Detective Ghost Empress

Chapter 365 - 365 A new rival.

365 A new rival.

” You can stop now,” said Liu Hui Ying as she stared at the woman who was buttering her up, she was not her stupid baldy boss who would not be able to understand greasy praises that were oiled with the desire of staying alive.

” Right, you are your majesty,” Nanny Gong immediately wiped the smile off her face as she lowered her head and kept standing still at the entrance of the tent with the juice that she brought still in her hands. Liu Hui Ying stared at the bowing Nanny Gong for two minutes straight before she sighed and said, ” Nanny are you waiting for the juice to become soup?”

Nanny Gong straightened up with a jerk as she looked at Liu Hui Ying with a frown when the latter pointed at the juice that she was holding in her hands and then said, ” The juice, you are supposed to give it to me, right?”

Only then did Nanny Gong remember that she did not hand the juice to Liu Hui Ying, she hurried forward and then placed the juice in front of Liu Hui Ying with both her hands and apologised, ” Forgive me, your majesty. I am getting old which is why my memory is getting worse. I assure you, I did not deliberately keep the juice away from you.”

Liu Hui Ying took the porcelain bowl that was in front of her and then muttered softly, ” It would have been great if you forgot about torturing me with these tight clothes and crowns that weights a ton as well.” Her words caused Nanny Gong to smile as she shook her head and then said, ” That is impossible your majesty. Since these things were drilled in my head ever since I was young.”

” How young?”Liu Hui Ying asked thinking about whether or not she would be able to corrupt this highly strung old woman.

Nanny Gong smiled and then responded with a smile, ” When I was thirteen, your majesty.”

” Just my luck,” Liu Hui Ying rolled her eyes. She had much better luck in stretching the tail of a dog straight than unwinding the cogs of Nanny Gong who was used to repeating the same words again and again about morals, conduct and rules.

” Did you say something, your majesty?” Nanny Gong asked when she heard Liu Hui Ying hiss something under her breath which made her tilt her head to the side and look at the young queen who raised the porcelain bowl to her lips and then said, ” Nothing, I just said that you are a one in a million piece, Nanny.”


” Oh you praise me too much, your majesty,” Nanny Gong blushed as she waved her hand and then walked to stand to the side while Liu Hui Ying smiled jeeringly and whispered, ” I am surrounded by idiots.” She took a sip of the juice and then nodded to herself as she changed her words. “At least they are smart idiots.”

Liu Hui Ying liked the lychee juice a lot since it was chilled with multiple ice cubes in it but as soon as she took another sip, she heard Witch Mao say, ” Oi, I need a sip as well.”

” I will give you a sip when I am done,” Liu Hui Ying answered as she licked her lips enjoying the sweet deliciousness that was coated on her lips. She did not even take three sips yet and this witch wanted to take a sip? Who was the boss here exactly?

Witch Mao frowned as she pursed her lips and looked at the juice that looked really good and then without thinking anything she pounced on Liu Hui Ying causing the latter to shiver.

” What are you doing?” Liu Hui Ying snapped at the ghost of the witch who was hugging her from behind while glaring at her. Witch Mao smiled at her such that she opened her mouth with the blackened teeth causing Liu Hui Ying to gag as she almost passed out from the smell.

“Now you are cold right?” Witch Mao said brazenly as she kept hugging Liu Hui Ying who tried to keep her nose out of the face that was sticking close to her own, lest she watched her nose fall on the ground after rotting off. ” Now give me the juice that is cold and you get warmed up.”

” You freaking sly old hag,” Liu Hui Ying was mad enough to clench her teeth and knock the witch off her but she was still useful to her which was why Liu Hui Ying settled on just glaring at the woman with her lips pursed as she placed the juice on the table.

But what witch Mao did not notice was that Liu Hui Ying furtively added some chilly powder to the juice, since she was a lover of spicy food, she was afraid that she will not be able to get the same amount of spiciness in this wilderness which was why she brought a handful of chilli powder with her.

Who would have thought that it will come in handy like this?

Liu Hui Ying sneered as the old witch rushed to the juice that was sitting on the table and lowered her face to take a sip. Did this old witch think that she was a soft persimmon that she could beat at any time? Hehe, in her dreams!

Just as Witch Mao took a sip and her lips that were parched touched the spicy juice, her eyes widened as she let out a scream, ” SPICY! GAHH SO SPICY!”

Witch Mao was not prepared for the sweet juice to suddenly turn spicy which was why she was even more startled while she rushed to drink some water, the guards who were standing outside the tent of Liu Hui Ying announced in a loud voice,

” The third Concubine, Concubine Xin is asking for entrance, your majesty!”

Liu Hui Ying frowned as she turned to Nanny Gong and asked, ” And who might be this?”



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