D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 67: The Accomplices

Chapter 67: The Accomplices

Kat finished retelling her encounter with Kraks and his beholder friends and then sat back to let her friends have the field.

"Those chairs sound interesting dear, I wonder if you could convince Chekov to figure something out" said Vivian

"Why did you keep mentioning that anyway Kat? Surely it can't be that much of an improvement?" asked Lily

"I feel a bit bad saying this, but yes it is that much of an improvement but I don't think you could ever understand" Lily tried to interrupt but Kat held up a hand and continued "I'm not saying you can't empathise, but they are the only thing I have been remotely comfortable sitting in since I got my wings. Sleeping is awkward as well. Somehow, they just let me relax. Maybe there was enchantments on it or something, but those chairs were well worth mentioning"

"Do you think demons can enchant things? Have you heard of any enchantments at all?" asked Sylvie

"Yes. That time I was gone a few days I encountered a powerful enchantment, though I never really saw how it works properly" said Kat "At the very least I can confirm they exist"

"Hmmm" murmured Vivian "Do you think enchantments would work for us? We don't have magic to use them"

Kat thought on that for a moment before answering "I'm not sure. I've heard multiple times that this world suppresses all forms of higher energy, making nearly impossible to use anything other than demonic energy at all. But clearly, I can exist. I managed to develop these demonic traits, so maybe if you made the enchantments with my energy it would work? I'm not exactly sure how they stay powered"

"I think Callisto would enjoy learning enchanting" said Sylvie.

This surprised Kat, she didn't know when Sylvie had even seen Callisto let alone struck up a conversation with her. They'd only been living at Vivian's for a short time, when had she managed that?

"Your right Sylvie, she'd die for the chance to upgrade her crazy existing costumes" said Vivian.

Vivian, Sylvie and Kat all shared a knowing look and a nod, while Lily just sort of awkwardly looked at the others trying to decide how truthful the other three were being.

Kat noticing Lily's slight distress decided to redirect the conversation "So, shall we investigate the settings I've supposedly unlocked now that I'm rank 1? At the very least we should all decide when I get summoned every week"

"Yeah, it's rude to just vanish and not be around in the morning. You should make it a time when we can all wish you good luck" said Sylvie with Vivian and Lily nodding along.

"Even you Lily?" asked Kat

"Of course. If I can see you off, I'm not going to miss that chance" said Lily

Well, you heard them system. Open settings

Initialising Settings

Examining Rank

Displaying Options

Which of the following does User Kat wish to view



Home Designation

System Reactivity

System Monitoring

Huh, some of those look interesting but I guess let's start with Summoning.


Please select from the following

Minimal Payment


Beacon Management

--Skillset Adjustment--

--Blacklisted Dimensions--

Why are two of the options crossed out? I mean why even display them at all?

In relation to Blacklisted Dimensions, User Kat has not yet been Blacklisted from any known Dimensions. As such while User Kat retains the rank required to view this option from the menu nothing can be done with it.

Right and the other one?

Skillset Adjustment lets a demon whose skillset has grown considerably to narrow down there focus to only specific kinds of requests. User Kat is not yet skilful enough at a variety of tasks to qualify for this option but your Rank allows it to be displayed.

Hey I can do plenty of things.

D.E.M.O.N.S stands by the previous statement

Kat felt her eye twitch slightly at that one. A decade of schooling and she wasn't even qualified to narrow down her options. Fine then, tell me about scheduling.

Welcome to the Scheduling Page. Would User Kat like to view the extended introduction to the Scheduling Page as D.E.M.O.N.S has detected this to be the first instance of User Kat accessing Scheduling Page.

"Hey Kat, everything alright" asked Lily

"Yeah, the system is just being difficult don't worry about it" replied Kat. Yes please.

Scheduling enables a User to select times they are willing to accept a Summoning. Default setting is any time. All Preferences will be overridden if a User has not completed a weekly Summoning with less than 24 hours remaining including those from other Settings. Additionally, a User may opt to take on additional Summonings before the week has ended, scheduling separate availability for each successive summoning up to 4.

Huh, that's actually pretty handy. As Kat thought this the message disappeared and in it's places a grid appeared hour increments separated into columns for days. At the top of the table four boxes with differing flames appeared. They each seemed to have a different pattern to them. The first perfectly matched the default flames. The second box had the flames waving side to side in a rhythmic motion almost like a wave. The third lot of flames seemed to bob up and down, though unlike the second which were in time the third seemed to spite that idea and bobbed randomly. The fourth made it seem like they'd run out of ideas because it was just a still image.

"Right, well, I've got a timetable up and I can select when I want to be summoned but if I haven't done a job 24 hours before reset it will ignore everything anyway" said Kat "Actually give me a second"

Hey system, I could send a message to these girls before so they could see you. Is there a way to do that again?

User Kat is recommended to select the Accomplices Page. This will allow other individuals to see D.E.M.O.N.S messages.

Fine, system go to Accomplices tab

Welcome to the Accomplices Page. Would User Kat like to view the extended introduction to the Accomplices Page as D.E.M.O.N.S has detected this to be the first instance of User Kat accessing Accomplices Page.

Well, I do suppose so considering you directed me here.

No need to be rude.

Wait what?

Accomplices allow User Kat to designate up to 5 individuals as Accomplices. At Rank 1 this allows Accomplices to view User Kat's messages. Warning at Rank 1 Accomplices cannot be removed unless they have been confirmed to be dead for more than 876,001 hours.

Why does it have to be such a specific number of hours?

Some Souls find it hard to remain deceased. However it was decided after 876,001 hours they have been deceased long enough to have any subsequent revivals count?as a new Individual.

Well I suppose that does make a morbid kind of sense doesn't it?

"So do you guys want to become accomplices?" asked Kat

"Sure why not" shrugged Vivian, with Sylvie nodding along

"Um, Kat, what exactly do you mean by that. Accomplices is a bit of a strange word for whatever it is your planning" said Lily

"This will let you guys view my messages from the system. That way I don't have to relay everything all the time and you can actually understand what's going on" said Kat

"Yeah but why accomplice?" asked Lily

Kat shrugged "It's just what they are called"

"Fine… if that really is what it's called"

Cool, system designate Sylvie, Vivian, and Lily as Accomplices.

Is User Kat sure they wish to appoint Individual Sylvie, Individual Vivian, and Individual Lily as Accomplices. This process is irrevocable at User Kat's current Rank.


Has User Kat given proper and thorough forethought as to the ramifications of this choice? Does User Kat still wish to appoint the Individuals [Vivian, Sylvie, Lily] as Accomplices.


Does User Kat solemnly swear that this choice will not be immediately regretted upon the enactment of the request for D.E.M.O.N.S to provide Individuals [Sylvie, Vivian, Lily] with irrevocable Accomplice permissions


Does User Kat

Kat swiped her hand through the forming text interrupting it. Are you really going to keep doing this? Is there a reason you need to repeat the damned question so many times? That's one of the few things that gets to me you know.

Kat waited for some form of reply and got none. Oh great, now you've got nothing for me. Seriously 4 times? How long would that have continued.

Until the Author got sick of writing new iterations of the same question.

Didn't that just happen?

What incident is User Kat referring to?

The… you know what. Never mind. Kat heard a gasp from the chair beside her. Turning to her right she saw Lily with wide eyes and a gaping mouth staring at the air in front of Kat where the D.E.M.O.N.S message had appeared.

"Is that… the system? That fiery red text that?" asked Lily

"Ooh, seems it worked. Congratulations on becoming my accomplice" said Kat with a grin


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