Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 714 These are simple creatures

Chapter 714 These are simple creatures

?The revelation that the portal before them led to the Imperilment Sub-plane, a realm notorious for its lethal flora and fauna, sent a ripple of shock through the hall.

The danger it presented was well-known, a dimension where survival was a fleeting concept. Yet, Lenny, fresh from the harrowing experiences of the Nether realm, did not hesitate. His resolve to act was evident, but he wasn't alone in this decision.

To everyone's surprise, Luca, the young leader of Glenn's territory, boldly declared his intention to accompany Lenny. His announcement caused a stir among the elders, their concern for his safety evident in their attempts to dissuade him. However, Luca's decision was firm, an unwavering determination in his stance.

Lenny, observing Luca's bravery, couldn't help but express his admiration with a chuckle. "It seems like you have some big balls, kid! I like it." His words, though casual, acknowledged Luca's courage or maybe his foolishness.

After all, Imperilment was a place that even lenny had once suffered terribly from.

Father Black, ever the protective guardian, approached Luca with a whisper of concern. "What are you doing, boy! You may be in charge of the territory, but I raised you. I know you well. Why do you want to venture into a place as dangerous as Imperilment? Why now, and why with Lenny?"

Luca's response was filled with resolve and a hint of something deeper. "Lenny Tales doesn't know he is my father, and I intend to keep it that way. Besides, I've heard the tales of the one they call Saint Lenny, and I want to witness his legend with my own eyes."

Father Black, understanding the depth of Luca's conviction, resignedly nodded. "I can't stop you if you've made up your mind. But don't be as na?ve as those who escaped. Lenny is no saint," he cautioned before walking away.

Turning to Father Black, Lenny made a solemn request. "Bury Athena's corpse for me. When I return, I shall pay my respects to the others." His voice carried the weight of mourning and respect for the fallen.

"Wait!" Elder Isiah called out, "From the looks of things, you are already far ahead of the Deep demon realm. The subplane won't let you in, else your power destroys it!"

Lenny shook his head, "don't worry, i have this!" He pointed to the Nether ragged clothes on his body that was actually an aliive Nether beast.

This ragged coat that was actually a nether creature helped him cup his power, and protected him from the external prob of external conditions.

Without further delay, Lenny charged headfirst into the portal, his figure disappearing into the swirling vortex. "Don't lack behind!" Lenny shouted as he disappeared.

Elder Isiah hurried to Luca with a Bronze armor, "For your protection!"

Luca?took it and followed suit, stepping into the unknown alongside Lenny, embarking on a journey backed by an impulsive decision.

The portal closed behind them, leaving those in the hall with a mixture of apprehension, hope, and the lingering sense of an epochal moment unfolding.


In the eerie and otherworldly Wandering City of Judas, a place suspended between dimensions, Baroness Everbee luxuriated in her unique and grotesque manner. Seated comfortably in a pool of flesh and writhing maggots, she sipped from a cup filled with blood, an image of decadence and dark power. Her form was the epitome of seductive danger, with curves that could ensnare the heart of any beholder and an allure that was almost supernaturally irresistible. Yet, behind her beauty lurked a malevolence that was as deep as the abyss she presided over.

Suddenly, her eyes snapped open, a flicker of intrigue crossing her features. She had sensed a disturbance, a ripple in the fabric of her plans. The blood she had placed within the portal, a tether to her machinations, had been obliterated. This development, rather than causing concern, seemed to amuse her. "It would seem like lunch is back. This is good," she murmured to herself, her voice a melody of sinister anticipation.

With a casual wave of her hand, the blood and maggots at her command swirled into a formation, creating a portal that shimmered with dark energy. Through this portal appeared the figure of Cuban, the Blood Demon, her cousin and ally in her twisted schemes.

"Cousin, it would seem like your prey is waiting for the hunt," she said, her lips curling into a mischievous smile. Her words were an invitation, a call to the hunt that promised violence and very needed bloodshed. It was clear that the return of Lenny to the earthly realm had sparked a new phase in their nefarious plans, a development they both seemed to relish.


As Lenny and Luca stepped into the foreboding landscape of Imperilment, they found themselves in a world where the law of the jungle reigned supreme, but with a twisted, alien edge. The land was eerily beautiful in its own right, yet it exuded a sense of dread and brutality that was palpable in the air.

Near a murky, bubbling swamp, they witnessed a bizarre scene. A creature resembling an oversized, spiky toad with iridescent scales sat motionless, its tongue flickering in and out. Suddenly, it shot its tongue out at incredible speed, snagging an unsuspecting creature that looked like a cross between a rabbit and a lizard. The lizard-rabbit, caught in the sticky grasp of the toad's tongue, was reeled in. As it neared the gaping maw of the toad, it squealed in terror, but its cries were silenced as the toad's jaw snapped shut, swallowing it whole.

Lenny chuckled at this scene, "Oh Imperilment, I have missed you too! Don't worry, boy! we will see more."

As they continued moving, Luca noticed something ahead.In a dense, twisted forest, they came across a macabre sight. High up in the gnarled branches of a tree, they observed a large, spider-like creature with a body the size of a small car.

It had long, slender legs, each ending in a sharp, hooked claw. Below it, a winged creature resembling a bat, but with the face of a snake, was entangled in a massive, silken web. The spider creature descended upon its prey, its movements eerily graceful. As it reached the trapped bat-snake, it wrapped its victim in more silk, immobilizing it further before piercing its body with a long, needle-like proboscis. The bat-snake's struggles grew weaker as the spider creature began to feed.

Yet again,Near a rocky outcrop, they came across a scene of an ambush. A creature with the body of a lion but covered in armored scales lay in wait. Its eyes were fixed on a group of small, scurrying creatures that resembled armadillos with porcupine quills. As one of the armadillo-porcupines ventured too close, the lion creature pounced with astonishing speed. Its powerful jaws clamped down on the prey, crushing it beneath its weight. The other armadillo-porcupines scattered in panic, but not before two more fell victim to the lion creature's deadly assault.

These scenes of predatory efficiency and survival were a stark reminder to Luca of the harsh realities of Imperilment. This sub-plane was a brutal world where survival was a fleeting concept, and the most basic law was the cruel and unforgiving cycle of predator and prey. Each creature they encountered was a grotesque parody of familiar earth animals, yet twisted into forms and behaviors that defied natural order.

The environment of Imperilment itself seemed to pulsate with a malevolent life of its own. The vegetation was as dangerous as the fauna, with plants that seemed to watch and wait, their leaves and tendrils twitching in anticipation of unwary passersby. The air was thick with the smell of decay and fresh blood, a constant reminder of the deadly stakes of this realm.

Lenny moved without care but Luca moved cautiously through this nightmarish landscape, fully aware that they, too, were potential prey in this unforgiving world.

Luca's senses were heightened, every sound and movement around them a potential threat. Despite his formidable abilities, Imperilment was a place that demanded respect and caution.

This journey into Imperilment was not just a physical challenge but a psychological one as well.

As they ventured deeper into this deadly paradise, Luca knew that he had to rely on Lenny's strengths and be prepared for any eventuality. In Imperilment, danger lurked in every shadow and behind every twisted tree, a constant challenge to their survival and a stark contrast to the world they knew.

However, it was not long that a great realization dawned on Luca. It was clear that Imperilment was dangerous. However, not once had a creature actually attacked them.

they attacked each other and ate one another, but not once did any creature big or small come close to them. even when a horde of migrating vampire bats saw them, they did not attack but instead went the other way.

he could not help but think maybe these creatures just did not like Human meat. And so he asked lenny...

(Author's note: Forgive My lazy writing please. Just got back to school now.)


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