Demon King Priest

Chapter 1: The Youth Who Wants to Become a Priest

Chapter 1: The Youth Who Wants to Become a Priest

Ulysses sighed. Judging from the standard answer for the priest exam he had just received, his hope of passing the exam was probably lower than the chance of the stars in the sky falling to the ground. This meant that he had to study for another year to retake the exam. Thinking of those priests' scriptures thick enough to be used as weapons his head began to hurt terribly. This was his third re-examination, and the shadow of three failed exams was like a mountain weighing on him making him breathless.

Is it about time to give up? This idea appeared in his mind for the first time, but it was immediately rejected by him. Becoming a respected priest was his childhood dream. Although he had suffered a lot for this, he still survived; so how could he lose to this damned priest exam.

"Next year, next year I will definitely defeat you!" He tore the answer to the priest examination on his hand to pieces, swearing to the god. Although he had made the same vow three times...

"Bang! Bang!" The bang on the door like a war drum awakened him from his delusion. In Taji City, there was only one guy who knocked on his door like this - the beastmen warrior Kanka. By the Supreme God, he had already broken his door three times. Although the whole world knew that the beastmen warrior was extremely powerful, there was no need to knock down his door to show off, right?

 "Ulysses, I know you are inside! Hurry up and open the door!" Kanka roared like thunder as expected.

 "Alright! Im coming, so stop banging my door!" In order to keep the poor door, he trotted all the way to the door and opened it for Kanka.

As soon as the door opened, a lion rushed in impatiently.

"What's the matter? Why did you transform?" Ulysses was taken aback. Beastmen warriors would not transform unless it was a life-threatening situation. 

Did Kanka encounter a super-powerful enemy? But here is Taji City, and with the strength of a level five beastmen warrior, only a few people should be able to force him to transform.

"Sigh, I'm in big trouble this time! God knows how the princess of the bear race got the news of my presence in this city. She brought her guards to stop me in the tavern. If it hadn't been for me running away early in this form, she wouldve already tied me up and forced me to marry her." Kanka looked helpless, as if he was Little Red Riding Hood and he had encountered Grandma Wolf.

"What? You transformed for such a trivial matter!" Ulysses didnt know whether he should laugh or cry.

"How can this be a trivial matter! If she caught me, my life would be bound to a single tree forever. You know, there are still a lot of forests in this world waiting for me to develop! If I dont have s*x with a thousand women, I would have no face to see my dead old man." Kanka replied solemnly.

"Fine! Just change it back, can you! Talking to a lion feels a bit awkward." Ulysses said.

"Got it! Transformation!" After a burst of golden light flashed, a lion head beastmen warrior with bulging muscles and golden hair on his head appeared in the room. Needless to say, this was his friend - Kanka. In fact, according to the standards of human females, Kanka, with his face full of furs and muscles everywhere, was just a human-shaped beast. Few human girls would like such a man; but in the eyes of those beastmen girls, Kanka was a peerless and beautiful man. Many beastmen girls have launched a sexual advancement against Kanka, and Kanka was almost always willing to accept it. As far as Ulysses knew, hundreds of beastmen girls had been slept by Kanka. However, it was not the first time for Kanka, who was an N-timer, to be chased around by a girl like today. But this time the girl could actually force Kanka to the point where he had to transform to escape. It seemed that Kanka may not be able to escape marriage this time.

"I'm exhausted, Ulysses, lend me your bed..." Before he could finish speaking, he had already laid on Ulysses' bed. The bed squeaked loudly as his huge body, which was nearly three meters high, fell on top of it. It sounded like there was a possibility of falling apart at any time. After a while, Kanka's thunderous snoring came. As we all know, the beast transformation of high-level beastmen warriors could increase their abilities more than three times in a short period of time, and add a special ability according to race and personal situation, like Kanka's special ability was to transform into a lion. This was the special ability that made the beastmen race famous on the continent. However, this ability also had its fatal shortcomings, that was, very severe fatigue symptoms would appear after the transformation was lifted, and its duration was too short compared with the human's summoning ability, the fairy's flower of life, otherwise this continent would've long been conquered by beastmen.

"Hey! Go back to your own place. How can I read books if you sleep here." Ulysses shook Kanka's shoulder desperately, but his strength was like a mosquito tickling for Kanka. The side effect of transformation made Kanka extremely tired. Even if the end of the world came, he still probably wouldnt get out of bed.

"Fine! If you don't go, I'll go." Ulysses couldn't study under Kanka's snoring. After putting aside the scriptures, Ulysses adjusted his clothes and decided to go for a walk.

Taji City at dusk was bathing in the afterglow of the setting sun, and the light yellow halo was scattered in every corner of the city, adding a mysterious color to this ancient city. Because the failure of the exam made Ulysses feel unhappy, he did not go to the usual walking place - Taguig City Church, but went to the beach. After arriving at the beach, the salty and wet sea breeze blowing from the sea made his mind refreshed. Under the blowing of the sea breeze, Ulysses's depression caused by the unsuccessful exams also disappeared a lot.

Since there was nothing special to do, Ulysses walked along the beach, feeling the gentle blowing of the sea breeze, while watching the setting sun in the distance; at this moment, all the troubles were temporarily away from him, leaving only the sea breeze around here and the sunset in the distance. He walked slowly like this, until the setting sun went down and the sea breeze began to be mixed with the cold of the night before he stopped.

It's been a long time since I've been so relaxed, it's really comfortable. I dont know if Kanka, that guy is up, I should go back and have a look. Huh? What is this place? Ulysses found out that he had walked to a campsite. At first glance, this camping site was nothing more than an ordinary adventurer camping site. The tents were set up everywhere, the human weapon merchants who set up stalls, the beastmen warriors who quaffed alcohol... everything was no different from other adventurer camps on the continent. If there was any difference, it seemed that there were too many merchants. But there was nothing to be too surprised about, after all, there were no regulations stipulating that there should be fewer merchants in the adventurer camp.

Since I'm here, I might as well check out in this camp before going back. It is said that there are sometimes interesting performances in this kind of adventurer camp. Ulysses walked towards the gate of the camp with a little curiosity.

Because it was at night, Ulysses did not see the name of the camp on the gate of the camp- The Interstellar Gods and Demons Bazaar.

Strangely, before Ulysses walked to the gate of the camp, he found that although he could see those people clearly, he couldn't hear them. What was even stranger was that he couldn't get inside the camp. Obviously, those people were a few meters away from him, but he just couldnt reach them.

Is there something wrong with my ears? Otherwise, how come I can't hear the sound so close? Ulysses shook his head severely as he continued walking through the gate.

At this time, a drunk beastmen warrior staggered out of the camp. When he swayed by Ulysses's side, Ulysses suddenly felt that everything before him became hazy, and when he finally recovered he had already entered the camp.


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