Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 742 Love Beyond Death

Chapter 742 Love Beyond Death

As Lenny raced through the sky, his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The revelation about Lady Vinegar troubled him deeply. The idea that she might be suffering, trapped within her own undead body, was a torment he couldn't ignore. His feelings for her had always been complex, a mixture of gratitude, guilt, and an undeniable connection they had shared.

Arriving at Victor's coordinates, Lenny found himself amidst a battlefield of chaos and destruction. The air was thick with the stench of decay and the sounds of battle. Victor, in his werewolf form, was a fierce sight, engaged in a deadly dance with Governor Momoa, now a grotesque undead.

Lenny didn't waste a moment. He plunged into the fray, his power manifesting as brilliant white flames that incinerated the undead that dared to come near him. His eyes, however, were constantly searching for Lady Vinegar amidst the chaos.

Finally, he saw her – a shadow of the woman she once was, yet her presence was unmistakable. She was locked in combat with Luca, who was desperately trying to fend her off.

Luca used his nether creatures, serpents, again and again. but lady Vinegar was a formidable force to be reckoned with. bright red flames were the clothes that encased her nakedness, cascading about her body like dancing guardians.

The tears streaming down her undead face were a heart-wrenching sight. As she fought Luca, lenny could see her mouth move. These were whispers. They were practically inaudible, but he heard them loud and clear.

"why? why did you leave me...why did you leave her to die!?"

Those words were a different kind of pain, stinging at his heart.

With a surge of speed, Lenny intervened, placing himself between Luca and Lady Vinegar.

With a wave of his hand, he pushed Luca aside. "I'll handle this boy!"

The interruption was clearly not appreciated by Luca, but he decided to back off.

After all, Lady vinegar was proving to be far more of a problem than the other undead.

She could actually think and act accordingly, adapting to the moves by her opponents.

Lenny looked at her. Her once beautiful eyes, now clouded with the haze of undeath, met his, and for a moment, there was a flicker of recognition, a glimmer of the woman she once was.

"Lady Vinegar, it's me, Lenny," he said softly, reaching out to her with a gentleness that belied the chaos surrounding them.

To everyone's astonishment, Lady Vinegar's relentless assault halted. Her hands, raised to strike, trembled as if fighting an internal battle. The tears flowed more freely now, and a low, guttural moan escaped her lips – a sound of anguish and longing.

Victor, watching from a distance, ceased his fight with Momoa, his attention captivated by the scene unfolding before him. Luca, too, stood frozen, a mix of confusion and awe on his face.

Lenny continued to speak to her, his voice a soothing balm, "I'm here now. I'm so sorry I couldn't save you sooner. But I'm here to help you now, to free you from this torment."

However, in her sadness and rage, she rushed at him with a cosmic sword made of flames.

This was clearly an attack that the current lenny could have avoided or even defended against. however, he did not.

Instead, he intentionally weakened his cells and muscles at the point of impact.


It was a clean deep cut that traced from his right shoulder through his lungs to his stomach.

However, in doing so, lenny tightened his muscles again, trapping her sword in his body.


A mouth full of blood escaped his mouth. Even as a Great Demon existence, an attack was still an attack. This one was a very risky attack.

His blood splashed on her face, and once more, her tensed muscles relaxed again. she had aimed at killing him, but actually seeing the possibility of his death at her hands was an entirely foreign feeling.

She paused, and then her lips opened wide as she gave an incredible scream to the sky. It was a heart wreaking scream filled with in tense pain that was an accumulation of ten years of longing, loss, pain and suffering.

Who ever said love was a beautiful thing had never felt the sting of its loss and sacrifice. After all, it was as brutal as it was kind.

"I am... here!" Lenny coughed some more blood. His hands slowly stretched for her face, stroking her dead, decaying skin.

Surprisingly, there was a different kind of affection as he did this. An affection born of shared emotion. lenny did not show any disgust whatsoever to her her look. even though she had lost a great deal of her beauty, even her proud snake hair lay on her head like dried up wood.

However, lenny, held her by her waist as he pulled her into his embrace. "Vine," he muttered, "its you, isn't it?"

Slowly, she nodded as her fingers slowly wrapped around him, "Gar is gone..." she muttered.

Lenny hearing those words, could not help but feel a deep seated sting in his heart. lady vinegar had two souls in her body. One was Vine and the other Gar, and together, they made Vinegar.

However, he had just heard that Gar was no more, only Vine. Gar was the one in love with him, while Vine only wanted to love her sister.

"I'm sorry! I was not here. i have no excuse. I was just not strong enough!"

Her tears continued to fall, even more than before, as she cried her heart out.

As Lenny's words filled the air, a miraculous transformation began. The undead visage of Lady Vinegar started to shift, her features softening, the malevolence in her eyes receding. It was as if Lenny's presence, his genuine remorse and desire to help, were reaching the part of her that was still human, still capable of feeling.

In that moment, it became clear to everyone watching that the bond between Lenny and Lady Vinegar was something extraordinary, a connection that defied the laws of nature and the curse of undeath.


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