
Chapter 120: Underground Talks

Chapter 120: Underground Talks

I emerged from the ground and shook the dirt and bits of stone off. I don’t usually burrow but my abilities do allow for it. It’s quite interesting actually, even though my body wasn’t that well built for burrowing it appears I don’t need to be well built for it. The ability to burrow was built into my body, whenever I want to burrow my body releases this type of magic that breaks down the soil and stone around me. The end result was that I created this tunnel surrounded by this strange fused stone. It’s surprisingly tough, harder than granite actually but not nearly hard enough for combat use. However, it does have some construction applications. I only found out about this recently since I fly everywhere rather than burrow.

“Hi friend, did the test go well?” Cecilia asked with a smile.

“Very, it’s ready.” I replied cryptically and I saw the dwarf give me a tense glance. I was testing the new aquatic hive and so far it looks pretty good. It’s not viable for deep water combat yet but for guarding the surface it’s perfectly viable. 

I plan to eventually unleash it on the Ostayans to solve their raids in the Elysian sea. But that will have to wait until I complete my plans for the final solution to the Ostayan question.

I shifted my gaze to the dwarf and immediately my mind recalled some of the old memories from the Eternal Mother.

“Did all of you get shorter? And thinner?” I asked, it looks like the Dwarfs degenerated too. Funnily enough, humans have remained largely the same, perhaps the human genome has largely stabilized. I think I didn’t notice it the last time I ran into dwarfs because I didn’t have the eternal mother’s memories yet.

“I…” the dwarf king sputtered. I could tell this was a touchy subject but I wanted to impress upon him that I am very old. Just the usual scare tactic, it’s proved itself quite useful thus far. Works like a charm most of the time.

“Friend, you are being rude.” Cecilia said and I let out a laugh.

“Sorry, things really have changed since I was last around.” I replied as I looked around me, dramatically shifting my head as if I was looking around at the dwarfs.

“So is everything settled? I assume they agreed, it is the logical choice.” I said and I looked down at the dwarf king.

“They have some concerns.” Cecilia said and she looked at the dwarf king indicating for him to elaborate.

“The main issue we have is the resources. The scope of the projects demands a level of resources we do not possess. The tracks for the logistics network will need to be made of enchanted mithril, we cannot possibly maintain the entire system regularly. The enchantments will allow us to keep maintenance to a minimum. For the enchantments we will need ether crystals. These two things are also needed for the rifles.

I am aware that your hive can burrow but the mining of mithril and ether crystals is not just a simple process of digging rocks out of the ground. Mithirl ore is naturally volatile, if it is handled poorly it can corrode, lengthening the refining process. The ether crystals are simply explosive, reckless mining will cause extreme amounts of damage.” the dwarf king said.

“That isn’t an issue, we are already excavating mithril and ether crystals with my hive. In fact I had a feeling you would say that so I have piles of mithril waiting. What we need is for you to process it. Although the storage method is a little… different…” I said as my mind drifted to how my hive was storing the mithril ore. 

Mithril was a peculiar metal, it didn’t play well with air until it was refined. If the ore is exposed to the air or water for too long it will rust away. Mithril is actually an alloy and the refining process simply makes the unstable metal into a stable alloy. One of the smiths I spoke to said that the very same property that makes Mithril so enchantable also makes the ore vulnerable to corrosion and rust.

“Perhaps a demonstration would be better.” I said and I sent a command to the hive waiting below.

It didn’t take long, as soon as I sent out the command I felt the ground below me shake. Then on my left a large beast appeared. It was a new design that I haphazardly threw together. Its entire purpose was to store mithril and move it around. It was a dud honestly, it just cost too much to justify the benefits so this was one of five of the beasts in existence. I called them the Mithril Bags, needless to say since this was a failed project I didn’t even bother to ask Cecilia to name them. Their design was similar to the beasts I use to collect bodies, those were called the Undertakers. That one was named by Cecilia since the name was actually half decent…

The beast was white like the rest of my hive and it resembled an engorged insect. It was about the size of two carriages put front to back. It had eight legs instead of the usual six because it had to carry metal instead of corpses. That was also why it was too expensive, this one needed a lot of muscle mass in order to move a sufficient amount of Mithril. So essentially it was simply cheaper to use the dwarves' rail system as a form of transport. 

I ordered the beast to hack up a lump of mithril of ore. A vaguely shiny rock emerged from its toothless maw and the rock landed on the stone floor covered in this greenish yellow slime.

“The slime helps to preserve the ore.” I said and I looked up to see Cecilia and the dwarfs wrinkling their noses.

“Friend, the smell is quite unpleasant…” Cecilia said as she raised a hand to cover her nose.

“Oh, well I did make them to cover it with a layer of special oil. You know how water and air causes mithril to rust? Well there is the saying that oil and water don’t mix right? The oil is effective because it keeps water and air out.” I explained and Cecilia nodded while still covering her nose.

“But it could use some lavender…” Cecilia muttered as she winced at the smell.

“It smells like a rat died in a pile of rancid fat…” Cecilia said in a strained voice.

I looked over at the dwarf king but surprisingly he was walking over to the slime-covered bit of ore. He gazed down at it with great interest, seemingly forgetting about the smell.

“Oil… of course…” the dwarf king murmured as he gazed at it.

“You were not aware of this?” Cecilia asked as she lowered her hand.

“No, we store the ore in special rooms that cast preservation magic. They are expensive to maintain, I was originally planning to use the ether crystals that you can help us mine to expand the rooms but…” the dwarf king began.

“But you want to use the oil instead.” Cecilia said.

“Yes, but is it possible for you to make it smell less… repugnant?” the dwarf king asked tentatively. I looked over at Cecilia and she turned to look at the slime-covered lump of ore. I saw her wrinkle her nose and she gave me a small nod.

“Fine…” I said as I ordered the Mithril Bag to slurp up the ore again to get rid of the smell.

I’ll just add some lavender…


Mahaila leaned against the wall as she looked at the bound and gagged pair of royals in front of her that was stuck in this storage chamber. The crown prince and the king of Tralis were being held in a special facility deep within the Elysian woods. It’s quite ironic in a way, they were locked away in the exact same tower that the Empress herself was once trapped in.

Most would want it demolished and destroyed but the Empress was not most people. If anything this place was a good example of why she and the Great Beast got along so well. Mahaila herself would have had this place destroyed as would most people she knew. The Empress however decided to keep it. The reason was as she put it…

“It’s a well-constructed prison, I studied it extensively to try to get out and I barely made any progress. It would be a waste to just demolish it, in fact, I think we could make some improvements.” the Empress had said in a tone that betrayed her detached emotions with regard to this place.

Most would destroy it but the Empress would rather improve it to get some use out of it…

This ruthless pragmatism was strangely inhuman, it was the logic of beasts.This place held memories of pain and solitude. Most would want it destroyed, yet the Empress even wanted to improve it.

“What’s on your mind?” Mahaila heard a familiar voice say. She turned and saw her old friend and mentor appear out of one of the shadows. This room was unguarded but the area around it was heavily guarded. With the whole demon possession thing it was advisable to keep those that could be potentially influenced away from these two. The crown prince especially was heavily corrupted and Mahaila determined that he could be a vector for another possession. So not even Cecilia was allowed in here without Mahaila to accompany her. 

As for security Mahaila herself had heavily enchanted this place to ensure nothing could get in. She was sure nothing short of an ancient that specialised in infiltration would stand a chance. The list of those who could get in was a short one, and those who could wouldn’t be interested in these two anyway.

So this place was the perfect place for a meetup. No one other than Mahaila and her guest would be here. The two possessed royals were sealed away in special chambers so they wouldn’t know anything. This was probably one of the most secure places in the empire, right behind the Black Box of course.

However, her mentor was a Ravenborn, the last Ravenborn. He was probably the oldest humanoid in existence. The Ravenborn were created as infiltrators by the watchers. They had a natural affinity for illusions, shadow magic and even manifestations. In fact pretty much everything Mahaila knew about infiltration came from him. Her master wasn’t that good at it, although he did have his ways around it.

Once he needed to get rid of the tyrant king of some kingdom but he wasn’t good enough to infiltrate the palace and he didn’t have time for a full fledged revolution. But to be fair gramps did say it wasn’t completely because he didn’t have time, he just didn’t like doing revolutions. Or as his master called it, “children crusades”. He just didn’t like babysitting silly revolutionaries who were the type to try to liberate a house by setting it on fire. 

So her master came up with a rather interesting plan. He planned to look completely incompetent and lower their guard. He ended up standing in front of a wanted poster of himself in broad daylight to “hide” himself. It didn’t work of course and he was “captured”. His original plan was to be brought to the prison and he would then break out in the middle of the night and kill the king in his sleep. Her master was apparently quite good at breaking in and out of prisons. However, it turns out the king ended up bringing him before the throne to mock him. So he used his secret technique of breaking through his shackles by simply tearing them off. Then a few moments later the king’s head was removed from his body and his master ended up running out the castle with no one able to stop him.

If Gramps was the one doing the assasination it would be alot cleaner. Well to be fair her master’s attack was less assasination and more just… murder…

But regardless if Gramps did it, no one would even know who did it. The Crowfather was almost impossible to detect. He could hide from anyone, and no one could hide from him unless they were using an extremely advanced preemptive manifestation.

“Hey Gramps.” Cecilia said as she looked over to see a blonde human wearing green robes with wide sleeves along with a green wide brimmed hat with white stripes.

“New disguise?” Mahaila asked as she noted his appearance.

“I am just a travelling hermit from eastern Voleria. Hence the Mugumman attire.” her mentor Phizaros the Crowfather said.

“Although what is the situation with those two? Demonic possession?” Phizaros said as he approached the two bound men. 

“You did a scan already?” Mahaila asked.

“No, you cut their eyes out, I assume their ears are pierced and their tongues cut out. That chamber they are in looks like it’s supposed to deprive them of all sensation. Demons can’t spy if the possessed knows nothing.” Phizaros replied with a chuckle as he examined the chamber.

“This is your work isn’t it…” Phizaros said and Mahaila internally winced. She knew what he was going to say.

“You’ve been skipping your practice haven’t you?” Phizaros said as he turned around to look at her, an eyebrow raised.

“Three level fifteen artefacts a month is the minimum to keep your skills sharp. You have been skipping practice haven’t you?” Phizaros said as he narrowed his eyes slightly.

“Maybe I skipped a few here and there…” Mahaila muttered in response as she once again felt like the little girl that was being chastised in her youth.

“Mahaila…” Phizaros said in a stern voice.

“Ok fine, I skipped a few months.” Mahaila admitted sheepishly and her dear mentor sighed as he pinched the bridge of her nose.

“Orb…” Phizaros muttered as he extended his hand and Mahaila took out her storage orb before sheepishly handing it to him. Mahaila watched him turn the orb in his hand as he gently tapped on it with a glowing finger. Each time he did there was a spark and the orb glowed slightly. It didn’t take long and soon he tossed the orb back over to Mahaila.

“Node 2k417, 6k678 and cluster 29. You were losing half a second of materialising speed. I know that half a second may not matter in this day and age but still if it does matter it may be your neck.” Phizaros said with a scowl and Mahaila sheepishly nodded.

“Ah well, I am sure you have been busy. At least I know your sword skills are still sharp, your alchemy has probably gone to hell though. You never did like alchemy.” Phizaros said with a small sigh.

“So… how did it go?” Mahaila asked tentatively trying to change the subject.

“Decently well. The others are in place, the ones I could find anyway. A lot of people are going to die by the time all of this is done.” Phizaros said with a sigh.

“We don’t have a choice, this stagnation needs to end. So who did you manage to get a hold of?” Mahaila asked.

“Ranbos, Little Mike and Pufferia. Nihiaka didn’t want to cooperate.” Phizaros replied with a sigh.

“Of course she didn’t, Lady Nemesis has gotten even more comfortable in her little cult.” Mahaila said, her tone cold.

“Yes, you met her didn’t you? Do not judge her too harshly, she has been through much. Few have been tested as she has. Most would have failed too.” Phizaros chided and Mahaila crossed her arms in a huff.

“You had it worse, you didn’t fail.” Mahaila countered.

“That is true that I am one of the few that were tested, but perhaps that means I am not one of the most that failed. Still my old friend often gave second chances and he didn’t give up on what he holds dear. I think we should learn from his example.” Phizaros said.

“Maybe, hopefully. What about Fundiris?” Mahaila asked.

“Couldn’t find him, I mean he is called the Furtive Vulpus for a reason.” Phizaros replied with a small shrug.

“So what have you gotten the rest to do?” Mahaila asked.

“Ranbos is with the Vampires, he’s riling them up trying to start a black crusade. With any luck they will actually do it and then the angels can waste resources fighting them. Little Mike is pitting the Rings of Lust and Pride against each other. Lust has allied with Greed and Gluttony. While Pride has allied with Envy and Sloth…” Phizaros said and Mahaila knows what he is going to say next.

“And Wrath is still trying to fight themselves and everyone at the same time?” Mahaila said as she raised a knowing brow.

“Yes, so nothing has changed with them. They hate everyone and everything, including themselves. Still if they lasted this long with everyone being their enemy they are undeniably a powerful fighting force. Little Mike is trying to provoke a claim to the Prime Evil. Hopefully this will unite demons and cull their numbers. Then at least they can give heaven a challenge and burn even more of their resources.” Phizaros said and Mahaila nodded.

“And the Drowned Admiral?” Mahaila asked.

“Pufferia has been persuaded to part with her massive trove of grahanam crowns if we can prove that we can topple heaven. As for actually fighting them…” Phizaros said.

“She didn’t need persuading to fight them.” Mahaila said, cutting him off and he nodded in response.

“So with the Syndicate setting the north on fire, demons in Divonia, the Vampires planning a crusade and hell about to explode into a war there are plenty of things to tie Heaven down. That way the Firstborn will seem less like a threat. Potentially even an ally, then we can stab them in the back when the time is right.” Mahaila said as she nodded to herself.

“Perhaps not all of them need stabbing.” Phizaros said and Mahaila scowled.

“Are you really still holding onto that? The angels are a lost cause, yes Uriel is alright but everyone else is lunatic!” Mahaila snapped in response.

“Temper, temper. And no the angels are not all lunatics, many of them are misguided. Most of them have never left heaven or even know anything about the other two worlds. They are blissfully ignorant, many of them are loyal to Uriel. Especially the Cherubin, Uriel is constantly protecting them from the other angels who view them as stunted creatures. They grow more numerous every year, the council will struggle to win a war if the home front is in revolt. The Cherubin are kind, kind in ways only those who have suffered and received boundless warmth can be.” Phizaros said as he sharpened his gaze when he noticed the cold look in Mahaila’s eyes.

“Great, so a bunch of stunted grounded angels are nice to each other.” Mahaila replied with a  scoff.

“ENOUGH!” Phizaros snapped and Mahaila flinched.

“You are angry, and you have every right to be. Yes, the angels are the legacy of the Lord of Dreams. Yes he killed your master. I know that day you lost a mentor and father figure, but I lost a life long friend and a brother. But he would not have wanted you to be consumed by your hatred.

The angels may be the Lord of Dream’s legacy but you are your master’s legacy. Do you want your master’s legacy to be a protege that levies the sins of a few at the feet of an entire race? Your master died for the angels, he knew what the Lord of Dreams would do if he had his way. What would become of them…” Phizaros said and Mahaila looked away, trying to calm the rage in her heart.

“Remember hatred is easy, restraint is difficult. Letting your emotions cloud your judgement is a weakness. A weakness we cannot afford when the fate of three worlds is on the line.” Phizaros said and Mahaila nodded remembering her master’s words.

“Never become a monster…” Phizaros prompted.

“To defeat one.” Mahaila said and Phizaros nodded in satisfaction.

“Uriel can save them, I know she can.” Phizaros said as he moved his gaze away.

Mahaila sighed as she internalised those words. Mahaila knew Uriel when she was training under her master, Uriel was a friend back then. Uriel even got a few lessons from her master here and there. Her master liked her and so did Mahaila herself. Mahaila knew her because gramps did, Uriel was apparently learning alchemy from gramps. Uriel wanted to know more about healing and Mahaila’s master wasn’t willing to teach Uriel. He said she was a good girl but she lacked the stomach and will to train under him. On that Mahaila agreed, Uriel was always soft but that was also what made her motherly. But that was back then and a lot of time has passed since then. They were good friends once but fate saw fit to divide them, to put each of them on opposing sides. The Lord of Dreams destroyed everything, he wanted to bend the world to his designs…

“So we stick with the plan?” Mahaila asked and Phizaros nodded.

“We shouldn’t let the Firstborn know what we are doing just yet. We may be on his side but from what you told me he is doing the right thing. No sense prodding him just yet. I am not so sure about that Empress in truth. At the end of the day she’s just a human, if she has us at her disposal I’m not sure if she won’t get any strange ideas. You know how the shorter lived races are when they get too much power too quickly.” Phizaros said and Mahaila nodded.

“Yes, she is still far too young. Yes the Firstborn is younger but we can hardly compare a human to a Firstborn. Although he does obviously cherish her, in fact on that note there is something else I wanted to tell you. The Firstborn has a new project with regards to the princess. It appears he is concerned about her mortality and general frailty with regards to her race.” Mahaila said and Phizaros nodded as it seemingly clicked in his head.

“I assume this is because of that incident at the Primordial Font?” Phizaros asked.

“Yes he was quite worried, soon after he was talking to the two of us about a back up body for her.” Mahaila said and Phizaros nodded in understanding.

“Surprisingly tactful, the other Firstborn would have suggested changing her as she was.” Phizaros said.

“Yes, instead he is going with a spare body. The project is called Project Phoenix.” Mahaila said.

“Rather symbolic, when the Empress falls she will rise from the ashes in a new body. But that is a surprisingly good name, the Firstborn were all terrible at naming things.” Phizaros replied.

“Oh the Empress came up with it.” Mahaila said and Phizaros nodded as if it all started to make sense.

“Honestly, if I were to indulge in a moment of fancy, one might think the Firstborn used to be a humanoid.” Mahaila said with a shrug and Phizaros let out a laugh.

And here I thought you lost your sense of humour…


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