Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 747 Death’s vision.

Chapter 747 Death's vision.

?Lenny was not sure how to do this, but he had been an half born for a while now, and he was well aware of how contracts were formed.

Instantly, he willed and his skin opened on its own, drops of blood fell on the Page. The moment it did, he heard a faint voice, as he felt an embrace of skeletal fingers dance around his chest, "finally, you come, my betrothed! I have longed for you."

Lenny had not seen her, but he had felt her touch as real as the sun light in the sky.

Lenny had never physically met her, but the moment she touched him, and laid upon his cheek a kiss, Lenny knew who she was.

Lady Death!

As the spectral figure of Death reached out and touched Lenny, the world around him dissolved into a maelstrom of shadows and whispers.

Her touch was cold, colder than anything he had ever felt, seeping into his very bones, his soul. It was as if the universe itself had paused, holding its breath, waiting for what was to unfold.

Lenny was suddenly thrusted into a vision. In this Vision, he found himself standing in an endless void, a vast expanse of darkness stretching into infinity. There was no up or down, no left or right, just an all-encompassing, suffocating blackness. The air was thick and heavy, laden with the scent of ancient earth and the metallic tang of blood.

Suddenly, images began to coalesce from the darkness, swirling around Lenny like leaves caught in a whirlwind. He saw the earth from above, as if he were a god gazing down upon his creation. The continents were different, reshaped by an unseen force, with new landmasses emerging from the sea and familiar ones vanishing into the depths.

The vision shifted, and Lenny found himself walking through a devastated landscape. The ground was scorched and barren, strewn with the remnants of what once were great cities, now reduced to smoldering ruins. The sky was a tapestry of fire and ash, casting the world below in a perpetual twilight.

Amidst this destruction, he saw people, or what was left of them. They wandered the wasteland like ghosts, their eyes hollow, their faces etched with despair and loss. They reached out to Lenny as he passed, their voices a chorus of sorrow and pleading, but their hands passed through him, insubstantial as smoke.

The vision shifted again, and Lenny was now standing before a massive wall, towering and unyielding, stretching as far as the eye could see. Atop the wall, he could make out figures, silhouettes against the dim sky. They were the ancient beings, the architects of this new world, looking down upon their work with indifference.

Lenny felt a deep, overwhelming and sudden sense of sadness and anger welling up inside him. He wanted to scream, to rage against this fate, but no sound came from his lips. He was a silent witness to the end of all things, powerless to stop it.

At the same time, these strange giant beings went to the ground with a knee as they bowed before him.

It was at this point that lenny looked at his hands. he noticed that they were not hands of a person. But instead, made of skeleton.

In his surprise, he looked to his side at the pool of blood, seeing his reflection.

This was not him. At least, it was not the him that he knew and was so familiar with. This was something else entirely.

He was a spectral hollow man with the thick stench of death about him. There was a crown of thorns made of snakes on his head, that moved as if having a life of their own.

As the vision began to fade, the last thing Lenny saw was the figure of Death, its skeletal hand outstretched towards him, an offer or a warning, he could not tell.

Then, with a sudden jolt, he was back in the present, the touch of Death lingering on his skin like a frozen memory.

Lenny immediately turned about, but there was no one there. Only the lingering touch on his skin, evidence that what had just happened had been real.

Lenny stood there for a moment, shaken to his core. The vision had been a glimpse into a possible future, a world reshaped by forces beyond comprehension.

He did not know why, but he felt a strong kinship to that vison, as if a call to destruction by his hands was the destiny of the world, and at the same time, he remembered the ones he now called his own; Father black, victor, Allison, and even Allison that had somehow joined the mix.

He had lost far too much and he really did not want to lose any more. He instantly knew that he had to do everything in his power to prevent that future from becoming a reality. The weight of this newfound responsibility lay heavy on his shoulders as he prepared to face whatever came next.

The Shadow runes all around him seem to sense the will of their new master and slowly, the Shadow runes receded rushing back into page.

As it did, lenny breathed a sigh of relieve. However, it was not over yet.

All he had done was stop the page from the book of death from helping the Leviathan family from coming through. he still had to prevent them from entering into this world one way or the other.

At the moment, the Purple pillar of light had cracks in it, and Lenny was really at a loss for what to do about this. The Blood runes that Baroness Everbee had sent tried to hold it tight together but sooner or later, the Leviathan family would be out.

However, as the page from the book of Death flew into his hand, an idea suddenly came to his mind. This idea was strange, but the moment lenny looked at the page, he knew that this item had just presented to him the solution to the problem that he was facing.

(Author's note: please send gifts. thank you!)


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