Devil’s Music

Chapter 282: Fury

Chapter 282: Fury

After bringing Shizuka home and returning to the Red Castle late at night, Geon opened the annexe door to find Kiska sitting on the sofa, looking at him. Geon smiled and spread his arms wide.

"Kiska! I just went to school for a bit. Did Byung-jun have fun with you?"

Kiska ran up to Geon, laughing and hugging him, then suddenly her expression changed and she started sniffing. Geon watched her curiously as she sniffed his clothes.

"Why, do you smell something? These are freshly laundered clothes."

Kiska glared at Geon with fierce eyes and puffed up her cheeks as she trudged back to the sofa and sat down. Geon, puzzled by Kiska's reaction, sniffed his own clothes and, finding no odor, tilted his head in confusion as he approached the sofa.

"What's wrong, Kiska?"

Kiska crossed her arms and sharply turned her head away. Geon sat next to the little girl, who shifted slightly away from him. Seeing her unusual reaction, Geon was about to speak when Byung-jun emerged from the room.

"Hey, you're back? Everything okay at the studio?"

Geon nodded at Byung-jun.

"Yes, bro. No problems. But why is Kiska like this?"

Byung-jun glanced at Kiska, who was still pouting, and shrugged.

"Don't know? She was drawing and playing well with me just before."

Byung-jun plopped down next to Geon and was about to say something when he sniffed.

"Hmm? What's this smell? Are you wearing perfume?"

Geon lifted his arm to his nose and shook his head.

"What perfume? You know I can't be bothered with lotion, I just use a skin lotion combo."

"But what is this smell? Sniff, sniff."

Byung-jun sniffed Geon's arm and glanced at Kiska. Raising his eyebrows, he leaned in close to Geon and whispered.

"Did you do something with Shizuka?"

Geon whispered back.

"Just talked at the studio..."

"Talked? Then why do I smell Shizuka's perfume on you!"

"Oops!! That, that..."

Geon turned to look at Kiska, who fortunately hadn't heard their conversation and was still pouting. Byung-jun suddenly cleared his throat loudly and winked at Geon.

"Ahem, that, that, have you been using that perfume I gave you? Heh heh."

Geon quickly stammered a response.

"Of, of course. Bro. I even wore it today."

Byung-jun loudly feigned surprise.

"Right! That's why I smell perfume!"

"Ye, yes, that, that's right, bro."

Byung-jun glanced at Kiska as the girl turned her head towards them. He hastily shrank back like a turtle and raised his voice even louder.

"Right! You're a celebrity now, so it's only right that you wear perfume! There!"

"Ah, haha. Yes, yes... thank you, bro. I really like it."

Byung-jun sneakily peeked at Kiska then looked back at Geon. Out of Kiska's sight, Byung-jun winked at him.

"That's right, smells killer. Kiska! How about this smell? It's the perfume I gifted!"

Geon, sweating coldly, turned towards Kiska as she stared back with an expressionless face. Feeling the sweat drip down his back, Geon hesitated before extending his arm.

"Do you dislike this smell, Kiska? Byung-jun got it for me..."

Kiska stared at Geon for a long time, then sniffed his arm with her small hands and shook her head. Geon breathed a sigh of relief and stroked Kiska's head.

"Ah, so you don't like it? Then I won't wear it. Byung-jun, is that okay?"

Byung-jun, taken aback by the sudden focus, jumped and shouted.

"What!? Of course!! If Kiska doesn't like it, I'll go throw it out right now!"

With loud footsteps, Byung-jun entered Geon's room, grabbed any cosmetic bottle, and threw it outside the annexe as Kiska watched. After Byung-jun left, Kiska turned to Geon, who stood up from the sofa, confused.

"Uh, that... where's the ice cream... Just a sec."

Geon rushed to the refrigerator, opened the freezer, and upon seeing that there was still ice cream left, he sighed in relief and scooped some into a cup. Kiska, hearing the rustling sounds from the freezer, came to the kitchen and smiled upon seeing the ice cream, clapping her hands. Geon, noticing Kiska's expression, wiped the sweat from his forehead and sat down at the table with the

cup of ice cream.

'That was a close call. Phew.'

Byung-jun did not return until after Geon had fed Kiska the ice cream, washed her hands, read her a bedtime story, and put her to sleep. It was only late at night that he cautiously returned to Geon's room and whispered.

"Is Kiska asleep?"

Geon, sitting on the bed, grinned.

"Yes, she just fell asleep. Thanks to you, bro. Hehe."

Byung-jun leaped onto the bed and applied an armbar on Geon while shouting in a low voice.

"What did you do with Shizuka! Spit it out! Even at my age, I'm still single, and here you are dating?"

"Ouch, it hurts, bro! I didn't do anything, Shizuka just suddenly started crying, so I hugged her! Uh!"

Byung-jun intensified the hold and said.

"So! Why did you make Shizuka cry! What did you do, you pervert!"

"Ouch, let go! Let's talk, please!"

Geon tapped out on the bed, and Byung-jun reluctantly released his arm, pushing Geon away with his foot.

"Spill it. We're both responsible for managing celebrities, I need to know everything. It's okay if you're dating. I just need to know so I can handle any sudden situations."

Geon, rubbing his sore arm and frowning, said.

"No, it's not that. Shizuka was just upset, so I was trying to comfort her."

Byung-jun squinted his eyes and asked.

"So why was Shizuka crying? Tell me that."

"That, that's..."

"Why can't you say? What did you do?"

"It's not that... I really don't know why she was crying."

Byung-jun narrowed his eyes further and said.

"You don't know the reason? You made a girl cry and you don't even know why? That's sociopath behavior!"

"Oh come on! It's not like that."

Geon explained the details of his conversation with Shizuka to Byung-jun, who stroked his chin and said.

"So, putting it all together, Shizuka thought you were angry because of her straightforward words, and that's why she cried."

Geon widened his eyes and asked.

"Me? Angry? I've never been angry, bro."

"Oh you blockhead! Think about it. Imagine if you spoke directly to someone and they suddenly started shaking and didn't respond. Wouldn't you think they were mad?"

"Well, that, that..."

"Man, Shizuka is such a sensitive girl. It's natural she cried. Oh."

"......Is that so?"

"Phew, anyway, it's good that nothing serious happened. So, did you come up with a concept for the song?"

"Um... not exactly a concept, but I figured out what direction I need to think about."

"Good, that's settled then. You'll produce results soon. Let's do well this time too."

"Hehe, yes."


The next day.

As Geon headed to the studio, Kiska followed him closely, holding his hand as they walked down the studio stairs. Upon arriving at the studio, Kiska touched various instruments and machines, seemingly fascinated. Geon cautioned her.

"Kiska, I need to work, so please don't touch the machines too much. Especially the buttons that turn things on, okay?"

Kiska nodded in understanding and sat quietly in a chair against the back wall of the studio, placing her hands on her stomach. Geon, finding her adorable, stroked her head, and Kiska smiled happily.

Soon, Geon entered the recording booth, tried playing a guitar, and scribbled on music staff paper before tearing it up. Kiska, bored, opened the studio door and stepped outside. After wandering around for a while, she saw a shadow descending the stairs and startled, hid behind a wall. Only her eyes peeked out as she watched the person coming down.

Relieved, Kiska saw a beautiful Asian woman she had seen when they went to Japan descending the stairs. Unsure whether to greet her as she seemed to be carrying food, Kiska hid behind the wall. Shizuka passed by without noticing the girl and continued on.

Kiska took a few steps towards where Shizuka had passed, then stopped. Her expression hardened as she sniffed the air where Shizuka's perfume lingered. Confirming the scent, Kiska cautiously opened the studio door slightly to peek inside. The first thing she saw was Geon in the recording booth, headphones on, writing music. She also saw Shizuka gazing dreamily through the recording booth window.

After a moment, Shizuka started taking out a lunch box from a shopping bag she had brought. Unsure of what she packed but it appeared homemade, Shizuka set the table and

sat down, resting her chin in her hand and smiling at Geon inside the booth. Time passed, and Geon, noticing Shizuka outside, quickly got up and came out.

"Shizuka, you came?"

Shizuka smiled as she sat at the table.

"Yes, I thought you might be hungry, so I made something. Please try it."

Geon's eyes widened as he sat down.

"Wow, that's a lot! Did you make this, Shizuka? You're quite the cook."

"Hehe, I'm not that skilled. Just eat comfortably."

"Hey, where did Kiska go? Did she go to the bathroom?"

Geon looked around and spotted Kiska's eyes peeking through a slightly open door.

"Uh? Kiska, what are you doing there?"

As Geon approached and opened the door wide, a trembling, furious girl stared back at him.


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