D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 132: The Skye is the Limit

Chapter 132: The Skye is the Limit

As the moments passed and no further movement could be seen Grace spoke up once again, but her eyes never left their mark. "So, based on this we can eliminate a few people. It can't be anyone else from my team, it can't be Kress, Gareth, or Green from your team. Could be Nixilei but I doubt it… In fact thinking about it logically it has to be Skye or Nixilei behind that tree"

Kat felt her gaze wavering and following Grace as she spoke but then returned it to scanning the area just as quickly "Why do you say that"

"Well, healing is a rather tough discipline, and I know my own Estelle isn't capable of such a spell. I don't know enough about the God Crusher's healer to know if they are capable, but considering their personalities I doubt they'd stay hidden" said Grace

"Hmm" *She's right I really don't see those guys hiding away. So Skye or Nixilei… I think it has to be Skye, right? Nixilei would either reveal herself straight away without fear or just leave.*

"I think it has to be Skye" said Kat "Nixilei would make the choice instantly. Either leaving or announcing her presence. This weird half measure of hiding nearby doesn't seem like her"

Grace seemed to consider this, but it didn't take her long to agree. "I do get that impression. Though, have you known her long enough to make that guess?"

*Huh, I guess not.* Just as Kat had this thought though, the person hiding spoke up. "Well, it seems you've narrowed it down. I suppose then that would make you Kat, and Grace"

Kat felt her eyes narrow and her vision sharpen focusing on the sound. The voice had been distorted and it wasn't clear who it was. Grace for her part started channelling mana into her bow and glared in the direction the voice came from.

Nobody was willing to make the first move. Kat and Grace stood still, unspeaking waiting for the person to make another move. "Not even going to congratulate me on my success. How rude. I mean sure, I could see Kat fighting the whole time, but guessing Grace was really hard. You all sound the same after all"

Grace licked her lips and kept the bow steady, with the string pulled all the way back. "If you come out we promise not to attack" said Grace

"Now now, I can't just take your word for it can I?" said Skye(?) "I saved you from that giant bird did I not? Surely some thanks are in order first"

Grace glanced at Kat to see if she wanted to input anything. *Well I mean, I can't lie and I have no idea how to properly speak in this sort of situation.* Kat just shrugged and tried to gesture for Grace to continue speaking.

"It was being handled. And besides, you threw a healing spell at the thing. Sure it ran away luckily, but you didn't even name it, how did you know it would run? What if you were healing it to encourage it to attack us more" said Grace

"Why I take great offence to that. I'm only trying to do my best in this competition same as you. And if you must know, I overheard you speaking, and inferred the best course of action. Why you should be thanking me for my quick wit, and excellent spellcasting" said Skye(?)

Grace sighed. "Well, be that as it may, you have ten seconds to show yourself or I'm firing an arrow at your location"

*Grace what the hell are you doing? Is antagonising a healer the best idea?*

"Well, that hardly seems-" started Skye(?) "Ten"





"Fine" said what, was now confirmed to by Skye as she stood up. As she did the snow fell from her robes as she glared angrily at Grace, but Kat could tell there was no real heat in it. "Such disrespect. Kids these days"

"We're the same age!" retorted Grace

"Well, in that case what ever happened to solidarity amongst peers" replied Skye.

"Ugh" groaned Grace "Why were you hiding. Why not just present yourself"

"Well, I was willing to help but I wasn't going to risk myself when I didn't need to. We aren't officially working together after all" said Skye

Kat felt a light tingling in her eyes at this. Rubbing them seemed to get rid of it though so she continued to watch the conversation, splitting her focus between Grace and Skye so she could react if either moved.

"Do you want to make it official then? Healers are always quite useful" sneered Grace

"Why, I'd love to, but for some reason I get the sense I'm unwelcome" replied Skye

Grace shifted slightly and lowered her bow, but her gaze didn't soften even slightly "Well whatever gave you that idea. I can't imagine how you came to that conclusion"

Skye's eyes narrowed at that. "I see. Well, how about I lay my cards on the table. I found a sand skipper, but it needs at least three people to pilot it"

"Oh, three people is it?" asked Grace, to which Skye nodded. Grace flicked her eyes back to Kat for a moment then returned them to Skye "You think we should keep her around?"

*How should I know, you look about ready to stab her in her sleep, and Skye isn't any better. Kat shrugged in response. I mean, maybe me and Grace only have such an easy partnership because of the contract.*

Kat then thought back to the awkward first night and the amount of times she had to reassure Grace she wasn't here just to steal her soul. Ok, well maybe this is normal then. Kat tried to get Grace's attention then summoned flame around each hand a linked them by a thin line then mimed failing to pull them apart.

Grace seemed to get the implied meaning but shook her head. *No contract? Why? Wouldn't it be better to offer some form of reassurance for everyone?*

"Seems Kat has no issue with you tagging along. So why don't you show us to the sand skipper then" said Grace

"Not sure I quite trust you enough for that" said Skye staring Grace down once again.

*Are we ever going to sort this out? Like isn't this getting ridiculous. I know your suspicious Grace, and I have my doubts to, but we are just wasting time at this point.*

"Grace, we are just wasting time at this point. We either attack now or accept an alliance for a bit" said Kat

The tension in the area skyrocketed… quite the opposite of what Kat was trying to do. Then suddenly it vanished. Skye standing straight, and Grace putting away their bow as in under some unspoken agreement.

Skye started walking in the way she had appeared and signalling for the other two to follow. Grace instantly fell in step behind Skye, able to catch up swiftly with the reduced snow from the fight.

Kat looked at the two of them, confused how they could reach an understanding so quickly. Moving swiftly to catch up with Grace, Kat then stopped in her tracks. *Where did Timmy go?*

Feeling the top of her head, the two Timmy's seemed to be missing from their perch. Just as she was about to start looking around the snow next to her moved and out popped three Timmy's.

"So you were off gathering your friend… I guess that's nice but how am I supposed to fit three of you in my head. Two was already a bit of a stretch" said Kat

Two of the Timmy's looked shocked at this and instantly turned to glare at the third which just looked confused at the whole situation. The pair pretended to crack their knuckles, or at least that was Kat's best guess considering their fingers didn't actually move.

The third lifted it's hands in surrender and walked back into the snow drift while the remaining two looked smugly at Kat. *I'm not sure how I feel about the Timmy's bullying each other for a spot on my head… but I'm pretty sure these two are mine and Grace's anyway so maybe it's fine… *

"You know, that was a little rude" said Kat. The Timmy's just shrugged like it wasn't there problem. Should I discipline them? Deciding that answering yes to that would be too much work Kat just placed them on her head and followed after Grace and Skye.

Kat was a little behind, but considering Skye had to step awkwardly in the large holes signalling the path she'd already walked and Grace was following with a similarly awkward looking stride Kat was able to catch them quickly by just ploughing through the snow.

She was tempted to use her energy trick to walk on it again, but after the suspicion Grace showed and the fight with the Barbarashi Kat wasn't too keen to burn through her energy or reveal her cards like that.


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