D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 95: Now We Return to Our Regularly Scheduled Protagonist

Chapter 95: Now We Return to Our Regularly Scheduled Protagonist

Returning to Kat's perspective


Kat watched a flower open up beside Thyme in the corner of her eyes. She was more focused on Green's final mad dash but the strange movement in her peripheral caught her attention. A bright flash emitted from the flower and as she turned to watch Green come flying out.

*How is she so fast? The video didn't really capture it but this is insane.* Kat watched as Green barrelled towards Gareth. Kat was tempted to intercept her in the air and take the impact but was surprised to see that when Green jumped just before the collision her momentum dropped significantly and rather than a brutal collision with a steel wall she softly drifted into Gareth's arms.

*Huh, her wings are glowing. They are also phasing through Gareth so I'm betting the others can't really see that. Is that comfortable? I mean surely it can't be? Then again don't my wings phase through my outfit…* "You did well Green" said Gareth.

"I hope so, make sure Thyme lets me keep the bag" said Green. *Um what? Why is the bag important?* And didn't Thyme say you couldn't keep anything. While Kat was trying to figure out what Green was on about the rest of the scouts had returned.

"Bah, what is this. The exciting conclusion to my fantastic maze and I have one asleep and three remove their breakfast from their stomachs? Unacceptable" said Thyme as it waved its hand and four green orbs flew into the contestants.

Three scouts recovered quickly but Green didn't budge. *Um, Green are you alright?* Kat didn't want to ask because Green had a big smile on her face, though that had been present since she closed her eyes.

*I should I keep an eye on Green or listen to Thyme? Eh I'm sure she's fine.* Turning once again to face Thyme and see what event was on next Kat realised she had forgotten about the improvements to her eyes, standing next to Green and Gareth it wasn't even hard to keep them in focus even though they were in her peripheral vision.

*Ok… I did not realise my eyes had been so thoroughly upgraded, I'd noticed the vision increase but why can I focus anywhere I want? That isn't how eyes work… then again it is less crazy then how my wings seem to work so nevermind I guess.*

Thyme let out a sigh before splitting into three "I suppose I'll ignore the fact Green is sleeping, on account of her success" sang the three Thyme's in harmony. It was very soothing, like the sounds of a clearing on a warm day.

"Ah Thyme, is it really helping matters if you sing like that?" asked Grace.

"Ah, our apologies" said the Thyme's. They then proceeded to split into a five Thyme each totalling fifteen now.

"Is this better" said the Thymes in harmony that threatened to lull everyone to sleep

"No, this is the opposite of what Grace asked for" said Clive equally unamused.

The Thymes nodded in understanding and split in threes again for a full 45 man(?) choir. "There is no need to worry, it is all a passing dream. Our friend who is named Green, they have succeeded in collecting the orbs, and set us free" sung the Thymes

Kat started clapping slowly. The instant she did so everyone's eyes turned to her. *What? It's good singing. Though I imagine it isn't too difficult for Thyme it's still impressive.*

"How long are you going to continue this farce?" asked Clive.

The Thymes all shrunk down into a small form, a bit shorter than Sylvie. The 45 Thymes all pouted and looked up at Clive asking what they'd done wrong.

Of course from everyone's perspective, it was terribly creepy, 45 wooden eyes staring unflinching into Clive's face with an unchanging expression and no movement as if they were just dolls.

Everyone except Kat that is. *Hey those are actually pretty cute.* Kat walked forward until she was behind the Thymes and picked one up. Everyone looked at her like she'd gone crazy. "What? Thyme actually looks pretty cute like this and it felt like the right thing to do in the situation"

Kat may not have been weak to the pouting eyes, but she was still in charge of an orphanage full of children for many years. Forty five eyes with such a stance couldn't be overlooked. The Thymes all smiled and nodded, as an extra, normal sized, Thyme appeared beside the groups.

"See at least one person appreciates my sense of humour" said the large Thyme looking disapprovingly at the groups.

"So, as I was saying, congratulations to Green, yada, yada, you guys are no fun, yada yada, congratulations again to Green for actually completing four challenges and not fighting anyone, which, I must say, was disappointing at first but upon further consideration was actually pretty impressive. Also, I may or may not have forgotten to hide the potions around the place but don't worry about that so much" continued the large Thyme.

Clenching his fist the bags the contestants were holding started to fly towards Thyme but Green caught onto her and held it against her chest. "I do believe the rules stated you couldn't keep things you obtained in the maze Green" said Thyme patiently.

As Thyme said this the Thyme choir turned their pouts to Green instead. Green looked to Gareth who returned with a look that asked what she wanted him to do about it. Green pulled herself up to his ear. *Hmm, do I use energy to overhear this?* Kat was leaning towards no, but it didn't actually matter because she could hear Green anyway "The rules… said that… um, we couldn't keep stuff from the maze, we got this… first…. So I mean"

As Green trailed of Gareth nodded in understanding "Your rules only said that the groups had to return things found in the maze, but these weren't found in the maze were they"

Thyme's face split into the same madness induced grin that Judge had in his final moments, Kat didn't recognise it but she could see Green pale as she watched Thyme. Just as quickly as it appeared though it disappeared as if but a lie, it was so fast that only Green and Kat were likely to see it, and certainly the only ones fast enough to react.

"Hahaha, I'm glad you found that loop hole actually, please take them as a present" said Thyme nodding to the other contestants as well.

Grace just nodded happy to have a bottomless bag, and while John was much the same Clive let out a big smile while he though nobody was looking. Of course, Thyme and Kat didn't let that escape their notice. *That's cute, its nice to see he does care about Skye, even if he doesn't share her… forwardness.*

"And one more gift" said Thyme he pointed towards the small Thyme in Kat's hand. Kat watched as it transformed in front of her gaining a kimono in a similar style to her own, with wings and a tail. The wood softened to be more like a stuffed toy and the life left it as the head lolled forward.

"Sadly that one isn't magic anymore, but I hope you can appreciate it" said Thyme with a big smile.

Kat turned the now doll around to face her and was surprised to see that, it was the face that had hardly changed. Despite now sharing many of it's characteristics with her it was still undeniably the smaller Thyme's face and Kat was pleased with the result. *I'm glad he didn't just give me a doll of myself, that would have been weird, but I can appreciate the theming.*

"There won't be any issues if there is a lack of mana assuming I keep this right?" Kat whispered both to the system and to Thyme, keeping it low so it was likely only it could hear.

There will likely be no adverse effects on the item in question. The item was fundamentally changed, and the mana has left it.

"It should be fine, though I'm not sure what Demonic Energy will do to it" said Thyme's voice on the wind.

*Well that's nice. Hopefully Vivian won't complain so much if I have a doll to liven up my room. It's actually pretty cool to have a proper memento of this summoning and not just a bunch of money. Like the rug, this is much cooler.*

The Thymes all clapped their hands and rotated on their left foot, including the large one. "Now, I'm glad you are all happy with your gifts, it was a nice spotting of the loophole, but don't get too caught up. We aren't finished yet" said the large Thyme.

"We have not finished" sang the choir in an haunting chorus that carried across the plains and made the groups shiver. Of course, that may have been due to the leaves Thyme got to tickle the backs of their necks, but they didn't need to know that.


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