Demon King of the Royal Class

Chapter 249

Chapter 249

I kept my mouth shut within the Temple to avoid stirring up trouble.

The only one who knew about the assassination threat was Ellen, and even she wasn’t fully convinced.

I had no choice but to continue my life at the Temple, constantly on edge.

“You’ve been acting weird lately,” Riana looked at me and said on the way back after our Supernatural Powers class.

When I had Supernatural Powers class, I usually walked back to the dorm with Riana. Heinrich, despite being another superhuman, was apparently being shunned by Riana after the two had some sort of disagreement

“What do you mean?”

“Normally, you have a foul expression, but recently, it’s gotten even worse. Did you and Ellen fight or something? No, it doesn’t seem like it.”

“It’s not that.”

I was walking around so tense it must have made it obvious that something was up. After all, it wasn’t so easy to hide one’s agitation when one’s life was on the line.

I clicked my tongue.

“I feel like I’ve made too many enemies lately.”

Since telling the full truth wouldn’t get me anywhere, I decided to offer a half-truth as an explanation.

“What do you mean?”

“Because of the Orbis Class incident, a lot more people harbor ill feelings towards me than I imagined, and such people exist both inside and outside the Temple. I’m afraid something might happen, so I’m just being wary.”

Riana’s eyes widened, and she shook her head. “Wow, you actually care about that? Surprising for someone prone to causing trouble.”

‘Sis... I’m not in the mood to handle your antics right now.’

Wait, with her Electrokinesis powers, she could potentially perform near-instantaneous automatic interceptions if any threat arose.

‘Should I stick close to Riana for a while? No, if I tried to stick to her, she’d find it annoying and might intercept me instead.’

Riana, smiling subtly, then poked me in my side.

“What, do you think someone’s trying to kill you?”


“... What?”

“I’m not saying it’s for sure, just that it’s possible. You never know.”

“... Aren’t you overthinking it too much?”

Riana’s reaction wasn’t much different from Ellen’s.

“If the Orbis Class gets completely shut down because of this incident, it would affect a significant number of people. Many of them would hold a grudge against me, because they would see me as the cause of it all.”

“Hmm... I suppose that’s true.”

However, Riana then tilted her head, looking slightly puzzled.

“But I don’t think the Orbis Class will be shut down.”

She seemed quite sure about that part.

“What makes you say that?”

“Special classes were created to nurture exceptional talents. As long as they produce good results, that’s all that matters. Even if there are internal issues festering within the class, as long as they continue to produce top talents, everything else is just noise.”

It was precisely what Mr. Effenhauser had said during the disciplinary committee.

Mr. Effenhauser had argued that, regardless of my character flaws, I deserved to be spared because I was a top talent. After all, that was the Temple’s goal.

Likewise, despite its issues with hazing and the complicity of the faculty, the Orbis Class had always managed to produce outstanding individuals.

Therefore, it was likely that Orbis Class wouldn’t be shut down, and perhaps not even be significantly altered.

This was in spite of Vice-Chancellor Assyria Wolken now being aware of the internal issues within Orbis Class.

Contrary to my expectations, Orbis Class might remain largely unaffected. Though they were currently suspended, in time the whole situation might be smoothed over as if nothing had happened.

Of course, there could still be some disciplinary actions against students or changes in faculty members, but a complete shutdown of Orbis Class seemed unlikely, at least according to Riana.

Her words made sense.

“So stop worrying unnecessarily and lighten up your expresion, you punk. You’re making me uncomfortable.”

Although she was saying all this without knowing the full context, her cheeky grin had an oddly calming effect.

Riana was trustworthy, though in a different way from Ellen.

And as soon as I returned to the Royal Class dormitory, I began to question how much of a jinx her apparent ditziness had become.

“Orbis Class is getting shut down!”

It was Harriet that brought both of us the news.

Riana and I stared blankly at each other.


“Uh, is that really happening?”

Riana scratched her cheek , looking perplexed.

At that moment, it was hard not to think she might be under some sort of inverted curse—whatever she said, the opposite seemed to happen.


The Temple had decided to shut down Orbis Class.

Despite being one of the Temple’s flagship special classes, intended as a counterpart to the Royal Class, and designed specifically to motivate them—even though it had always been known as the “Number Two” class—Orbis Class had also consistently produced top talents.

Just like Riana had said, despite its internal issues, its overall goals were being met.

Even though there had been severe internal violence within the class, after hearing Riana’s logic, I had felt somewhat assured that Orbis Class wouldn’t be shut down.

“Are you sure it’s getting shut down?”

Harriet nodded enthusiastically at Riana’s question, her expression showing just how taken aback she was as well.

“Yes, the decision was made in a meeting presided over by the Chancellor. I don’t know all the details, but the shutdown has been confirmed.”

Although it seemed unlikely, looking back at all that had happened, it was inevitable.

A historical turning point had occurred. In some ways, it wasn’t surprising that a measure as drastic as shutting down Orbis Class had to be taken. Were there so many deeply rooted issues that it had to be closed?

Were the injustices so prevalent that they negated the ultimate goal of nurturing and producing top talent?

Speaking harshly, the Orbis Class was essentially an accessory to the Royal Class.

The dissolution of the Orbis Class was bound to impact the Royal Class as well.

“What will happen to the students who were attending the Orbis Class?”

“I’m not sure, but they’ll likely be reallocated to other classes.”

The specifics of what would happen next were still unknown.

The Orbis Class’s shutdown... The situation I had caused had reached an extreme.

“Hey... this is really serious, isn’t it?” Riana remarked.

Just moments ago, Riana had been saying that there was no way the Orbis Class would be shut down, but she finally seemed to fully grasp the severity of the situation.

Given how things had escalated, there were sure to be people who harbored deep resentment towards me.

“If you need to go anywhere, let me know,” Riana said as she looked at me with a serious expression.

Now that it had come to this, she was taking the threat to my life seriously.


Sparks flew from the tip of Riana’s index finger.

“With this, I can take down most people in one hit.”

Riana seemed ready to act as my bodyguard at any moment.

The offer of protection from the daughter of a high-ranking noble felt oddly reassuring.


Confirmation of the closure of the Orbis Class meant that I undoubtedly had enemies. These could be seniors from the Orbis Class, or even the teachers.

By destroying the beehive, I had drawn the wrath of the displaced bees.

As a result, I became more cautious.

I didn’t go anywhere alone. After classes, I rarely left the dormitory. I was always with Ellen or had Riana by my side, as both of them were fully aware of the danger I was in.

While Ellen’s skills were reliable, Riana’s protection offered more assurance.

Riana could instantly react to sudden attacks within her range with her electrical abilities.

The unexpected decision to shut down the Orbis Class still felt like a surprising development.

Out of the blue, Vertus summoned me.

“Reinhart, we need to talk for a moment.”


“For the time being, don’t attract any attention,” said Vertus, calmly sipping his tea.

Sabioleen Tana’s statement that I had made too many enemies was spot on. Vertus had opened the discussion with that line even without me saying anything.

“The closure of the Orbis Class has negatively impacted a lot of people, both individuals and groups, and this was all because of you. Even if they know you aren’t the true root cause, they see you as the catalyst. If you cause a stir now, it’s not just a matter of tripping over a stone; it’s like tripping over a stone and falling off a cliff.”


By trying to resolve the issue with Ender Wilton and handling the Orbis Class matter, the situation had grown too overwhelming.

“If you stay put in the Royal Class dormitory and don’t cause any trouble, you should be fine.”

In other words, I wasn’t to stir up any trouble. Naturally, given the situation, I had no desire to wander around aimlessly.

But Vertus’s words sounded strange.

“You should be fine,” he’d said.

That statement alone felt off.

Did that mean there were others in danger besides me? Vertus must have noticed my sudden realization from my expression and smiled.

“You see, people tend to despise the enemies within, more so than those without.”

An internal whistleblower...

“Lilka Aaron...?”

“She’s unlikely to live to a ripe old age, you know?”

I was the catalyst, but Lilka Aaron blowing the whistle had been the decisive blow that caused the Orbis Class to collapse.

While I could count on protection from various authorities, including royalty and many others, Lilka Aaron couldn’t.

She was in more danger than I was.

She had risked her life to do the right thing.

As a result, countless issues within Orbis Class were revealed, leading not to reform, but to total collapse.

Someone had to bear the brunt of the resulting anger and fallout. While people would undoubtedly target me, they wouldn’t leave Lilka Aaron, a member of the club who had effectively betrayed Orbis Class, unscathed.

“What will happen to her...?”

“For now, she’s under the Temple’s protection, but that can’t last forever. She’ll likely be reassigned to another class, and the whole Orbis Class will be scattered. However, gaps in protection will inevitably occur, and no one can be safe forever.”


“Remember, even Princess Charlotte was kidnapped right in the middle of the capital, Emperatos.”

There was no such thing as absolute safety.

Sarkegar had kidnapped the princess once before.

Lilka Aaron, who was far less protected, could easily be killed if someone wished her harm.

Vertus’s expression was exceptionally cold that day.


Worrying about my own life was already overwhelming; I couldn’t afford to worry about Lilka Aaron’s life too. Besides, I didn’t even know who was targeting me.

The first-year students of Orbis Class may have seen Lilka Aaron as a whistleblower, but ultimately, they had all decided to take collective action.

In a broader sense, all of their lives were hanging by a thread.

The decision to shut down Orbis Class caused irreversible damage, and the members of the class would be scattered. The Temple’s protection could not last forever.

While I could perhaps count on Vertus’s help, he has no reason to help Lilka Aaron.

Back in my private room, I sat at my desk.

It was past time to sleep, but I couldn’t.

‘Not everything goes as planned.’

I had aimed to at least point out the injustices within the Orbis Class, even if I couldn’t eradicate them.

The cry was heard, and the widespread corruption of the Orbis Class had been revealed.

Thus, the class was shut down.

However, I had not anticipated the ensuing anger and the threats to my own life and the lives of others that would result. I had underestimated how deeply rotten the Orbis Class was.

If I kept still, if I remained hidden within the Royal Class dormitory, I would be safe. But for how long?

I couldn’t trust that those targeting me would lose interest after just a few days.

Lilka Aaron was likely to be in danger as well.

If she died, it wouldn’t be directly by my hand, but it would be a consequence of my actions.

I thought identifying the person behind the assassination attempts would solve the problem. Although it was a serious issue, it didn’t seem beyond my capabilities to resolve.

However, the situation presented too many potential suspects.

I didn’t know who or where the one targeting me was, and it was likely that even more people would develop a grudge against me.

‘What should I do? I have no idea; my mind feels blocked.’

[The Scribe’s Advice - 150 points]

An ability that had been forgotten for quite some time...

The Preview had saved me from my predicted death just as it had alerted me to it, and the Scribe’s Advice had drastically changed my life.

The Scribe’s Advice had guided me to my meeting with Eleris, setting everything into motion.

When unsure of what to do, The Scribe’s Advice, while unpredictable in its results, offered clear guidance for action.

Clear advice, or ambiguous advice...

Clear advice directed specific actions, while ambiguous advice offered abstract thoughts.

Ambiguous advice was hard to understand, but if interpreted correctly, it often offered safer courses of action, whereas clear advice was likely to involve significant risks.

Both could lead to very good outcomes or very bad ones, and usually, good initial results came with bad consequences.

Previously, I hadn’t been able to make sense of the ambiguous advice until after the situation had unfolded. Nonetheless, The Scribe’s Advice was still available at 150 points.

Since I had sufficient Achievement Points, there was no harm in looking at both the ambiguous and the clear advice.

[Ambiguous Scribe’s Advice]

[Why did Orbis Class get shut down?]

Once again... I didn’t fully comprehend the answer.

The shutdown of Orbis Class had been decided at a meeting presided over by the Chancellor. The imperial family might also have influenced this decision.

The issues within Orbis Class had overshadowed the Temple’s objective of nurturing top talents. There had to be something more significant beyond that.

What that was, I didn’t know, though Vertus or Charlotte might know the detailed circumstances.

In any case, I intended to check the clear advice as well.

[Clear Scribe’s Advice]

[Meet Oscar de Gradias alone.]

Oscar de Gradias...

I had a hunch this name would come up.


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