Developing My Little World

Chapter 6: Second Sub-God

Chapter 6: Second Sub-God

Jay could feel the general size of the machine intuitively and pick a spot on the wall that was closest to him. That was when Jay noticed something odd, the room had expanded!

Jay asked Phineas to which the reply that came back was,"This is your godly room, as your planet and future planets grow and develop stronger and stronger life, the room will slowly expand. Everything within your godly room is within your purview. You are God here."

Jay understood more as he realized that with just a thought he could create appliances, furniture and other things. Jay nodded his head In appreciation at thus.

Phineas then said,"Also, Father, with the birth of sub-sentients and the soon to be sentient civilizations, you will be given what is known as a godly database. It is called different things depending on what type of planet you grew up on before becoming a god."

Jay had a surprised look on his face as he asked,"and this... database as you called it, what does it do for me?"

Phineas smiled and said,"Well Father, as you know the phrase 'God is all knowing', it's actually quite true. The database serves as an information hub that stores, catalogs and can distribute Information to the God at a moments notice. So for instance, you don't know how to make a rocket. Your children develop a rocket. Because they have that information, it is automatically recorded In your godly database, which also optimizes and improves the designs, getting rid of the bad parts. Congratulations, you now know the entire process of making a rocket, should you want to know that information!"

"HOLY S+++" Jay exclaimed loudly. This was a huge deal. Jay had basically Infinite information, that was also growing infinitely!

Jay took a deep breath to calm himself. He tried to ignore the massive deal that was the information bank and focus on making the sub gods.

Jay turned to Phineas and said,"Will you help me with the first sub-god? Just so I can know what I am doing?"

Phineas bowed curtly, unbefitting his country appearance. He replied," Certainly Father, first I would choose whether you wish to use one of the pre-existing templates for gods, whether you would like to elevate one of the species on the planet to a God, or whether you would like to try and create your very own species from the ground up, however the last one is difficult to say the least and I do not recommend it at this moment."

Jay thought about it for a moment and said,"Let us first try the template, this will give me a good idea on what I am working with."

Phineas smiled, nodded and pulled up a list with the system for Jay. Phineas said,"For templates, you can find thousands in the shop as all gods believe in having more gods work for them. There are 5 free options if you would like to view those first?"

Jay quickly replied,"yes, yes, tell me!"

[Free Sub God Templates:

Human God

Elven God

Eldritch God

Old God

Kraken God]

Jay looked curiously at the option in front of him as mused. Ultimately, he decided that he just wanted a regular human sub God companion for now, and chose human.

Another list suddenly popped up asking Jay what kind of God this one would be. Jay scrolled and mulled over his choices.

Jay asked Phineas,"Phineas, can I have it so that certain gods are perceived as allies to all races no matter what? If this human God is brought to a place where there are only elves, won't they scorn that God since he is not an elven god?"

Phineas nodded and said,"There are certain God talents and titles that make them universally loved by the various races, however as the Ultima God you can simply set the God to be an ally to certain races, yes. Just simply tell the gods which ones they should protect or not protect and they automatically extend their influence onto those people."

Jay nodded, and now having the answer he needed, chose God of love.

[Boy / Girl]

Jay decisively chose girl. I mean, come on, goddess of love of or go broke!

[Auto-fill or customize?]

Jay hesitated for a moment and then turned to Phineas, asking in a serious tone,"Can I customize her to an image I have in my mind?"

Phineas was taken a little surprised and said,"Of course, Father!"

Jay smiled and had a melancholic face on him, as he whispered loud enough only for himself to hear,"You will live again, my love"

Jay gathered his courage and selected the customize feature. He could tell he now held similar invisible godly tools in his hands now as he stood before another mannequin instead of a earthly basin.

Jay simply closed his eyes and pictured his wife. Jay started to move his hands as each stroke with his eyes closed created new beauty to the eye.

Jay remembered her long, streaking black hair, her short stature and plump body. He remembered her rosy cheeks and her dimples whenever she would smile. He remembered the gentleness and serenity he felt when she used to hold him at night. He remembered the love they shared through all the hardships of his previous life.

All the memories flooded in as Jay continued his work. Jay remembered her unbreakable spirit, even as she had been dying, bleeding out onto that gas station floor. He remembered her smile, which she kept even as she took her last breath. Finally, he remembered her last words that she had said to him, that he now also said as finished his last stroke.

"I'll love you forever, so please be happy. Stelara needs her dad. Goodbye, my love."

A blinding flash of golden light suddenly erupted from the mannequin, many times greater than the small light that had shown off Phineas!


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