
Chapter 128: The Cage

Chapter 128: The Cage

Ariel flew above the capital of the Empire, this city of Averlon was truly a city unlike any other. The city was going through extensive improvements, she could see hive creatures swarming across buildings as they raised structures faster than even the Seraphim could manage. She could see many of the older buildings were undergoing renovations. Judging by what she saw the city was expanding and expanding quickly at that. 

Ariel felt a soft smile cross her face as she shut her eyes and felt the soothing warmth radiating from the city. This was happiness and hope in such a pure state, it was a level of good she has never encountered before. So often the prayers that leak from cities are often tinged with desperation, the people often seek salvation rather than give thanks.

But here it was clear there was no salvation to seek, salvation had come. Ariel focused on what looked to be a mage academy and she felt the excitement of scholars who knew they were pushing for a better world. Then she shifted her attention to what looked to be a massive orphanage and she felt hope. There was some pain but that was from the loss of their parents. However, she also felt a hope for the future, hope strong and true. When she exited the world gate in Divonia she came across many such orphanages. They were pits of desperation, where hope was but a last plea. Hope was barely there, hanging by a thread one last push and then there would be the fall into darkness. 

After a brief examination of the state of Divonia it was no wonder the ether from Divonia was fading. When Ariel examined Divonia she saw that her mother was right she could definitely sense demons there. Humans turn to the dark powers when they have nowhere else to turn to. The demons do not give things for free, you will always end up worse off. Yes you will get what you want but you will pay more than you could have possibly imagined.

But here? Here there was no reason to go to the demons. Life was good and the future was bright. Whatever this Empress and Beast was doing, it was working. 

Last but not least Ariel turned her attention to the Great Temple within Averlon. She saw the renovations undergoing and knew the priesthood wanted to make their temple the greatest in the world. 

The creatures of this hive were helping with all of it, normally a hive would be flagged as a high priority threat but now Ariel was not so sure. If there was a dark crusade these creatures would certainly be useful. The vampires were dangerous in war because they could raise the dead so you would effectively have to kill their army several times over. But a Hive? As long as they take ground they basically have no losses, any dead are just reassimilated. They are just vampires but better. Hive soldiers are more intelligent than the reanimated creatures the vampires use and the types of soldiers are more flexible. A hive army can often adapt in the middle of combat, it would feel like fighting a different army by the end of a battle. There was a reason the Hives were the chosen soldiers of the old gods. None are as effective at war, but from what Ariel was looking at Hives were pretty useful as labourers too…

So it seems Ariel had a favorable report on Averlon. Ariel was sure her mother would decide to preserve the Averlonian Empire at least until the war in the north was settled. Privately Ariel hoped this place could continue even after that war, she only could hope her father and the Divine Council could see past the Great Beasts monstrous nature. It was clear he was good for this place and for the lives of the people. But depending on her father’s decision there may be war again and honestly for some reason Ariel had a bad feeling about this Hive. She had never seen their like before and strange Hives always held dark secrets. Only the old gods could create true Hives and if they spared the effort to create something special, it would surely be a threat unlike any other. Although they didn’t look that powerful that wasn’t what concerned her, actually no that was exactly what concerned her. This Hive was hiding its strength so right now she had no idea what it was truly capable of. Could it roll over the world in a tide of teeth and claws? Perhaps… perhaps not…

Either way she had no idea, but until she could have an actual conversation with the Great Beast there was no way to even begin to speculate. All she knew was that there was no way this was all there was for an ancient Hive.

Ariel shook her head as if to clear her thoughts, gone were the days of simple answers. Now every choice would be a gambit with everything she held dear on the table. Ariel flexed her wings and decided to move, she would get no answers contemplating high up in the air. She flapped her wings and headed to the countryside to check out the rest of this Empire. The capital being full of splendour was one thing but how was the rest of the nation? Was all the wealth being channelled just to the capital? Or was it being dispersed to the rest of the nation?

Ariel will need to make the next part quick, the longer she stayed here the more likely she would be discovered…

Ariel then felt a chill go down her spine and she instinctively rolled mid air. Just in time too, she saw a silver spear fly past her vision. In that split moment she felt her blood turn cold when she recognised two things. The first being the spear itself, it was the spear that belonged to Theseus, one of Nemesis’s top lieutenants. The second thing was the spell it was imbued with… [Skystriker Crush], a spell that was designed to knock flying targets right out of the sky. It was being used alot in the north right now…

Sure enough she felt a shock wave as the spell sent a wave of ether, jamming all flight magic. Since her wings were mostly sustained by ether she felt her strength give out and they went limp. The force of the shock wave sent her hurtling into the ground and she couldn’t muster strength into her wings. She raised her arms in panic as she saw the approaching trees. Ariel grit her teeth as she smashed through the canopy and right into a tree trunk. The force of her impact punched right through the trunk and she ended up ploughing into the ground, carving a deep trench in the earth. 

Ariel grit her teeth as she flapped her now recovered wings and shot up a short distance. Just in time she saw a pair of daggers sink into the ground where she just was. She summoned her pair of swords and spun around sensing an incoming attacker. Sure enough she saw a black robed figure with a pair of daggers raised. Two quick parrys later and the black cloaked figure was knocked back. 

Again she sensed danger, this time far more severe. To her right, this time when she turned she only saw a black shield flying at her. She tried to dodge the shield but it was too fast and it ended up striking her on the left side right on the ribs. Ariel gagged as she felt all the air knocked out of her chest and she once again flew into a set of trees, the wood tearing apart from the force. 

Though it hurt, Ariel was soon on her feet, weapons raised, she was a scout yes but she was trained by the best. Something like this wouldn’t take her down, she needed space to fire off a distress signal. Then she could only buy time and pray help would come in time. Her father wouldn’t come, he was preoccupied in the north. Maybe her mother? Maybe her brothers? 

Either way she couldn’t beat all of them alone…

Ariel looked through the dust cloud and saw Theseus approach. He was covered in black armour and she could see the hatred in his eyes. His eyes almost seemed to glow red with hatred from the confines of his helm. He was unarmed right now but she knew that situation wouldn’t last. Sure enough she watched as he extended his arms and his shield flew back onto his arm shortly followed by his spear.

“You are a long way from home, little angel. I wonder what you are doing here… child of abomination. Ariel Heseiva.” Theseus said through gritted teeth.

“My purpose here is none of your concern.” Ariel replied, trying her best to steady her voice. 

“Tell me why is a soon to be archangel here? What about this place has piqued your mother’s interest?” Theseus said as he slowly approached. Ariel for her part matched his pace as she slowly retreated all the while taking note of the enemies around her. She counted twelve total enemies including Theseus, so it was twelve against one. Not exactly good odds…

“Come quietly and you may just keep your wings. You will not be harmed.” Theseus said.

“And what? Become a hostage to be used against my family? You speak in half truths and I will not be disarmed, even your words can be twisted into weapons. My mother has taught me to hold to truth with every breath and I will not be tricked by your false promises.” Ariel replied as she narrowed her eyes.

“Fine, it’s more fun like this anyway.” Theseus said right before shooting right at Ariel. Ariel could see his eyes alight with hatred mixed with glee. The thought of striking down a child of Mihael must excite him to no end.

Ariel rushed forward to meet his strike, if she waited and allowed him to command the pace she risked being struck from every direction at once. Right now she needed to keep moving and keep their encirclement disorganised. 

Her swords met his spear and shield with a shower of sparks. She instantly darted off the right, she sensed there was a weak point in the encirclement and she charged right at the shocked Syndicate assassin.

“OUT OF THE WAY!” Ariel roared as she slashed at him, he parried one of her swords but the other sword cut into his shoulder. The wound wasn’t deep but it would be enough for her.

Instantly she whirled around and tried to parry a spear thrust from Theseus. However, she only managed to block the strike and she felt the vibrations travel up her arm from the force of the strike. 

“Shit blighted poison.” the Syndicate assassin she struck hissed as he clutched his twitching arm.

“Poison? You truly are different from the other angels. That is not very honourable of you.” Theseus said as he charged. 

“Do not lecture me of honour.” Ariel spat in response as she readied to meet his charge.

“All you angels are always so high and mighty.” Theseus hissed as his spear locked down one of Ariel’s swords and his shield locked her sword. Ariel cursed as she sensed as four presences closed in from behind her.

“[Consecrated Tide]!” Ariel shouted and a wave of divine power expanded from around her and knocked all those around her back slightly.

“[Heart Seeker].” Theseus intoned and Ariel saw the spear now glowing red shoot right at her chest. 

“[Paragon’s Shield].” Ariel shouted in response and a gold shield appeared in front of her slowing the strike just enough for her to parry it. She tilted her head as the spear scraped the side of her golden helmet.

“[Exile’s Terror].” Theseus said as he pointed his shield at Ariel and it fired out a wave of red energy. Ariel felt the energy wash over and her body instinctively froze from the [Fear Effect].

“[Under Divine Flag].” Ariel shouted in response and she felt a warmth encompass her purging the fear.

“[Consecrated Tide].” Ariel shouted again immediately as she felt more presence getting uncomfortably close to her back. 

“[Viper’s Sting].” a voice said from behind her. Ariel was able to dodge the worst of it but she felt a dagger sink into her upper left wing. 

“[Endurance of the Virtuous].” Ariel shouted immediately as she felt the poison in the dagger start to fade, but some damage was done and she felt her power drop. Much of an angel’s power was in their wings and their halo. Damage to any of them would lower their combat potential.

“How long can you keep this up I wonder? [Shattering Throw].” Theseus said as he hurled his shield right at Ariel. She tried to dodge but the shield struck her in the chest smashing her back. She felt her ribs break and she tasted iron in her mouth. Ariel felt herself go through half a dozen trees before coming to a halt. She gagged and she felt blood dribble from her mouth.

“[Greater Restoration].” Ariel croaked out as she felt her internal wounds heal. 

“Rationing your power are you? The offer still stands, surrender.” Theseus said as he slowly approached and the shield once again returned to his arm.

“Go to hell…” Ariel spat in response as she got to her feet and raised her weapons again.

“You think I’m going to surrender to save myself from pain? You must truly be blind, I will leave this place or I will die on my feet. There is no middle ground.” Ariel hissed as she brandished her weapons.

“I will not go mewling into your cage. I recall the struggles and trials of my people, I recall the virtues I stand for, I recall the lessons passed on to the children.” Ariel said as she channelled power into her body. She felt her body ignite with divine fire and her halo glowed anew, bathing the dark forest with its orange glow.  

“I am the daughter of the Archangels Uriel and Mihael. I am Ariel Heseiva and I am a Silver Maiden of the Seraphim. I will not be deterred from my path so I reject you for now and always!” Ariel shouted in defiance, all her life she has lived by her virtues and now it seems she may very well die for them. 

“You truly are a naive dove. If you were a hawk I would be more worried.” Theseus said as he nodded to the other assassins and they began to surround Ariel.

“Better to die as a dove seeking peace than to be a vulture coveting war and despair.” Ariel said as she raised her weapon. It seems like she wouldn’t be able to send out that distress signal and survive. So now the choice was whether to warn or to fight?

Suddenly she saw a streak of blue fireballs fly in from above and cut off the Syndicate members. In an instant she sensed presence around her as four white humanoid monsters appeared before her. Their backs were to her and their curved claws raised as they formed a defensive layer between her and those would mean her harm.

Then she saw a figure materialise before her. It was like the other monsters but more regal. It was pure white had digitigrade legs, four arms, two lower arms were crossed behind her back of the upper arms one was held out as if to aid her. This creature like the others had no eyes, just a domed head and what looked to be a collar of bones forming into intricate patterns. This one also had a long tail-like appendage extending from the back of her head.

“Need a hand?” the monster asked as Ariel looked at her hand.

“The Great Beast’s Hive…” Ariel muttered in response.

“How very perceptive of you.” the creature said and then noticed the fight had lulled slightly. The monsters before her parted revealing the members of the Syndicate looking around warily at the dozens of creatures surrounding them.

“You are trespassing and you have attacked a visitor in my King’s realm. Do you have an explanation?” the creature asked.

“Explanation? First I would know your name.” Theseus replied.

“I am the Queen that commands, right hand of the Great Beast. You may call me Legiana.” the creature replied.

“You are in no position to demand an explanation Legiana, we are here for the angel. Step aside and there need not be violence between us.” Theseus said. At those words Ariel watched Legiana as simply just laughed in response.

“Do you not know where we are? This is the Elysian Woods, this forest is a fortress. Do you truly think an Ancient like my king would have no counter measures to defend his home?” Legiana replied with another chuckle. 

All at once the piece came together in Ariel’s mind. This place was the Elysian Woods and the Great Beast was also called the Great Beast of the Elysian Woods. What else does this forest hold? What secrets has the Great Beast kept buried?

“Would you convince yourself this a negotiation? No, my king has wanted to speak with the Syndicate for a long time, he has merely tolerated your presence thus far. He was under the impression that we had a mutual understanding of non-interference.

But now? Now it seems that little understanding is no longer valid. This is not a rescue mission for this little angel, or even a strike force to eliminate all of you.” Legiana said as she began walking forward a fanged smile on her face.

This is a cage…

The Great Beast is on the way, I suggest you prepare yourselves…


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