Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 700  Her Pain Worse Than Death

Chapter 700  Her Pain Worse Than Death

(Author's note: I was told to start warning you guys before entering into graphic scenes. If you know that your stomach is not up for what I'm about to throw down, then please walk away. Then again, if you read up to 700 chapters, you are twisted in your own right....LOL)

The Castle of the Accords loomed before Lenny, a monstrous edifice that seemed to pulse with a life of its own. Constructed from the bones and flesh of a million creatures, it stood as a testament to the horrors that the Nether Realm held. Its very presence was an affront to the senses, the architecture a macabre display of dominance and cruelty. The air around it was thick with the scent of decay and the unmistakable aura of Dark magic and Shadow runes.

But it wasn't just the sight of the castle that chilled Lenny to the bone. Such sight, he was long used to.  It was the sounds emanating from within. The screams that pierced the air were filled with such agony and despair that they could only belong to a person undergoing unimaginable torment. Lenny shook his head as he recognized the type of pain in those screams. Even though most of it had become hoarse, he still recognized the voice, and they had belonged to Athena, the prisoner of Ella, the Nephilim.

With a deep breath, Lenny activated his teleportation ability once more. In a swirl of black smoke, he vanished from the outside of the castle and reappeared within its walls. The interior was as grotesque as the exterior, with corridors and chambers constructed from the remains of the dead. The air was heavy with the stench of decay, and the dim, flickering light cast deep shadows that seemed to move and whisper.

Lenny moved silently through the castle, every sense on high alert. The screams were louder here, echoing off the walls and filling the space with an omnipresent reminder of the suffering Ella inflicted. Lenny's jaw set firmly, his eyes cold. He had faced many horrors in his life, but the cruelty and malice that permeated this place plainly pissed him off.

Finally, as he traced the voice, he arrived at a particular room. This was a very large room. lenny looked ahead of himself and shook his head. He remembered that Ella had promised to break Athena before she took him to the red sands, but he as far as he was concerned, he had only been gone for a couple of minutes, at most an hour.

After all, that was how long the show in the red sands had lasted. However, looking at what he was seeing, he could not believe that ella set all this in one hour. She was really more formidable than he had given her credit for.

At the moment, Athena's legs had been cut off. She had meaty pipes that pulsated with dark energy through her body. Her legs, even though cut from the knee down were spread against the wall, and then then three different meaty pipes were inserted into her ass and another three in her woman hole. Her belly had been removed, replaced with a red glowing ball. from the looks of it, liquid fire pulsated within the Orb. whenever it would glow bright, she would scream in the pain that it presented. Tears, mucus and sometimes blood would flow from her orifices. One of her eyes had been removed, replaced with a spider that had made it its nest. Even as she was attached to the wall as she was, lenny could see tiny creatures, like ants enter into the holes of her body and and some others come out. Aside from Athena and the screams of her unbearable pain, there was no one else in the room. Lenny walked up to her. His entrance immediately got her attention.

"Mistress, is that you. Your servant is ready to be abused again. Come and use your servants body for your pleasure." Athena spoke loudly, and in her one eye, Lenny was surprised to actually see excitement.

In his mind, he shook his head. After all, he knew that look more than anyone else. That was the look of someone that had been broken apart.

Walking up to her, he removed his hoodie to reveal his face. At first, he could se ethe confusion in her eyes and then, it was replaced by a smile. It was only now that lenny realized that she was no longer with teeth. All of her teeth had been removed. "Lenny!?" she asked in surprise. Somehow, she had managed to remember him. At first, she looked disappointed to see him. But then, her eye brightened up, "did the mistress send you here to use me too. Please enjoy me too. Use the body of this useless one and enjoy your immorality." Even as she talked, the creatures, obviously of the nether still went about their activities inside and out her body. Lenny frowned. Athena had been a very strong and proud warrior. It was true that they never always got along because of their opposing views, but she was still someone that had stood by him at one time. Seeing the broken mess she had become, it surprisingly hurt him. he could tell that her once strong mind had been broken into a million fragments, her personality remolded to fit the pleasure dependance of another.

One look at her and he could tell that the pain must have been even worse for her. After all, Athena had incredibly sharp senses. she was a person that could tell the direction a fly had moved, by sensing the air waves five days after that fly passed that area.

For her, this was actually worse than death.

Even as Athena talked, begging lenny to use her already destroyed body, her saliva and mucus came out from her mouth. She was an absolutely disgusting sight to behold.

However, in this moment, lenny did not feel disgust when he looked at her, only unending pity.

Lenny walked up to her. He stretched a hand to stroke her face...


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