Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 684 Pick An Organ Lenny

Chapter 684 Pick An Organ Lenny

As the wheel spun, Lenny coolly assessed the situation, his eyes tracking the movement with a predator's focus. When it seemed like the arrow was destined to land on the dreaded Pikes segment, Lenny acted. 

With a flick of his fingers, he subtly influenced the wheel's momentum, a move so quick and discreet it was almost invisible to the naked eye. The wheel's course altered ever so slightly, bypassing the Pikes and instead landing on a mere Pat on the Wrist.

The crowd, having anticipated a gruesome outcome, let out a collective sigh of disappointment. They had been primed for something far more dramatic and painful, and this benign consequence seemed almost anticlimactic in the context of the game's usual brutality.

Agent 'X', who had been watching with a certain morbid satisfaction, suddenly stood up, his voice cutting through the murmurs of the audience. "Wait a minute. He cheated. He cheated just now. I saw it." His accusation sent ripples of surprise and confusion through the room. The Magistri, the master of ceremonies, turned to him with a raised eyebrow, the air of intrigue thickening.

"Mr. Agent 'X', can you prove that what you just said now is true? Or is that a baseless accusation?" The Magistri's question put Agent 'X' on the spot, challenging him to substantiate his claim.

Lenny, seizing the opportunity, chimed in with feigned innocence and a sly smile. "Yes, Agent 'X', what exactly are you talking about?" He continued, his tone dripping with mock concern, "Are you saying that our cameras, our team, and even the producers for this show are blind and can't see? Surely, you are not trying to insult us, right?" His words were a calculated maneuver, designed to cast doubt on Agent 'X's accusation and to paint him as a desperate and possibly delusional contestant.

The Magistri's frown deepened as he regarded Agent 'X'. The atmosphere in the room had shifted, the focus now on the credibility of the accusation and the integrity of the game itself. The audience watched with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism, wondering if Agent 'X's claim had any merit or if it was merely the protest of a contestant facing his own dire situation.

Agent 'X', now under the scrutiny of everyone present, realized the gravity of his accusation. Without concrete evidence, his claim could easily be dismissed as the desperate ploy of a contestant on the brink of defeat. 

The tension was palpable, the outcome of this confrontation uncertain. But one thing was clear: the game was more than just a physical challenge; it was a psychological battleground where perception, cunning, and strategy played just as crucial a role as strength and endurance.

Agent 'X' was in a precarious position, his accusation hanging in the air without proof. The rapid movement he thought he had seen could have been anything—a trick of the light, a twitch of muscle, or perhaps the desperation of his situation playing tricks on his mind. Lenny, meanwhile, was inwardly pleased with how well his subtle maneuver had worked. His training and body control had allowed him to use the empty shell to his advantage without drawing any noticeable attention.

The Magistri's frown was a bad omen. In this game, baseless accusations were not taken lightly, and they often came with severe consequences. "You just accused an opponent with no evidence. For this, we will be taking a body part." The announcement sent a ripple of excitement through the audience, the prospect of further punishment adding to the show's cruel spectacle.

A screen appeared, displaying five different body parts, each representing a dire loss for Agent 'X'. The audience watched with bated breath, the atmosphere charged with anticipation and a morbid curiosity. Agent 'X', aware of the gravity of the situation, could only watch in fear, knowing that his fate was now in Lenny's hands.

The Magistri turned to Lenny, giving him the power to choose Agent 'X's punishment. The crowd's excitement grew louder, their cheers a stark contrast to the tension between the two contestants. Lenny's gaze moved over the displayed organs, each choice carrying its own form of cruelty and consequence. There was a lung, a hand, kidneys, a leg and lastly, the ears. 

Finally, after a moment that seemed to stretch on, Lenny made his decision. He pointed to the kidneys, his choice sending a clear message to Agent 'X' and the audience. The choice was strategic, debilitating but not immediately lethal, a move that reflected Lenny's understanding of the human body and the implications of his decision.

Agent 'X', upon realizing the chosen punishment, felt a surge of dread. The loss of his kidneys would be a severe blow, impacting his health and his ability to continue in the game. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he awaited the execution of the punishment, the reality of his situation sinking in.

The Magistri, with a nod of approval at Lenny's choice, proceeded to carry out the sentence. The methodical and clinical nature of the procedure only added to its horror, the audience watching in a mix of fascination and horror.

As the punishment was administered, the game took a darker turn, the stakes and the suffering of the contestants becoming more real and more terrifying.

All of a sudden, hooks appeared from nowhere, holding Agent 'X' in place. he screamed and pleaded, but it was no use. A grousque-looking creature with tentacles suddenly appeared above him. 

With detailed precision, it turned agent 'X' on his back and then, with slow, precise movement, used spikes from his body to tear his back open. Agent 'X' screamed throughout the process. After which, it removed the man's kidneys and dumped them into its mouth. Grinding sounds could be heard before the creature finally swallowed them. Afterwards, it spat out a saliva like substance that mended the wound on the back and disappeared once more into the darkness.

(Author's note: I love gifts Thank you. Its very encouraging. Also, I'm not exactly getting comments and therefore don't know if I'm writing as you guys want or not. I would love the feedback, please. Thank you a bunch.)

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