
Chapter 144: Return of the Goddess

Chapter 144: Return of the Goddess

Count Uxtual walked along the fine stone path as he marveled at fine construction of the buildings around him. He was at the House of War, the foremost temple dedicated to the Goddess Mahaila. He looked up at the towering structure that was built right into the side of a large hill that was just short of being large enough to be considered a mountain. The structure was high up on the hill and it towered almost twenty meters into the sky with winding pillars carved into statues of the Draconian Knights. 

The statues showed the physique of the Draconians, far superior to the Lizardkin at a simple glance. In the back of Count Uxtual’s mind he couldn’t help but feel the representations of the Draconians were heavily embellished. Just by looking at the statues and seeing the Draconian frame he couldn’t help but feel that the Lizardkin looked malnourished and anemic in comparison. The Lizardkin were rather thin relative to their height, the males were shorter but more bulky while the females were taller but more slender. The Draconians on the other hand were said to be about three meters tall with monstrous strength. They were far more muscular and had draconic wings giving them the gift of flight. Like the Lizardkin the Draconian males were broader but shorter while the females were taller but thinner.

However, the stories say even a Draconian female had the strength of ten Lizardkin. For instance one particular legend spoke of how the Goddess Mahaila kicked a dragon into the side of the mountain with enough force to break one of its wings. But then again this was a story about a goddess and females of both the Lizardkin and the Draconians could deliver stronger kicks as compared to the males. Some scholars say it’s because in ancient times females often had to run with their eggs in their arms while the males held off whatever danger there was. This resulted in a more slender frame that was more suited to running which by extension resulted in more powerful legs. This simple genetic trait often meant that Zariman armies often used women as scouts and runners. There was even a famous sect of rogues and guerilla warfare specialists from the House of Shadows that was made entirely of female Lizardkin.

Count Uxtual marveled at this little oasis town and noted how this place was more well maintained than the royal palace. But to be fair those that maintain this place basically work for free. Many pilgrims come to this place to offer their services, it was believed that service to the House of War would make their children grow up strong and capable. Thus many commoners from all trades come here to work for a year or two in the hopes of the Goddess Mahaila’s blessing.

As he looked around he saw pilgrims diligently scrubbing the stones, and cleaning the streets. All in an effort to make this place look as beautiful as possible. Count Uxtual couldn’t help but nod in approval at the devotion on display. The Goddess Mahaila freed them from the hands of a tyrant emperor. She was Zarima’s first Empress and even till today her court traditions held influence. The duels of honour, the concepts of chivalry and noble obligations to the common people. All of these were products of her court, her rule lasted a thousand years and it was truly a golden age. Until one day she disappeared with nothing but a letter dictating her successor and the promise that she would return when Zarima needed her most. No one knew why she left but everyone believed it was for a good reason. An Empress like her would not just abandon her post for some arbitrary reason. So the stories said the court merely knelt before the letter and promised to watch over her domain until the day of her return.

And how spectacularly have her subjects failed…

A fragmented empire…

Tyrants rule…

The current Emperor has thirty-six bastard children and he even bedded his own daughter at one point. Two of his Goddess be damned bastards were birthed by that very same daughter. His concubines line his throne room and he would even take them on the very throne the Goddess once sat. It disgusted Count Uxtual to no end, several times when he was in the Emperor’s presence he contemplated removing that imbecile's head. A fool raised by a corrupt queen regent, a glorified puppet that only gained the throne because his mother’s enemies poisoned her one day. He didn’t even have the strength to win his own fucking throne. Then he was spurned by the House of War for being a weakling and rightly so. To accept that wretch into the Goddess’s house would bring shame upon all of her adherents.

Only the thought of how a rebellion would only fracture his home further stayed his blade. If he could he would kill that fool in an instant. As the Goddess once said “A fool and his head are easily parted.” But as it stands now it seems that day will be coming soon.

Count Uxtual looked ahead at the temple and saw the red robed priests lining the top of the sacred steps. It was a long way up, one thousand six hundred and forty-three steps. That was the number of battles the Goddess Mahaila has won consecutively, she only finally lost because her master the Blade came to visit one day and challenged her to spar. The stories say she was actually happy to lose, they say she felt it was refreshing to fight an opponent like that again.

It was a long way up but if one couldn’t even make it up these stairs they had no business entering her sacred temple. The priests clad in their red robes lined with pink sashes descended the steps and ascended them again every morning. Only after they completed the climb were they permitted to eat and drink that day. Count Uxtual lived this life for a time, he once lived here to train in his youth. The warrior-priests were merciless as they should be, nobles had died in the temple from the training. Death through training was considered an honourable thing, for the nobles could leave at any time. To stay and persevere to the point of death showed a strength of character and the dead would posthumously be granted entry into the House of War.

Count Uxtual though was quite a bit older as compared to the last time he was here, still ascended the steps quickly. His feet pushed off each stone step as he climbed towards the temple. He felt like he was back to being an adolescent, him climbing the steps under the watchful eye of his mentor. No magic, no enhancement spells, no enchanted equipment, just the strength of your body and your strength of mind. He had left his enchanted equipment with his attendants since he knew he would be climbing these sacred steps. 

The climb took almost thirty minutes at a brisk pace but he arrived at the peak even if he was slightly breathless. He turned his head to his right and saw a trainee with his master just completing their climb with buckets of water slung over their backs. Count Uxtual couldn’t help but smile and reminisce about the time when he was doing the same. Trainees were tasked with their mentors to go to the base of the hill to retrieve water for the temple. Since water was precious if a single drop was spilt then both would turn around and head back to the river to top up the bucket. The river funnily enough ran from the top of the hill but no one at the temple was permitted to draw water from top. This was in homage to an old story about the Goddess…

The Goddess told many stories to her court. She said whenever she felt shame after a defeat against her master her master would take her for a run around a mountain. Her master told her that shame was like a spectre that would follow you. So he made her run until even her shame could not keep up. This constant circuit around the mountain eventually carved a trench into the land. This trench over the milenia became a river and it was still a popular pilgrimage spot for Zarimans. It was named the River of Conquered Shame and pilgrims would attempt the run along the river. No one has completed the circuit in the last five thousand years…

It was said that the Goddess’s master would accompany her on each trial for that was what a mentor should do. Never ask your pupil to do something you wouldn’t do yourself.

In the current day the temple mimics this by making the trainees fetch water from the base of the hill and their mentor would follow them on the journey while carrying more water than their student. Afterall like the Blade, a mentor and a leader must lead by example. The first one up the mountain and the last one off it. 

Yet here Count Uxtual was to meet the Goddess to supposedly correct the failures of the Zarima of today. If the Goddess Mahaila had truly returned he didn’t know how he would face her…

The world has grown too soft…

The security brought by Heaven’s great Order means the rulers barely have to try. Count Uxtual could see it everywhere, in his home in the human nations to the east. The rulers become more incompetent with each passing generation. The only competent leaders are the ones below trying to keep it all together, to make up for the inadequacies of their disgraceful rulers. So rebellions occurred and once powerful nations fragmented into tiny bickering states that slowly go downhill as well and then they fragment again. They become smaller, weaker and more pathetic…

How could someone describe this as anything but pathetic?

“Greetings Count Uxtual, broody as ever I see.” a familiar voice said and Count Uxtual raised his head to see his old friend Duke Faraxis. 

He was a purple scaled Lizardkin with a well built body. His mother was one of the rare few that had pink scales similar to the Goddess which combined with his father’s blue scales led to the purple hued scales. Some say that the pink-scaled Lizardkin bore the blood of the Goddess within them but Count Uxtual felt that was unlikely. Most of them were rather incompetent since they were so desirable they rarely had to work for anything in their lives. A prime example was the Emperor’s harem. His concubines all had pink scales and silver eyes but none had the right lustre in their scales or eyes.

The legends say the Goddess Mahaila had pink scales that glittered like jewels and her eyes shone like the finest silverware. That woman that was in his office, her scales and eyes would match that description. In the back of his mind he couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps she was an actual descendant of the Goddess.

“What do you make of all of this? It would be a miracle if my suspicions are true.” Count Uxtual replied and Duke Faraxis nodded.

“If there was ever a time that qualified for when Zarima needs her most this would certainly be the time. We cannot withstand the Black Crusade as things stand. Not while that wretch in the capital continued to try to drink and fuck his way into an early grave.” Duke Faraxis said as he snarled.

“Agreed.” another voice said and Count Uxtual turned to see Count Scalid with his usual grim expression.

“If only he was a better drinker or does better in bed we might already be free of him.” Count Scalid said.

“We are not so lucky. Zarima has not been lucky for the past few thousand years.” the last voice said and Count Uxtual looked behind Count Scalid to see Marquiss Varex. 

“Our fortunes are changing my lord.” Count Uxtual turned to see a priestess approach. He could see her yellow scales beneath her robe and he saw the ornamentation on her robe that denoted her as a Priestess of the Archbishop rank.

“My lady.” Count Uxtual said as he bowed with a hand over his heart and he sensed his compatriots do the same. The Archbishop did the same as a show or respect.

“Come, there is someone you must meet.” the Archbishop said as she turned without another word.

Count Uxtual couldn’t help but smile slightly at how little was said. It seems the Priesthood of the House of War was as soft-spoken as ever. 

Good, this is how it should be. Deeds not words, that was the way of the House of War.

As Count Uxtual took in the familiar sight of the interior of the temple he couldn’t help but feel a well of emotion. He was so grateful that at least here the honour and virtue of the Goddess endures. Everywhere he looked he saw the steely gaze of men and women with purpose and the determination to see that purpose through. He didn’t see weaklings that expected their successes handed to them on the plate.

Like that Emperor for example. how he detested him, but no matter. His disgust was not a new thing, this had been going on for years. But perhaps the end was in sight…

Count Uxtual saw a massive door carved with the imagery of the Knight Order that personally served the Goddess. The Knights of Draconia, it was said only the worthy were allowed deeper into the temple. For the temple was enchanted and it would recognise a member of the Order, only allowing the worthy to entire the inner sanctums.

Count Uxtual watched as the masssive doors opened revealing something that made his knees go weak. He knew what this area was, this door revealed nothing but an entryway to the inner sanctum of the temple. Infront him he saw a pink scaled Draconian towering over the other warrior priests. Until now he never fully appreciated how large Draconians were, now here he was looking at one and this one was broader than two male Lizardkin combined. Towering more than three meters tall, with arms that could crush granite. Most mesmerising of all was the large wings that looked like it could sweep everyone in the room off their feet with a single flap.

The Draconian turned around and he saw the draconic face, two large fins and shining sterling silver eyes. The Draconian just stood there sizing them up and Count Uxtual could feel the pressure as she gazed at them. 

“Do you know who I am?” the Draconian asked, although her frame was large her voice was surprisingly high in pitch. It was regal and feminine, Count Uxtual expected a low voice that would put many men to shame.

“I have my suspicions, but I fear to hope.” Count Uxtual replied his mouth dry.

“Given the state of our home, I suppose that is reasonable. But perhaps this will give you a reason to hope.” the Draconian said as she turned to the sealed door.

In front of the sealed door was a sword. It was supposedly a one-handed ceremonial sword with a handle and hilt made of gold with rubies as decoration. But it was sized for a Draconian and given how much of the old technologies were lost this would not be considered a one-handed ceremonial blade for a Lizardkin. In fact it would be closer to a two-handed great sword that was used by royals. 

Count Uxtual remembers staring at that blade in wonder in his youth. It was a relic from a time long lost, it was from the age of the ancients. The stories were of a golden age, where glory covered their home. But now all the children of the desert could do was watch impotently as the past glories slowly slipped through their fingers like grains of sand. To Count Uxtual that sword was a key to a path back to that golden age. Many feel as he does, many have tried to wrest the blade from its pedestal. Hoping that by pulling the sword from the pedestal it would somehow unlock the path to a new golden age.

As Count Uxtual watched her grasp the sword he couldn’t help but hold his breath. Then to his surprise, she gave it a twist and then pushed it deeper into the pedestal. Instantly the entire room lit up with glowing blue runes. Count Uxtual watched as the great door opened revealing a massive hallway flanked by torches in the shape of a dragon’s head. Bright orange flames appeared in the mouths of the statues lighting the way.

Then Count Uxtual looked up to see the large dragon statue above the door seemingly come to life. The dragon looked down and stared right at the Draconian and then it bowed. For the rest of Count Uxtual life he will never forget what that statue said. He knows what it means, only one has ever held that rank in the Draconian knights.

Greetings Knight Commander

Welcome home…


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