Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 695 End Of The Show?

Chapter 695 End Of The Show?

The Adrenal gland was very important. In fact, far more than many knew.

The adrenal glands are endocrine glands are located right on top of the kidneys. 

They produce many important hormones, including cortisol, aldosterone and adrenaline. The adrenal hormones help regulate several bodily functions including metabolism, blood pressure and the body's response to stress.

But what lenny was after was not all the functions of the glands. He was after only one of them, a particular hormone called adrenaline. 

Another name for this hormone as it was commonly known in the science world is the FIGHT or FLIGHT hormone. 

that quick response during a time of crises that allowed a person the opportunity to instinctively run or instinctively attack for survival. 

It was all controlled by this hormone, and therefore by the adrenal gland siting on the kidney.

Like most other body parts, the best of assassins knew how to control this gland and the adrenal hormone. They used it to gain incredible boost of strength, sometimes even outside its normal regular function. 

Lenny knew Agent 'X' too well and knew that this man had trained every single part of his body to perfection. There was a reason he was number 2.

Lenny knew that Agent 'X' was a very good and crazy Assassin. 

Therefore, he took what he thought was going to cause more damage to the assassin. 

Lenny's move had been a double edged sword. Firstly, the urea, and waste product in Agent 'X' body would cause him incredible pain as it slowly and surely killed him and at the same time, it removed his ability to act on fight or flight in case of danger.

From the second commercial, lenny could guess what was going to happen next. This was going to be a show down between himself and Agent 'x'.

It was already a miracle that Agent 'x' could still moved as he did and even a bigger miracle that he attacked as he did. A testatment to Agent 'X' incredible abilities. 

However, during the commercial break, Lenny clearly remembered seeing the broken gun shop behind the fugly looking guy. He also remembered that the fugly looking guy had killed both the good and the bad that used swords with a gun. 

While he was facing Agent 'X', he saw that same Gun shop as in the commercial break. 

When lenny had made his way into the shop, he had immediately discovered that it was as he thought. Even thoug it was rundown from the outside, the shop was still well equipped on the inside. 

Considering this era and the era that his gun was made, it was no problem for Lenny to find a bullet that matched his gun, and that was what he used when he fired at the reflection the very first time. 

Agent 'x' had quickly assumed that lenny had used up his one and only bullet and therefore, let his guard down and approached Lenny. 

Adding to the fact that lenny was also injured and without one hand, he had thought that he had actually won. 

He had also selectively forgotten that throughout the time he was beating lenny up, that lenny had not left the gun for even a slight second.

lenny had met Agent 'X' enough times to know the man's habits. after all, especially in such terrible conditions, the human body has a way to always want to go towards pleasure and run away from pain. 

In this case, moving towards the familiar and away from the unfamiliar.

Agent 'X', after all he had suffered wanted to look into Lenny's eyes as ripped him apart. It was the same thing he had done to Catherine. 

While she looked at him, he had carved her up like a piece of wood.

It was at this point that lenny struck. 

The old Agent 'X' that still had his kidneys would have reacted in time as a result of his adrenaline and get out of the way. However, he was now without such a vital hormone for survival. 

And that was why the number two assassin could not react in time before Lenny pulled the trigger.

The audience listened in rapt attention, hanging on every word as Lenny recounted the strategic and psychological warfare that had taken place. The Magistri nodded, his smile widening, pleased with the explanation and the drama it added to the show's narrative.

As Lenny finished his explanation, the studio erupted in applause. 

The Magistri, beaming with satisfaction at the success of the show and the climax it had reached, turned to the audience. "Ladies and gentlemen, let's hear it for Lenny Tales, the survivor, the strategist, and now the winner of the 3000 magic points!" The cheers and applause filled the studio.

The Magistri waved his hand and the babies pushed open a large curtain that had been prepared before hand. 

From it came a table that had a glowing ball, like an orb in it. "This orb contains the 300 points of magic." However he had a cunny smile on his face as he pointed at another direction, instantly pulling lenny's attention there. 

"Our producers thought you presented an interesting show and thought maybe you would like something more than the magic points." As he said this, yet another curtain opened up and two ladies all dressed beautifully stood before a house. 

This house itself was not huge, and was quite simple in look. It was like any cozy home at the country side. However, it was not the home that drew Lenny's attention but the two women. After all, one of them was Catherine and the other was Glenn. The two women that had shown lenny unconditional love in all his life. 

Lenny's eyes widened in shock and disbelief as the curtains drew back to reveal Catherine and Glenn, the two women who meant more to him than anything in the world. The sight of them, so unexpected and so real, momentarily took his breath away. The 3000 magic points, the orb glowing on the table, all of it faded into the background as he focused on the two figures standing before the simple, cozy home.

Catherine, with her gentle smile and caring eyes, had been a constant source of regret in Lenny's life. what happened to her had not been fair. 

Especially since her only offence had been to fall in love with him.

Besides, back then, her presence had always been a beacon of hope and comfort, guiding him through the darkest times. 

And Glenn, with her fierce spirit and unwavering loyalty, had stood by his side as a friend and ally, her strength and courage inspiring him to keep fighting even when all seemed lost. she even gave her life for him. 

Each one of these women embodied one word to him.... HOME!

The Magistri's cunning smile suggested that this was no mere coincidence, but a calculated move designed to elicit the strongest possible reaction from Lenny. The game show, known for its brutal challenges and psychological twists, had now presented Lenny with a choice far more complex than any physical trial he had faced.

The cozy home, the promise of a peaceful life with the two women he loved, stood in stark contrast to the glowing orb containing the 3000 magic points. It was a choice between a tangible reward, a significant amount of magical power that could open a way out, and provide untold advantages, and the intangible but priceless opportunity to be with Catherine and Glenn, to perhaps find a semblance of normalcy and happiness after so much chaos and struggle.

The audience, previously cheering and clapping, now watched in silence, the drama of the moment holding everyone in rapt attention. The Magistri, too, seemed to be waiting for Lenny's reaction, the showmanship momentarily set aside in the face of such a deeply personal and emotional revelation.

Lenny, his battered and bruised body standing in stark contrast to the serene scene before him, felt a whirlwind of emotions. Joy, confusion, suspicion, and hope all battled within him. He knew the game's producers were capable of manipulation and deception, but the sight of Catherine and Glenn, so real and so close, tugged at his heart.

He took a step forward, his gaze shifting between the glowing orb and the two women who meant the world to him. The choice was his to make, and it was perhaps the most difficult one he had ever faced. In the quiet of the studio, with the eyes of the audience, the Magistri, and the two women he loved upon him, Lenny Tales prepared to make his decision, one that would define his future and reveal the true desires of his heart....

(Author's note: You may clap for me now, Thank you! with golden tickets and gifts of course.)


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