Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 736 The Contract

Chapter 736 The Contract

?Lenny turned to Coco with an obvious frown on his face. "What the FUCK is the meaning of this?"

"I knew you would have that look on your face. After all, I remember that he is an acquittance of yours. But believe it or not. I am not the person that put him in that position. In fact, we are even helping him. The chaos magic he produces from his body is on another level from the norm. He is like a running Tap."

"How did this happen to him?" lenny asked.

"I thought you would know," Coco raised a brow at Lenny. "After all, from what I gather, you gave him the first Devil Pill."

Lenny suddenly remembered that time when he had given hector and the others devil pills.

However, that was done simply because of the situation at the time. Besides, he did not believe that the side effects would be this bad. Also, he remembered that Hector had turned back to normal.

This was just something else entirely.

However, Coco was willing to explain. "Baroness Everbee uses the Devil pill for experimental purposes. Her goal is to further the agenda of the Asmodeus family. However, she does not know the true properties of chaos magic. Chaos magic is not just some random old town power. It is also a link, a connection to spread more disorderliness. but at the same time, an extension of the self of the one who is spreading the chaos."

Coco waved his hand and black flames with a red hue like that of blood appeared on his hand, dancing on his fingers, "Chaos magic carries its own individual signature, a part of the person that spreads it. It is chaos unique to that individual. Which means it can carry a certain amount of the person's..."

"Consciousness..." Lenny finished Coco's sentence as he realized what was going on. "And if it carries the consciousness, it can also carry the will." Lenny added.

Coco nodded, "yes, that is true. Although that his not enough reason for this to happen. The true reason for this was the fact that Hector's blood is a very unique one. I have learnt that even his parents all had special abilities beyond the norm when they sereved as gladiator slaves in Cuban's Arena.

Cuban most have used certain genes from the heart of the master's apprentice to tamper with his mother's genes. Hence his birth with his weird Darkline ability."

Lenny thought hard at those words. It suddenly made sense to him. After all, he had seen Hector use the Voice of Bedlam, and had witnessed the pure chaos that it caused.

That power was not like the other abilities that Darkline users had. Lenny had seen some very interesting powers but only the Voice of Bedlam affected the mind as it did. Even devils were not spared from its destructive might.

"The master's apprentice finally found a vessel built for handling her power, and she took maximum advantage of that. Her power now flows through him, remotely. And with it, we devils have grown exponentially," As he said this, he flared his hands.

lenny looked around. At this big mining Facility, there were a lot of devils. Although, they were all hibernating, he could tell that there were millions of them.

A lot of things now made sense to him.These devils were not just sleeping but were also feeding on the chaos magic that flowed from Hector's body.

"You are using chaos magic to build your army!" Lenny stated it bluntly.

Coco nodded, "It is for this reason that I partnered with Lady Hanger. After all, we both have a score to settle with Cuban and his Asmodeus family. I want to get back the master's apprentice's heart, and she wants to end his reign..."

"But, let me guess. you guys cant do it alone, can you?" Lenny had a knowing smirk on his face. "You have over a million devils here, many I reckon should be at least the peak of the lesser devil rank, and most likely thousands of those in the Deep Devil rank. But it is not enough is it?" lenny gave a side ways glance at Coco, "It is not enough to challenge Cuban, but you think its enough to pressure me. Isn't that true?"

Lenny's brows suddenly became focused. they were like sharp swords and the little sparks of white flames in his eyes were like the reflection on the surface of a very smooth blade.

"If not, you would not have brought me down here to such an incredible secret. You believe that if i say No, you can challenge me with this army and it would be enough to weigh me down..." As he said this, Lenny could not help but Chuckle lowly.

However, Coco stepped forward, "I have to admit that this part is true. As much as we want to defeat Cuban, we also want more power. Trust me Lenny Tales, if it was at an earlier time, I would have rather we partnered up against Cuban.

In fact, I am sure that we would have a better chance that way. But we can't risk it anymore.Unlike our last failure at the city of judas, everything must be perfect!"

The moment Coco said this, he waved his hands, and instantly, the devils in the facility all opened their blood red eyes.

"Our terms are simple..." Coco waved his hand again and a worn out paper appeared in the air. It was large and it was thick. On it were red rune symbols that moved as if having a life of its own.

"Sign the contract, join us to kill Cuban and defeat the Asmodeus family. Or I release this horde of Devils on you. You may be a great demon power house existence but I doubt you can take on this many."

As he said this, Jasper afraid, had rushed to hide behind Allison, while Allison's claws had slowly snaked out of her fingers.

Lenny on the other hand leaned closer to look at the contract, "hmmm! I see. Now, the threat makes more sense. This is a Slave Contract."

(Author's Note: I Love you all, thanks for the gifts by the way)


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