D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 19: With Age Comes Wisdom

Chapter 19: With Age Comes Wisdom

It was Sunday afternoon, the day after Kat had heard Vivian's offer and she was standing in front of Gramps's office door, course of action decided. *It's a 50/50 shot that Gramps is actually behind this door. Normally I'd never catch his tail but he said to come and chat, and he does always seem to know when someone really needs to see him.* Knocking on the heavy door, Kat stood and waited. There was a thick silence until the door swung open to reveal Gramps already walking back behind his desk. *Ok, step one find Gramps. You've thought this through Kat, stick to the plan.* Walking up to sit on the chair across from Gramps's desk, Kat faced him waiting for a moment and speaking first.

"Gramps, I'm here for advice," said Kat.

"Advice… I'm not sure I've ever had to give you that before, at least not in recent times. I thought you were here because I asked, but I suppose I can afford to offer you some advice," said Gramps with a slight grin.

"Do you know someone called Vivian, an architect and designer in the city?" said Kat.

"Yes actually, she's quite well known for a few reasons, good and bad both I suppose, though I'm quite fond of the eccentric lass myself. She actually did the plans for the orphanage extension; shame I haven't gotten around to financing the construction… Why do you ask Kat?" said Gramps.

"Well, when I was visiting Lily, I met her. She lives next door, sort of anyway, to Vivian and, well she said something interesting," said Kat.

"Well don't keep an old man waiting, the time will get me before the suspense will," said Gramps.

"She offered to adopt me and Sylvie," said Kat.

Gramps paused, seeming to ponder the statement as if he could peel back all the layers contained within that sentence searching for something he wasn't quite finding.

"I see, but something tells me that's not everything is it? Care to continue Kat?" said Gramps.

"Well, it's just that, I've been somewhat unsure as to whether I should accept her offer or not. It seems a bit too good to be true. I don't really think I personally need to be adopted but when Vivian suggested just adopting Sylvie as a joke it was made quite clear that Sylvie wouldn't accept unless I did," said Kat.

"Indeed. I suppose that does complicate matters, but isn't this a big opportunity for you Kat? To finally be adopted after all these years, I remember you were always wondering when you'd get to leave when you were a lot shorter," said Gramps.

"Well Gramps, I'm just a bit taller now and it hasn't bothered me for years. The two major complicating factors are Sylvie, and the one-year timeline. I'm still quite confident I could find a place to stay before the end of the year, but even if the risk is small, which I do think it is, Vivian is offering me a chance to ignore that risk entirely and it's a tempting offer. Then there is Sylvie, I really do want to convince her to stay with Vivian, but not only did she insist that she wouldn't leave without me I promised her that I'd try and make sure she could stay with me after I left," said Kat.

"Seems a bit overconfident to promise Sylvie she'd likely be able to stay with you," said Gramps.

"You try saying no when she looks at you and pouts with her eyes all turned up towards you, I swear she's casting a spell on you," said Kat.

Waving towards Kat to signal he conceded the point Gramps continued, "So what's the problem then?"

"Well, even if I did manage to secure a place for myself, and I was able to provide for the two of us, I doubt I'd get the free time to actually take care of Sylvie properly. Here at the orphanage you always make us food, and even though she is very attached to me the other kids are at least around for most of the day and somehow Vivian managed to not scare Sylvie off at all. She even sat on her lap for a while." said Kat.

"Kat, you still haven't told me what your concern is though. I can't help you if all you do is explain to me why staying with Vivian would be a good idea," said Gramps with warm understanding.

"Right well, it's just I hardly know her, and it only took a few hours for her to offer to adopt two people. Surely that can't be normal right? It just feels too good to me I think," said Kat.

"Well, define normal Kat. Would you really be considering this so much if Vivian was more normal? Look at my office, I collect rugs and shove them all in my office, is that normal? Sylvie thinks too much for her a nine-year-old and her own good, is that normal?"

Gramps paused for a moment before looking at Kat and saying, "And what about you Kat? Are you normal?" His stare seemed to pierce through her soul but before she could say anything Gramps continued,

"Nonetheless, from what I know of Vivian that sort of decision is pretty normal for her to make. She's very impulsive but she has good enough intuition that things turn out well… most of the time."

Could Gramps possibly know about the demon stuff? There is no way but… what was that last part Gramps?

"I see, so what do you recommend Gramps?" said Kat.

"Well, first I'd recommend talking to Sylvie, what has she got to say on the matter?" asked Gramps.

"I spoke with Sylvie a fair bit yesterday, and, she seemed to think I was overthinking this whole thing," said Kat. Gramps laughed at that.

"Heh, haha, ha, I think that made me five years younger. Oh what a day, to see that young Sylvie telling someone else to stop overthinking things. The joys of watching so many kids grow up," said Gramps.

"Honestly Kat, I think this is a great offer. I've known of Vivian and she has a really good reputation around town in regard to all things. If you enjoy her company, I'd advise you to accept her offer. Of course, I'll do my due diligence as the caretaker of this orphanage and you kids to do some investigation on her, but honestly, she's a bit too well known around town for her to hide much, especially considering she grew up here from what I know. Besides, unlike so many of the others, you'll still be in town.

You can visit whenever you want. In fact, you should come and visit me from time to time lest this old man might think you've forgotten him," said Gramps with a chuckle. "Seriously though Kat. You are welcome to return here at any time, no questions asked and damn the consequences if you really need a place to stay. And if the orphanage is a bit far to run, I think you said Lily lived nearby. I'm still sorry I have to make you leave in a year, but if you can move out somewhere so close and with Sylvie to keep you company, perhaps this old heart can rest easy."

"Thanks Gramps," said Kat with slight tears in her eyes. "I really needed to just get this all through my head I think."

"Anytime Kat, anytime," said Gramps. Kat stood up and walked towards the door, just as she stood on the threshold she paused for but a moment, turning slightly she stopped when she heard Gramps say, "That's enough surprises for an old man like me in one day, you can talk about the other one next time." Closing the door firmly behind her Kat sighed.

*How much does the old man know? How could I even have thought about hiding it from him. Sylvie noticed in a day and she hasn't known me anywhere near as long as Gramps has. Not only that but he probably knows me better than I know myself. Should I go back and tell him… No, he seems to think it's not quite time yet, I'll trust that.* Kat returned to her room.


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