Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 690 Father and Son

Chapter 690 Father and Son

"I only came back a few years later.

By then, you were already four years old.

And I know what you are going to say. Why did I not just kill you back then?

The simple answer is that I couldn't. Even though I really wanted to, I couldn't do it. That person would not just let me do it.

Just like he had protected him when I was little, you had also caught his eyes and his fucking presence was strong with you." Agent 'X' shook his head.

"At first, I thought maybe you would be difference. After all, you did not show any of the tendencies that I and my father had displayed at such a young age.

In fact, you did not display any wrong like any that had come before you.

Of course, it was not until that day when your mother called to tell me that you had killed a mailman in your neighbors house.

I really felt like a fool back then. After all, I had not been involved in your life, and your mother only contacted me when ever she was in need of money.

Like i said, that was why she tolerated your existence. Even after she got pregnant again for another of her customer, she still kept you.

For the most part, I had stayed far away from you, thinking that it would ensure that even though that person got interested in you, you would not fall into this line of work. But I see now that I was a fool then.

After all, man is only a tool to see to the will of the Divine.

From Generation to generation in our bloodline, father has always thought son, and I thought that staying away would grant you excommunication from such a fate.

But he already had his grasp around your mind.

Imagine my surprise when I saw you walk into the Organization one day.

you were a rookie to the very core, only doing missions that you were sure to see to the end.?Nevertheless, I was inclined to cut your wings as early as I could, and so I did.

Of course, I could not kill you myself. The Organization would frown at that, and that being would not let me raise my hand on you, but after studying the family contract again and again, i finally found a loop hole.

This was a loophole that I was determined to take advantage of no matter the cost, and I did.

That Mission to kill the dictator, the one that resulted to your capture for several months... let's just say that the dictator had a forward warning before your arrival, and was already prepared to welcome you.

Of course, at the time, I had expected that that trash of a man was going to kill you the moment he got the chance. But No! he didn't.

Having captured Assassins from the Organization, it was becoming a bragging feat to his men and Generals.

And then you managed to escape.

I did not hear from you again, and I had even thought maybe you had decided to repent of the way of the assassin or killed yourself somewhere.

And then you came again, a brand new man. And like a rocket to space, you rose through the ranks, quickly becoming an assassin that could contend for the position of number one with me.

I had to do it. I had to ensure that no matter what it takes, you don't fall into his grasp. And that was why I took your beloved Catherine.

With her out of your life, I had expected that you do yourself a gentle favor and maybe commit suicide, but I underestimated you yet again.

Now that i think about it, what the fuck was I actually expecting? After all, you are a son of the bloodline.

Pain for us is not a deterrent but a gift, a gift we mold into the weapon that we use to conquer the world.

That was the reason you bounced back even stronger than before and the reason why you wanted all of your family members dead. You were led by your pain.

When I heard of your death, I was instantly surprised. In fact, I could not believe it. A man, capable of dodging bullets had actually died by a bullet to the heart. The news itself was very comical to listen to. And I thought that it was finally over.

Especially because I could no longer feel the contract on our bloodline. The contract would end with my and your inability to produce offspring, and my balls had by then been long damaged from this line of work.

Like all the others, I came to your funeral. It was only then that I saw it. The pthers did not know, but I had carried the contract markings... the runes all my life, and I saw them dancing about on your corpse.

It was then that I knew that he had claimed you."

Lenny heard Agent 'X' words and he frowned slightly.

Although, Agent 'x' had never mentioned the name of this so called mysterious being, Lenny was very smart enough to know that Agent 'X' was referring to the Morningstar.

This was a revelation like no other.

It meant that from his birth, he had already had his destined entangled with the purpose of the Morningstar.

"He watched over me?" Lenny spoke in a low tone to himself. And he had soon entered?amood that showed that he was contemplating the words of Agent 'X'.

However, he could not help but suddenly burst into a loud chuckle, "beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Lord Lucifer has been watching over me all for life... HAHAHAAHA! A privilege, what a blessing."

Agent 'X' looked at Lenny and then shook his head, "You far too gone. You really don't know what that person is capable of. He really does not care about you at all, only what he can gain from you. Your existence is nothing but a tool for him!"

"SHUT UP!!!" Lenny screamed at him. "You have no idea what he has done for me. You were my father and you were never there. There was never a time that you even visited..." as Lenny talked, his voice sobbed lowly, "...I was all alone in the world. Mother could not understand me and even my brother despised me... I... I was a fucking freak, and no one accepted me.

I lived years without recognition, just another useless, hopeless person on a floating rock.

And so I tried. I tried to do good. Even though it was the wrong way, I tried to use the one thing I was so great at to impact the world.

It was not easy but I did my fucking best.

I know that you don't know this, but I wanted to leave. Regardless of the pain I had suffered for many years and how it had changed me, I wanted to leave. I wanted to leave with her."

After hearing this, Agent 'X' sighed a bit. After all, he knew that Lenny was talking about leaving with Catherine, but he was the person that ruined it.

Then again, he couldn't be blamed for this one. Lenny had a habit of always bouncing back to his feet, and since the contract obstructed him from killing him directly, all he could do was affect Lenny mentally enough that it pushed him to suicide.

And that was why he did what he did.

In truth, Agent 'X' was a very crazy man, but he too, at heart, had good intentions. It was just that his method of expressing them was less than ideal.

The Magistri heard the conversation between the two men. He stepped forward with a handkerchief in hand as he wiped his eyes, "such a sad and touching story of father and son turned to enemies..." as he said this, the audience also sighed with him, "Awwwn!"

However, his expression suddenly changed.

"Now that's all over, we are entering our last and final stage of the show. Ladies and gentlemen, who will emerge as the winner of..."

The crowd echoed the name of the show with him, "HOW TO BE THE DEVIL'S SLAVE?"

As they did, they cheered and screamed and clapped, and the camera and lights focused on Lenny and Agent 'X'.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we will have one more commercial break and then we enter the final round..." as he talked, he faced the camera controlled by the baby. "This round his going to see to the breaking point of our two contestants. And maybe a few words from the sponsors. But for now, let's roll over to another commercial break...."


The audience applauded and music went off in the air as the lights went dark for the commercial to show on the dark screen.


"This Advertisement is brought to you by the incredible mind of a fine ass author... DERE_ISAAC"

(Author's note: I know right, I am absolutely awesome.... Thanks a lot guys. And remember. We have to keep this pace and ensure we remain high on the golden rankings. Thanks again you all)


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