Demon King Priest

Chapter 158: Where Mina Belongs (2)

Chapter 158: Where Mina Belongs (2)

"Okay! I agree with your request. But you have to let Johnny go first, and you have to do it in front of my eyes." Mina thought about it, but couldn't find the problem with the bet that Aya said, so she finally agreed to her request.

Humph! As long as I don't say anything, then I will win. Besides, as long as Johnny goes back, he will definitely find a way to save me. But no matter what, Johnny must be released first, otherwise there is absolutely no chance of escape.' Seeing the evil smile on Aya's face that made her startled, Mina had no choice but to encourage herself secretly.

"Very well, then I will prepare first. Let's go, you can leave in about three days." Aya said to Johnny and took him away.

During this process, Johnny didn't say a word, just staring at Mina's face intently, as if he would never be able to see her again.

Three days later, Arcelia, Helen, and Aya came to the stern of the ship. Behind them were Mina with excitement and Johnny with an expressionless face.

"Mr. Dolphin!!" As Mina shouted, a white dolphin appeared in the sea. It seemed very happy to see Mina, and kept spinning around the stern of the Ulysses. If it hadn't been for Mina making a stop gesture, it would've definitely jumped up.

"Johnny. You can go back first. I will be back soon." Mina said happily to Johnny beside her.

"Mina! Be careful, it's hard to win that bet..." Johnny sighed and said to the excited Mina with a serious voice.

"What are you talking about? As long as I don't say 'I voluntarily become the apostle of Ulysses'! I won't lose. They said they will never hurt me, so don't worry. Now go. Everyone in Dark Skull should be waiting for you. I'll be back very soon." Mina interrupted Johnny. After speaking, she kicked Johnny into the sea.

With the sound of "pop!" Johnny, who fell into the sea, was caught by the white dolphin.

"Mr. Dolphin! Bring Johnny home!" Mina whistled and gave orders to the white dolphin below.

After receiving Mina's order, the white dolphin reluctantly swam back and forth under Mina several times, and left the Ulysses with Johnny on its body.

Mina, I hope you can live well with those people. If what they said is true, you can only live by their side. However, I will not let you leave our Dark Skull pirate group forever. When we have enough power, we will definitely take you back from them!' Looking at Mina who was waving at him, Johnny gritted his teeth and dived into the sea with the dolphin.

After Johnny left, Helen, who was standing behind Mina, immediately knocked Mina out without hesitation. In the process of letting Johnny leave just now, Aya temporarily liberated Mina's power, so her every move was under the supervision of Helen and Arcelia. When Johnny left, Helen, who received instructions from Aya, immediately knocked her unconscious.

After Mina lost consciousness, Aya immediately cast imprisonment magic on her. Because Aya's power was not of the seventh level, her imprisonment magic was not effective for Mina under normal conditions, but she could do it if Mina lost consciousness. In terms of the imprisonment magic on Johnny, it would naturally disappear after leaving the Ulysses.


"What happened?" After being in a coma for some time, Mina woke up, but she found that the place she was now in was no longer the room of the demon named Aya.

This was an extremely dim room. The source of light was only a few candles on the ceiling that seemed like they could be extinguished at any time. It was incomparable to the original spacious and bright room. Because the light was really bad, she couldn't even see the furniture in the room clearly. Only a strange triangular-shaped wooden object placed not far from her left hand and strange tools hanging on an iron shelf on the right-hand side could be seen clearly. The tools were shaped like torture instruments used to torture prisoners, but they were much finer than the rough tools used for torture. If it was for torturing prisoners, it didn't need to be so delicate, it was almost like artwork.

"Uh!! They locked me again!" Mina tried to get up and found that her hands and feet were constrained by chains again. Not only that, the feeling of powerlessness from her hands and feet clearly told her that the power she had recovered not long ago was sealed again. She was just an ordinary little girl now.

Fortunately, this time she was not stripped of her clothes like last time. She was still wearing her black pirate dress. There didn't seem to be any injuries on her body, except for some pain in the back of her head.

"Is there anyone?" Mina was relieved after finding that there was nothing wrong with her body, but the dark environment made her a little uncomfortable. After hesitating for a while, she began to yell out softly.

No one answered her, only her own echo wandering in this dark room constantly. The room seemed to be very big, because after a few minutes she could still hear her own echo.

This is strange? Are the demon named Aya and the Elder Sister named Arcelia not there?' Mina, who didn't hear any answer, was a little puzzled. When she thought about it, it was no surprise that they would imprison her again. But it was strange that they would ignore her.

After shouting a few times without getting an answer, Mina gave up temporarily. As she calmed down, she began to think carefully about the other party's reason for doing this.

Are they trying to use this dark room to scare me? Then they underestimated me. I'm not afraid of the dark at all. They actually use this method of scaring children to deal with me, it seems that they are not very smart!' After thinking about it for a long time, Mina thought that this was their reason.

Humph! In that case, I will sleep first. The dark room is great for sleeping.' Mina immediately closed her eyes when thinking about this. Soon after, she fell into a sweet dream.

In the dream, she and her dolphins were happily swimming around in the sea. Sometimes she dived into the coral bushes to scare the hermit crabs, sometimes she chased after the terrifying big fish, sometimes she mischievously lifted the shells of the pearl oysters...

One hour, two hours Many hours later, Mina opened her eyes. She had a very pleasant dream, but no matter how pleasant the dream was, there would be a time when she woke up. After waking up from the dream, what appeared in front of her was still this dimly lit room with a faint ceiling.

"Ah! I'm so bored, isn't anyone here!! Are you planning to threaten me like this?! It's too stupid to keep people in a small dark room! It's just a few days, I'm not afraid at all!" The bored Mina began to shout loudly, hoping someone could answer her.

But no one, no one answered Mina's voice in this dimly lit room, as if this was another world, and in this world, only Mina herself existed.

"Huff! Huff! Huff!" After yelling for a while, Mina stopped. She was a little out of breath from shouting with all her strength. But it seemed that because of a long sleep, she had a lot of energy.

"Ahhhhh! It's boring! Come out and talk to me! What is the point of leaving me here like this! Is it because you are afraid of me, so you are scared to see me?!" Mina shouted again after taking a break. For she was lively and energetic, this kind of deathly silence was what she hated most. No, it should be said that it was not just annoying, but a little scary.

She was not afraid of the darkness, nor was she afraid of injury, she wasn't even scared of being imprisoned, but the deathly silence made her feel a little scared. Before that, she had never stayed in such an environment without any creatures. On the Pirate Island, the thousands of pirates had never stopped making noise. Even in the middle of the night, there were people who partied all night drinking and playing cards.

And when she left the pirate island, there would always be all kinds of aquatic creatures playing with her. This was the first time since she was conscious that she was in an environment without any creatures and any sound, and she was still in the hands of the enemy. This kind of environment made her feel an unprecedented panic in her heart.

She would not feel anything if it was a short period of time, but as time increased, her inner panic became bigger and bigger. She wanted to use sleep to get rid of this panic, but after she had just woken up now, she tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep again.

No! Do not panic! Mina! Didn't Johnny and Ackles stay in an empty cave for more than ten days when they were practicing! Compared to them, you have only stayed in this small dark room for less than a day!' After discovering that she couldn't sleep, Mina had to cheer for herself desperately.

Ah! That's right, candles! They would come to change candles!' Suddenly, Mina remembered something very important-since this room was lit by candles, it should be replaced every other time.

Thinking of this, she immediately turned her gaze to the candle light above her head. What made her feel at ease was that the candles had burned about half. According to common sense, someone should come in for a replacement soon.

Mina started to calculate time based on her heartbeat.

One hour passed.

Strange, can a candle burn for such a long time? Why do I feel that its length has not changed much at all?'

Two hours have passed.

No, no! What is this candle made of? How can it burn for so long!'

Five hours later.

Mina closed her eyes in despair. Because she found that the candles that seemed to have burnt half did not shorten by a millimeter at all. The dim candlelight seemed to be able to last forever.

"It's one hour now. It's time for me to show up!" Aya smiled triumphantly outside the door....Looking for volunteering editors to speed up my releasing speed. Anyone who is interested can join the discord to apply.You will be given a test chapter to test your editing skill and the knowledge of this project.Monthly AccessTier 1: 20 Advance chapters Link

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