Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 693 The End 2

Chapter 693 The End 2

Agent 'X', in his strategic positioning, hadn't accounted for Lenny's ingenuity in using the environment to his advantage. The fireworks, while harmless directly to him due to the game's rules, became a deadly threat when used to ignite the old, dry wooden structure of the house he was using for cover.

As the realization dawned on him, Agent 'X' could only curse his oversight. The rules of the game had made him complacent, focusing only on direct attacks and forgetting the indirect dangers that could arise. The building, now engulfed in flames, quickly became a death trap. The dry wood, a perfect fuel for the fire, made the blaze spread rapidly, consuming everything in its path.

"Shit!" Agent 'X' exclaimed as he scrambled to escape the collapsing structure. The flames licked at the walls and floor, the heat intense and suffocating. Smoke billowed around him, obscuring his vision and making it difficult to find a way out. The sound of the fire roaring in his ears was accompanied by the cracking and groaning of the burning building, a cacophony signaling his perilous situation.

Meanwhile, Lenny, safely tucked away in the gun shop, allowed himself a low chuckle as he heard Agent 'X's screams and the sound of the burning house. It was a grim satisfaction, knowing that his plan had worked, that he had managed to turn the tables on his formidable opponent. 

Lenny's understanding of the game's rules and his ability to think outside the box had given him the upper hand, at least for the moment.

The screams and the sound of the collapsing house served as a stark reminder of the stakes of their duel. 

As the last of the fireworks fizzled out and the sound of the burning house filled the air, Lenny prepared himself to face Agent 'X'. 

Instantly, with his gun in hand, he rushed for the area of the flames. However, he did not see anybody in the burning house. just then, he noticed a figure with fire all over his body rushing into the salon. 

"Got you!" Lenny muttered as he followed after him.

lenny knew that Agent 'X' would be looking for a way to retaliate, and he needed to be ready for whatever came next. 

After following Agent 'x' into the Salon, Lenny found himself surrounded by mirrors on all sides. This was not what he was expecting when he saw the sign labeled salon. Aparently, this was more of a house of mirrors. 

Lenny cautiously navigated the labyrinth of mirrors, each step taking him further into the disorienting maze. The multitude of reflections created a surreal and unsettling atmosphere, reminiscent of the horror movies from his previous world. The warped and bending mirrors distorted his image, stretching and squeezing his reflection into bizarre shapes. It was a place designed to confuse and disorient, and it served its purpose well.

As he made his way through the maze, Lenny was hyper-aware of the danger that lurked within. He knew Agent 'X' was wounded but still a deadly adversary. Each reflection of himself served as a reminder of the precariousness of his situation, of the need for vigilance and caution.

Then, amidst the myriad reflections of himself, Lenny spotted something different — an image that wasn't his own. It was Agent 'X', his skin burned, clothes charred, and makeup smeared from the fire. The third-degree burns marred his appearance, making him look even more menacing and determined. Lenny's instinct took over, and he raised his gun, aiming at the figure of Agent 'X' reflected in the mirror.

Without hesitation, Lenny pulled the trigger, the sound of the gunshot echoing through the house of mirrors. But as the glass shattered, he realized his mistake. It wasn't Agent 'X' he had shot at; it was just a reflection, a trick of the mirrors meant to deceive and mislead.

Before Lenny could recover from his error, a blade whistled through the air, its trajectory precise and deadly. Lenny felt the sharp pain as it stabbed into his belly, the impact knocking the wind out of him. He stumbled backward, his hand clutching the wound, as the realization of what had happened set in. Agent 'X', despite his injuries, had managed to outmaneuver him, turning Lenny's momentary lapse into a critical advantage.

The pain was intense, and Lenny knew he had to act quickly. He couldn't afford to let this injury slow him down or cloud his judgment. With a deep breath, he steadied himself, his mind racing to formulate a new plan.

The house of mirrors, with its deceptive and confusing layout, now served as a trap. And Lenny had used the one bullet in his gun. 

And now, he had a challenge of being weaponless that ha had to overcome. 

Meanwhile, Agent 'X' voice echoed through the house of mirrors. "Seriously, you have already used up the one weapon you could have used? You are really stupid. With such reasoning, I really wonder why he choose you and not ME!" 

There was obvious anger in his voice. 

"I was good! I did all he asked and even did more. Just to please him! Just to end the pride of the curse. Just to take the privilege of being the FUCKING DEVIL SLAVE!" 

Lenny heard those words and he froze in shock. However another blade whistled through the air, shaving by his ribs. 

"AHHH!" Lenny moaned in pain. however, he took a corner to hide himself.

All around him, was the reflection of Agent 'X'. 

By now, Lenny had lost too much blood and it was starting to get to his mind, slowing down his movements too.

 As he hid, he could still hear Agent 'X' voice but he could no longer figure out the words that he spoke. 

Lenny knew he had to find Agent 'X', to end this before his injury became even more of a fatal liability.

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Lenny moved forward, his gun still in hand, his senses heightened to detect any sign of Agent 'X'. The mirrors around him continued to reflect distorted images, but Lenny was no longer distracted by them. His focus was singular — find Agent 'X' and finish this, once and for all.

Even through the pain of losing blood and slow movements, he still tried his hardest.

All of a sudden, the house went quiet.

In the eerie silence of the house of mirrors, broken only by the sound of Lenny's labored breathing and the occasional creak of the old building, the final showdown was about to reach its climax. 

Lenny, weakened and bleeding profusely, lay vulnerable on the ground. The blood trailing behind him was a stark, crimson testament to the severity of his injury. His body, once a vessel of strength and agility, was now betraying him, the loss of blood and the shock of the attack taking their toll. Lenny's mind was a whirlwind of frustration and desperation, the repeated curses a reflection of his dire situation.

As he tried to crawl away, to put some distance between himself and Agent 'X', his movements were sluggish, each motion an immense effort. It was then that the figure of his tormentor appeared before him. Lenny's gaze traveled from the familiar high heel boots, up the figure's frame, to the badly burnt face of Agent 'X'. The sight of his adversary, even disfigured and injured, filled Lenny with a renewed sense of urgency.

Without warning, Agent 'X' unleashed a barrage of kicks to Lenny's face. Each strike was brutal, the force exacerbating Lenny's injuries and causing his face to swell grotesquely. Lenny could do little but try to protect himself, his arms weakly attempting to shield his head from the relentless assault.

Standing over his prone opponent, Agent 'X' sneered, his voice filled with a cold satisfaction. "Since he chose you, I will prove him wrong." The words were cryptic, hinting at a deeper motive behind Agent 'X's vendetta. It was clear that this was more than just a game to him; it was personal, a mission to prove something to someone, perhaps even to himself.

Grabbing Lenny by the neck, Agent 'X' reveled in the sight of his misery. The dominance and control he held over Lenny were evident, and he savored every moment of it. With a cruel grin, he placed a broken blade against Lenny's neck, the sharp edge pressing into the skin just enough to send a clear message.

"Any last words?" Agent 'X' taunted, his voice a sinister whisper. The moment was critical, a point of no return. Lenny, despite his dire state, knew he had to act. His life hung by a thread, his fate resting in the hands of a man consumed by hatred and a desire for proof.

Lenny's lips although badly wounded, moved ever so slightly. 

This was a subtly movement as if he was trying to say something but couldn't gather the strength to say it. 

Agent 'X' leaned over, and then he heard Lenny's words. "You are poisoned... You won't react in time!"


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