Desolate Devouring Art

Chapter 470 - Mandala Flower

Chapter 470 - Mandala Flower

The stone gates opened, and everyone began flocking through the gap, including the sea demons and abyssal devils waiting behind.

A merciless slaughter broke out, with everyone's eyes becoming bloodshot, and the ground was littered with corpses in just one breath. The humans suffered heavy casualties, facing the onslaught of the sea demons and abyssal devils. This outcome was inevitable because the humans weren't united enough.

"Big Brother Liu, what are those flowers?" Only Liu Wuxie and Gu Yu remained outside, who stood up from the boulder and looked through the gates.

Behind the gates wasn't a grand hall but a garden full of blooming flowers. Each flower gave off a tempting fragrance, and they were treasures. These flowers had lived for thousands of years, absorbing abundant sun and moon essence, making them precious.

No one recognized the flowers, but they felt they must be treasures since they were in the dragon palace. The moment they entered, there was a scramble. After all, it was no secret that dragons loved collecting treasures.

Those fighting had long lost their rationale, cutting down anyone they saw without hesitation. The stampede ruined the garden, and there were only a few undamaged flowers.

"Mandala Flowers!" Liu Wuxie murmured. He wasn't surprised by the appearance of Mandala Flowers since even Netherspirit Flowers could be seen in the True Martial Continent.

"Are Mandala Flowers really that rare? Is it worth all this chaos for just a single flower?" Gu Yu wondered aloud as he surveyed the chaotic scene before him. The garden boasted at least a hundred Mandala Flowers, yet the sight of cultivators fighting fiercely over them puzzled him. With over a thousand people present, it seemed inevitable that a fierce battle would erupt over the flowers.

But what baffled him more was why the leader of the Wolf Fang Regiment, Xing Lian, would suddenly attack his own men. Even Ding Ye and Lin Feng were locked in a vicious struggle with each other. The scene made no sense, and a chill ran down Gu Yu's spine as he tried to make sense of it all.

"Mandala Flowers are known to be Flower of Hell because they don't belong to the human world but hell. If a human inhales a breath, they will lose their sanity and kill anyone they see, regardless of whether they were friends or family."

The Netherspirit Flower was called the Flower of Death, while the Mandala Flower was called the Flower of Hell. Neither of them should have existed on the True Martial Continent.

Gu Yu took a deep breath upon hearing what Liu Wuxie said, and he finally understood why Liu Wuxie had gasped when he looked into the gates. It turned out he had seen a whole garden of Mandala Flowers.

This meant Liu Wuxie already knew there would be a massacre when these people went in. The ground was dyed red in blood, and everyone regained their senses when the last Mandala Flower was destroyed after being trampled.

"What's going on?" When Lin Feng regained consciousness, he looked at Ding Ye, who was confused and pointing a sword at him.

"I also want to know what happened!" Everyone tried to recall everything that had just happened. They only remembered their attraction to the Mandala Flowers after they had entered the gates, but they were clueless about what had happened after that.

The ground was littered with corpses, and more than half of the people who came in had lost their lives. That was also the same for sea demons and abyssal devils.

"Leader, I can no longer fight by your side!" Xing Lian gasped, blood bubbling from his lips as the sword that had pierced his heart remained lodged in his chest. The weapon had been thrust by none other than the leader of the Wolf Fang Regiment himself, who now stood over him, frozen in shock.

"No!" The Wolf Fang Regiment's leader let out a ferocious cry but didn't dare to pull out the sword because Xing Lian would die faster this way.

Xing Lian was only in the fifth level of the Astral River Realm and was not a match for the Wolf Fang Regiment's leader, who had stabbed his heart after just a few rounds.

Wolf Fang Regiment's leader became furious and his face twisted with rage. The Wolf Fang Regiment was now at a disadvantage compared to the Ding Feng Hall.

The Ding Feng Hall had also suffered heavy losses, with many experts slain by Ding Ye and Lin Feng. This made everyone's hearts heavy to suffer so many casualties before seeing any treasures.

"This is all that brat's fault. We wouldn't have ended up here if it weren't for him!" More than five thousand people were chasing after Liu Wuxie, but only a few hundred survived.

Thinking back to the events of the past few days, they blamed everything on Liu Wuxie. But they didn't realize that so many people wouldn't have died if they hadn't pursued him. Heaven's retribution couldn't be escaped, and this was a disaster these people had inflicted on themselves.

"There's no use talking about it now. That kid has already died in the vortex, and our focus should be on the treasures in the dragon palace so our trip won't be in vain!"

Everyone pulled themselves together and looked around. Only one corridor led out of the courtyard, and a few hundred people quickly walked over to explore the dragon palace.

Liu Wuxie and Gu Yu only dared to come out after everyone had left.

Liu Wuxie searched the garden of Mandala Flowers before finding one that was relatively intact. He commented, "What a would be wonderful if the Mandala Flowers could be refined into pills..."

Although the Mandala Flowers were called the Flower of Hell and could cause one to lose one's sanity just by breathing in their fragrance, they were undeniably treasures. Their spirituality could be extracted and refined into eighth-grade pills.

After being crushed, the Mandala Flowers lost their value, so Liu Wuxie voiced his regret.

"Big Brother Liu, they've all gone in!" Gu Yu whispered, his eyes nervously scanning the surroundings. He had little interest in the Mandala Flowers, knowing they could drive people to madness.

"There's no rush," Liu Wuxie replied calmly. He understood the risks of moving too hastily. With their current strength, running into the others would be a death sentence.

They waited for about fifteen minutes, letting the others disappear deeper into the corridor before cautiously making their move.

As they entered, Liu Wuxie noted the intricate dragon runes engraved on the walls. Each rune seemed to pulse with ancient power, and he made a mental effort to memorize them. These runes could prove invaluable, especially for forging the legendary treasures of the Dragon Clan—a task that required precise knowledge of such symbols.

Liu Wuxie knew only a few dragon runes and was far from proficient.

Sounds of weapons clashing could be heard from ahead, likely due to a disagreement over some discovered treasures.

"Ding Ye, you think the two of you can defeat me? I was the one who discovered this dragon bone first!" The voice of the Wolf Fang Regiment's leader sounded.

"We found this dragon bone first. Today, let us settle this once and for all!" Lin Feng's voice sounded as he joined forces with Ding Feng against the Wolf Fang Regiment's leader.

The three were in the pinnacle Astral River Realm, and the shockwave of their battles, in the form of intense heat, could be felt even from thousands of meters away.

Liu Wuxie took out two masks from his interspatial ring and changed into a new set of clothes.

"Put it on. We won't be discovered if we don't fight and reveal our aura." Liu Wuxie knew he had to act quickly since a dragon bone was discovered. It was undoubtedly a precious treasure.

After putting on the masks and quickening their pace, they both transformed into middle-aged men. They had concealed their aura to the utmost so no one could notice them unless someone deliberately tried to sense them.

Everyone had long been drawn to the treasures in the dragon palace, and no one would pay any attention to them.

A majestic hall appeared, with both sides constructed with seabed rocks, which made them incredibly tough. The hall was five thousand meters long and about a thousand meters wide, making it extremely large. Even with a few hundred people, it still looked relatively empty.

There were many high platforms on both sides of the hall, where dragons could coil themselves on it to discuss matters.

As Liu Wuxie surveyed the platforms, his divine sense revealed their smooth surfaces, suggesting that these platforms once bore the weight of thirty-odd dragons. The grandeur of the True Martial Continent from thousands of years ago was evident in every detail.

The pillars supporting the hall were carved from rare ink jade, and even a tiny piece was worth a fortune. But they were in the form of large pillars used to support the hall, and the extravagance was unimaginable.

It was a pity that these ink jades were too big to take with them, and they would be buried there alive if they forcibly broke them. This was why no one dared to act recklessly against those pillars.

Lin Feng and Ding Ye joined forces against the Wolf Fang Regiment's leader in the hall's center over a small segment of dragon bone.

"Gu Yu, where's calling coming from?" Liu Wuxie lost his interest after seeing that the dragon bone was only the size of a finger. He needed to find a complete dragon bone to forge weapons.

"Over there!" Gu Yu pointed to the right. The mysterious calling had grown stronger since they entered the dragon palace, pulling at him with increasing intensity.

"Let's go around them!" The two carefully moved to the right.

A few people looked at them after finding them unfamiliar, but they were soon attracted by the battle between the three leaders at the pinnacle of the Astral River Realm.

Liu Wuxie and Gu Yu took roughly fifteen minutes to reach the place that Gu Yu pointed out.

"There's no way through here!" There was nothing but a wall before them.

The hall was completely sealed, meaning divine dragons could only pass through the gates to reach this hall. But this brought the question: where did the dragons live in the palace?

Everything was a mystery because the dragon clan must've lived there since this was a dragon palace. But where was their sleeping chamber?

"It's here; there's no doubt!" Gu Yu was very confident because the Divine Dragon Sword had provided feedback.

"No hurry!" Liu Wuxie wasn't in a hurry to avoid being discovered.

Everyone's attention was on the fight, and they couldn't be bothered with the two of them.

Liu Wuxie still couldn't see through the stone walls when he used Ghost Eye, but he believed he could find some clues. Thus, he could only search the stone wall inch by inch.

The battle was nearly ending, with the Wolf Fang Regiment's leader being on the losing ground under the attacks of Ding Ye and Lin Feng, and the victory was finally decided after thousands of exchanges.

Ding Ye took away the dragon bone, and the face of the Wolf Fang Regiment's leader became ugly as he began plotting how to kill the two. He could only turn to look at the sea demons and abyssal devils.

"Mhm?" Liu Wuxie suddenly placed his hand on a stone and noticed it was different from the others in color and toughness. Most importantly, it had a small crack.


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