D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 40: A Wild Chain Appears

Chapter 40: A Wild Chain Appears

Kat and Sylvie signed the paper without hesitation, however just as Kat's pen left the paper purple chains sprung up to wrap themselves around Vivian and herself. Coating each person in an uncountable number of chains before being absorbed into them and disappearing.

Kat shakily turned to face Vivian who had wide eyes on her face giving Kat a slight nod to indicate that yes, she had seen the massive number of purple chains. Slowly turning her gaze to the others Lily and Sylvie were looking at them both confused and Gramps had the same expression as normal. Flicking her eyes over to the witness to see that he had his mask on and hadn't moved since he said to wake him up later.

Gramps walked over and wrapped the man on the head again and he shot up. "Is it time then? Give me the papers I suppose" said the main with a yawn.

The man quickly signed both with a quick flick of his wrist. "Welp, guess I should head off and do some other work or something" said the witness as he yawned and made for the door "Have a good day you lot"

*Wait, why didn't he get chains around him like Vivian? He signed my contract, didn't he? Is it because he isn't part of the agreement just a witness? System? Wait, System why did the chains happen anyway*


*Ok, good to know, don't sign contracts with people unless they know I'm a demon.*

"Well, I guess that's everything you need then, here is a bag for the pair of you to help pack your stuff. Don't worry about returning it, I bought a bunch of them a long time ago and hand them out to everyone" said Gramps as he pulled out two plain brown duffel bags.

"Actually, Gramps, there is one more thing, or two more rather. Firstly this rug I'm wearing is yours, I'm offering it to you as a gift, and apology and a thank you, and well secondly, eh-" said Kat

"You don't have to tell me if you wish to keep it a secret Kat, every person deserves to keep at least some things close to her chest" said Gramps

"It's not that Gramps, um perhaps it's easier to show you" said Kat. Slowly taking of the rug she unfolded her wings out to a more comfortable range but not flaring them completely.

"Holy shit you have wings Kat" said Lily

"Wait Sylvie didn't tell you?" said Kat

"I didn't want to spoil the surprise" said Sylvie with a big grin. Vivian gave a thumbs up and a smile directed at Sylvie

"Well fair enough" said Gramps as he sat back down to do paperwork

"Wait that's it? Fair enough?" said Kat

"Well what else is there? I guess I should wish you good luck hiding your wings?" said Gramps

"I'm a demon Gramps, I've been getting summoned every Friday night" said Kat

"Well that is an awfully inconvenient time to be called in to work" said Gramps

"Gramps, why are you being like this?" said Kat

"Like what? I'm honestly saying that getting up on a Friday night for work is not a fun experience" said Gramps.

Kat groaned "Why was I even worried about what you would think. I forgot I picked up my 'what will come' attitude from you" said Kat with her face in her hands.

Sylvie had a big grin on her face nodding towards Gramps, Lily just shrugged and Vivian had a smile matching Sylvie's while saying "I like you old man, I almost feel bad for steeling this adorable girls"

"You better be, it's been a nightmare trying to get those three fools to wake the others up on time in just the few days Kat went missing, I have no idea how I'm supposed to handle getting up so early in my advancing years" said Gramps

"You get up earlier than me!" retorted Kat

"I do not, your supposedly at work in the middle of the night, I'm tucked in bed nicely" said Gramps

"You cook everyone breakfast" said Kat

"Have you ever seen my cook breakfast my dear Kat" said Gramps. Kat paused, Gramps had taught her how to cook yes, and breakfast dishes were included in those teachings, but he had only ever cooked with her at lunch or dinner.

Narrowing her eyes Kat replied "No, you haven't. You do cook in the morning though" said Kat. Gramps just shrugged.

"I don't really see where the problem is Kat, you are the same as you were yesterday, and the day before, and the year before that. Well I think you are a little taller but I assure you that's perfectly healthy for someone your age" said Gramps

"Gramps I have wings and a tail" said Kat

"And I have fake teeth" replied Gramps. *Now I just feel really stupid for not telling Gramps earlier. I should have known he'd just accept this if I was ok with this. Wait did that sneaky old man know before?*

"Hey Gramps did you know about this beforehand?" asked Kat

"Nope why would I?" said Gramps

"I dunno, my parents could have had some cryptic note or something" said Kat

"Nope, you parents were one hundred percent human as far as I know" said Gramps

"So what that's it?" asked Kat

"Well I mean, I knew something was up for a while, you were acting a little strange and I was willing to mostly ignore it until you got a new set of hair. Don't think I didn't notice how long it was just because you had it tied up. My dear wife had the same hairstyle for years and I swear I could tell you how many centimetres it grew in a day. Now sure, demonic powers weren't my first guess but it seems like a perfectly natural way to grow more hair so I'm really not that concerned" said Gramps

"Really? Just accepting that as a natural way to grow hair? This is hardly natural" said Kat

"It's still your hair isn't it? Same colour, same thickness, just a bit longer" said Gramps

"Yeah and tough as steel wire" grumbled Kat

"Well that is a nice bonus, extra protection for you" said Gramps. *I give up, I could never match the old man in just taking things in stride. I'm rather lax about quite a lot of things but I'd forgotten that Gramps really just goes with it.*

"Hey, um, now that you have um, had the grand reveal for Gramps could you perhaps talk about the fact you have wings" said Lily

"Sure, I have wings and I can fly now" said Kat

"Why do you say that like it's normal" said Lily

"Well it's true and I can't get rid of them so it is normal" said Kat. Lily buried her head into the papers nearby and groaned.

"Well while we are talking about Kat's new abilities, what were those chains?" said Vivian.

Lily immediately removed herself from the papers and looked back and Kat.

"What chains" said Sylvie

"Ah when I signed that adoption paper purple chains covered Vivian" said Kat

"Yup they looked really cool" said Vivian with a small clap

"Why could only you two see them" said Lily

"Well, I can probably see them all the time, and I guess Vivian could see them because she was the other party in the contract. It's an agreement between myself and her so it makes sense to me really" said Kat

"Right but what exactly do they do?" asked Lily

"Well, I think they are to enforce contracts made with a demon but I didn't know it would work on any contract" said Kat.

"Seems useful" said Gramps

"I wanna talk more about your wings Kat. They are really cool, can you carry me around with them?" asked Sylvie

"Well, probably not, they just aren't strong enough to lift anything other than myself" said Kat.

Sylvie pouted on hearing this but continued "Did you get anything else? Most of your other changes did something else"

"My muscles have all changed I'm a bit stronger and really flexible now" said Kat bending herself forward stomach flat against her legs.

Lily went bright red hearing this and looked away, trying to avoid attention but Vivian was watching.

"Lily dear, whatever is the matter, do you have a fever or something your bright red" said Vivian

"Nope, nope, I'm completely fine" said Lily

"Are you sure dear, you should take care of yourself" said Vivian with a wide toothy grin. Kat and Sylvie shared a look of confusion at the pair and shrugged, while Gramps just continued on with paperwork.

Turning away from a blushing Lily and towards Sylvie and Kat, Vivian asked "So how do you girls want to do this, while Kat was away I picked up some basic furniture like beds for you both but that's about it. Did you want to grab your stuff and head back with me now, or do you want to stay here for a few nights longer?"

It was at this moment that the contract Kat had signed really hit home. *I'm finally leaving. What a strange feeling, I don't feel sad per say but I do feel like I have lost something. At the same time I also feel like I've won something precious. I don't really have anyone to say goodbye to except Gramps and Sylvie but Sylvie is coming with me and Gramps is here so I can do that now. Well I can just ask Sylvie and save myself the trouble*

"Hey Sylvie, what do you prefer to do?" asked Kat

"I think we should leave with Vivian" said Sylvie

"Don't you have some goodbyes to say" said Kat

"Everyone else already knows we're leaving, I still don't really know my roommates but I said goodbye to them properly like a good girl earlier today when I saw you were back" said Sylvie

"Ok, I guess I'll go get my stuff" said Kat "Want to come with me to pack Lily"

"Sure Kat" said Lily following behind as Kat made for the door.


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