
Chapter 103: Newest Addition

Chapter 103: Newest Addition

I walked into a private meeting room, I looked around and looked at the gaudy decorations. The crystal chandelier, the red plush couches, marble floor, fancy carpet and finely engraved mahogany table. I walked over to the couch and took a seat, this was my first time sitting on a couch in both this life and the last.  Well at least one that wasn’t covered in filth and who knows what else. That was my previous life of course as for this life I was way too big for one by the time I ran into a couch.

I looked up from my seat and I saw Eissa take a nervous seat across from me. She looked very nervous and stressed. Not at all what I expected, I heard she tried to stab Mahaila when she first appeared. I wonder if demonic possession really did change the person. It would make sense but the Eternal Mother never had an interest in it so the memories didn’t look reliable on this topic. Plus an outside observer wouldn’t be able to tell if it was the demon doing it or the person being possessed. As for the books I have, the quote was kind of vague and honestly seemed a little melodramatic. The possession will apparently “change all of what you are”. Technically your body counts as a part of “all of what you are” and Eissa looked exactly the same minus the dark presence in her ether core so that was just a fucking lie. 

Cecilia on the other hand had not said a word and had just walked over to the wine ca+binet. She calmly took out two bottles after a brief examination of the labels. She then took out three glasses and poured a serving for each glass. With a wave of her hand, she levitated all of it and walked over to the table in front of the couch.

“Are we alone?” Cecilia asked as she looked at me then at Mahaila.

“As far as I can tell.” I replied but Cecilia knew I wasn’t completely sure.

“Same for me as well. But just in case…” Mahaila took out a little amulet and it began to glow. Then it let out a pulse of energy, Mahaila nodded in satisfaction before pocketing the amulet.

“A gift from my uncle, no Syndicate, no Angels, no Demons, unless there’s someone possessed here? They can see through the possessed by proxy, like your hive.” Mahaila asked as she looked at me and I shook my head indicating no one here was possessed.

“Good, we are alone for now,” Mahaila said as she sat down and picked up her glass of wine. She was still in her human form masquerading as Lady Lyra but by showing her the amulet, mentioning the Syndicate, Heaven and Hell was letting Eissa in on certain things.

However, like it or not as far as Eissa is concerned the veil has been lifted to an extent. We cannot just kill her since it would leave a political vacuum that would cause problems. Eissa can’t betray us either because if word of this gets out we were all screwed. Heaven doesn’t take kindly to demonic pacts regardless of who was ultimately responsible. They would probably kill Eissa and all her children just to be safe. I will have to fix her children too at some point. However I don’t know enough about demonic possession yet, but on the other hand Mahaila was here so she could definitely help. But regardless Eissa didn’t need to know Lyra was actually the legendary Mahaila who was also supposedly a goddess of war.

“Who are you really?” Eissa asked as she looked at Mahaila.

“Something that isn’t human, you think the Great Beast was the only thing they kept locked up in that Elysian vault?” Mahaila replied as she raised a brow.

That was honestly a pretty good lie. It didn’t change the arrangement at all and it drove home the point to Eissa that there was a lot in the world that she didn’t know. Uncertainty breeds fear and pulling the rug out from under her puts her in a more dependent state of mind. 

“Do you understand your position?” I asked as I looked at Eissa, she flinched in response to my voice and nervously looked at me.

“You are stuck with us, if anyone finds out about the whole demon thing, Heaven is going to kill us all, your kids included. If you prove to be useless or a straight-up threat I will kill you and your children anyway. 

But if you prove yourself useful you will live long and happy. I will pull whatever demonic crap there is out of your kids and they can live their short meaningless lives in luxury and happiness.” I said and Eissa nodded mutely.

“Sounds good?” I asked as I tilted my head.

“Yes.” Eissa replied softly.

“Now onto other matters, I have heard reports of your personality from Lyra. You seem far more subdued than what I expected…” Cecilia said as she swirled her wine glass and gave Eissa a look. 

“I feel… calmer… less angry, hateful… sadder…” Eissa muttered in response.

“Demonic possession amplifies negative emotions, mostly the destructive kind. It serves their purposes well, the more suffering, anger and hatred in Terra the more their kind grows in power.” Mahaila replied.

“Although a hereditary contract is rare…” I said as I remembered the things I read in the books.

“Few are willing to damn their entire bloodline. Most contracts are built on good intentions. Like selling their soul to further the lives of their families. It usually doesn’t work out for them either. The demons do not make losing deals, they always collect their dues eventually.” Mahaila replied as she chewed her lip.

“What did my ancestor do…” Eissa muttered as she looked down at the ground, her eyes wide in horror.

“Something very stupid.” I replied calmly and Eissa’s head snapped up as she looked at me, visibly stung and upset.

“What’s the matter? How else could you describe this as anything but stupid? Your ancestor sold you, princess. He sold everything for his petty glory in his pathetic fleeting life. Your family has been slaves for a demon ever since and none of you even knew it.” I said and Eissa visibly deflated.

“Good news you are free, bad news is that the demon is most definitely aware something broke the contract. Which lends the next question, what is that demon going to do about it? If a cranky demon comes bearing down on your family’s head what are you going to do about it?” I asked as I leaned in and Eissa shrank back into her chair.

“I’ll tell you what you are going to do.” I said and Eissa locked her trembling gaze on me.

“Alone you are going to do nothing because you can do nothing. Either the demons or the angels will come for you and when they do, you are going to wish I killed you in that throne room.

But with us you have a chance, I am sure you know why you are still alive…” I said and Eissa nodded.

“You need someone to take the throne and submit to the Averlonian Empire. I am the perfect fit, if you use someone else, partisans and rebellion become far more likely.” Eissa said. 

I could see her calming down slightly. Honestly for most cases this trembling in fear crap would have been a deal breaker for a leader. But given that she was dealing with the fact that I just pulled a demonic possession out of her, the personality changes and the new revelations of her now precarious situation, she was honestly taking it quite well all things considered. 

“Lucky for you, demonic possession does not add any abilities usually. Demons in most cases are not so kind as to make you stronger in most situations. So your competency should be just as good as it was previously.” Mahaila said as she shifted her gaze to Cecilia.

“That’s good to hear. I hear you are a rather intelligent Princess…” Cecilia said as she coldly examined Eissa.

“Thank you Empress, I know much about the nobility. The position of a royal allows me to listen in on a great many things. You may now know this but I have a network of maids that act as spies in Tralis.” Eissa said and Cecilia’s eyes widened slightly in surprise.

“That was you? Our spymaster mentioned that some other spymaster that commanded the maids was giving her some trouble here in Tralis.” I said with a smile. 

This was an unexpected development. I didn’t think too much of it because Sarana managed to breach in eventually but she did have some trouble. But that was years ago before Sarana had properly set up her spy network in Tralis. By the time Cecilia was free Sarana already had a stranglehold on Tralis’s spies.

“She is too kind to refer to it as trouble.” Eissa replied with a sardonic smile.

“The Spider is far my superior. I tried to fight her but I didn’t last long. She used the cooks and gardeners to worm her way into the houses. I only managed to hold onto the most prestigious of maids. I lost most of my information on the lower nobles but I held onto the information on the higher nobles. But I know the Spider had simply obtained what she wanted, the higher nobles were served by a large number of servants. Plenty of room for both of us to have spies within their estates.” Eissa said before taking another sip of wine.

“Yet you held onto the most private of rooms. How did you manage to outperform Sarana?” Cecilia said as she leaned in with great interest.

“The spider is rumoured to be a whore yes?” Eissa asked as she tilted her head.

“Yes, she began as one. Why?” Cecilia asked.

“She lacks understanding of the ways of the aristocracy. At least she does not understand it to the extent I do.” Eissa replied simply.

“Ah, I see what you mean…” I said as it started to click into my head, this meant Eissa was a rare asset.

“Most nobles make poor spymasters because they don’t understand the commoners due to their privilege. But you were never that privileged were you? Being a woman in this society.” I said and Eissa nodded.

“Did you know something princess? Adversity breeds strength, and comfort breeds weakness. The reason why you managed to challenge the Spider is that you had the talent, the position in society and the struggles of your life that allowed this ability to bloom.” I said and I saw Cecilia nod in the corner of my eye.

“You may not be useful as a spymaster but your utility just went up as someone who can keep the scheming welps in check. This is a rather unexpected surprise. A duchess of my empire who holds perhaps the most problematic piece of territory has experience with subterfuge…

How very convenient…” Cecilia said as she smiled.

“Well that’s a good thing for you.” I said dryly as I reached for the other bottle of wine that was still unopened. 

Eissa didn’t reply and I saw her still nervously looking at me. Well I suppose a monster drinking wine was quite weird. With that, I uncorked the bottle and upended it into my mouth letting the entire bottle drain into my mouth. I could see Eissa’s expression change to one of vague horror as I downed an entire bottle of what must have been very expensive wine.

“Mmmm… no idea which humanoid thought drinking rotten grape water was a good idea but it still tastes good. Stronger than usual though.” I said as I put the bottle back down.

“That’s a whiskey friend. It’s made of wheat.” Cecilia said as she took another sip of her red wine.

“Hmm? But it just tastes like a stronger version of the one you gave me last time.” I replied as I tilted my head.

“That was a brandy, it's made from distilling wine like the one in my glass. The Volerians use wheat to make whisky, I thought you might want to try it.” Cecilia said with a smile.

“Well, I like this better, more flavourful.” I said as I picked up the bottle again to have a look.

“I’ll have some casks of it sent to you when we get home.” Cecilia replied. 

As we were talking I noticed Eissa was giving the two of us that classic look of confusion most other humanoids had when the two of us interacted. Most thought I was some kind of tamed creature, the wiser ones thought it was an alliance. No one thinks we were actually friends. This was useful because an actual friendship means sowing discord amongst us was significantly more difficult.

It also adds a simple question to their minds. If some giant ancient monster was willing to be friends with Cecilia and she was also willing to be friends with the aforementioned monster. What kind of person was Cecilia? It could be that I just took a liking to her. But it also could mean Cecilia was more monster than human as far as her mind was concerned…

If the person guessed the latter they would be right. Cecilia saw most of her fellow humans as tools and resources while only caring for a very select group. Which was also exactly how I felt about most individuals.

“Well, Eissa, seeing as you are cooperative and now that we are stuck with you unless we decide to kill you. I think it would be best if we stuck to our original arrangement.” Cecilia said as she put down the now empty glass of wine.

“I think so as well, my Empress.” Eissa replied with a small bow.

“Good, you are now the Duchess of Tralis, I will be renaming your house and this city on account of your family’s crimes against my cousin but that is for later. I will be leaving my house troops and the troops from house Marina here as an occupying force. 

The remaining Volerian soldiers in this region will be organised under the Grand General Montis. I am sure you are familiar with him.” Cecilia said and Eissa nodded.

That boy Edrin from Marina was quite the panicky little thing. Ever since I melted his father into a puddle of slag he has been desperately trying to prove himself as both loyal and useful. Even going as far as to promise his own house troops to help with the occupation efforts. Cathay promised their troops as well but Duchess Yatheria knew her loyalty was not in doubt so it was an open offer. If required troops will be sent when the orders come down. The little Count Edrin had much to learn, he looked like a child next to the veteran ruler that was Duchess Yatheria. But yet as I look at this little Duchess before me, she seems pretty good too…

It seems that the current court is set to have a rather even gender distribution. Cathay, Averlin, Tralis and Beralis were all ruled by women. With Marina, Arune, the Wardens and Istland ruled by men. Too many lords in the region have grown soft on their thrones, it wasn’t that women were better, it was just that their lives were harder. They had to fight for every scrap of power and that struggle made them strong. For simply put, comfort and security breed weakness.

“As you wish, my Empress,” Eissa replied with another nod of her head.

“Now then your job is to prove your worth and your loyalty.” Cecilia said as she looked down at her empty wine glass before looking back at Eissa.

Let’s see what this little duchess does, if she is smart she won’t take the bait. Cecilia’s little ruse is to see if she will refill her glass. But if Eissa does that she will be knocked down several pegs in Cecilia’s eyes.

Eissa reached for her wine glass and downed the rest before putting the empty glass on the table.

“I will start getting the nobles in order. I may have to request aid from Grand General Montis in case heads need to be removed from shoulders.” Eissa replied calmly.

“Good, very good. You should know I hate sycophants. If I wanted something to sing me praises I would get a parrot. If I wanted a mindless drone I would ask my friend here to make one. Drones are labourers, not rulers.” Cecilia said with a smile.

“And I could make one quite easily…” I added to a small chuckle from Cecilia.

“Then I will get started immediately, I assume your grace will be heading back to Averlon to address the question of my brother and father?” Eissa asked.

“Naturally. But if you have any requests regarding their treatment or punishment I’m afraid my cousin gets first pick.” Cecilia replied and Eissa just calmly shook her head in response.

“I just don’t want them free, imprisonment, execution, torture, I couldn’t care less. Do what you want, the only thing I care about right now is my children.” Eissa said, giving us a very obvious hint that if Cecilia wanted her to remain loyal, Eissa expects any demonic influence to be pulled from her children. But by doing so she also indicated that her children were a weak spot but honestly, that's not much of a secret. A more foolish noble would be more cautious about that but any semi-competent noble would realise they might as well come clean about it.

“We’ll let you know, I’ve never tried to do this before. Thus far no humanoids have ever warranted the effort.” I replied and I saw Eissa give me a look. Oh yes, I know how to play this game too. Do your job or your kids remain as puppets. It’s a veiled threat because, in reality, her kids won’t remain as puppets. I’ll just kill them… but of course, that won’t happen. I’m quite confident I could resolve this problem, with Mahaila’s expertise this should be quite easy. If I do kill her and her kids it would be because she fucked up and betrayed us, but judging from what I see here that was also extremely unlikely.

I flashed her a fanged smile and I could tell she knew that I knew what she was doing. In response, she just bowed.

Then I wish you success Great Beast…


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