Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 698 Out Of The Red Sands

Chapter 698 Out Of The Red Sands

The Magistri's shock was palpable as he watched the scene unfold before him. His carefully orchestrated plan, designed to entice Lenny with the most personal and emotional choice possible, was unraveling. 

He had underestimated the bond between Lenny and the two women, a bond that was far deeper and more complex than he could have anticipated. "No! No!! No!!! That's not what is supposed to happen. Both of you are supposed to seduce him and pull him into the possibility of having a simple but great life with you," he exclaimed, his voice tinged with frustration and disbelief.

Glenn, with a knowing smile, turned to face the Magistri. Her words were calm but carried a weight that silenced the room. "Then you know nothing about the love we have for him." It was a declaration, a testament to the depth and strength of their relationship with Lenny, one built on mutual respect, sacrifice, and an understanding that transcended any game or manipulation.

Catherine, her gentle demeanor unchanged, nodded in agreement with Glenn. Her quiet confirmation spoke volumes, affirming their united front and their unwavering support for Lenny's true path. The Magistri, faced with this unexpected resistance, could only watch as his plan crumbled.

Meanwhile, Lenny, with a newfound clarity and determination, reached out to touch the blue glowing orb. The decision was made, not out of confusion or emotional turmoil, but from a place of strength and understanding. 

He knew now what he had to do, what his heart and mind were guiding him toward. The orb, representing the 3000 magic points was now his.

As his fingers made contact with the orb, a surge of energy pulsed through him. The studio, the audience, and the Magistri faded into the background as he focused on the power now at his fingertips. 


<+3000 magic points>

<Breaking free from hold of the Nether's Red sands>

As the blue light crackled around him like electric tendrils, Lenny felt an intense surge of energy pulsating through his veins. He glanced at Glenn and Catherine one last time, their images etched into his memory.

Truly, he was sacrificing a possible life with them to fulfill his duty and bring vengeance to those that had brought down hi master, Lucifer. 

A part of him might have asked "What If?" and the possibility of it came and went in his head. However, at the end of the day, they were bigger and much more important things than his mere happiness.

With a resounding BOOM, he vanished from the studio, leaving the Magistri, the audience, and the entire game behind.

Lenny had chosen the path of facing reality, the path that Glenn and Catherine believed was right for him, the path that he knew would lead him to further challenges but also to greater heights.

The choice had been difficult, one of the most challenging he had ever faced, but it was a choice that honored the love and sacrifices of the two women who meant the world to him.

 It was a choice that affirmed his identity and his destiny.

Reappearing in the darkness, Lenny found himself amidst the ominous red sands that had once held him captive. 

All around him were still red frozen statures. All of whom were locked in their own prison. Escaping that weird world was not easy. And he had a very strong heart. 

Lenny could only imagine what these people were facing.

Those were however, thoughts that he could not enjoy at the moment.

The reason was because of the red sands.

He could feel them shifting, attempting to reclaim him, to freeze him in time once again. But Lenny was not the same man who had been ensnared before. Back then, Ella had drained all the Darkline magic in his body.

But the 3000 magic points had imbued him with a enough power, a force that coursed through him, ready to be unleashed.

With swift movement, he turned to the statue of Minnie the witch, still trapped in time not far from him. As he grabbed her, he activated his Darkline powers, a deep and commanding energy that resonated with his very core. With a booming surge, he propelled himself and Minnie out of the red sands and into the relative safety of the black sands. The transition was violent, and they both rolled on the ground, disoriented but free from the immediate danger of the red sands.

Lenny, still with only one hand, quickly got to his feet and rushed to check on Minnie. He watched with bated breath as the red sands that had frozen her in time began to wash away, revealing the living person beneath.

Till this moment, Lenny still had only one hand. He immediately rushed up to check on Minnie. Slowly, he watched as the red sands that had frozen her body in time all washed away. "Minnie! MInnie!!" He screamed at her over and over again. 

Minnie did not have eyes on her face and since one did not need to breath in the nether, it was difficult to if she had actually survived. slowly, she opened her lips as she took in her environment. The moment that she noticed that it was Lenny, she instantly felt a mixture of shock and fear as she screamed, trying to hide behind a rock.

Lenny was not surprise by her reaction. After all, the last time they met was the reason she had lost control of her powers and came to the Nether.

Even Witches were still people at the end of the day. However, for now, Lenny needed her help. 

"Minnie!" he called to her over and over again. At the same time, he instructed the Satan system to run a quick scan on her body. 

And then the embryonic soul answered <I have undesirable news host. After running the scan through her brain, It would seem that the red sands have done irreparable damage to her brain. Whatever she faced in there has fried her common sense of reasoning. She is gone...> 


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