Destroying the Virgin-the Making of a Saint-

Chapter 13: Pain and Domination

Chapter 13: Pain and Domination

Ugh guh

On top of vomit and diarrhea, liquid food relentlessly poured into her. Akanes cheeks had swelled to the brink of bursting. Although a small amount of waste material was gradually leaking out of the sewn mouth opening and was being expelled, it was not keeping up with the amount of liquid food being supplied.

Giih ah

As Akane was on the verge of suffocation, I could see that her complexion was turning ashen. At this rate, she might suffocate to death from her own vomit and diarrhea.

After inflicting a certain degree of pain on Akane and instilling in her terror and fear of me, I was planning to promptly help her out as well. That was originally the objective, and this was merely a means to attain this.

But those concerns of mine proved to be unfounded.

What are you doing, Akane?

It was only a few seconds after I realized what was happening. Akane, in the utmost agony, ripped off the wire sewn into her own lip with all her remaining strength.

Vast volumes of deep crimson blood splattered in the garage. In the pool of blood, pieces of flesh that used to be cherry-red lips were torn off and cruelly lying around.

Hah cough

Having vomited out all her puke, Akane was coughing violently after receiving enough oxygen.

Her mouth was drenched in blood like she had been smeared with bright red lipstick.

I was wrong to release the restraints on her hands, I mused.

Youre even more inscrutable than I expected if youre so foolish as to refuse to embrace my love.

Akanes foolishness provoked my indignation. By no chance did I anticipate that Akane would go to such lengths.

Had she silently welcomed my love, neither the pain nor the wounds she had sustained would have arisen. I was intending to remove the stitches from her lips straight away and clean up the wound so that there would be no residue.

And yet, in spite of all this Akane denied acceptance of my love.

Why would she go to such extremes to contempt my love? Wrath and abhorrence swirled within me.

Why, why do you deny my love? Why do you go to such lengths

Did you think you could make a womans heart feel the way you want it to feel by doing this? Dont underestimate a woman and me.

Akane smiled fearlessly as she glared at me.

This frankly caught me aback. I had assumed that by administering this much pain and suffering, a woman would quickly become a slave at my beck and call. I had figured that their minds and bodies would be at my mercy.

But Akane was different. I was made to recognize that she was different.

For the first time since I kidnapped Akane, I couldnt help but feel astonished and impatient to the extent that she was taking the initiative.

Well, its okay. Your inner stoutness isnt something I dislike either and Im looking forward to seeing how long you can keep up that stoutness of yours.

Regardless, this was enjoyable. It was becoming increasingly likely that there would be numerous occasions in the future that would surpass my wildest expectations.

To think that Akane would stoop to that level I had assumed that with a little pain, Akane would silently be submissive, but inwardly, I was admittedly more intrigued than astonished.

Are you still planning to do something? Let me tell you something. You may be able to deprive me of my physical freedom, but I will never let you deprive me of my spirit never

In this case, a different approach was imperative. But apart from pain, how else could I control her? Having failed at every contact with other people in my life, I did not know how to control Akane aside from inflicting pain and suffering.

I didnt know, I didnt know, I didnt know. The means to dominate others.

Akane, why cant you understand? Its not that I wish to harm and torment you. If only you would acknowledge and love me, I wouldnt have to resort to this. Why, even in the midst of pain and suffering

I knew nothing. Neither the methods of controlling her nor the significance of her denial of me.

I will never, ever succumb to a coward like you. Im not going to surrender to a piece of trash like you who makes no effort and only tries to produce results

It was already evident that communication with Akane in words was inconceivable. Even if I told her everything that was in my heart, she would never figure me out. However, as Akane glared at me, I could only do what I could do, albeit pathetically.

Akane, denying me any further will require me to inflict even more pain on you. That is not my intention, and it will affect the very preservation of your beauty too Please understand, I beg you

Pain was essential in the process of re-education. But that was not the purpose.

My original purpose was the permanent preservation of Akane, a symbol of beauty. Her body and soul were supposed to be preserved by me and under my supervision.

Why couldnt you grasp that I was thinking about you so much? With this thought in mind, my hands spontaneously reached out to Akanes cheeks.

But Akane sensed this and bit my fingers like an animal, denying it.


Dont touch me! You are the worst doing such things to me, what do you expect me to understand! Youre out of your mind!

Again, Akane denied me. 

I have grown accustomed to being denied by others. Nevertheless, I supposed I would never get used to the pain of being denied outright by the one I believed in and loved.

Just like that time.


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