Demon King Priest

Chapter 178: Meeting of the Girls (2)

Chapter 178: Meeting of the Girls (2)

***Edited by Kronost***

The two deputy leaders turned around and saw a mysterious girl in a black cloak walking inside the mercenary guild's hall. There were two girls following behind her. One of them was probably a knight as she was wearing silver-white armor. Though oddly, she was not carrying a weapon on her body like other knights do, drawing glances of confusion.

That lasted until they laid their eyes on the girl beside her. Now a knight not carrying her weapon did not feel like that much of an oddity. The girl looked young. She was wearing black clothes and had a skull cap on her head. She was shockingly carrying a massive anchor on her shoulder, most likely to be used as a weapon. Seeing how it glimmered, it was most likely made of iron, and its weight most definitely surpassed a hundred kilograms, making her petite body a sharp contrast to the massive iron anchor she was holding.

'Huh? Who is the girl with the anchor on her back?' Ulysses knew the mysterious girl Aya, and behind her was Arcelia. But the anchor girl made him confused. He was sure that he had never met her.

"Who are you? Ulysses is very familiar with our Raging Fire. Besides, why do you ask him to join you? You are just a group of girls." Though surprised, Rad did not intend to give up. Except for the bishop of the church, Ulysses was currently the strongest light-mage in the city.

"That's right! Ulysses is an old acquaintance of Raging Fire! If he wants to join a guild, he should join us! Or any mercenary groups of Taji City at least! You guys are not qualified." said Raging Gale leader Hal coming near Rad. As soon as they encountered a foreign enemy, they actually started to band together.

"Huh! Qualification? Mina! Show them the power of the apostles. They don't seem to know the difference between heaven and earth." The mysterious girl-Aya said disdainfully and gestured to the anchor girl behind her back.

"Tsk! Got it. It's really troublesome! Why doesn't she let Arcelia do it? Mr. Iron Anchor!" Mina, the anchor girl, mumbled, dissatisfied, from the back but still followed Aya's order and took the iron anchor off her shoulder. She then threw it in the air, and it surprisingly disappeared.

About a second later, Mina again used her smooth voice, "Mr. Iron Anchor!" Suddenly the anchor popped out of the void in front of her hands. She then caught it and effortlessly carried it on her shoulders.

Silence. Absolute silence. After Mina finished her little performance, everyone in the mercenary guild hall seemed to have been petrified. Frozen in place, one by one, everybody turned to stare at Mina, who didn't seem to care about the scene she caused. It was so quiet that everyone would be able to hear it even if a needle fell on the ground.

"A phan... Phantasm!! A seventh-level master!" About five minutes later, the fifth-level warrior Hal, who was closest to Mina and was one of the strongest mercenaries present, recovered and began to speak with a trembling voice...

"Wow!" Like an ignited fire, everyone in the mercenary guild hall suddenly jerked awake and rushed to where Aya and Arcelia were. They wanted to take a closer look at the seventh-level powerhouse that most people would never see in a lifetime. One had to know that there were only four 7th-level powerhouses in the entire Taya kingdom, and they all stayed in the royal capital without exception. Not to mention ordinary people, even the lesser nobles couldn't see their shadows.

"Hahahaha! That's right, but there is no prize for the correct answer! By the way, the knight next to me is also level 7. Now you will never say anything about us not being qualified to ask Ulysses to join us!" Mina touched her nose and said triumphantly.

"What! She is also a seventh-level powerhouse!!" Now that they knew Mina's true strength, the mercenaries no longer doubted what she said. But in this way, their desire to approach Arcelia and Mina increased even more. Who didn't want to see the legendary 7th-level powerhouse? After a while, Arcelia, Aya, and Mina were surrounded by three layers of people. If one hadn't known any better, one would have thought they were hosting some strange event!

Seeing so many people rushing towards them, Arcelia frowned, sending out soft but irresistible magic energy, blocking everyone from reaching within three meters.

"Oh! This is the power of the seventh-level powerhouse! She doesn't need to do anything, but she can easily create a defense circle no less strong than the fifth-level defensive magic! This is truly incredible"

The few mages in the crowd quickly understood the magic behind the defensive wall that blocked everyone.

"She's really a seventh-level powerhouse! And she actually is a little girl! Oh my god! I think all my hard work went to waste! I can't even compare to such a small girl!" After seeing Mina's appearance, a few young mercenaries suddenly felt dejected.

"There is no need to be discouraged! Only one out of a million super-super geniuses manage to become seventh-level powerhouses in their teens. Let's practice down-to-earth! Don't compare yourself with them!" Some older mercenaries sighed helplessly and began to comfort the young mercenaries. In fact, their hearts were also bitter. Compared with the girls standing over there who looked no more than twenty years old, they felt they were just like idiots. Looking at the numerous scars they had accumulated from battles and training, and then at the two girls, they felt dejected. However, they had a lot of experience in life and quickly adjusted their mentality.

"An armor made of pure magic energy! The armor of that knight girl is not simple!" In one corner, the old Rad, leader of the Raging Fire mages muttered something about Arcelia, looking surprised. Most of the others' attention was focused on the incredibly young seventh-level powerhouse, Mina. But he turned his attention to the low-key Arcelia. As a senior mage who had participated in countless battles, he also had the honor to fight side by side with several 7th-level powerhouses. So he didn't make a fuss like the others.

Although seeing Mina, who was too young, made him startled, the silent Arcelia made him even more shocked. He knew from past experience that the quiet ones like her were the real super masters. And Mina, who could not control her emotions, was obviously not as strong as her. And the magic energy armor on her made him confirm his theory.

"Uh! Aya, you're here! And Arcelia, and she is..." Ulysses walked up to Aya and Arcelia with Helen and asked in confusion. As it was Ulysses, Arcelia let go of the defense wall and let him walk inside, so everyone knew they were acquainted.

"Ah! You mean, Mina! She is..." Just as Aya was about to explain, a loud noise interrupted her!

"Ulysses! Do you know them?"

"Ulysses, when did you come to know such strong people? This is amazing! There are even two seventh-level powerhouses among them!"

"Ulysses, for the sake of being mercenaries of the same city, please tell us about their origins! Otherwise, we won't be able to rest!" seeing Ulysses was standing with Arcelia and the others, the mercenaries who knew Ulysses asked him about the mysterious girls' origin. Because of the invisible suppression that Arcelia was exuding, they did not dare ask them questions carelessly. In their mind, if they asked Ulysses, who had always been polite and friendly, they would be able to know the identity of these seventh-level powerhouses. And he was also much easier to talk to.

"Uh! This..." Ulysses scratched his head, Arcelia's identity was nothing special, but Aya's identity, he couldn't just tell anyone. And he didn't even know the girl named Mina who was carrying the massive iron anchor.

'Master, you can tell them this' When Ulysses was racking his brain hard to find a good explanation, Aya sent a spiritual wave to his mind and told him the identity explanation she had prepared long ago.

"They are my friends who I have fought with before! You should be aware of the last mission. I met them that time and helped them a little bit. After that, I also did a mission with them. Other matters are related to their privacy, so I can't talk about it." Ulysses explained to the surrounding mercenaries what Aya had told him. In his opinion, this explanation was not a lie. He and Aya did work together to eliminate the dangerous murderer, and what happened later was not unreasonable.

"Oh! It turns out that you are the seventh-level powerhouse who took out that murderer. We really ought to thank you!" At some point, the head of the third major mercenary group had arrived. The commander of the Wild Beast came over with an expression of excitement on his furry face. He looked like he wanted to rush over to hug Arcelia and the others. In fact, he actually tried to do just that, but he was, of course, blocked by Arcelia's defensive circle. However, as the publicly acknowledged brute of Taji City, he did make Arcelia's defensive wall sway.

"You really cannot judge a book by its cover. Compared to you, we are really old! If you hadn't helped us last time, I don't know how many victims would have been added to this Taji City. After all, our power could not defeat that monster!" Hal, standing near the Wild Beast commander, sighed and said with a bit of helplessness.

"Forget it. It's all over now. Speaking of which, we would also like to thank you for giving us half of the 200,000 bounty reward. In fact, as per the rules, we who were defeated by that monster don't even have the qualifications to take a copper coin." Rad, the leader of Raging Fire, said.

"Haha, right. Do you need to do anything here? If we can help, just say it. We may not be that strong, but in this Taji City, we still have some strength. If there is something we can do to help, say it. Our few mercenary groups will do their best!" The commander of the Wild Beast said boldly. For the beastmen warriors, the favor owed to others must be returned several times over.

"That's right, let us take care of anything you may need. It's the least we can do as you helped us eliminate the murderer last time." The other two leaders on the side also added one after another.

"Actually, we just agreed to meet here, and we did not plan to do anything. Now that the person we were waiting for has arrived, we will leave. It's Arcelia and Mina's first time coming here. Ulysses, you have to take them to the first-class restaurant in Taji City! "After a random comment, Aya walked to Ulysses's side and gestured with a wink that he should leave now.

"Uh, indeed, your kindness is appreciated, but I don't think they need help with anything. By the way, do you know where Kanka is now? I have something to ask him!" Casually dealing with these mercenaries' leaders' invitation, Ulysses asked the commander of the Wild Beast.

"Ah! Kanka, that lustful lion. He slept with the bear princess but doesn't want to take responsibility for it. So he has been hiding for the past few months. I haven't seen him since the mission. I will tell him, if I meet him, that you are looking for him. Do you have anything to tell him?" The commander blushed and said with some embarrassment. After all, even if the beastmen warriors were not too concerned about the relationships between men and women, a playboy like Kanka was unique. This was a shame of the beastmen warriors of Taji City.

"It's actually nothing. It's just that I haven't seen him in a long time and want to chat with him. If you see him, do tell me!" Ulysses said with slight disappointment. After speaking, he left the mercenary guild with Aya and the other girls.

"I didn't expect that such girls were the ones who eliminated that terrible murderer! I think even the oldest of them should not be over twenty years old. They are young and promising!" Hal sighed and said with envy after Ulysses and his party left.

"Hahaha, that's right. I think the girl who seems to be the leader has some interest in Ulysses! If it is true, Ulysses is fortunate! He can actually have a relationship with such a group of people." The commander said with a grin.

'Indeed. But it seems more than that. The relationship between those powerful girls and Ulysses should not be that simple. Judging from the knight's gaze, it was not that of a subordinate. It was the determined gaze of a person who is loyal to Ulysses!' Rad, one of the oldest mercenary leaders, thought. He got more insight than the other two because his eyes had been on the silent Arcelia this whole time, which gave him more information.

'But Ulysses is just a fourth-level light mage? Although light mages have a very high status on the continent and a good reputation, it is never at the point where they can be valued by a seventh-level powerhouse! Maybe I am thinking in the wrong direction.' After carefully considering for a while, Rad overturned his reasoning again.

His strength is much weaker than the seventh-level powerhouses, but he can get their allegiance. This situation' After thinking for a long time, Rad got a barely reasonable answer, that was-Ulysses was actually the successor of a certain kingdom's king, explaining why seventh-level powerhouses were acquainted with him. [Guessed quite close, but he couldn't really guess that Ulysses is actually the demon king's successor]

In addition, supporting his reasoning was Ulysses's light system mage identity. As a light mage who had reached level four and was about to reach level five, it was strange that he had not yet become a priest. Because the light mage had always been known as a noble profession, except for those probationary priests of the Church of the Supreme God, most of the remaining students to learn the light magic were the children of the nobles. The reason was that the light mage had always been the most protected and respected of all mages. Even the enemy would not recklessly kill a light mage. So this profession had always been favored by the nobles. Light mages, neither aristocrats nor priests at the fourth level, were basically as few as dragons. In fact, Rad had not seen any freak like Ulysses in his decades of mercenary career.

'Haha! I had not expected that I would deal with a royal family again in my later years! But Ulysses is a great kid. I don't know which kingdom is lucky enough to get a good king like him! If it is him, he should be able to treat the people of his kingdom well.' Thinking of this, Rad, who was already in his seventies, touched his gray beard and smiled with relief.

At this time, Ulysses would naturally not know what the old mage Rad had made of him. He was now taking the girls to a good restaurant he knew.

"Ah! I had totally forgotten, Aya. Rasputin had also made an appointment with me to meet at the mercenary guild. I have to go back." Halfway through, Ulysses suddenly remembered something he had almost forgotten. After telling that to Aya in a panic, he planned to return to the mercenary guild.

"Ah! You mean the mage named Rasputin who likes to drink! You don't need to go to the mercenary guild. She is knocked out in the hotel room because she drank too much last night and is probably still in her dreams. Last night I dragged her back. She was drunk just after drinking a bottle. It's not decent!" Mina said with a bit of dissatisfaction from the side.

"I see." Recalling what happened on the desert island after Rasputin drank with him, he felt that the girl with the anchor might be right.

"Ah! By the way, you are..." When Ulysses wanted to ask the girl Mira's identity, an enormous figure broke through the wall next to him, or rather, shot out of it, and hit the ground hard and laid there motionless.

Ulysses looked at the man lying on the ground curiously. 'Buffed muscles and tousled blond hair. Why did he look so familiar?'...Looking for volunteering editors to speed up my releasing speed. Anyone who is interested can join the discord to apply.You will be given a test chapter to test your editing skill and the knowledge of this project.Monthly AccessTier 1: 20 Advance chapters Link

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