly.

“Very much, it’s clever, very clever. A most inspired solution.” Cecilia replied thoughtfully.

I looked over at the creature and I felt it was funny. When one thinks of a secret weapon, they think of a giant monster that could breathe fire or something. But in truth, the best weapons are the ones that look the most innocuous.

My gaze washed over the humanoid creature kneeling on the floor with it’s arms clasped as if in prayer. It was just a standard humanoid frame with a brain that was similar in design to humanoids. This clever little thing was called the Devotee. 

“I was worried about the cults that have been popping out would atagonise the angels, but this would certainly resolve some of the potential problems.” Cecilia mused as she leaned down to take a closer look at the creature.

Part of the reason the Seraphim left me alone was that they needed the prayers. Their war in the north was proving costly, they couldn’t afford to lose too many of thier soldiers so they ended up having to expend alot of energy on long-range bombardment spells. My spies also indicate the demons are slowly but surely tightening their grip around Divonia. It was getting bad enough that I had one of my spies contact several demons and deliver the message.

The message was rather simple. I simply told them that my entire hive has a kill order on any demons they come across. Unless they come in an official capacity any hidden demons in the Empire would be treated as hostile insurgents and dealt with accordingly. Seeing as I managed to track them down in Divonia was a clear enough message that I could find them if I wanted to.

The situation in Divonia was concerning to the angels considering two of the royal family had already been snared by a pair of powerful Succubi. It was Tralis all over again, but alot worse. The angels must know this since when demons start digging their tendrils into a location cults invariably start popping up. I even discovered a pair of small sects that were dedicated to Asmodeus, Demon Prince of Lust. They were having some killer orgies from what the reports said.

I even heard a Cambion had been born, which was a half-human and half-demon child. That child was unfortunately promptly discovered and burned along with the mother. Pity I only found out about that after the fact. If I knew earlier I would have kidnapped the Cambion and studied it. Humanoid hybridisation often led to some interesting traits…

From what I can tell the Lust circle of hell has been the most active in Divonia. But my spies also observed the presence of the servants of Beelzebub, Demon Prince of Envy and Mammon, Demon Prince of Greed. There was also an isolated case of an adherent of Abaddon the Demon Prince of Sloth being burnt at the stake. Not sure how isolated this case really is since adherents of the Demon Prince Sloth don’t tend to do much unless of course, they are one of those crazy cultists that feel death was the infinite sleep and by extension the ultimate expression of sloth.

Basically, Divonia was filled with loonies and the angels were most acutely feeling the lost of faith. The best path to safety for me was to ensure the Empire could continue to be a good supplier of prayers. The more dependent the angels were on the empire the less likely they would think of attacking us.

However, the cults that I have been slowly growing are starting to bear some results. Technically this was heresy in the eyes of the Church of Order but considering the high presence of Hive creatures in the Empire they couldn’t do anything. To denounce the cults would mean denouncing me which may also lead to an implied denouncement of their Empress. Which could lead down the path of them all being executed for treason.

This was good for me since I always did feel uncomfortable with most of my population being loyal to my biggest enemy. However, if the angels stop getting their prayers then I lose my protection. So this where this new creation comes in, the Devotee.

It was simply a creature devoted to only one task, praying and having faith in the Seraphim. Since I could design them to exact specifications one of these Devotees was worth at least a dozen normal humans since I could make them pray during every hour of every day.

So when the angels come knocking regarding the cults I could just offer them an alternative…

“You continue to surprise me friend, it seems your interest in economics was not just a passing thing.” Cecilia mused as she cupped her chin and gazed at the kneeling creature.

“If I am the largest supplier means I dictate the market.” I replied with a grin.

“Yes, it is difficult to create faith. In that regard, you are probably the only one that can do it on such short notice.” Cecilia said as she stood back up and placed a gentle hand on it’s smooth white head.

“They will grow dependant as their faith wanes and fades. Eventually, they will have to make a choice, fade into irrelevancy or fight…” Cecilia said thoughtfully.

“And when they fight…” I continued with a wide savage green and I saw a small cruel smile appear on her lips.

We pull the plug

What is given can be taken away…


Uriel sat stiffly in her chair as she listened to her daugher Ariel give her report. Her gold hair was a mess and she was still in armour. They were in the middle of a meeting when she barged in bearing urgent news. 

Usually this would not be allowed since the Divine Council was in session but everyone knew what her mission was. If she was barging in despite the breach of protocol it must be important. As of right now the Great Beast was an important concern for them even if it wasn’t the highest priority. Their main concern at the moment was the war in the north and the situation in Divonia that was worsening rapidly. Case and point the Succubi that was bloodied and tied up on the floor next to Ariel. 

The Divine Council was just about to start questioning her personally when Ariel barged in.

“So just so I’m clear, the Great Beast has not only not destroyed vampies he has allied with them?” Gabriela Archangel of Diligence said. Uriel turned her gaze to Gabriela and saw her gold eyes filled with fury.

“I believe it was more of subjugation.” Raphael said calmly, unfazed as usual. There was a reason he was the Archangel of Humility and Patience afterall.

“Doesn’t matter what you call it, the Great Beast has made a move and his region of influence increases yet again.” Silvana the Archangel of Peace and Death said in her unusualy airy voice. Uriel looked over at her and saw the usual dead empty gaze in her eyes. Unlike the other Archangels who all had excellent physiques Silvana had a petite figure. All the females had a physique much like Uriel herself with wide hips, and large busts. But Silvana had an almost child-like figure. 

Silvana was always the odd one out, she was extremely detached from the world and she was also the Divine Council’s resident expert on the Dark Arts. Her experiments and studies have left her hair bleached and the gold hair that was common amongst the angels was not found on her head. In contrast to the usual gold her hair was a faded gold that looked almost silver. Many often felt Uriel’s husband Mihael was the most brutal but in truth, Uriel felt at least Mihael struck with a sign of righteous anger. Silvana was a cold detached creature who cared little for anything. She had no lover, no children and no friends. She was a hollow shell that devoured knowledge and did little else.

“I thought you had the situation well in hand Uriel.” Gabriela said as she narrowed her eyes.

“We were all satisfied with the outcome of her discussion. If you are waiting for an ancient to behave predictably you will be waiting for a long time.” Cassia the Archangel of Temperance said serenely.

“Agreed.” Mihael said, and Uriel shifted her gaze to her husband. There was a grimace on his lips as he stared at the demon still tied up on the ground before them.

“I suggest we delay the questioning of this… thing until later.” Mihael said as he raised a hand. As one all seven of the Divine Council the raised their hands in support. The Succubi wasn’t going anywhere, but the Great Beast was making moves at this very moment.

The Silver Maidens that were standing over the Succubi dragged her to her feet. When she was back on her feet Uriel spotted a wicked smile on her bloodied face.

“I wonder how long you all can keep this up? Lord Asmodeus has many plans for your precious Divonia.” the Succubi cackled, and Uriel narrowed her eyes. This succubi was just tricking them, her words basically invited torture and interrogation. 

“Get her out.” Uriel said with a sigh and the Silver Maidens started dragging her out.

“Pity I was enjoying the show, if any of you want to have some fun you know where to find me.” the Succubi said with a laugh that was swiftly cut off but a punch to the face by one of the Silver Maidens. There was a small splatter of blood as the strike concaved her nose but instead she just let out a slurred laugh.

“I love it rough.” the Succubi said with another cackle before being dragged off.

“Now then young Ariel, tell us what you observed again in greater detail.” Silvana said in her eerily hollow voice.

Ariel darted her eyes towards Uriel in the way a child would look to thier parents in a moment uncertainty. Uriel gave her a warm reassuring smile and Ariel took a deep breathe as she started going into detail. Uriel knows her daughter has always been afraid of Silvana, and she wasn’t alone she disconcerted most Seraphim. But if Silvana cared, she gave no indication, and honestly Uriel highly doubted Silvana even noticed. She would continue speaking to those she terrified as if nothing was wrong. This would usually go on until she finishes her conversation or someone else comes to the rescue.

As Uriel listened she became more and more concerned. Then Ariel showed a recording of the Great Beast fighting using Focii blades. The lasers that were being fired from the Imperial army were also concerning. Not only that she spotted specialised units that seemed to be designed to saturate the air with attacks.

“Accuracy through volume.” Mihael muttered and Uriel heard the rest of the council murmur in assent as they watched the entire sky light up with the streaks of energy. 

“At least some things don’t change.” Gabriela added with a sigh.

“There is a conspicuous lack of heavy fliers.” Mihael said and again there were murmurings of assent.

“But they have Fiends.” Raphael noted as they watched the Fiends brutalise the skeletal dragons.

When the recordings were done the council was silent for a moment.

“The Great Beast used a Draconian Style of swordplay.” Raphael stated suddenly.

“A crude use of it.” Mihael clarified.

“I suppose you would know all about that.” Raphael said and Mihael turned his head revealing the long scar running across his face. That was a cursed wound courtesy of Mahaila the Swift. 

“Do you think Mahaila could be working with the Great Beast?” Gabriela asked as she gestured to the recording of the Great Beast slashing at the monstrous Ravens with his pair of swords.

“Unlikely, those Ravens bear the mark of the Crowfather. We all know Mahaila and the Crowfather are as thick as thieves.” Silvana replied.

“It could be a trick.” Mihael said.

“Certainly. But like you said his technique is sloppy, but I suppose that could probably be due to lack of sparring partners.” Silvana mused.

“The evidence seems to lean against that.” Gabriela said and a few of the other council members murmured in assent.

“A draconian fighting style is hardly evidence of Mahaila’s interference. Do not forget the Great Beast is a product of the Eternal Mother. These two have been in Zarima for a long time, it would make sense he would pick up the Draconian Style.” Gabriela said.

“The custom Focii crystals are also concerning. The Great Beas seems adept at utilising humanoid techniques alongside his own.” Mihael said and there were murmurs of assent from the council. 

“There is something more concerning,” Ariel said as she switched the display. 

Uriel’s eyes widened when she saw the Great Beast cut off his own arms and grow a pair of large curved blades.

“What is that?” Mihael said as he leaned forward. Uriel was shocked too, usually the creation and new limbs were the purview of the Firstborn. The body was fixed by the essence within the creature, that was also why healing magic didn’t work on the Firstborn. The magic had no idea what to do since there was no fixed shape and structure as dictated by their essence. 

“What the hell did the Eternal Mother create…” Mihael said through gritted teeth as he gazed at the Great Beast tear through the Ravens with his new blades.

“At least we have another piece of information as to why the Great Beast was able to break free from the Eternal Mother’s grasp.” Silvana muttered as she stared at the recording with great interest.

“I did feel his mind seemed quite close to that of a Firstborn, albeit with some minor abnormalities,” Uriel said.

“I would like to kindly remind everyone that applying a standard to the Firstborn is an exercise in futility. In my mind this could be a ruse by a Firstborn hatchling to make us think that he isn’t a Firstborn.” Silvana said calmly and there was a rustle of disquiet across the room.

“That’s abit of leap Silvana.” Raphael said and Silvana nodded in agreement.

“I would agree but the Firstborn are known to be horrificly unpredeictable I would advise keeping this possibility in mind at all times.” Silvana stated.

“I agree with Silvana.” Mihael said.

“As do I.” Gabriela agreed.

“Then may I suggest we continue our investigations? I am open to another meeting with the Great Beast.” Uriel said and there were mumurs of assent.

“Is that wise? Sending an Archangel so close to an ancient is a great risk.” Gabriela said.

“We could have another Archangel on standby in the even something goes wrong. Mihael since you are the best fighter amongst us and she is your wife I would assume you have no issues with that.” Raphael said and Mihael nodded.

“We would need to time it well, if something happens in the north when I am on standby there will be consquences.” Mihael stated bluntly.

“Then secure your north, this Great Beast has piqued my interest.” Silvana said and the whole room went silent. Uriel knew some would call the Seraphim absentee gods but no one was absent more often than Silvana. Many below feel Mihael was the most capable combatant but few actually knew the most powerful was actually Silvana. She was the oldest member of the council despite her childlike appearance. 

For the first time in a long time Uriel saw something in her eyes… interest.

“My my, this is an interesting day isn’t it?” Gabriela mused.

“Indeed it is.” Silvana said as she rose from her chair and spread her six wings that glowed silver rather than gold.

“Many call me an absentee goddess…” Silvana said.

I think I have been absent long enough…


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