
Chapter 126: Salvation at Knife Point

Chapter 126: Salvation at Knife Point

Gilly held her little sister's emancipated hand as she watched the soldiers argue. She was barely able to stand since she hadn't eaten in five days. She knew what was going to happen and in the back of her mind she thought maybe this was for the best. What was the point? She came here with her sister in the hopes of leaving for the Averlonian Empire. 

Gilly in her naive eighteen year old mind felt that if the crown refused to feed the people then they should at least be fine with the hungry people leaving. Afterall hungry populations either revolted or quietly died. If they revolted then there was bloodshed if they starved to death then the bodies would need to be disposed of. Why even keep them here if they were just mouths to feed?

However, once Gilly got to the border she got called a traitor who was abandoning the homeland. She watched as desperate people tried to cross the border anyway by running for it. They ended up cut down by cavalry or shot by arrows. Gilly was at the edge of the crowd, she could easily make a run for it but what was the point? 

Then Gilly saw something, she saw the soldiers of the Empire marching forward. Then she saw the Varian soldiers start to panic as wild orders to form up were being shouted. Even to an untrained observer she could tell the stark difference between the two armies. Though the Verian soldiers were more numerous the Empire’s soldiers were far better armed and it looked like they had no shortage of motivation for the coming battle. They marched in perfect formation, their foot falls forming a single neat beat with each stride. Their armour and weapons gleamed from flawless maintenance. In contrast the Verian soldiers were holding dull swords and spears. It was clear which of the two nations placed greater emphasis on their military strength.

However, even to Gilly’s rather uneducated mind she would have known this even without seeing it herself. The Averlonian Empire has conquered most of the region and the Empire could probably fight every other nation in the region all at once and still win. If Gilly needed any more confirmation it would be the phoenixes flying neatly in a V formation right over the Empire’s army. The phoenixes alone could easily defeat the Verian army.

In truth Gilly found the phoenixes beautiful, especially the white one; they were great and regal creatures. Their feathers glowing with fire as they calmly flew over the formation of soldiers. Their bearing betrayed their thoughts that nothing here could harm them, they ruled the skies and none could face them. 

Gilly noticed that at the head of the formation was a collection of wagons filled with food. Subconsciously Gilly felt her mouth water and she felt her little sister’s hand grip hers tightly. They were both starving, her little sister had a small piece of bread yesterday but that was barely enough to do anything. Her parents were too weak to come with them to the border and honestly Gilly didn’t even know if they were alive. She had heard some parts of the nation were resorting to cannibalism. Gilly partly came here because she was afraid of her and her sister ending up as someone’s meal.

Unknowingly she took a step forward towards the wagons, they were so close only 50 metres away. She could see the bright red apples right there…

The hunger pangs that have almost gone numb now flared up again. She could feel her hunger roaring up with a vengeance. 

“Hungry…” Gilly heard her little sister say from the side.

“FOOD!” Gilly heard someone scream in desperation. That almost deranged shout snapped her right back to her senses. Gilly looked around and saw all the hungry desperate people were staring at the wagons with eyes filled with madness.

Gilly started to get a very bad feeling in her gut and she quickly began pulling her sister away. She wasn’t the only one who started to feel something was wrong, the soldiers ahead of the crowd started to get nervous as the crowd began to surge forward. Gilly thanked the divine that her and her sister were close to the edge of the crowd so if there was a mini stampede she had the chance to get out. She could feel the shoving and she instinctively yanked her sister towards her before scooping her small thin body up in her arms. Though Gilly was weak, the thought of her dear sister being potentially trampled in the crowd gave her enough strength to carry her. Gilly could hear the desperate screaming people around her and she tried desperately to move to the edge of the crowd. But with her weak body all she could manage was to try not to fall and be trampled. 

Gilly took in quick rasping breaths as she started to panic, she couldn’t see what was happening. Previously there was some space between each person but now everyone was compressed together. Then she felt the man in front of her stiffen before she watched in mute horror as he collapsed forward. The falling body revealed a soldier with a bloodied spear and a horrified look on his face. Gilly froze when she saw the bloody spear and she stumbled. She went tumbling right on top of the still warm and twitching body. 

Gilly looked up and froze as she saw the bloody spear pointed right at her head. Gilly hugged her sister close as she trembled. Then she saw a flash of white and after that a wave of heat that threatened to dry out her eyes. 


A loud feminine voice shouted, the voice was booming and regal. Gilly opened her eyes and saw a great white phoenix flying above her in the divide between the starving masses and the soldiers. Gilly then noticed the bloody spear was gone and instead the soldiers were backing off in fear. 

“Tch, you humans are so difficult. Feeding dogs is easier.” the Phoenix spat in annoyance.

“Dogs obey Azatherine, humans have a… process…” a cold and arrogant voice said just as Gilly saw a flash of blue light. She looked up in shock to see a regal creature of pure white. It had bipedal legs and four arms. It had no eyes, just a domed head and on its collar was a crown of bone that fanned out in intricate patterns.

Then Gilly started to shake as she realised that the monster was staring right at her with a wide smile on its face. She shook as she saw its maw was filled with serrated teeth that looked to be the size of fruit knives. 

“Apple?” the beast said with a mirth in its masculine voice as he reached out a hand and a shiny red apple appeared in its hand. 

Gilly paused for a moment before reaching up and taking it. Though she was hungry she took it because she knew it wasn’t a good idea to deny a monster.

“See that’s not so hard is it Azatherine?” the beast said with a laugh as it turned to look at the white phoenix.

“It appears so my king.” the phoenix named Azatherine said with a regal bow of her head.

“Now then, I was hoping to tempt all of you out of this stupidity with food but it looks like I once again overestimated you humans. I need to remember that the Empress is not your average human. 

So since diplomacy and pretty words have gone out of the window I’ll just make it direct. Where’s your commander?” the beast asked as he looked around. 

Gilly looked around and saw the soldier's part revealing a red-faced noble in ornate armour. He looked furiously around at his soldiers who for all intents of purposes looked like they had no intention of fighting. From what Gilly could guess the only reason they haven’t dropped their weapons was that they forgot they were holding them.

“Are you it? I’ll be frank I’ve seen enough of your nation’s stupidity and my friend the Empress has lost her patience. It appears the only way to save all of you is a violent restructuring. So surrender and prosper. Or you can resist and die. Makes little difference to me considering if I left all of you alone, you would be dead anyway.” the beast drawled as it calmly looked at the noble.

Gilly watched the noble give one last look at his terrified soldiers and then he looked up at the giant white Phoenix glaring down at him. The Phoenix Azatherine jerked her head in the direction of the white humanoid beast before letting out a growl. The noble lowered his head for a moment gritting his teeth and then walked over to the white beast.

“I assume you are the Great Beast? You were referred to as a king. But the stories say you are far larger.” the noble said through gritted teeth.

“This vessel means little, my actual body is far away. Now then my friend Empress Cecilia did mention you humans like to do silly things like informing your enemy that you will be attacking them. What do you all call it? A declaration of war?

Anyway, consider yourselves informed and war declared. Although this is more of a war of liberation rather than conquest.” the Great Beast said with a wry smile and Gilly noted the noble’s face was turning a very deep shade of purple.

“Careful you might get a stroke if you keep that up.” the Great Beast said with a grin.

“You need to send a formal declaration to the crown. You cannot just inform me verbally.” the Noble replied as he began shaking with rage.

“Oh, well that’s rather inconvenient don’t you think? Alright tell you what, I’ll have someone write it up and you can send it over. After you surrender of course.” the Great Beast said.

“Surrender? You expect me to relinquish the border of my nation without a fight?” the Noble spat in response.

“Well feel free to fight, but just in case.” the Great Beast said as he turned to face the rest of the soldiers.

“So if any of you don’t want to fight and wish to surrender, would you kindly drop your weapons and walk that way while raising your hands above your heads!” the Great Beast shouted as he pointed in the direction of the border with a voice so loud that it hurt Gilly’s ears. 

Gilly looked on in mute fascination as all the soldiers looked around at each other then at the five phoenixes leering down at them. One by one they threw down their weapons and began heading over to the border hands up in the air.

In the end all that was left was a small collection of knights who still stubbornly held on to their weapons.

“Alright so I’m guessing the rest of you won’t surrender?” the Great Beast asked.

“We will not surrender, on our honour and the honour of our king…” the Noble began but the Great Beast simply raised a hand before cutting him off.

“Soon to be dead king and well royal family actually… well the royal family part will depend on how things go.” the Great Beast said and Gilly could see the Noble was ready to pull his sword and attack.

“So what will it be? Will you surrender?” the Great Beast asked as he spread his four arms as if to embrace the Noble. Though the wide fanged smile betrayed a far more insidious plan working in the beast’s head.

“To hell with you monster!” the Noble shouted as he drew his sword and pointed the tip at the Great Beast.

“Fine…” the Great Beast said with a bored sigh before simply snapping the fingers on his upper right arm.

Then Gilly heard a sickening crack and she blanched pale when she saw the Noble’s head had been turned completely backwards snapping his neck.

“Pathetic insect.” the Great Beast said as he turned to the knights who had taken a shaky step back.

“Anyone else?” the Great Beast droned as if bored and sure enough weapons were thrown onto the floor and hands were raised.

Good, now who is second in command?

I need a glorified messenger to deliver that declaration…


Gilly sat on an empty crate as she gently held her sleeping sister. They had just eaten their first proper meal for the first time in a long time. Never would she have thought apples could be that sweet. She wasn’t sure if the hunger contributed to that taste or if the apple really was that much sweeter than your average apple.

Still with a hot bowl of soup, a small portion of bread and an apple in her belly she was now feeling better than she had in weeks. Her little sister having sated at least some of her hunger now lay curled up on her lap as she slept. It has been a long and terrifying day afterall.

The refugees were not permitted to eat their fill. No one complained of course considering the portion they were given was far more than what they had previously. However, it turns out it wasn’t due to the stinginess of rationing. In fact some of the soldiers and labourers mentioned that many of the hungry might have Hunger Sickness. Which can cause death if they eat too much and too quickly. The three items she ate were actually split into two portions, they were given the soup first to ease their stomachs and then an apple and a small portion of bread an hour later.

“How was the meal?” Gilly heard a voice ask.

Gilly looked up to see a man looking to be about as old as her smiling down on her. He had a head of bright blonde hair and a short beard. His eyes were blue like the sea and he was rather well built. 

“It was very good, thank you.” Gilly replied with a smile. She knew it would take a long time before her body fully recovered from the starvation but if she kept up eating like this, she would recover eventually.

“That’s great, we will give you more to eat tomorrow and we will slowly increase it as we go on. Don’t want any of you getting the Hunger Sickness.” the man said with a kind chuckle.

“You all seem to know alot about dealing with famines. I thought Elysia had an abundance of food.” Gilly asked curiously and the man smiled softly as if thinking of something.

“I am not from Elysia, many of us here aren’t. We hail from the northern clans at the roof of the world. Up there the growing season is short and the water freezes over in winter making it difficult to fish. 

Famines are rather common unfortunately…” the man said with a bitter smile.

“I see, it appears I’m an Imperial now… the criers always did call the Averlonian Empire a nation of brutes ruled by monsters. However, looking at it now I find all of that hard to believe.” Gilly murmured in response.

“One should not trust everything they hear. Even for my people we are often thought of as savages by the Divonian Empire and the Merchant Princes. I am unsure if you have heard any unflattering rumours about us but I would not be surprised if you have.” the man replied.

"I have heard of raiders in the far north but I do not know much." Gilly said slightly sheepishly.

“Those are our foes to the west. I am from the northern clans; we are largely peaceful unless attacked of course.” the man replied.

“I see, I’m sorry I didn’t get your name.” Gilly said.

“Oh where are my manners, I am Geralv Ironwolf and you are?” Geralv asked.

“My name is Gilly, Gilly Astof.” Gilly replied with a nod and a smile.


Ariel hovered above the camp as she listened to the conversation the two humans were having below. She had a simple mission, well simple in concept but not so simple in execution. Her mother the Archangel Uriel had given her a task. A task arguably only she could fulfil. 

Ariel was an Heir of the Firstborn just like her mother and father. This was a well kept secret in her home. The Seraphim could not attribute any of their power to the Old Gods. Afterall it was only the Heirs that are barely keeping the rule of heaven in place. Many have begun to question if their divine right to rule Terra was truly a mandate from fate. Especially considering the divisions that have wracked Seraphim society. The rising numbers of Cherubim has not made things easier. The Cherubim were stunted angels with small wings, they were poor flyers with some not being able to fly at all. This of course led to a lot of discrimination and many feel that the Cherubim would eventually breed weakness into the Seraphim. Though her mother Uriel keeps attempting to champion their rights, the higher angels all view the Cherubim as lesser and not worthy of notice.

Ariel gently flapped a pair of her six wings and she lightly drifted to the side. Ariel was a scouting expert, she was always shy as a child. Often hiding behind her wings when she felt uncomfortable, perhaps that was what led her to her proficiency of stealth. In all of the realm of heaven no one was better at staying undetected, she could even hide from all but the most skilled individuals of the Syndicate. Though even with her skills she was rarely sent out, her mother feared for her safety and often refused to use her.

Ariel could see the logic within her mother’s mind. At the end of the day she was the daughter of two archangels who were both members of the divine council. If she was captured by the Syndicate she would be an excellent hostage to be used against heaven. For that reason the children of the divine council were rarely sent out into Terra despite their natural power. So like her other fourteen brothers and sisters she has spent most of her days cooped up in the palace.

However, if Ariel was sent out it means her mother was certainly worried. The new Averlonian Empire was her first stop on her reconnaissance mission. It was a rather large territory so she would have to spend at least a few days flying high above it. She would need to find a discreet place to rest but it shouldn’t be that difficult considering the intelligence branch indicated that the Empire had an extremely low Syndicate presence. It was suspected that the most powerful Syndicate members like Nemesis, Heimdall and Persephone were in the north waging war against the forces of Heaven. So this place would be relatively unguarded.

Her mission was to investigate the situation in the south and west. The north was burning and the east was in chaos. The south was largely at peace, in fact the prayers from the south were so filled with optimism the yield of ether was rivalling even the fanatic devotion from the Divonian Empire. If this was kept up, the Averlonian Empire might become another priority for Heaven to defend and protect. Right now they needed every scrap of Ether they could get, the war was costly but thus far it was a stalemate and manageable even with the limited number of the Seraphim committed to the war.

As for the west, there was far more concerning news. Intelligence indicates the Vampires were on the move and it looked like they were prepping for a Black Crusade. Ariel was to investigate if there really was a Black Crusade in the works. Also if possible she was to determine if their invasion was to strike the Elves or the Zarimans. The Elves had more plunder but their forest made it extremely difficult to invade. The Zarimans on the other hand was a soft target despite its significantly lower amount of plunder. 

For now Ariel was to investigate the Averlonian Empire and as she listened to the pair below her speak she liked what she was hearing. It appears this Great Beast was rather peaceful to the humans, their lives were getting better. The Great Beast was also introducing some of the old technologies that Heaven had confiscated. It appears the Great Beast was mostly introducing technology that had little military applications. If the Averlonian Empire could be secured as a devout follower of Heaven or at least an ally, it would go a long way to help the war effort. It also looked like this Empire would be able to hold its own against a Black Crusade which means the Seraphim could conserve their strength for the war in the north.

The man was speaking to her of a logistics system, greater crop yields, new education initiatives, and new economic policy. The Empress of this Empire seemed to be a rather impressive individual, many of her ideas resembled some of the policies used in Heaven. She must be no common human…

Ariel nodded to herself as she decided she had eavesdropped enough for now and decided to head further south to the old capital of Tralis and the current capital of the Volerian Protectorate. Perhaps the courts would have more information.

Then Ariel saw something that made her blood freeze for a moment. The Great Beast’s false body turned to look up at her for a moment, before looking away. At least it looked like it was looking at her, it didn’t have eyes so it was hard to tell. But Ariel couldn’t sense any detection, so perhaps it was just a scare. It would be a serious problem if the Great Beast’s spare body had the ability to detect her. It would make his main body extremely dangerous…

No, it must just be a coincidence…

Keep it together Ariel, mother is counting on you…


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