Destroying the Virgin-the Making of a Saint-

Chapter 31: Captive Girl

Chapter 31: Captive Girl

Less than an hour later, the intercom at my house rang. When I opened the front door, a small, endearing little girl was standing there with an apprehensive look on her face. Her appearance was that of a frightened little animal.

Hi, are you Akanes younger sister?

Yes, um it seems you have been looking after my sister Thank you very much.

At the sight of my face, Aoi looked a little disconcerted. She probably did not expect that her flawless and talented sister would have a friend who was such a hideous man. It was a childlike and honest reaction.

No, no, I didnt do anything major. Come on up, be my guest.


In Aois expression, tension and more than that, wariness and suspicion were undoubtedly present together. Even though she was a child, she seemed to harbor even the slightest sense of distrust.

Nevertheless, any kind of caution or doubt was meaningless at the moment she arrived at my doorstep like this.

Because I had the right and responsibility to rule over these sisters by whatever measures necessary. And in order to execute that right and responsibility, I was prepared to commit any sort of brutal and vile act.

There was no way for her to escape from me.

Even after inviting Aoi into the house, her vigilance only escalated.

Um, where is my sister?

At any rate, I invited her into the living room and offered her a cup of tea, but Aoi was reserved. Throughout the whole time, she looked unsettled, and Aois attention was constantly on her sister, Akane.

Oh, shes not exactly in the house. You see the garage downstairs? She is sleeping there.

Garage why?

Well, a lot of things are going on. Lets go down to the garage for now. There are stairs leading directly down from the house.

Aois suspicion seemed to have intensified at my words. Even so, Aoi, who had been told of her sisters whereabouts and wanted to rush to her right away, didnt particularly object and went down the stairs that led to the garage.

Then, lets go.

Hence, Aoi stepped into hell from which she could never flee. The inside of the garage was enveloped in jet black. In this world devoid of light, Aois sister, Akane, was sleeping.

In a world where it was only the two of us.

Um its so dark I cant see very well.

Despite being afraid, Aoi timidly walked through the darkness for her sister.

Sis, sis? Are you there?

Only pure feelings for her older sister compelled the young Aoi to advance into the darkness. Aois feet gradually made their way to her reborn sister, Akane. The touching reunion of the sisters made me somewhat thrilled. It was then that I whispered in Aois ear, Aoi, look closely. Your sister is right in front of you.

By the time Aoi was in front of the operating table, I whispered to her and turned on the lights in the garage. Darkness inside the garage lifted, and in an instant, the vision was broadened, flooded with light.


At the same time light filled the room, Aoi produced a brief scream and fell on her buttocks on the spot.

What is this?

Aoi was astonished by the sight of her sister Akane in an appearance she had never laid her eyes on before, bound to the operating table and lying down.

Sis? Sis what, what is this?

The eyes that Aoi cast toward Akane were struck with shock and terror. The form of her older sister, whose four limbs had been amputated and in their place had been implanted with doll limbs. No matter how many times I have seen this, I realized yet again that she was as stunning as a work of art, a sublime beauty.

Unfortunately, though, it seemed that even Aoi, an average person, could not appreciate the beauty of Akanes body.

This what is this is she alive?

In contrast to Aois dismay, Akane stared into the void as if she were a corpse. Apparently, Akane was so drained that she could not even recognize her own sister in front of her.

Hey, come on, this is not the way to treat your beloved sister. She has been reborn so gloriously.

But her hands and her feet are

Looking at her sister, whose limbs had been reconstructed into a doll, Aoi was half in tears. Seeing this, I gently touched Akanes cheek, wondering what on earth there was to be grieved about.

I reconstructed her.

Youre the one

Aoi finally seemed to have caught on to the gravity of the circumstance and tried to crawl her way to the exit while still petrified with terror.


However, I promptly seized Aoi by her long hair and prevented her from running away.

Ah H-Help!

Fear rendered Aoi unable to even articulate properly. To such a girl, I unrelentingly struck her and restrained her.

Im sorry, Aoi. I deceived you into showing up here. For the sake of your beloved sister for the sake of Akane, Im going to ask you to cooperate with me in various ways as her younger sister.

No noooo!

Aoi frantically resisted with her small body, attempting to shake off my restraints. Nevertheless, the girls strength was insignificant. I proceeded to restrain Aoi by force. I hit her one more time in the mouth to silence her.

Hey, hey, youre going to abandon your beloved older sister and run away? Youre a cold-hearted girl, unlike Akane. Well Ill not take your personality into consideration at this time. Personality has no bearing on human blood.

What I desired was Aois blood, in other words, Aoi was a living blood transfusion pack. Other than that, there was no need to take anything else into account. To put it another way, as long as she fulfilled that role, however she was treated was of no consequence.

Alternatively, I could have her serve as a different part of Akane.




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